Beeh Et Al-2017-American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine

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How Do Dual Long-Acting Bronchodilators Prevent Exacerbations of

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease?
Kai M. Beeh1, Pierre-Regis Burgel2, Frits M. E. Franssen3, Jose Luis Lopez-Campos4,5, Stelios Loukides6,
John R. Hurst7, Matjaž Fležar8, Charlotte Suppli Ulrik9, Fabiano Di Marco10, Daiana Stolz11, Arschang Valipour12,
Brian Casserly13,14, Björn Ställberg15, Konstantinos Kostikas16, and Jadwiga A. Wedzicha17
insaf Respiratory Research Institute, Wiesbaden, Germany; 2Department of Respiratory Diseases and Adult Cystic Fibrosis Centre,
Hôpital Cochin, AP-HP and Paris Descartes University, Paris, France; 3Department of Research and Education, Centre of Expertise
for Chronic Organ Failure, Horn, the Netherlands; 4Unidad Médico-Quirúrgica de Enfermedades Respiratorias, Instituto de Biomedicina
de Sevilla, Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocı́o, Sevilla, Spain; 5Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades
Respiratorias, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Spain; 62nd Respiratory Medicine Department, National and Kapodistrian University of
Athens Medical School, Attiko University Hospital, Athens, Greece; 7University College London Respiratory, University College London,
London, United Kingdom; 8University Clinic of Respiratory and Allergic Diseases, Golnik, Slovenia; 9Department of Pulmonary Medicine,
Hvidovre Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark; 10Dipartimento di Scienze della Salute, Università degli Studi di Milano, Ospedale San Paolo, Milan,
Italy; 11Clinic of Respiratory Medicine and Pulmonary Cell Research, University Hospital Basel, Basel, Switzerland; 12Ludwig-Boltzmann-Institute
for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Respiratory Epidemiology, Otto-Wagner-Spital, Vienna, Austria; 13University Hospital,
Limerick, Ireland; 14Graduate Entry Medical School, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland; 15Department of Public Health and Caring
Science, Family Medicine and Preventive Medicine, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden; 16Novartis, Basel, Switzerland; and 17Airways
Disease Section, National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom

Abstract corticosteroids in decreasing exacerbation. These included effects on

lung hyperinflation and mechanical stress, inflammation, excessive
Decreasing the frequency and severity of exacerbations is one of the mucus production with impaired mucociliary clearance, and symptom
main goals of treatment for patients with chronic obstructive severity. The data assembled and analyzed by each group were
pulmonary disease. Several studies have documented that long-acting reviewed by all authors and combined into this manuscript. Available
bronchodilators can reduce exacerbation rate and/or severity, and clinical results support the possibility that effects of LABA/LAMA
others have shown that combinations of long-acting b2-adrenergic combinations on hyperinflation, mucociliary clearance, and symptom
agonists (LABAs) and long-acting muscarinic antagonists (LAMAs) severity may all contribute to decreasing exacerbations. Although
provide greater reductions in exacerbation frequency than either their preclinical studies suggest LABAs and LAMAs have antiinflammatory
monocomponents or LABA/inhaled corticosteroid combinations in effects, such effects have not been demonstrated yet in patients with
patients at low and high risk for these events. In this review, small chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
groups of experts critically evaluated mechanisms potentially
responsible for the increased benefit of LABA/LAMA combinations Keywords: hyperinflation; inflammation; inhaled corticosteroid;
over single long-acting bronchodilators or LABA/inhaled mucus

( Received in original form September 6, 2016; accepted in final form December 2, 2016 )
Editorial support was provided by INNOTIO GmbH (Kreuzlingen, Switzerland) and funded by Novartis Pharma AG (Basel, Switzerland). The discussions for the
development of this manuscript were initiated by the authors during an advisory board that was organized by Novartis. The funding provided by Novartis for
editorial support had no influence on the content of the manuscript, which reflects only the literature selected for review and the opinions of the authors.
Author Contributions: K.M.B., P.-R.B., J.L.L.-C., S.L., J.R.H., M.F., C.S.U., F.D.M., D.S., A.V., B.C., B.S., and K.K. contributed to the conception and design
of this review through a dedicated meeting. All authors drafted the manuscript, revised it for important intellectual content, and provided final approval of the
version to be published.
Correspondence and requests for reprints should be addressed to Kai M. Beeh, M.D., Ph.D., insaf Respiratory Research Institute, Biebricher Allee 34, 65187
Wiesbaden, Germany. E-mail:
CME will be available for this article at
Am J Respir Crit Care Med Vol 196, Iss 2, pp 139–149, Jul 15, 2017
Copyright © 2017 by the American Thoracic Society
Originally Published in Press as DOI: 10.1164/rccm.201609-1794CI on December 6, 2016
Internet address:

Concise Clinical Review 139


Exacerbations are cardinal events in the lives of showed that the LABA/LAMA combination clear. Clinical studies have highlighted the
patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary was significantly superior to LABA/ICS in additive effect of LABAs and LAMAs when
disease (COPD) (1). Exacerbations accelerate increasing the times to and decreasing the they are administered together (33), and
the decline in pulmonary function (2), increase rates of all and moderate or severe some preclinical studies provide some
the risk for acute cardiovascular events (3), exacerbations and increasing the time to implications for potential synergistic effects
decrease health status (4, 5), impair activities severe exacerbations (mild: worsening of (34, 35). Inhibition of M2 receptors enhances
of daily living (6, 7), and increase the symptoms for .2 consecutive days but not the actions of norepinephrine at b2
risk for future hospital admissions for leading to treatment with systemic receptors by interacting with adenylyl cyclase
COPD exacerbations (8) and mortality (9). glucocorticoids or antibiotics; moderate: to raise intracellular cAMP levels in airway
Accordingly, the Global Initiative for leading to treatment with systemic smooth muscle cells and thus relax airway
Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) glucocorticoids, antibiotics, or both; severe: smooth muscle (35). Interestingly, this
recommendations for the treatment of patients leading to hospital admission or a visit to the interaction only lasts for a few hours, which
with COPD have identified reducing the risk emergency department that lasted .24 hours has led to speculation about the potential
for exacerbations as one of the major goals in addition to treatment with systemic improvements in efficacy when an
of management for these individuals (10). glucocorticoids, antibiotics, or both) (29, 31). LABA and LAMA are administered
There are various risk factors for The importance of accurate exacerbation together (36).
exacerbations, including older age (11), detection was highlighted in this study that The aim of this narrative review is to
presence and severity of symptoms (cough, used electronic diaries to detect and flag summarize the evidence regarding the
sputum, and dyspnea) (4, 12), poor health exacerbations; this resulted in higher rates of possible mechanisms underlying the
status (4, 13), more severe airflow limitation reported exacerbations versus most previous ability of LABDs, and especially dual
(14), presence of hyperinflation (15), studies, but the authors emphasized that this bronchodilation, to decrease the frequency
persistent pulmonary and systemic was unlikely to bias treatment comparisons. of COPD exacerbations. The main
inflammation (16, 17), airway bacterial This view is supported by the fact that results mechanisms related to the reduction of
colonization (18), cardiovascular for mild exacerbations (those most likely to exacerbations by LABDs explored in
comorbidities (19, 20), and gastroesophageal be increased with the reporting method this review include the decrease in
reflux disease (21). However, the most used) were matched by those for moderate hyperinflation and mechanical stress, the
important indicator of future exacerbation or severe exacerbations (29). Other results modulation of mucus production and
risk is the past exacerbation history (14). have suggested that the superiority of mucociliary clearance, the improvement
Long-acting bronchodilators (LABDs) indacaterol/glycopyrronium over LABA/ICS of symptom fluctuation and severity, and
are central to the management of patients may not extend to all other LABA/LAMA some potential direct and indirect
with COPD, and clinical trial results have combinations. Results from a 24-week antiinflammatory properties (Figure 1).
repeatedly demonstrated the efficacy of these comparison of aclidinium/formoterol versus
agents in decreasing the frequency and salmeterol/fluticasone in 933 patients with
severity of exacerbations together with COPD indicated no significant between- Methodology Used in the
improvement in other clinically relevant treatment difference for exacerbation Development of This Review
endpoints (22–24). Inhaled corticosteroids frequency (32).
(ICS) in combination with long-acting The reason(s) for the superiority of The content of the manuscript was
b2-adrenergic agonists (LABAs) have also LABA/LAMA over single LABDs and developed in the following way: (1) small
demonstrated efficacy in decreasing LABA/ICS in reducing exacerbations is not working groups composed of three to four
exacerbations and improving COPD
symptoms (25). Recently, the two classes of
LABDs, LABAs and long-acting muscarinic LABA / LAMA
antagonists (LAMAs), have been combined
in single inhalers in an effort to improve lung
function, symptoms, and clinical outcomes,
including risk for exacerbations, in COPD
(26–28). The combination of indacaterol and
glycopyrronium has been shown to provide
reductions in exacerbations greater than
those achieved with a single LABD (29)
and to have significant superiority over
the LABA/ICS combination in decreasing
Reduction in Decreased mucus Improvement of Anti-inflammatory *
exacerbation risk (24, 30). Results from the
hyperinflation production and increased symptom severity properties (direct
52-week FLAME (Effect of Indacaterol (stabilization of mucociliary clearance and indirect)
Glycopyronium versus Fluticasone the airway)
Salmeterol on COPD Exacerbations) study Figure 1. Mechanisms by which long-acting b2-adrenergic agonists (LABAs)/long-acting muscarinic
comparing indacaterol/glycopyrronium antagonists (LAMAs) may decrease the frequency of exacerbations. *Antiinflammatory mechanisms
once daily versus the LABA/ICS have been demonstrated in vitro and in animal models but have not been demonstrated yet in
combination of salmeterol/fluticasone patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

140 American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine Volume 196 Number 2 | July 15 2017

of the authors searched, reviewed, and A

interpreted the relevant literature for a given Volume Volume
section of the manuscript (e.g., hyperinflation)
and developed the initial draft; (2) sections IRV
were assembled using editorial support; (3) all IRV
portions of the manuscript were reviewed by VT
each of the authors; and (4) the manuscript EELV
was revised and submitted. All authors agree VT P
on the content of the manuscript.
Improvement in Static and RV
Dynamic Hyperinflation
Hyperinflation is characterized by an
increased volume of air remaining in the lungs
at the end of tidal expiration, leading to Pressure Pressure
increased resting functional residual capacity
(FRC) (37). Hyperinflation can either be static B
or dynamic. Static hyperinflation is present 8 8
during tidal breathing and leads to changes in
shape of the thorax (barrel-shaped chest 6 6
wall), whereas dynamic hyperinflation results
from rapid breathing, hyperventilation, and 4 4
Worsening EFL
exercise. Most patients with COPD have
Flow (I/s)

Flow (I/s)
some degree of hyperinflation (37), and 2 2
there is a significant relationship between
hyperinflation and dyspnea (38). 0 0
Hyperinflation is also a better predictor of
exercise capacity than FEV1 in patients with –2 IC –2 IC
COPD (39). Hyperinflation adversely affects
–4 –4
cardiovascular and diaphragmatic function in
patients with COPD, decreasing ventricular –6 –6
preload and venous return at rest and during –1 0 1 2 3 4 –1 0 1 2 3 4
exercise and increasing left ventricular Volume (I) Volume (I)
afterload (40, 41). Hyperinflation is also Figure 2. (A) Schematic of mechanical effects of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
associated with increased mortality in patients exacerbation. Representative pressure–volume plots are shown during stable COPD (left) and
with COPD (42). during an exacerbation (right). During exacerbation, worsening expiratory flow limitation results in
Exacerbations are characterized by dynamic hyperinflation, with increased end-expiratory lung volume (EELV) and residual volume (RV).
the occurrence or worsening of lung Corresponding reductions occur in inspiratory capacity (IC) and inspiratory reserve volume (IRV). Total
hyperinflation. Airway resistance is abruptly lung capacity (TLC) is unchanged. As a result, tidal breathing becomes shifted rightward on the
increased during exacerbations as a result of pressure–volume curve, closer to TLC. Mechanically, increased pressures must be generated to
bronchospasm, mucosal edema, and maintain tidal volume (VT). At EELV during exacerbation, intrapulmonary pressures do not return to zero,
representing the development of intrinsic positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEPi), which imposes
decreased fluidity of sputum. These changes
increased inspiratory threshold loading (ITL) on the inspiratory muscles (inset); during the subsequent
worsen expiratory flow limitation, prolong respiratory cycle, PEEPi must first be overcome to generate inspiratory flow. (B) Representative
the time constant for lung emptying, and flow–volume loops from a patient before (left) and after (right) onset of symptoms compatible with
increase end-expiratory lung volume exacerbation. During exacerbation, there is evidence of worsening expiratory flow limitation (EFL) (arrow)
(EELV). Patients also tend to adopt a resulting in hyperinflation, with an increased EELV and reduced IC (15). DP = change in pressure.
rapid shallow breathing pattern during
exacerbations. This further limits the time
available for lung emptying and exacerbates risk for exacerbations after lung volume reduce cholinergic tone, resulting in
dynamic hyperinflation (Figure 2A) reduction surgery (46). However, the improved airway conductance (48),
(43–45). Recovery of dyspnea after acute changes in static lung volumes after lung whereas LABAs relax airway smooth
exacerbations is associated with reduction volume reduction surgery did not predict muscle, improve small airway patency, and
in lung hyperinflation and increased reduction in exacerbation frequency (46), enhance lung deflation, as reflected by a
expiratory flow rates (Figure 2B) (43). A suggesting that other factors may reduction in EELV (i.e., dynamic FRC) (49).
mechanistic relationship between the contribute to this observation. Respiration at a lower FRC decreases the
reduction of hyperinflation and risk for Administration of LABA/LAMA work of breathing while placing the
exacerbations is supported by the decreased decreases hyperinflation (47). LAMAs respiratory muscles in a more efficient

Concise Clinical Review 141


arrangement for pressure generation (50). Reduction of Mucus clearance, as reflected by reduced
Decreased work of breathing and better Hypersecretion and nasal clearance time, in patients with
ventilatory pump performance in turn result Improvement of Mucociliary COPD (67).
in improved exercise tolerance and a Clearance
reduction in dyspnea (15, 49). Results from Impact of b2-Adrenoceptor Agonist
clinical trials have demonstrated that the Chronic cough and sputum production are on Mucociliary Clearance
combination of an LABA and an LAMA associated with decline in FEV1 (59), There is evidence of impaired mucociliary
is significantly superior to a single increased risk for pulmonary infections clearance in patients with COPD, and this
bronchodilator and to an LABA plus ICS in (60), and elevated frequencies of may be associated with depressed ciliary
improving spirometry measures related to exacerbations and hospitalizations (12). beating (68). Mucociliary clearance
hyperinflation. A comparison of indacaterol Overproduction and hypersecretion of efficiency depends on the capacity of apical
plus glycopyrronium versus indacaterol mucus by airway epithelial goblet cells plasma membrane ion channels to
alone showed that the combination was and by submucosal gland cells and maintain airway hydration, ciliary beating,
significantly superior to monotherapy in decreased elimination of mucus are the and appropriate rates of mucin secretion
increasing inspiratory capacity (IC) (51). primary mechanisms responsible for (69). LABD treatment has been shown to
A study of 46 patients with COPD showed excessive mucus levels in COPD. A improve mucociliary clearance in patients
that the combination of indacaterol and decreased number of ciliated cells leads to with COPD. In one study, 24 patients
tiotropium was significantly superior to prolonged clearance times and airway with mild to moderate COPD receiving
salmeterol and fluticasone in increasing IC mucus accumulation, and decreased formoterol were assessed with a
(1298.9 vs. 92.6 ml, P = 0.043) but not FRC mucociliary clearance is correlated with radioaerosol technique to determine effects
(235.0 vs. 223.3 ml, P = 0.199) (52). The increased frequency of exacerbations in of treatment on mucus clearance. Results
combination of formoterol and tiotropium patients with COPD (61). Mucus indicated that a single dose of formoterol
has also been shown to be significantly accumulation in patients with COPD has significantly enhanced radioaerosol
superior to formoterol alone (P = 0.027) in adverse effects on several important clearance (70). Treatment with salmeterol
reducing EELV in a study of 33 patients outcomes, such as lung function, health- also has been shown to increase
with COPD (53). Indacaterol plus related quality of life, exacerbations, mucociliary clearance in patients with
tiotropium has also been shown to be hospitalizations, and mortality. Mucus COPD (71).
significantly superior to tiotropium plugging of small airways increases with Cough and sputum production (mucus
monotherapy for improving IC (P , 0.05 at COPD severity and is associated with in large airways) are related to exacerbations
all time points evaluated) in two studies decreased survival (62). and the frequent exacerbator phenotype.
that included a total of 2,276 patients with There is good evidence from experimental
COPD (54). models that LAMAs decrease mucus
Hyperinflation is partly reversible with Impact of Anticholinergic Therapy production via blockade of ACh-induced
administration of bronchodilators, resulting on Mucus Secretion epidermal growth factor receptor activation.
in symptom improvement, most notably Acetylcholine (ACh) induces mucus LABA exposure has been shown to increase
reduced dyspnea (55, 56). Decreasing the secretion predominantly via M3 receptors ciliary beating in vitro, and there is some
work of breathing in stable COPD via expressed on submucosal glands, and evidence that LABAs (but not LAMAs)
appropriate LABD treatment may thus lead electrolytes and water secretion are increase mucociliary clearance in peripheral
to a greater difference between “steady regulated by muscarinic M1 and M3 airways of patients with COPD. However,
state” and the threshold work of breathing receptors. It has also been shown that airway there are no clinical data showing a
that results in reporting of an exacerbation. epithelial cells differentiate into goblet relationship between decreased mucus
Deflation of hyperinflated lungs with cells that produce mucus in response to hypersecretion and effects of LABDs on
LABDs brings the thoracic cage into a ACh (63). exacerbations, and this represents a
more favorable position, with improved Results from experimental models potential target for future studies.
diaphragmatic function and prolonged time have demonstrated that LAMAs decrease
to respiratory muscle fatigue (57). mucus production (64), and patients with
Hyperinflation may also result in alveolar COPD treated with tiotropium have Symptom Severity
stress and release of inflammatory reported a subjective decrease in sputum
cytokines. This potential inflammatory production (65). Mucin 5AC is the Symptoms per se are relevant in the natural
effect might also be reduced by predominant mucin gene expressed in history of COPD, as demonstrated by
administration of effective long-acting human airway epithelial cells (66). The results from the ECLIPSE (Evaluation of
bronchodilation (58). The improvement muscarinic agonist carbachol up-regulates COPD Longitudinally to Identify Predictive
in lung mechanics, combined with the mucin 5AC expression in these cells by Surrogate Endpoints) cohort, which
reduction in dyspnea and the potential activation of muscarinic receptors and suggested that the presence of symptoms is
reduction of mechanical stress in the lungs, transactivation of epidermal growth factor associated with increased future risk, as
represents the main plausible mechanisms receptors. Aclidinium has been shown GOLD groups B and C carry equally
for the potential reduction of exacerbations to decrease this effect in vitro (66). poor clinical outcomes, although for
through the reduction of lung Treatment with tiotropium has also been different reasons (72). GOLD subgroup B,
hyperinflation by dual bronchodilation. demonstrated to improve mucociliary characterized by more severe dyspnea, had

142 American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine Volume 196 Number 2 | July 15 2017

significantly poorer survival than group C, fluctuation analysis and showed that it is A
in spite of higher FEV1, in a study of the associated with exacerbation frequency in 10

Δ Exertional dyspnea
general population in Copenhagen (73). patients with COPD (82). In an additional
This subgroup of patients warrants special analysis of PEF data from a double-blind

(Δ Borg)
attention, as the poor prognosis could be study of tiotropium, the authors were able 6
caused by cardiovascular disease or cancer, to show that PEF variability measured 4
requiring additional assessment and by detrended fluctuation analysis was
treatment. Analysis of patients included in responsive to treatment (i.e., it was lower in
the Lung Health Study showed that the patients receiving tiotropium compared 0
–16 –12 –8 –4 0 4
combination of cough and phlegm, but with placebo) and may therefore serve
Δ IC (% TLC)
not either symptom alone, was associated as a surrogate marker of exacerbation
with increased mortality risk over 12.5 frequency (82). B
years of follow-up (74). Higher overall 90
symptom severity as measured by Chronic LABD, Symptom Severity, and
Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Assessment

ΔVAS at 30 min %
Exacerbations 60
Test scores is associated with increased risk In a pooled analysis of 23 studies of LABDs,
for exacerbations (75). Dyspnea grade is the improvement in lung function, as 30
also closely linked to risk for exacerbations expressed by improvement in trough
(20), and severity of dyspnea is a significant FEV1, was associated with significant 0
predictor of mortality in patients with improvements in patient-reported
COPD (76). LABA/LAMA combinations outcomes, including quality of life and –30
have been repeatedly shown to decrease dyspnea, and in exacerbations (83). Results –10 0 10 20 30 40
symptom severity in patients with COPD; from additional studies have demonstrated ΔIC % pred 30 min after bronchodilator
in the majority of studies, these reductions administration
strong correlations between severity of
have been demonstrated to be significantly dyspnea and hyperinflation in patients with Figure 3. (A) Relationship between severity of
greater than those achieved with individual COPD (Figure 3A) (44, 84, 85), and exertional dyspnea and inspiratory capacity (IC)
agents (77–79). However, it is not clear how decreased dyspnea after LABD treatment is at the end of 6-minute-walk distance (r = 20.49,
improvement in symptoms with LABDs P , 0.00001) (86). (B) Relationship of changes in
correlated with improvement in measures
visual analog scale (VAS) measurement of dyspnea
decreases the risk for exacerbations. associated with hyperinflation, such as IC with placebo correction (%) with changes in IC
and tidal volume (Figure 3B) (86, 87). 30 minutes after bronchodilation in patients with
Symptom Variability and The stabilization of the airway by baseline IC , 80% predicted (solid circles =
Exacerbations effective long-acting bronchodilation may salbutamol; open triangles = formoterol; solid
Several studies have described fluctuations lead to a reduction of day-to-day variability squares = salmeterol; open diamonds = oxitropium
of COPD symptoms over the day, with of symptoms, and this may lead to a (r = 0.70, P , 0.001) (87). Borg = Borg Dyspnea
morning considered the time when reduction in the increased bursts of Score; pred = predicted; TLC = total lung capacity.
symptoms are more severe, whereas symptoms that may be reported as
symptom severity has also been reported to exacerbations. In Figure 4, we provide a pulmonary disease have demonstrated
vary over the course of weeks and months in schematic representation of potential antiinflammatory effects of LABAs and
patients with COPD (80). The COSMIC mechanisms of symptom improvement at LAMAs as well as additive effects of agents
(COPD and Seretide: A Multi-Center stable state and during the course of an from these two classes. In contrast, limited
Intervention and Characterization) Study exacerbation by treatment interventions. data available from patients with
evaluated the symptom diary cards of Dual bronchodilation may effectively lower COPD have not indicated significant
patients with COPD and assessed symptom both the baseline symptoms and the antiinflammatory effects of LABDs, and
progression during the days before and magnitude of symptoms during the it should be emphasized that the
after exacerbations (81). The perception of exacerbation (Figure 4C). relationships between such findings and
cough, sputum, dyspnea, and nocturnal In summary, symptoms contribute to effects of LABD treatment on exacerbations
awakenings steadily increased beginning the risk for exacerbations. The more in patients with COPD have not been
2 weeks before an exacerbation. Symptom effective improvement in symptoms by established.
variability did not change before the first LABA/LAMA combinations compared with
and second moderate exacerbations; monocomponents and LABA/ICS may
however, variability was substantial in the contribute to the decrease of exacerbations Modulation of Inflammation by
days before a hospital admission. Results at the patient level. b2-Adrenoceptors and Muscarinic
from a second study suggested that patients Receptors
who had two or more exacerbations in Both b2-adrenoceptors and muscarinic
the previous year were more likely to Antiinflammatory Properties receptors may modulate inflammation.
experience variability in breathlessness over of LABDs b2-adrenoceptors are located not only on
the course of a week (80). Donaldson and bronchial smooth muscle cells, epithelial
colleagues evaluated daily peak expiratory Results from multiple in vitro studies as well cells, and pneumocytes but also on
flow (PEF) variability using detrended as those from experimental models of multiple types of inflammatory cells (88).

Concise Clinical Review 143


A lymphocytes as well as activated cluster

of differentiation 4–positive, cluster of
Exacerbation “threshold” differentiation 25–positive cells in sputum

from patients with COPD (98). LABD

treatment may also decrease oxidative
stress (99). Tiotropium has also been
shown to decrease the replication of
respiratory syncytial virus in epithelial
cells and may reduce production of
B inflammatory cytokines, suggesting a potential
Exacerbation “threshold” antiinflammatory role on viral infections

(100). It has also been shown that exposure

to the combination of indacaterol and
glycopyrronium resulted in greater decreases
of IL-1b–stimulated IL-8 production by
fibroblasts and IL-1b–stimulated IL-6
production from airway smooth muscle cells
C isolated from patients with COPD than
Exacerbation “threshold” either drug alone (101).
Activation of b2-adrenoceptors

inhibits inflammatory responses by

neutrophils and mononuclear cells in vitro
and in mouse models of lung inflammation
in vivo (102). Pretreatment with inhaled
Baseline Exacerbation Recovery salmeterol inhibits lipopolysaccharide-
induced neutrophil influx, neutrophil
Figure 4. Schematic representation of symptom improvement in an individual patient by treatment
interventions during the course of a single exacerbation. (A) A small reduction in the baseline degranulation, TNF-a release, and human
threshold of symptoms accompanied by a similar magnitude of reduction of exacerbation symptoms; leukocyte antigen–antigen D–related
(B) reduction of exacerbation symptoms only; (C) a significant reduction of the threshold of baseline expression in healthy subjects (103).
symptoms accompanied by a significant reduction of exacerbation symptoms. Solid lines represent
the course of symptoms without intervention; dotted lines represent the course of symptoms after Potential Indirect Antiinflammatory
intervention. Effect of LABDs
The bronchial epithelium stretches and
relaxes during the normal respiratory cycle,
Stimulation of b2-adrenergic receptors important role in the immune responsivity and both in vitro and ex vivo studies have
is believed to exert largely inhibitory of lymphocytes (93). demonstrated a marked effect of stretch on
effects on cells of the immune system bronchial epithelial cell function, including
by increasing levels of cAMP and Direct Antiinflammatory Effects of production and release of inflammatory
protein kinase A (89). Activation of LABDs molecules (e.g., IL-8 and transforming
b2-adrenoceptors may also contribute Results from in vitro and in vivo growth factor-b) (104). Mechanical stretch
to regulation of fluid transport experimental studies have demonstrated is also associated with increased mucus
(90) and may be important in the antiinflammatory effects of LABDs production by the airway epithelium (105).
pathogenesis and/or resolution of acute (91, 92, 94, 95). Tiotropium reduces Although data are not available for patients
lung injury. lipopolysaccharide-induced increases in with COPD, the relation between
M3 receptors are predominantly neutrophils in a guinea pig model of mechanical factors and inflammation is
expressed in peripheral airways. Epithelial COPD (94) and decreases TNF- supported by results from studies of
cells may release ACh in response to a–mediated chemotaxis and reactive patients with asthma, where compressive
inflammatory stimuli, such as tumor oxygen species release by alveolar mechanical forces that arise during
necrosis factor (TNF)-a, contributing macrophages isolated from patients with bronchoconstriction can induce airway
to locally regulated inflammation. In COPD (96). Tiotropium also attenuates remodeling without additional
addition, inflammatory cells express the transforming growth factor- inflammation (106).
muscarinic receptors, and antiinflammatory b1–mediated neutrophilic inflammation
effects of tiotropium may result from in induced sputum of patients with Clinical Studies
blockade of M3 receptors located on COPD, and combined administration In contrast to the above-mentioned pleiotropic
inflammatory cells (91). All five muscarinic with olodaterol augments this effect antiinflammatory effects of LABD in vitro,
cholinergic receptor subtypes (M1–M5) are (Figure 5) (97). most clinical study results have not provided
expressed by dendritic cells, macrophages, The combination of tiotropium and strong support for antiinflammatory effects of
T cells, and B cells (88, 92), and activation formoterol decreases human leukocyte LAMAs or LABAs. Results from one study
of M1 and M3 receptors may play an antigen–antigen D–related expression on of patients treated with tiotropium indicated

144 American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine Volume 196 Number 2 | July 15 2017

A have been proposed as a marker to define

exacerbations that might typically need
corticosteroid treatment. Bafadhel and
colleagues evaluated subjects at presentation
Adhering neutrophils (% of fluorescence)

25 to hospital with an exacerbation of COPD

and stratified them into eosinophilic
exacerbations if the peripheral blood
23 eosinophil count on admission was greater
* than or equal to 200 cells/ml and/or greater
* than or equal to 2% of the total leukocyte
21 count; the observed detrimental effects of
steroids in the group with low eosinophils
suggested that eosinophils can be used for
** stratification of exacerbations (108).
The hypothesis that currently arises is
17 ** whether the blood eosinophil count could be
a marker that identifies patients in whom a
certain treatment has greater efficiency in
15 preventing exacerbations. Results from the
INSPIRE (Investigating New Standards for


O m

PD l

C piu rol
O o

C ter
C piu

ro te

O m

Prophylaxis in Reducing Exacerbations)


ot a


Ti lod



study showed differences in treatment



requirements for residual exacerbations in

B patients randomized to LABA/ICS versus
100 LAMA alone (109). Over 2 years, the
estimated overall rates of exacerbations did
(percentage of positive cells)

# not differ between an ICS/LABA and an

80 LAMA. However, exacerbations requiring
MAC-1 expression

antibiotics occurred more frequently in
## patients treated with LABA/ICS versus
60 LAMA, whereas those requiring oral
corticosteroids were significantly more
common in patients treated with an LAMA
versus those who received LABA/ICS (109).
This suggests potential differentiation in
20 the mechanisms underlying exacerbation
prevention between these two treatments. Post
hoc analyses of studies comparing LABA/ICS
0 and LABA have suggested that the presence of
COPD Tiotropium Olodaterol Olodaterol increased eosinophil counts is associated with
COPD COPD Tiotropium better response to LABA/ICS (110, 111). In a
prospective analysis of blood eosinophils,
Figure 5. (A) Effects of the long-acting muscarinic antagonist tiotropium, the long-acting b2-adrenergic the FLAME study, the superiority of
agonist olodaterol, and their combination on neutrophil adhesion stimulated by sputum supernatants LABA/LAMA combination of indacaterol/
from patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). (B) Expression of macrophage-1 glycopyrronium versus ICS/LABA in the
antigen (MAC-1) adhesion protein by neutrophils in induced sputum supernatants (97). *P , 0.001
reduction of the rate of COPD exacerbations
versus COPD; **P , 0.0001 versus COPD; #P , 0.01 versus COPD; ##P , 0.001 versus COPD.
was independent of the baseline blood
eosinophil count (24). Therefore, we still need
no significant effects of this intervention on Potential Differences in to clearly define the role of biomarkers before
airway and systemic inflammation, including Mechanisms Underlying establishing a therapeutic strategy that
sputum IL-8, serum C-reactive protein, Effects of LABDs according properly identifies patients who may benefit
and IL-6 (65). Similarly, administration of to Different Types of from this diagnostic approach.
salmeterol had no significant effects on Exacerbations
numbers of inflammatory cells in sputum
samples or bronchial biopsies in patients with At present, there is limited information about LABA/LAMA versus Triple
COPD (107). Future trials will need to explore the benefits of LABDs in preventing different Combination Therapy
whether antiinflammatory effects of LABDs types of exacerbations or the influence of
observed in vitro can be demonstrated in specific comorbidities on the efficacy of Although clinical trial results have
patients with COPD. LABD treatment. Blood eosinophil counts demonstrated greater efficacy of

Concise Clinical Review 145


LABA/LAMA combinations in decreasing LABA/ICS (115). Other recent results and includes complementary additive
the frequency of exacerbations, improving have shown that the combination of effects on airflow obstruction.
pulmonary function, and reducing umeclidinium, vilanterol, and fluticasone LABA/LAMA combinations have been
symptom severity versus monocomponents showed a reduction in the annual rate of shown to be more effective than single
and LABA/ICS, there is much less moderate to severe exacerbations over bronchodilators or the combination of
information about the efficacy of 52 weeks of treatment compared with LABA/ICS in decreasing COPD
LABA/LAMA versus triple therapy budesonide/formoterol (116). The ongoing exacerbations, and here we have discussed
(LABA/LAMA/ICS). Triple therapy has IMPACT (Informing the Pathway of several mechanisms by which this could
been shown to be significantly superior COPD Treatment) study, which began occur. LABDs decrease hyperinflation
to LABA/ICS and LAMA monotherapy in 2014 and is expected to report and symptom severity, improve sputum
for improving pulmonary function and out in 2017, compares the effects of clearance by reducing mucus
symptoms (112, 113). Results from the umeclidinium, vilanterol, and fluticasone hypersecretion and increasing
OPTIMAL study (the Canadian Optimal versus fluticasone plus vilanterol and mucociliary clearance, and improve
Therapy of COPD trial) indicated no umeclidinium plus vilanterol in reducing symptoms and reduce symptom
significant difference between tiotropium the rate of exacerbations (117). The variability by “stabilizing” the airways in
plus salmeterol and fluticasone versus ongoing TRIBUTE (Two-Arm Parallel patients with COPD. The potential
tiotropium and salmeterol for the Group Study of Fixed Combination of antiinflammatory actions of LABDs
proportion of patients with COPD CHF 5993 versus Ultibro® in COPD demonstrated in vitro and in
experiencing exacerbations over 1 year of Patients) trial also compares LABA/
experimental models have not
treatment (114). Triple therapy has been LAMA (indacaterol/glycopyrronium)
been confirmed in patients with COPD.
compared with LABA/ICS in TRILOGY versus triple therapy (beclomethasone/
Future studies focus on the correlation of
(Single Inhaler Triple Therapy versus formoterol/glycopyrronium) and is also
patient-level results for each of these
Inhaled Corticosteroid Plus Long-Acting expected to report out in 2017 (118).
actions, and effects of LABD treatment
b2-Agonist Therapy for COPD), a These two studies should provide
randomized, parallel-group, double-blind, information on the clinically relevant on risk for exacerbations may provide
active-controlled study in which 1,368 question of the potential benefit of triple insights regarding which actions of
patients received either beclomethasone, therapy versus LABA/LAMA in the single agents play significant roles in
formoterol, and glycopyrronium or reduction of exacerbations in COPD. reduction of exacerbations. This may
beclomethasone and formoterol. Adjusted explain the overall improvement in
annual moderate to severe exacerbation exacerbation reduction by dual
frequencies were 0.41 for triple therapy and Conclusions bronchodilation. n
0.53 for beclomethasone and formoterol,
corresponding to a 23% reduction in The rationale for LABA/LAMA treatment Author disclosures are available with the text
exacerbations with triple therapy versus in patients with COPD is well established of this article at

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