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Science review 

Name: _____________________________________________

1.Name 3 living things (animals,humans and plants) and 3 man- made things
around you
Living things Man-made

2.Name 3 needs livings things demand to live.

e.g Sun light

3.Complete the 3 characteristics living things share.

1. They are _________________

2.They _________________

3. They _________________

4.Living things have 3 principal processes

Nutrition : how they get food

Interaction : hoy they interact /react with their environment
Reproduction : how the species are preserved

Complete with the correct process.

a) A puppy is born. __________________________________
b) A sheep eats grass. _______________________________
c) A flower grows from a seed ________________________
d) Two lions fight over territory_________________________
e) Plants make their own food_________________________
f) Plants need sun light, water and soil _________________

5.Correct these crazy sentences.

a) A kangaroo can fly.

c)A sheep can talk.

d)A bee can swim.

6. How are humans the same as other animals?

7.Complethe with human or animal.

a) I can talk ______________________

b) I have four legs_________________
c) I wear clothes __________________
d) I lay eggs_______________________
e) I eat at meal times ______________
f) I can fly________________________

8. Draw a plant showing their living process:

9. Name 4 endengered animals

Endengered : In risk of becoming extinct. Extint menans thay they dissapear)

10.Describe your favorite animal. How does it breath? Where does it live? What
does it eat? Is it endangered?
11. Fill in the box.

Vertebrate animals Invertebrate animals

pig mosquito

12. Write shell, exoskeleton or no protection for each animal.


13. Draw a fish with finns,scales and gills.

14. Complete the chart.

Vertebrates How they Where do Charactertistics Example

breathe? they live?
Mammals With their

Reptiles Land and

Amphibians Robin


Fish Can swim


Name : ______________________________

Complete with a second example of each word given.

1.- Living thing: sunflower,

2.-Man made: eraser,

3.-Vertebrate: pig,

4.-Invertebrate: snail,

5.-Mammal: cow,

6.-Fish: starfish,

7.-Bird: robin,

8.-Amphibian: frog,

9.-Reptile: boa constrictor,

10.-Exoskeleton : scorpion,

11.-No protection: worm,

12.-Shell : oyster ,

13.- Endangerd animal : whales,

14.- An action an animal can do : dog’s bark ,

15.-An action humans do : talk,

16.-Living things processes : interaction,

17.-Living things needs to survive : water,

18.- Characteristics living things share : they are born,

19.- Part of a fish : finns,

20.- How animals are the same as animals : they eat,

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