Communication Module Reflection

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Lindsey Slaughterbeck



10 October 2019

Communication Module Reflection

1. Implement on feedback

The feedback that I received for my podcast was very nice and encouraging. I originally

thought that my podcast was bad and poorly made because I didn’t know how to edit the audio,

but after hearing what Asianna said for my feedback it definitely boosted my self-esteem. She

said that “there were no background noises nor were there anything distracting. It was edited

smoothly so there’s nothing unnatural sounding”. If I ever did want to continue making podcasts

I would make sure I edit properly because I personally felt that I edited my podcast poorly. I

would try to blend the background and introduction music better. I would also try not to be so

awkward at the beginning because as soon as I started I didn’t sound as confident and didn’t

really know what to say, but as time went on it sounded more natural.

2. Learning reflection

I learned a lot about revision and iteration. Especially, since we did our project on podcasts,

revision was much needed in order to sound the most natural and professional. It was definitely

cool filming our own podcasts and having total freedom of what it can be on. I found this project

fun and it is something that I’d definitely do again because it taught me things about technology I

didn’t know before. For example, how to edit, how to record, and how to merge audio clips and

music clips. If I were to approach the same project and start over again, I’d probably want to

change my topic and talk about something else. During my podcast I often got distracted of what
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I was actually supposed to be talking about, but if I change my topic to something that I can talk

about without distractions then that would be perfect.

3. Alternative use/ Future directions

First of all, the technology I used for this project was the voice recording on my phone and

the app on my laptop called “imovie”. These technology devices could be used to film videos

and edit them as well. In an educational setting, I wouldn’t really know how we could use this in

a different way. The only use I could think of is for another project regarding film or another

podcast. I feel like it’s hard to think of uses that aren’t really intentional just because most of us

are new to technology, so only understand what the intended purpose is. Something I could’ve

done in my project was use different apps and technology that I didn’t think of before such as

“evernote” which is a recording app, or “audacity” which is an editing audio app. Instead of

using apps that are in my comfort zone I should branch out and use new ones in order to learn

and discover.

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