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Computer Programming I

Charmaine S. Ponay
Computer Science
Email Address:
Consultation Hours:
Tuesday 10am-12pm
Wednesday 10am-12pm
Course Description
•This course is designed to develop
competency in logic formulation
and proficiency on fundamental
imperative programming concepts.
Course Description
• Focus:
• This 5-unit course will give emphasis on the
steps of program development, starting
from the identification and analysis of the
problem to the design of the solution using
flowcharts and pseudocodes, fundamental
programming constructs and concepts and
development of the equivalent pseudocode
to actual source code using Java
Course Description

• Outcomes:
• At the end of the course, students are
expected to demonstrate competence in the
development of algorithms and proficiency
in imperative programming using Java.
Course Intended Learning
Outcomes (CILO):
• CILO1 – Identify the input, process and output of a
given computational problem.
• CILO2 - Write algorithms using flowcharts or
pseudocodes for a given computational problem.
• CILO3 – Follow coding standards using Java
programming language.
• CILO4 - Determine the correct output of a given
algorithm and Java program.
Course Intended Learning
Outcomes (CILO):
• CILO 5 - Resolve syntax, logic and runtime errors in
Java programming language.
• CILO 6 - Translate an algorithm into an equivalent
Java Code.
Course Outline
• Introduction
• Steps in Program Development
• Logic Formulation
• Sequential Programming in Java
• Java Data Types
• Java Operators
• Methods in Java
Course Outline
• Conditional Statements
• Iterative Statements
• Arrays
• Strings in Java
Grading System
• Course Grade = 60% (Performance Tasks) + 40%
(Major Exams)

• Performance Tasks = 20% (Laboratory Activity) +

20% (Summative Exam) + 20%(Project)
Transmutation Table
1.00 --- 93-100 - Bravo !
1.25 --- 89-92
1.50 --- 85-88
1.75 --- 81-84
2.00 --- 77-80
2.25 --- 73-76
2.50 --- 69-72
2.75 --- 64-68
3.00 --- 60-63 - passed
5.00 --- - failed
Printed Learning Resources
• Introduction to Java programming, Liang, Y. Daniel. 2013
• Theory, practice and techniques in Java Programming, 3G E-learning LLC, USA,
• Programming concepts logic formulation , Padre, Nilo M. 2016
• Java programming, Farrell, Joyce. 2016
• Java programming, Ishutin, Oleg. 2015
• Java : an introduction to problem solving & programming , Savitch, Walter J.
• Java Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design, Fifth Edition, D.S.
Malik, 2012
Online Resources

Thank you ☺

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