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Exercises Unis EBD complete the sentences. Use a verb from the box. “brush. die end enjoy happen open rain start stay want 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. brushed _. my weeth three times yesterday. Iewas hot in the room, so the window The movie was very long. It 275 and, at 1000. When | was child, | tobe adoctor The accidene last Sunday afternoon. ‘The weather is nice today, but yesterday ic all day. We ‘our vacation last year. We at avery nice place. ‘Annas grandfather when he was 90 years old. Read about Liz’ trip to Madrid. Put the verbs in the correct form. Gall obj ars Last Tuesday, Liz (9... flew... from Los Angeles to Madrid. fy She 1a aon UP a€ 600 in the Moming and (9). acup | get, have of coffee. At 715 she (9. home afd (5) nm tothe | leave, drive aiport. When she (6 ws CHET, SHO nner NE CA get, park (Ooms to the terminal and () conn if Then she walk, check nnn breakfast at an aitport café and (1) for have, wait her fight. The plane 12) eo OM EME ANE (19) nn nnennnee i | depart arrive Madrid 13 hours later. Finally he (4) none CAN fom the altpore take to her hotel downtown. GB write sentences about the past (yesterday / last week, etc.) 1 2 Write a sentence with just for each picture. James always goes to work by cat. Yesterday . he went. ta work by car... “3 Rachel often loses her keys. She - -last week. Kare meets her fiends every night. She one ss last night. I buy a newspaper every day. Yesterday | We often go to the movies on weekends. Last Sunday we. nt leat an orange every day. Yesterday | aio ‘Tom always takes a showrer in the morning. This morning he Our fiends often come to see us. They lase Friday, '» Additional exercise 10 (page 242) 23 Exercises sa EBD complete these sentences with the verb in the negative. 1 |saw Rachel but | didnt-62e__ Jenn, 2. They worked on Monday, but they (on Tuesday. 3 We went to the post office, but we asus to the bank 4 She hada pen, but she any paper 5 Jack did sore work in the yard, but he any work in the house, Write questions with Did... 1 Iwatched TV last night. How about you? Did you watch TV last night. 2. Venjoyed the party. How about you? 3 Ihada nice vacation. How about you? 4 finished work early. How about you? 5 Islepe well last night. How about you? GB wrx cid you do yesterday? Write afirmative or negative sentences. 1 (watch TV) watched TV... or ...\didntt watch IV. 2 (getup before 700) 3 (take a shower) 4 (buy a magazine) 5 (eat meat) sss ? ss 6 (got bed before 1030) . - Write B's questions, Use: (cost gettowork go gotobedlate happen haveanicetime stay win ) 1a: We went to Chicago last month. 5 A: Weeame home by tax! &: Where .. didyou stay, 2) & Howmuch ? 4s With some friends. |_# Twenty dollars 2x: Lwas lace for the meeting 6 Im tted this momning & What time a] 2 4 930 & No, but | didrit sleep very well 3 & I played tennis this afternoon. 17 & Wewent to the beach yesterday. ® " r] 8 2 No, Hose. [A Yes, twas great 4 a Ihad a nice vacation 8 &: The window is broken, &: Good. Where - 2) HOW 2 4: To the mouneains 2: Idont know. Put the verb in the correct form — affirmative, negative, or question. 1 We went to the movies, bur the film wasrit very good. We ..didn'teniay...i. (enjoy) 2 yesterday” “No, it was. nice day” (rain) We were tired, so we longat the party. (stay) It was very Warm in the room so | a window. (open) “Did you call Chris this morning?" "No, | time” (have) “Lcut my hand this morning” "How that?" (do) "Why weren't you ar the meeting yesterday” "I about it” (know) -* Additional exercises 10-13 (page 242) Tom -.....80me new clothes yesterday — two shirts, a jacket, and a sweater. (buy) 12 25 Additional Exercises perenne ee ee Units 10-12 GD complere the sentences. Use one word only. 1 I goc up early and 120k... a shower. 2 Tom was tired lastnight, 30 he. 10 bed early 31 this key on the floor. Isit yours? 4 Kate got married when she i 2. 5 Lauren is learning to drive, She her firs lesson yesterday. 6 “Ive gota new job! "Yes, | know, David... me” 7 “Where did you buy that book?" “It was present. Olivia ittome? 8 We . _. hungry, so we had something to eat. 9 "Did you enjoy the movie?” “Yes, 1 ic was very good” 10 "Did Andy come to your party?” “No, we... him, but he didn’t come” Look at the questions and Joe’s answers. Write sentences about Joe when he was child, io te ‘When you were a child Were you tall? He wasn't tall Did you lke school? He liked school, Were you good at sports? He. porns Did you play soccer? Did you work hard at school? Did you have alot of fiends? Did you have a bike? Were you a quiet child? © complete the questions. Did you have._a nice vacation? Where did you go...? there? the Bahamas? ‘Yes, it was great, thanks. To the Bahamas. Five days, Yes, very much | have friends there, so I stayed wich them Yes, it was warm and sunny. Yesterday. nn GOOD? back? GD re the ver in tho righ form (affirmative, negate, or question) + Iewas.a good party. ..lenjoyed...ic. (I/ enjoy) 2" Didyoudo the dishes?” (you /do) *No.... didn't have... time’ (I have) 3 “Did you call Mate” ‘No, fm sorry. Fc * (/ forget) 4 like your new watch. Where i? (you / get) 5 | saw Emma atthe party, but ~ toher. (I/ speak) 6 x nice weekend? (you / have) B: Yes | visited some friends of mine. 7 Josh wasnit well yesterday, so - to work. (he / go) 8 "IsSarah here?” “Yes, five minutes ago” (she / artive) 9 Where before he moved here? (Robert / live) 10. The restaurant wasnt expensive very much. (the meal / cost) 242 Read the sentences and underline all the examples of the past simple. 2 usually go to school by bus but today I walked b Liked the film, it was s0 exciting! © He went shopping yesterday. ‘They stayed at home at the weekend because they were ill. don't like the theatre but I saw the play anyway. He studied hard and passed the exai 1 did the washing up today and yesterday. You never do it. thought the lesson was fin and our teacher is very nice. He had a bike accident at the weekend. | He bought two bars of chocolate and gave one to his friend, write the past simple of these regular verbs. taik talked © open a 1 pick muse b wait F close j lke rest © stop 9 walk k shop © print want h drop 1 chat P play Wirite the past simple form ofthese irregular verbs a make made eis i buy im leave b take fat j x0 n feel « come © see ie think © sive @ have h put 1 bring p do Use the prompts to write sentences. He | go/ swimming yesterday He went sainuing aesterdod. ‘They / see | afm lest night 1/do / my homework You /watt /foran hour Michael / have /a cold The teacher (be / late 9. Suc and Jaan / walk /to school today fh 1/ take / my dog fora walk i She /talk /t her friends i Wey give/ im the answers Marcelle come J tothe party |The dog / eat ( my breakfast © past simple (1) Includes material from Units 10 and 11 41 Write the negative past simple form of these verbs a do didn't do e cat i b see f walk i © be 9 buy k 4 have h read 1 study dnnk ge 2. Use the prompts and a verb from the box to write past simple questions, read walk pay give Gt buy win ge study play she / pizza last night? they / tennis? your teacher / you a test? u / for the exam? wwe the bill! your sister / you a present? you / that book? they / the game? he / to the library? you / swimming yesterday? Did 4ou go Swiwuing aesterday 3 Look at the diary of Joanne, a student who went on a school tip to London. Complete the gaps ‘with the past form of the verbs in the box. You will need to use some vers more than once. nee go Have see visit leave arrive stop do: \ Tuesday [mya Met at school | b for taneon bx bas fa ta have packed lunch on journey. ly 4 the Science Museion | ° at youth hostel [ernie fr cinema. 9 sew ames Bond fil “| Wednesday an rift ; : ‘ i fs Madame Tussauds and the Planctertuon. =e on Thames River Cruise, Lanch on boat. bs wi ‘St Pas Cather \ 1 Aferdinner' toa theatre =m the Lion King. \ 1 Thursday Se ge Hos Belfast ° some shopping. After lvch » Londo 4 4 home in evening © past simple (2) 4 Correct these statements about Joanna's tip. on Tuesday a They went to London by train. No, they didnt qo by train, They went ba, bus. bb Joanna visited a 200. © They went to the theatre (On Wednesday They had lunch at the Planetarium. © Joanna saw the new James Bond film. £ They visited HMS Belfast. ‘On Thursday 4g They did an exam, hy They arrived in London. 5 Complete the text with the past simple form of the verbs in the boxes. They are all regular verbs. Sree Sir Isaac Newton: scientist and mathematician sie change provide IEsae Newion was born on December 25, 1642 sh Woolsthorpe, near

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