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This directory contains examples on how to use the Gmsh API.

The files t1.*, t2.*, ... are reimplementations in C++ (.cpp), C (.c), Python
(.py) and Julia (.jl) of the corresponding .geo tutorials. The other files show
how to use various other Gmsh API functions.

To run the examples, you need the Gmsh dynamic library and the associated header
files (for C++ and C) or modules (for Python and Julia). This library and the
associated files can be either obtained from the binary Software Development Kit
(SDK), or can be rebuilt from the Gmsh source code.

Using the Gmsh binary Software Development Kit (SDK)


The binary SDKs are available for Windows, Linux and MacOS: browse to download the relevant gmsh*-sdk.* archive for your
operating system.

To run the Python examples, add the "lib" directory from the SDK to PYTHONPATH,
e.g., if you are currently in the root directory of the SDK:


then run e.g.

python share/doc/gmsh/demos/api/

To run the Julia examples, add the "lib" directory from the SDK to


then run e.g.

julia share/doc/gmsh/demos/api/t1.jl

To run the C++ examples, compile them (here with GCC) as follows:

g++ -o t1 -Iinclude share/doc/gmsh/demos/api/t1.cpp -Llib -lgmsh

then run


If your compiler has a different ABI than the compiler used to generate the
binary SDK (see the top-level README.txt file in the SDK for additional
information), you should use the "gmsh.h_cwrap" header instead of "gmsh.h". For
example, to compile a C++ example with Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 in the
Visual Studio shell:

C:\gmsh-git-Windows64-sdk> ren include\gmsh.h_cwrap gmsh.h

C:\gmsh-git-Windows64-sdk> cl /Iinclude share\doc\gmsh\demos\api\simple.cpp
C:\gmsh-git-Windows64-sdk> cd lib
C:\gmsh-git-Windows64-sdk\lib> ..\simple.exe

Using the Gmsh source code

In order to build and install the Gmsh library and the associated header and
module files, follow these steps in the top-level directory of the Gmsh source

mkdir build
cd build
make install
cd ..

To run the Python examples, add the "api" directory to PYTHONPATH, e.g.


then run

python demos/api/

To run the Julia examples, add the "api" directory to JULIA_LOAD_PATH, e.g.


then run e.g.

julia demos/api/t1.jl

To run the C++ examples, compile them e.g. with

cd demos/api
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

then run


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