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___..____Narrative Writing: Unit 1 ____..


___________________LLC 2/H -Egan 2019_________ __________

Learning Goals for Narrative Writing Unit

Throughout this brief unit you will be practicing various narrative writing skills by participating in various review
station activities. Please review these learning goals to ensure that you understand what you are expected to
accomplish throughout this review and refer to it often to track your own progress.

By the end of the Narrative Unit, all students should be able …

❖ To purposefully implement powerful diction and precise language with a connotation that adds depth of
understanding of the subject and character
❖ To masterfully implement a wide array of vivid sensory details are used to make the reader
“experience” the story.
❖ To skillfully vary syntax in a purposeful manner in order to convey an intended mood / effect
❖ To create a clear and original voice as an author through the use of the above mentioned skills

As we go through the review, use the rubric provided as well as this list of learning goals to guide your
progress. If you ever have extra time, you may choose to return to a previous station and explore or practice
that skill further. Before we begin, please take a look at the narrative rubric below. This will be used to assess
the narrative piece you will write after we complete the stations review. After reading the rubric, select the
two areas in which you anticipate having the most room for growth. Using your LLC 2 Portfolio on
Google Classroom, complete the “Pre-Reflection” section for Unit 1: Metaphor Mask. briefly explain
your past difficulties or general skill level with that area, and set a personal goal (be specific!).

Narrative Writing Rubric

____________ _..________Stations__________ __...._________
*NOTE* ALL links force you to make a copy. Please get in the habit of following the steps below to stay
organized in your Google Drive:
1) Please change the TITLE of your document to - “[Your Name] - [Assignment Title]”
2)Organize it into a Narrative folder on your Drive.
3)Change the link to the right so it leads to your document.

Activity Instructions Link

Station 1 - Connotation / Diction Complete this activity to practice Connotation Activity
analyzing Connotation

Station 2 - Sensory Detail Complete this activity to practice Sensory Detail Activity
using Sensory Detail

Station 3 - Syntax Complete this activity to practice Syntax Activity

varying Syntax

Station 4 - Voice Complete this activity to help Voice Workshop

workshop your metaphor

All “Final Tasks” for each station will be scored formatively, so be sure to put forth your best effort!
[4] [3] [2] [1]

Each Work reflects a Work reflects Work reflects an attempt to Work reflects an attempt to
Station mastery content and skill is demonstrate the content or complete assessment, but
Final Task command of at a grade skill, but work is either partially work is either shows very
skill and appropriate level. correct or demonstrated a limited skill/knowledge or lack
knowledge. minimal amount of of completion. At this time, it
skill/knowledge. At this time, it would be good to re-evaluate
would be good to come in for how student is applying study
extra help or review to garner and work skills. The teacher
the support required to show may require student to attend
mastery of the content. Block 7 to review the material.

___________ _ ..______Final Assessment_________ __...._______

Activity Instructions Link
Metaphor Mask This is the final assessment for the Metaphor Mask (please use the
narrative unit. Use this document Metaphor Mask assigned to you
PowerPoint w/ samples to brainstorm, get feedback, and on Classroom)
start drafting.
DELETE ALL BRAINSTORMING Brainstorming Resources:
BEFORE YOU SUBMIT THE College Essay Guy Essence Objects
FINAL DRAFT!!! Values Exercise
All final drafts should be in MLA
format Metaphor Mask Visual Outline
*note: you are not limited to this! You
may use a different outline, cut it out,
or make it 3D!

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