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Elysia Valdez

Professor Gary Lewallen

EDT 180B

13 October 2019

Communication Module Reflection

1. Implementation of feedback:

 How I could revise my podcast is by the feedback I got is to sound more

professional and to mean what you say so that others will believe you and can

think like the way you think to help that problem/issue. Have more responses and

ideas that people will want to see when listening to your podcast so that they can

relate and have more ideas about what you are trying to say and how they can

address with the issue. People tend to listen to podcast and to gain information

and to see how people tend to address a problem and how their ideas are

contributed with it. If I was ever to continue my podcast I would ask the audience

if they had any questions or anything related to what they would want feedback

on. Maybe address different issues from different perspectives to fill everyone’s

points of view and see how they are related or different.

2. Learning Reflection:

 What I have learned is that podcast are not something that is easy to do. You have

to make everything perfect in order to sell what you are trying to say. You have to

take the time and initiative to be able to know what you are trying to sell and try
how you can make it better when trying to do your next podcast and next big

thing. How I would approach this project if I started again would I would talk

about what interests people and their needs/wants make sure you enlighten your

audience and make what your talking about them and how they can help and solve

problems to the topic you had chosen. How might they relate to it and give them

fresh ideas to come about it so it’s just not the same old same old. Bring new

improved ideas to the floor so people can take it head on.

3. Alternative use / Future directions:

 Some ways that this podcasts/ technologies that are being used can help in the

future is because when kids are struggling with topics that they do not understand

they can turn to these podcasts and maybe whoever is on it can teach them and

help them like prepare them with information that the students can use when

trying to understand the topic. Some technologies that can be used to help people

understand or to learn certain topics is based on how people react to the different

types that are out there. It’s more all about how you see the situation because

people have impacts on each other and when someone has attitude or does not

want to help another person out then that can cause delay in that person learning

and can have a negative impact on that person.

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