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Omar Canela


Personal Statement

Personal Statement

I believe I should be given a spot in the I Am Program because I understand the struggle

there is with applying to college and what certain colleges to apply to. Being a potential first

generation college student means a lot to me because I will be able to make my family proud, but

before that happens, I will have to apply to all these colleges and that will involve a lot of work

and lots of new territory for me to explore and that alone will require the help of others and I

believe this mentor program is the one. I am a hardworking student who will be committed to the

program and I will meet and try to get most of my applications done with mentors who have

been through this process and they will guide me through this new and challenging process. I am

a student who is dedicated to getting into a great university to make my parents proud and being

in this program can help me with my future goal of making my parents proud and all those who

have believed in me.

I have always had trouble with knowing what I want to major in and the mentor is going

to be helping me out in deciding whether the current path that I plan to take will be efficient. I

always see people stress out and turn in applications toward the deadline and I fear that I could

possibly not be able to turn in the application on time and my dream college could be out of

consideration. I want to be able to avoid such situations and I want to be able to analyze each

college I plan to attend with my mentor in order to find out which college will best suit me even

though it was not my dream college. Applying for financial aid is also what troubles me because
there are always so many different scholarships around and I don’t know which scholarships are

worth my time. I would like to able to consult with my mentor about the different scholarship

options and which ones would be the most beneficial to me when it comes to applying to college.

I also would like to discuss with my mentor is the change in work from high school to a 4 year

university. I have many questions on how I would like to prepare in order to make sure that the

transition moves as smoothly as possible.

In conclusion, I believe I will be a great candidate for your program because I am a

student of great curiosity and determination to continue to learn more. I was born to strive and

succeed and the mentor program will help me complete the dream that I have always strived for

which is make my parents proud and go to a 4 year university.

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