Unit 5 BL Plan

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Blended Learning Lesson Plan

Spencer Evans
Lesson Title: Food for Thought

Students will be able to
1. Identify healthier food choices compared to junk foods
2. Understand the basic Macronutrients and their needs
3. Understand the importance of a healthy, balanced diet
State Standards:
N-7.1.2 Analyze the benefits of healthy eating in relation to disease prevention
N-7.5.1 Compare food choices from a variety of sources, including restaurants and food at home,
to the current federal Dietary Guidelines for Americans.
N-7.6.1 Set a specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely (SMART) goal to achieve a
balanced nutrition plan.

Nutrition is extremely important to our body’s health. It is one of the most vital steps we can
control in keeping our health in check. Everyone has to eat so why shouldn’t what we eat be the
most nutritious it can be? Coming into class students should have a basic understand of the food
pyramid and what/ how much they should eat of a certain food group. They will also know what
junk food is vs a healthy alternative. This lesson will help enhance their knowledge of a
nutritious meal and its components. They will also learn what makes up macronutrients and
generally how much they need of each. Also, understand why it important to eat healthy foods
for good health and prevention from sicknesses.

Students will be placed into groups of 4, depending on the number of students. They will be
placed in relation to their exit ticket from the previous class. These groups divided into three
categories, low, middle, and high. The low, middle, and high places students are based off a
pretest from last class session on their current knowledge of nutrition as a whole. The data of
their knowledge after this lesson plan will be based off and collected through kahoot.
Part of Blended Material Used Link
Introduction Smartboard/project https://coastal54-
or my.sharepoint.com/personal/scevans1_coasta

Teacher Smartboard/project https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0KbA8pF

Directed or W3tg

Teacher iPad https://apps.apple.com/au/app/doodle-

Directed buddy-paint-draw-scribble/id313232441

Collaborating Shared iPad https://apps.apple.com/us/app/myfitnesspal/i


Collaborating Shared iPad https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_conti


Independent iPad https://www.fsis.usda.gov/wps/wcm/connect

Digital /a0cc777d-ac98-446e-b7eb-

Independent iPad https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7yq-

Digital GwbcgE

Detailed paragraphs from here on down.

Introduction (15 minutes ):
I will start the class lesson with a brief overview about what we’re doing today. A
blended lesson plan about nutrition. I will ask questions about what they know and would like to
share their thoughts on the subject of nutrition. I will also ask do they think nutrition is important
for everyone or just athletes. I will proceed with presenting my simple PowerPoint to give the
students a visual introduction. After my introduction, I will explain the groups and to which
stations. Before I tell them to depart for their stations, I will ask for any questions and answer
them if present.

Teacher Directed (15 minutes):

Here, I will lead the students as they are to sit down and listen and then participate. I will
start by explaining how some of the different foods there are such as breads, meats, dairy,
vegetables, etc. then I will also explain some of the bad foods such as cupcakes, sodas, candy
bars, chips, etc. I will then ask the students to give me some of their food choices at home or
even at school. Do they tend to eat more of the “bad” foods or some of the “good” foods? I will
make them watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0KbA8pFW3tg video about the standard
food pyramid. Once they watch the video, I will ask them if they think the food pyramid is correct and
we should follow this pyramid. They will use the app doodle Buddy to draw/create their own food
pyramidhttps://apps.apple.com/au/app/doodle-buddy-paint-draw-scribble/id313232441. After drawing
we will compare with others in the group and get each other’s feedback and why they drew it.

Collaborative (15 minutes):

In this station students will work together to create a SMART nutrition goal for a average
female adult. They are to create a one-day meal plan for the made-up women based on the
national FDA recommendation of 2000 calorie daily diet. They will use the MyFitnessPal app on
their ipad to create the ideal food intake for that day. It is entirely up to the students on what
they feed this lady however, it must be as contain a number of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.
It must also be comprised of “healthy” foods, whatever they consider healthy. They will watch
this video to help them understand macronutrients a little better. I will also walk over to this
group to remind them what SMART stands for and quickly explain what each means towards
their food plan goal, I will do this as the students are watching the video from station 1 or
Teacher Directed station.

Independent Digital (15 minutes):

Students will then move on to individualized work where they must comprehend the
importance of food safety and how it affects our health. They are to read this comic strip about
How Dad Got Sick which goes into detail about the importance of not leaving cooked food out in
the kitchen or dinning room. After they read the strip, they will write down some other ways you
can become sick from eating certain foods. They will type these ideas into a word document on
their ipads. Students will then also watching this video on Food Poisoning. They will reflect on
food poisoning and how it affects our overall health. Students will write down examples of food
poisoning in their word doc.
Closure (10 minutes):
We will summarize all the main points of the lesson plan. We will incorporate all three stations
and review what we learn from each station. I will ask students a variety of questions regarding
healthy vs junk foods, macronutrients, the food pyramid, a SMART goal outlook, and food
related illnesses. Finally, I will give the students a final kahoot which will have a variety of
questions to the previously list subjects. This kahoot will give me an idea of what the students
have and have not learned throughout the day. I will collect the results and go over them as the
student’s pack everything up and leave class.

Nutrition PowerPoint
This power point gives a brief introduction as to what we will be discussion for the day. It
is something quick for the students to visually look at and listen to me at the same time. They can
follow along with what I’m saying with the brief PowerPoint. I thought using a PowerPoint
would not only help the students but help me as well with keeping track of time and moving on
to our stations.

Food Pyramid
Watching a video helps a lot of students learn. They tend to focus a little more if it were
present via media and with a fun, creative video explaining the content. I chose this video
because it’s a food starting point for where I want my students to go from. The video is
informative and fits the CRAP schema. The students following the video will learn the standard
food pyramid and details for each section of the pyramid. After they watch the video I asked
them to draw their own food pyramid to see what they think it should look like as opposed to the
video they watched.

This app is designed specifically for drawing. This is where I asked my students to
digitally draw their food pyramid. They will install the app on their ipad, which should only take
a second or two, then will be given the remainder of the station time to draw their idea of a food
pyramid. I will constantly be talking with the students and asking their opinions and helping
them with coming up with an idea.

This is a great app to be used when dealing with nutrition and all kinds of food. Using the
myfitnesspal app is great for specifically looking up what a certain food is made of, nutritionally.
They can easily find a tab that list the macronutrients of Protein, Carbohydrates, and Fats. It only
takes a second or two to download and is a great tool to even use outside of the classroom. This
app really helps both student and teacher because we both don’t know exactly what
macronutrients are in these foods. This is why it is important to have and use this app in which
gives us the data we need.

Macronutrients Video
Building off using the myfitnesspal app, this video explains what these macros are. It is a
in depth video about proteins, carbs, and fats to help the student understand a different way
rather me telling them. It is a simple, short video that will help the students tremendously. Since,
this video is a little wordier than one might expect. The students will be working together to help
each other understand some of the terminology and explain to one another what something might
mean, bringing their minds together.

How Dad Got Sick

This comic strip, I believe, gives a little diversity to the other multimedia’s I’ve used.
This being a comic strip it can possibly relate to some of the students who love to read comic
strips or like the theme and scheme of a comic book. However, this information on the comic
strip is very useful. It gives a great example of how someone got sick from eating food. At the
end it gives instructions for how to properly take care of your food when it comes to it being
Food Poisoning Video
Finally, this video wraps up the last station and explains food related illnesses. It fits into
the subject of food poisoning and how to properly take care of your food when you ingest it. It
gives examples in the video of a food poisoning, how it started, why it started, and ultimately
how it effects your body. The video also helps explain the subject very well, since I am not
generally giving much attention to this station.

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