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Reviews in Environmental Science and Bio/Technology (2006) 5:73–92  Springer 2006

DOI 10.1007/s11157-005-5683-5

Post-treatment options for the anaerobic treatment of domestic wastewater

C. A. L. Chernicharo
Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Av. do Contorno
842/701, 300110-060, Belo Horizonte, Brazil (e-mail:; phone: +55-31-3238-1020;
fax: +55-31-3238-1879)

Key words: anaerobic digestion, domestic wastewater, emerging technologies, new developments, post-
treatment, UASB reactors, wastewater treatment

This paper focuses on the post-treatment options for the anaerobic treatment of domestic wastewater.
Initially, the main limitations of anaerobic systems regarding carbon, nutrients and pathogen removal
are presented. In sequence, the advantages of combined anaerobic/aerobic treatment and the main
post-treatment options currently in use are discussed, including the presentation of flowsheets and a
comparison between various post-treatment systems. Lastly, the paper presents a review of emerging
options and possible improvements of current post-treatment alternatives.

1. Introduction feasibility studies include anaerobic reactors as

one of the main options. Undoubtedly, a great
A deep discussion on the evolution and applica- contribution to the consolidation and dissemina-
bility of the anaerobic technology for the treat- tion of the anaerobic technology for the treatment
ment of domestic sewage is presented elsewhere of domestic sewage in Brazil came from the
(Lettinga et al., 1993; Seghezzo et al., 1998; von National Research Programme on Basic Sanita-
Sperling and Chernicharo, 2005), where the sev- tion – PROSAB, which has been carried out since
eral favourable characteristics of the anaerobic 1997 (Chernicharo et al. 2001a). Therefore, for the
processes are highlighted, such as low cost, oper- purpose of this paper, the advances on post treat-
ational simplicity, no energy consumption and ment of anaerobic effluents will be mainly fo-
low production of solids. These advantages, asso- cussed on the Brazilian experience, that is believed
ciated with the favourable environmental condi- to reflect also the reality of other warm climate
tions in warm-climate regions, where high countries.
temperatures prevail practically throughout the
year, have contributed to establish the anaerobic
systems, particularly the UASB reactors, in an 2. Main limitations of anaerobic systems
outstanding position.
Nowadays, it can be said that the high-rate In spite of their great advantages, anaerobic reac-
anaerobic reactors used for treatment of domestic tors hardly produce effluents that comply with
sewage are a consolidated technology in some usual discharge standards established by environ-
warm-climate countries, especially in Brazil, Colombia mental agencies. Therefore, the effluents from
and India, with several treatment systems operating in anaerobic reactors usually require a post-treat-
full scale (population equivalents from a few thou- ment step as a means to adapt the treated effluent
sand up to around one million inhabitants). In to the requirements of the environmental legisla-
Brazil, practically all the wastewater treatment tion and protect the receiving water bodies.

The main role of the post-treatment is to In this sense, in situations in which the receiv-
complete the removal of organic matter, as well ing body presents a good dilution capacity, the
as to remove constituents little affected by the adoption of less restrictive discharge standards
anaerobic treatment, such as nutrients (N and P) could enable the construction of simpler and
and pathogenic organisms (viruses, bacteria, pro- more economical treatment plants in several
tozoans and helminths). small cities by means of a more intensive use of
anaerobic reactors, particularly UASB reactors.
At a later stage, if it becomes necessary to pro-
2.1. Limitations regarding organic matter duce a better quality effluent, a complementary
treatment unit can be built after some years. The
Limitations imposed by environmental agencies high costs of sophisticated treatment systems, de-
for BOD are usually expressed in terms of efflu- signed exclusively to meet BOD discharges stan-
ent discharge standards and minimum removal dards, make their construction at a single stage
efficiencies. These constraints are probably the unfeasible for most cities located in developing
cause that has mostly limited the use of anaero- countries. On the other hand, the construction in
bic systems (without post-treatment) for sewage stages could be decisive and that systems consist-
treatment (see typical values in Table 1). ing of UASB reactor and a post-treatment unit
In view of the limitations imposed by the envi- become the most feasible ones regarding techni-
ronmental legislation for the effluent BOD concen- cal and economical criteria.
tration, or also when the receiving body has
limited capacity for assimilating the effluent from 2.2. Limitations regarding nitrogen
the treatment plant (which is frequently the case), and phosphorus
it is usually necessary to use aerobic treatment to
supplement the anaerobic stage. However, there The discharge of nutrients into surface water
are situations in which the combination of differ- bodies may cause increased algal biomass as a re-
ent anaerobic processes can meet less restrictive sult of the eutrophication process (abnormal al-
requirements regarding efficiency and concentra- gae growth due to the nutrients discharged). It is
tion of the final effluent (e.g. 80% and known that 1.0 kg of phosphorus can result in
60 mgBOD/l, respectively). This is the case of sys- the reconstruction of 111 kg of biomass, which
tems consisting of a septic tank followed by an corresponds to approximately 138 kg of chemical
anaerobic filter (usually feasible for small popula- oxygen demand in the receiving body (Randall
tions, generally fewer than 1000 inhabitants) or of et al. 1992). Similarly, the discharge of 1.0 kg of
a UASB reactor followed by an anaerobic filter. nitrogen can result in the reconstruction of
Obviously, the application of these combined approximately 20 kg of chemical oxygen demand
anaerobic systems is conditioned to an appropri- under the form of dead algae (Randall et al.
ate dilution capacity of the receiving body. 1992). The problem can be even worsened due to
the decreased oxygen levels, by means of the
Table 1. Usual effluent BOD and removal efficiencies in anaerobic
systems treating domestic sewage nitrification processes, when at least 4.0 kg of
dissolved oxygen are consumed for each kg of
Anaerobic system Effluent BOD removal ammonia discharged into the receiving body
BODa (mg/l) efficiencya (%) (Grady & Lim 1980).
Anaerobic pond 70–160 40–70
In cases in which nutrient removal is required
UASB reactor 60–120 55–75
to meet the quality standards of the receiving
Septic tank 80–150 35–60 water body, the use of anaerobic processes pre-
Imhoff tank 80–150 35–60 ceding a complementary aerobic treatment for
Septic tank followed 40–60 75–85 biological nutrient removal should be analysed
by anaerobic filter very carefully, once anaerobic systems present
good biodegradable organic matter removal, but
Ranges of effluent concentration and typical removal efficien-
cies based on Brazilian experience. Lower efficiency limits are
practically no N and P removal efficiency. This
usually associated with poorly operated systems (Chernicharo certainly causes a negative effect on biological
et al. 2001a). treatment systems aiming at good nutrient

removal, because the effluent from the anaerobic types of microorganisms, such as viruses and
reactor will have N/COD and P/COD ratios much protozoans (mainly Giardia and Cryptosporidi-
higher than the values desired for the good perfor- um), there are few references covering their
mance of biological nutrient removal processes. reduction or elimination in anaerobic reactors.
When the purpose of the treatment plant is The removal of helminth eggs in anaerobic
also a good nitrogen removal, the anaerobic reactors, particularly in UASB reactors, has
reactor should be used to treat initially only a been reported as amounting to 60–90%
part of the influent raw sewage (possibly no (Chernicharo et al. 2001c; von Sperling et al.
more than 50–70%), and the remaining part (30– 2002, 2004), being therefore insufficient to pro-
50%) should be directed to the complementary duce effluents that may be used in irrigation.
biological treatment, aiming at nitrification and However, it should be mentioned that these
denitrification, so that there is enough organic limitations are not exclusive of anaerobic reac-
matter for the denitrification step. In this case, tors, but are a characteristic of most compact
the great advantage of the use of the anaerobic wastewater treatment systems.
reactor is to receive and stabilise the sludge gen- As the risk of human contamination by inges-
erated in the complementary treatment, eliminat- tion or contact with water containing pathogenic
ing the need for an anaerobic sludge digester. organisms is high, many times it may be neces-
On the other hand, when the purpose is the sary to disinfect the effluents. This fact becomes
biological phosphorus removal, the use of an even more serious due to the poor sanitary con-
anaerobic reactor is not advisable for two main ditions in developing countries. On the other
reasons: (i) the effluent from the anaerobic reac- hand, the low investments in health and sanita-
tor presents a P/COD ratio higher than that of tion make the population of these countries bear-
the raw sewage, which harms the performance of ers of several diseases that can be transmitted by
the biological phosphorus removal system; and faeces and, consequently, by the sewage gener-
(ii) if the phosphorus-rich sludge generated in the ated by this population.
biological phosphorus removal treatment is direc- Although the domestic sewage is an unques-
ted to the anaerobic reactor for stabilisation, the tionable source of contamination by pathogenic
phosphorus incorporated to this sludge will be organisms, it is worth of mention that the agents
released under anaerobic conditions and leave used in the disinfection processes can also cause
with the effluent from the anaerobic reactor. This harm to human health and the aquatic environ-
fact makes an efficient phosphorus removal ment. It is then concluded that the decision to
unfeasible in a treatment plant with an anaerobic either disinfect or not sewage should be taken
reactor followed by complementary treatment from a careful evaluation, based on the specific
with biological phosphorus removal. characteristics of each situation. In other words,
Phosphorus removal in treatment plants using there are no universal guidelines ruling sewage
anaerobic reactor will only be effective if chemi- disinfection requirements. The decision on the
cal products are used for P precipitation (iron or need to disinfect the sewage of a certain locality
aluminium salts). In this case, the anaerobic involves (USEPA 1986):
reactor has the advantage of stabilising the • an investigation on the uses of the water down-
sludge generated in the complementary biological stream the discharge point, and on the public
aerobic treatment. health risks associated with that water;
• an evaluation of the alternatives available for
2.3. Limitations regarding microbiological pathogens removal from sewage;
indicators • an evaluation of the environmental impacts the
control measures may cause.
Regarding the microbiological indicators, low Figure 1 presents a flowsheet that can aid the
faecal coliform removal efficiencies have been decision making on the implementation need and
reported in anaerobic reactors, usually amount- requirements of a sewage disinfection system, tak-
ing to around only 1 log-unit (Chernicharo ing into account the public health risks involved
et al. 2001c; von Sperling et al. 2002, 2004; von and the possibility to either reduce or eliminate
Sperling & Mascarenhas 2004). Regarding other these risks. Once the risks involved are identified,

Figure 1. Flowsheet for local evaluation of the need for and requirements of sewage disinfection (adapted from USEPA 1986).

the environmental aspects start to determine the removal mechanism and the resistance of each
applicability of the control alternative. species (USEPA 1986).
In cases where disinfection proves to be nec-
essary, a series of processes for the removal of
pathogenic organisms can be used as listed in 3. Advantages of the combined (anaerobic/aerobic)
Table 2. Only short comments are made for each systems
process, since the removal of pathogenic organ-
isms, especially by artificial methods, is outside In comparison with a conventional wastewater
the scope of this paper. treatment plant consisting of primary sedimenta-
The processes listed in Table 2 are capable tion tank followed by aerobic biological treat-
of reaching a coliform removal of 99.99% or ment (activated sludge, trickling filter, submerged
more. Regarding pathogenic organisms, bacteria aerated biofilter or biodisc), with the primary
removal efficiency is very high (equal to or and secondary sludge passing through sludge
higher than coliform removal), and the other thickeners and anaerobic digesters prior to dewa-
pathogens (protozoa, virus, helminths) are tering, a treatment consisting of a UASB reactor
usually high, but variable, depending on the followed by aerobic biological treatment (with the

Table 2. Main processes for the removal of pathogenic microorganisms in sewage treatment

Type Process Comment

Natural Maturation ponds • Shallow ponds, where the penetration of solar ultraviolet radiation and unfavourable
environmental conditions causes a high mortality of the pathogens.
• The maturation ponds do not need chemical products or energy, but require large areas.
• They are highly recommended systems (if there is area available), due to their great
simplicity and low costs.
Land treatment • The unfavourable environmental conditions in the soil favour the mortality of the
(infiltration in soil) pathogens.
• In slow-rate systems, there is the possibility of vegetable contamination, depending on the
type of application.
• Chemical products are not needed.
• Requires large areas.
Artificial Chlorination • Chlorine kills pathogenic microorganisms (although protozoan cysts and helminth eggs
are not much affected).
• High dosages are necessary, which may increase operational costs. The larger the previous
organic matter removal, the lower the chlorine dosage required.
• There is a concern regarding the generation of toxic by-products to human beings.
However, the great benefit to public health in the removal of pathogens must be taken into
• The toxicity caused by the residual chlorine in the water bodies are also of concern. The
residual chlorine must have very low levels, frequently requiring dechlorination.
• There is large experience with chlorination in the area of water treatment in various
developing countries.
Ozonisation • Ozone is a very effective agent for the removal of pathogens.
• Ozonisation is usually expensive, although the costs are reducing, making this alternative a
competitive option in certain specific circumstances.
• There is less experience with ozonisation in most developing countries.
Ultraviolet radiation • Ultraviolet radiation, generated by special lamps, affects the reproduction of the patho-
genic agents.
• Toxic by-products are not generated.
• Ideally, the effluent must be well clarified for the radiation to penetrate well in the liquid
• This process has recently shown substantial development, which has made it more com-
petitive or more advantageous than chlorination in various applications.
Membranes • The passage of treated sewage through membranes of minute dimensions (e.g. ultrafil-
tration, nanofiltration) constitutes a physical barrier for the pathogenic microorganisms,
which have larger dimensions than the pores.
• The process is highly interesting and does not introduce chemical products into the liquid.
• The costs are still high, but they have been reducing significantly in recent years.

(Adapted from von Sperling and Chernicharo 2005).

secondary sludge directed to thickening and diges- equipment. In this configuration, besides their
tion in the UASB reactor itself and then straight main sewage treatment function, the UASB
to dewatering), can present the following advanta- reactors also accomplish the aerobic sludge
ges (Alem Sobrinho & Jordão 2001): thickening and digestion functions, requiring
• the primary sedimentation tanks, sludge thick- no additional volume;
eners and anaerobic digesters, as well as all • power consumption for aeration in activated
their equipment, can be replaced with UASB sludge systems preceded by UASB reactors
reactors, which do not require the use of will be substantially lower compared to

conventional activated sludge systems, and UASB+biofilm aerobic reactor systems, the aer-
especially extended aeration systems; obic biological excess sludge is simply returned
• thanks to the lower sludge production in to the UASB reactor, where it undergoes diges-
anaerobic systems and to their better dewater- tion and thickening with the anaerobic sludge,
ability, sludge volumes to be disposed of from dispensing separate digestion and thickening
anaerobic/aerobic systems will be much lower units for the aerobic sludge. Hence, the overall
than those from aerobic systems alone. sludge production of the combined system is
According to studies carried out by Pontes wasted only from the UASB reactor. Since it is
(2003), a 30% VSS destruction can be reached already thickened and stabilised, and can be di-
when secondary sludge produced in a trickling rectly sent for dewatering and final disposal.
filter is returned to a UASB reactor. When the Sludge drying beds have been frequently used in
mass balance is performed, the total sludge small-sized plants. Thus a large simplification in
production in a combined UASB/Trickling Fil- the overall flowsheet is obtained, including the liquid
ter system can be 30–50% lower than in a con- (sewage) and solid (sludge) phases.
ventional trickling filter system.
• the construction cost of a treatment plant with 4.1. Polishing pond
UASB reactor followed by aerobic biological
treatment usually amounts 50–80% of the cost Facultative ponds are largely used for post-treat-
of a conventional treatment plant (20–50% ment of effluents from anaerobic ponds. These
investment savings). In addition, due to the sim- systems have the advantage of removing at a
plicity, smaller sludge production and lower higher efficiency the pathogenic organisms pres-
power consumption of the combined anaerobic/ ent in the sewage, but their main disadvantages
aerobic system, the operational costs also repre- are excessive land requirement and the high con-
sent an even greater advantage. Savings on centration of algae in the final effluent, which
operation and maintenance costs are usually in leads to serious restrictions by some environmen-
the range of 40–50% in relation to a conven- tal agencies.
tional treatment plant (see Table 4 and von When an efficient anaerobic pre-treatment is
Sperling & Chernicharo 2005). applied prior to the sewage discharge into a
pond, the concentrations of organic matter and
suspended solids are largely reduced, and conse-
4. Main post-treatment options currently in use quently it will be required only a complementary
removal of these two constituents, needing much
Taking into consideration the intrinsic limitations lower hydraulic detention times. In these condi-
associated with the anaerobic systems and the tions, the limiting factor that determines the min-
need to develop technologies that are more imum detention time (and, therefore, the volume
appropriate to the reality of developing coun- and the area of a pond system) will usually be
tries, it is important to include a post-treatment the removal of pathogenic organisms, and not
stage for the effluents generated in anaerobic the stabilisation of the organic matter. For this
reactors. This stage has the purpose of polishing reason, the nomenclature polishing pond has been
not only the microbiological quality of the efflu- adopted to name those ponds intended for
ents, in view of the public health risks and limi- the post-treatment of effluents from efficient
tations imposed on the use of treated effluents in anaerobic systems, thus distinguishing them from
agriculture, but also the quality in terms of or- the stabilisation pond, which treats raw sewage
ganic matter and nutrients, in view of the envi- (Cavalcanti et al. 2001a, b).
ronmental damages caused by the discharges of The UASB reactor+polishing pond configu-
the remaining loads of these components into the ration is a very interesting alternative from
receiving bodies. the technical–economical–environmental point of
Some of the main possible combinations of view, mainly when there are area limitations for
UASB reactors with post-treatment systems are the construction of only stabilisation ponds. In
discussed in the following items. It can be ob- addition, the problems related to odours from
served that in the UASB+activated sludge and anaerobic ponds can be avoided in plants utilising

UASB reactor and polishing pond, since the WHO guidelines for unrestricted and restricted
anaerobic reactor can be installed with odour irrigation (von Sperling et al. 2002, 2004).
control (Cavalcanti et al. 2001a, b). This alterna- Since polishing ponds are designed with low
tive is even more attractive when the effluent depths (0.40–1.00 m) and relatively short HDT
from the pond can be used for agricultural pur- (usually between 9 and 12 days in a series of 3–4
poses, since the polishing ponds aim mainly at the ponds), care should be taken to the operation of
removal of pathogenic organisms. Because of its the UASB reactor in order to avoid excessive
advantages, the post-treatment of effluents from wash out of solids.
anaerobic reactors through ponds has been com-
mon in developing countries. 4.2. Overland flow system
Wastewater treatment plants using UASB
reactors followed by polishing ponds also have a Sewage treatment by the overland flow method
very simplified flowsheet (Figure 2). Besides the is the one that presents the lowest relationship
preliminary treatment units (screen and grit with the type of soil. In this method, the vege-
chamber), the flowsheet comprises the anaerobic tation, associated with the top soil layer, acts as
treatment unit, the polishing pond (either a single a filter, removing the nutrients and providing
baffled pond or ponds in series), and the dewa- conditions for the retention and transformation
tering unit for the sludge produced in the UASB of the organic matter contained in the sewage.
reactor which is already thickened and stabilised. Besides that, it protects the soil against erosion
Thus, dewatering units using drying beds are also and creates a support layer on which the micro-
usual in smaller plants. organisms settle. The main mechanisms through
Long term studies conducted by von Sperling which organic matter and solids are removed
and Mascarenhas (2004) have shown that a are biological oxidation, sedimentation and fil-
domestic sewage treatment system comprised of a tration (USEPA 1981, 1984; Metcalf & Eddy
UASB reactor followed by four very shallow 1991). The main characteristic that differentiates
(0.40 m-depth) polishing ponds in series, oper- this method from the others is the fact that the
ated with very low detention times (1.4–2.5 days effluent flows downward on a slightly inclined
in each pond), was able to achieve excellent re- vegetated ramp and the remaining water (efflu-
sults in terms of BOD and E. coli removal, and ent), which is neither absorbed nor evaporated,
also good results in terms of ammonia removal. is collected downstream and directed for dis-
The average concentrations observed in the final posal. For more permeable soils, the process is
effluent were 44 mgBOD l)1, 3.8102 MPN similar to that of irrigation, but with the gener-
100 ml)1 and 7.3 mgN–NH4 l)1. In relation to ation of effluent.
helminth eggs, other studies have shown that Therefore, the method consists in applying
polishing pond systems are capable to produce the liquid in the highest part of the ramp. The
effluents with helminth eggs concentrations pre- effluent then drains all over the slope by gravity,
dominantly equal to zero, and satisfying the where part of it is lost by evapotranspiration and

Figure 2. Typical configuration of a treatment plant with UASB reactor and polishing ponds (von Sperling & Chernicharo 2005).

the remaining part is collected on the base of the with the whole treatment system removing 2–3
ramp. Percolation can be insignificant because log-units.
this system is initially conceived for low-perme-
ability soils. In spite of that, its use has been also 4.3. Activated sludge
reported in soils with medium permeability and
impermeable underground (USEPA 1981). Sew- The essence of the continuous flow activated sludge
age application is intermittent and the following process is the integration of the aeration tank
types of feeding can be adopted: (i) high pressure (aerobic biological reactor), secondary sedimenta-
sprinklers; (ii) low pressure sprinklers; (iii) distri- tion tank and sludge recirculation line. These
bution piping or channels with spaced openings. three components are maintained in the alterna-
The typical configuration of a wastewater tive of activated sludge systems acting as post-
treatment plant consisting of a UASB reactor treatment of effluents from anaerobic reactors.
and post-treatment by overland flow has a very The intermittent flow activated sludge system
simple flowsheet (Figure 3). Besides the pre- (sequencing batch reactors) can also be adopted
liminary treatment units, the flowsheet comprises as post-treatment, requiring, in this case, only the
the anaerobic treatment unit, the land treatment tanks that alternate in the functions of reaction
system and the dewatering unit for the sludge and sedimentation. Recent developments regard-
produced in the UASB reactor. The same consid- ing the application of such system for the post-
erations made for the polishing ponds, regarding treatment of anaerobic effluents are discussed in
the characteristics of the anaerobic sludge, that is the last item of this paper.
already thickened and stabilised, are also valid When the activated sludge system acts as
here. Dewatering units using drying beds can be post-treatment of anaerobic effluents, the anaero-
used in small-sized plants. bic reactor is used instead of the primary sedi-
Studies carried out by Coraucci Filho et al. mentation tank (which is an integral part of the
(2000) and Chernicharo et al. (2001c) with overland conventional activated sludge system). The aero-
flow systems following anaerobic filters and UASB bic sludge is recirculated in the usual manner,
reactors, respectively, operated under application that is, from the bottom of the secondary sedi-
rates varying from 0.10 to 0.50 m3 m)1 h)1, have mentation tank to the entrance of the aerobic
conducted to average concentrations in the final reactor (aeration tank).
effluent ranging from 98 to 119 mgCOD l)1, The excess aerobic sludge generated in the
48 to 62 mgBOD l)1 and 17 to 57 mgTSS l)1, activated sludge stage, not yet stabilised, is sent
respectively). In relation to the microbiological to the UASB reactor, where it undergoes thick-
quality of the final effluent, an excellent removal ening and digestion, together with the anaerobic
of helminth eggs in the UASB/overland flow sys- sludge. As the return flow of the excess aerobic
tem was observed, with an average counting of sludge is very low compared with the influent
0.2 egg l)1 in the final effluent. Regarding faecal flow, there are no operational disturbances in the
coliforms, the removal was only satisfactory, UASB reactor. The sludge treatment is largely

Figure 3. Typical configuration of a treatment plant with UASB reactor and overland flow system (von Sperling & Chernicharo

simplified: there is no need for separate thicken- • gas phase: formed by the artificial aeration
ers and digesters, and just the dewatering stage is and, in a reduced scale, by the gases deriving
necessary. The mixed sludge removed from the from the biological activity.
anaerobic reactor is digested, has solids concen- Sewage treatment plants that use UASB reac-
trations similar to those from sludge thickeners tors followed by submerged aerated biofilters also
and presents good dewaterability. Figure 4 pre- present a simple flowsheet (Figure 5). Besides the
sents the flowsheet of this configuration. preliminary treatment units, the flowsheet comprises
the sequential anaerobic and aerobic biological treat-
4.4. Submerged aerated biofilter ment units (UASB reactor and submerged aerated
biofilter), as well as the aeration, sludge accumula-
A submerged aerated biofilter consists of a tank tion, and dewatering units. Also in this configura-
filled with porous material, through which sew- tion, the excess aerobic sludge removed from the
age and air flow permanently. In almost all the biofilter is returned to the UASB reactor for thicken-
existing processes, the porous medium is main- ing and anaerobic digestion. Therefore, with this
tained totally submerged by the hydraulic flow. flowsheet, primary sedimentation tanks and separate
The biofilters are characterised as three-phase units for thickening and anaerobic digestion of the
reactors consisting of: excess aerobic sludge are avoided, differently from
• solid phase: consisting of the support medium the conventional treatment plants that use sub-
and colonies of microorganisms present in the merged aerated biofilters.
form of a biofilm; Studies conducted by Gonçalves et al. (2000)
• liquid phase: consisting of the liquid in perma- have shown that UASB/submerged aerated bio-
nent flow through the porous medium; filter systems are capable of maintaining stable

Figure 4. Typical configuration of a treatment plant with UASB reactor and activated sludge system (von Sperling & Chernicharo

Figure 5. Typical configuration of a treatment plant with UASB reactor and submerged aerated biofilters (von Sperling &
Chernicharo 2005).

operational conditions despite influent load vari- biological treatment units (UASB reactor, trick-
ations and recycle of aerobic sludge discharged ling filter and secondary sedimentation tank), as
from the BF. The average concentrations of well as the dewatering unit. Therefore, with this
COD and TSS in final effluent are usually kept flowsheet, primary sedimentation tanks and sepa-
below 90 mgCOD l)1 and 30 mgTSS l)1. rate units for thickening and anaerobic digestion
of the excess aerobic sludge are avoided, differ-
4.5. Trickling filter ently from the conventional treatment plants that
use trickling filters.
A trickling filter consists basically of a tank filled Results of the researches developed by Aisse
with a highly-permeable material, onto which et al. (2000), Chernicharo and Nascimento (2001),
wastewater is loaded under the form of drops or and Pontes et al. (2003) indicated that that
jets. Wastewater percolates towards the bottom trickling filters as post-treatment unit of UASB
drains, allowing bacterial growth on the surface reactors can be satisfactory operated at OLR
of the packing material, under the form of a up to 1.5 kgBOD m)3 day)1 and HLR up to
fixed film (biofilm). Wastewater passes over the 20 m3 m)2 day)1. Under those operating condi-
biofilm, allowing a contact between the microor- tions, UASB+TF systems are usually capable of
ganisms and the organic matter. producing a final effluent with average COD, BOD
Although the trickling filters (TF) are waste- and TSS concentrations around 120 mgCOD l)1,
water treatment systems with great potential and 40 mgBOD l)1 and 30 mgTSS l)1. If nitrification is
numerous advantages, mainly because of their desired, much lower OLR should be used.
simplicity and low operational cost, few units
have been implemented so far with the purpose 4.6. Anaerobic filter
of performing the post-treatment of effluents
from anaerobic reactors (von Sperling and Cher- Until recently, the anaerobic filters were limited
nicharo 2005). to small populations, usually treating effluents
The main and innovative purpose of the re- from septic tanks. Nowadays, anaerobic filters
searches developed in the last years was to evaluate after UASB reactors are being used even in cities
the applicability and behaviour of the trickling with population larger than 50,000 inhabitants
filters, when used for polishing of effluents from (von Sperling & Chernicharo 2005). The comple-
anaerobic reactors, particularly UASB reactors. mentary organic matter removal achieved in the
This association (UASB reactor+TF) may contrib- second anaerobic reactor (anaerobic filter) occurs
ute significantly to the reduction of the power and by:
operational costs of the treatment plant. • the retention of solids in the anaerobic filter,
Wastewater treatment plants that use UASB reflecting on the removal of particulate matter.
reactors followed by trickling filters present a In this case, physical removal mechanisms
simple flowsheet (Figure 6). Basically, besides the prevail through the combined effects of coarse
preliminary treatment units, the flowsheet filtration in the packing medium and sedimen-
comprises the sequential anaerobic and aerobic tation along the column;

Figure 6. Typical configuration of a treatment plant with UASB reactor and trickling filter (von Sperling & Chernicharo 2005).

• the formation of biofilm on the packing med- The combination of anaerobic filters (AF) and
ium and removal of the remaining soluble or- anaerobic hybrid (AH) reactors have been re-
ganic matter. In this case, the formation of searched by Elmitwalli et al. (2002a, b), aiming at
biofilm and the removal of carbonaceous mat- to investigate the treatment of domestic sewage at
ter by biochemical means depend on the low temperature of 13C. The AF/AH system
amount of organic matter present in the efflu- operated at a HRT of 4+8 h, respectively, pro-
ent from the UASB reactor. vided high removal efficiencies for all COD frac-
This association of anaerobic processes con- tions, reaching a total COD removal efficiency as
tributes greatly to the reduction of power and high as 71%, with 60% of the removed COD
operational costs of the treatment plant. Waste- being converted to methane.
water treatment plants using UASB reactors fol-
lowed by anaerobic filters represent a very simple 4.7. Dissolved air flotation
flowsheet (Figure 7). Besides the preliminary
treatment units (screen and grit chamber), the The post-treatment of anaerobic effluents by dis-
flowsheet comprises basically the two sequential solved-air flotation (DAF) was investigated using
anaerobic treatment units (UASB reactor and batch flotation test equipment (Reali et al. 2001)
anaerobic filter) and the dewatering unit. This is and also in a demo-scale (240 m3 day)1) continu-
because the sludge produced in the anaerobic ous flow system composed by an expanded bed
units is already thickened and stabilised. anaerobic reactor followed by a DAF unit treat-
Chernicharo and Machado (1998) and And- ing domestic sewage (Penetra et al. 2002). In the
rade Neto et al. (2000) have been evaluating latter experiment, the use of 50 mg l)1 FeCl3 as
the use of pilot and demonstration scale anaer- coagulant and flocculation under the gradient of
obic filters (AF) for the post-treatment of 80 s)1 associated with a retention time of 20 min
anaerobic effluents from septic tanks and conducted to the best results: 94.4% COD
UASB reactors. Different packing materials removal (53 mgCOD l)1 residual), 87% phos-
have been investigated, such as blast furnace phorus removal (0.80 mgP l)1 residual), 96.7%
slag (40–60 mm), perforated construction bricks, TSS removal (9 mgTSS l)1 residual).
granite stones (50–75 mm) and pieces of wasted The use of DAF units for post-treatment of
electrical tubing (cut in small pieces). The re- anaerobic effluents results in a very compact
sults of these researches indicate that anaerobic treatment system (Figure 8) that is capable of
filters with packing medium height between producing very high quality effluents in terms of
0.80 and 3.0 m and operated at HDT ranging COD, TSS and phosphorus. However, the re-
from 5 to 10 h can further reduce particulate moval of ammonia nitrogen and faecal coliforms
and soluble organic matter of the incoming is poor. In relation to the sludge produced in
anaerobic effluent, being able to maintain the DAF units, the amount tends to be higher than
final concentrations of COD, BOD and TSS the ones observed in biological post-treatment
usually below 120 mgCOD l)1, 60 mgBOD l)1 systems, but it usually presents higher solids
and 30 mgTSS l)1, respectively. content, favouring its final disposal in landfills.

Figure 7. Typical configuration of a treatment plant with UASB reactor and anaerobic filter (von Sperling & Chernicharo 2005).

Figure 8. Typical configuration of a treatment plant with UASB reactor and DAF (von Sperling & Chernicharo 2005).

4.8. Constructed wetlands treatment plant. Besides, the wastewater treatment

plant represents a very simple flowsheet (Figure 9).
Constructed wetlands are purposely built waste- Results of the 1-year research developed
water treatment processes, which consist of by Sousa et al. (2001), with a UASB/constructed
ponds, basins or shallow canals (usually with a wetland system, showed average COD removal
depth of less than 1.0 m) that shelter aquatic efficiencies in the range of 79–85%, suspended
plants, and use biological, chemical and physical solids in the range of 48–71% and faecal coli-
mechanisms to treat the sewage. The constructed forms around 4 log-units. Phosphorus was also
wetlands usually have an impermeable layer of efficiently removed (average of 90% for the low-
clay or synthetic membrane, and structures to est hydraulic load) but nitrogen removal was
control the flow direction, hydraulic detention only partial (45–70% for ammonia and 47–70%
time and water level. Depending on the system, for TKN).
they can contain an inert porous medium such as
stones, gravel or sand.
The subsurface flow wetlands seem to be 5. Comparison between various post-treatment
more appropriate to receive effluents from septic options
tanks and anaerobic reactors because of its lower
potential for the generation of odours and the Tables 3–7 (adapted from von Sperling & Chernicharo
appearance of mosquitoes and rats. For effluents 2005) present a comparative analysis between the
from anaerobic reactors the land requirements main systems applied to the post-treatment of
are around 2.5–4.0 m2/hab (von Sperling & effluents from UASB reactors, as follows:
Chernicharo 2005). • Quantitative comparison (Table 3): average
The association of anaerobic reactors and con- effluent concentrations and typical removal effi-
structed wetlands contributes greatly to the reduc- ciencies of the main pollutants of interest in
tion of power and operational costs of the domestic sewage

Figure 9. Typical configuration of a treatment plant with UASB reactor and constructed wetland (von Sperling & Chernicharo 2005).
Table 3. Average effluent concentrations and typical removal efficiencies of the main pollutants of interest in domestic sewage

System Average quality of the effluent Average removal efficiency

BOD5 COD TSS Ammonia Total N Total P FC Helminth BOD5 COD TSS Ammonia Total N Total P FC
(mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (FC/100 ml) eggs (eggs/l) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (log units)

UASB reactor 70–100 180–270 60–100 >15 >20 >4 106–107 >1 60–75 55–70 65–80 <50 <60 <35 1–2
UASB+activated 20–50 60–150 20–40 5–15 >20 >4 106–107 >1 83–93 75–88 87–93 50–85 <60 <35 1–2
UASB+submerged 20–50 60–150 20–40 5–15 >20 >4 106–107 >1 83–93 75–88 87–93 50–85 <60 <35 1–2
aerated biofilter
UASB+high rate 20–60 70–180 20–40 >15 >20 >4 106–107 >1 80–93 73–88 87–93 <50 <60 <35 1–2
trickling filter
UASB+anaerobic 40–80 100–200 30–60 >15 >20 >4 106–107 >1 75–87 70–80 80–90 <50 <60 <35 1–2
UASB+dissolved-air 20–50 60–100 10–30 > 20 > 30 1–2 106–107 >1 83–93 83–90 90–97 <30 <30 75–88 1–2
UASB+polishing 40–70 100–180 50–80 10–15 15–20 <4 102–104 <1 77–87 70–83 73–83 50–65 50–65 >50 3–5
UASB+overland 30–70 90–180 20–60 10–20 >15 >4 104–106 <1 77–90 70–85 80–93 35–65 <65 <35 2–3

1. Ranges of effluent concentration and typical removal efficiencies considering systems properly designed and operated.
2. Chemical precipitation of phosphorus with any of the technologies above: P<1 mg/l.
3. Disinfection: e.g. chlorination, ozonisation, UV radiation; Barrier: e.g. membranes (provided the disinfection/barrier process is compatible with the quality of the effluent from
the preceding treatment): CF<103 FC/100 ml; helminth eggs: variable.
(Adapted from von Sperling & Chernicharo 2005).

Table 4. Typical characteristics of UASB reactor and various post-treatment systems, expressed as per capita values

System Land requirements Power for aeration Sludge volume Costs

Installed power Consumed power Liquid sludge to be Dewatered sludge Construction Operation and
(W/inhab) (kWh/inhab.year) treated (l/ inhab.year) to be disposed of (US$/inhab) maintenance
(l/ inhab.year) (US$/inhab.year)

UASB reactor 0.03–0.10 0 0 70–220 10–35 12–20 1.0–1.5

UASB+activated sludge 0.08–0.2 1.8–3.5 14–20 180–400 15–60 30–45 2.5–5.0
UASB+submerged aerated 0.05–0.15 1.8–3.5 14–20 180–400 15–55 25–40 2.5–5.0
UASB+high rate trickling filter 0.1–0.2 0 0 180–400 15–55 25–35 2.0–3.0
UASB+anaerobic filter 0.05–0.15 0 0 150–300 10–50 20–30 1.5–2.2
UASB+dissolved-air flotation 0.05–0.15 1.0–1.5 8–12 300–470 25–75 25–35 2.5–3.5
UASB+polishing ponds 1.5–2.5 0 0 150–250 10–35 15–30 1.8–3.0
UASB+overland flow 1.5–3.0 0 0 70–220 10–35 20–35 2.0–3.0

1. Costs based on Brazilian experience (basis: year 2002–US$ 1.00=R$ 2.50).
2. Per capita costs are applicable inside the typical population ranges within which each treatment system is usually applied (usually, for a certain system, the lower the population,
the greater the per capita costs).
3. Additional disinfection: construction costs – increase US$ 2.0 to 4.0/inhab; operational and maintenance costs: increase US$ 0.2 to 0.6/inhab.year.
4. In compact aerated systems (e.g.: activated sludge, submerged aerated biofilters) or after treatment with a UASB reactor, aeration control allows a certain economy (not all the
installed power is consumed).
(Adapted from von Sperling & Chernicharo 2005).

Table 5. Capacity of UASB reactors and various post-treatment systems in consistently achieving the indicated levels of effluent
quality in terms of BOD, COD and TSS

Table 6. Capacity of UASB reactors and various post-treatment systems in consistently achieving the indicated levels of effluent
quality in terms of Ammonia, total N and total P

Table 7. Capacity of UASB reactors and various post-treatment systems in consistently achieving the indicated levels of effluent
quality in terms of Faecal (thermotolerant) coliforms and Helminth Eggs

• Quantitative comparison (Table 4): typical char- step is necessary in order to remove nitrate and
acteristics of the main sewage treatment sys- nitrite produced from nitrification. The chal-
tems, expressed in per-capita values lenge of adopting a post-treatment system to
• Diagrammatic comparison (Tables 5 to 7): treat an anaerobic effluent is to find a proper,
capacity of the various sewage treatment sys- reliable and efficient process that is simple in
tems in consistently reaching different quality construction, operation and maintenance; have
levels in terms of BOD, COD, TSS, ammonia, lower capital costs; have capacity to remain
total nitrogen, total phosphorous, faecal coli- stable under both hydraulic and organic shock
forms and helminth eggs loads; and is energy efficient (Tai et al. 2004).
Although researches have contributed a lot for
6. Emerging options and possible improvements the understanding, improvement and develop-
of current post-treatment alternatives ment of post-treatment processes in the last
decade, the main contributions were related to
Aerobic post-treatment of anaerobic effluent organic matter and pathogen removal. How-
provides further reduction of residual organics ever, due to the substantial organic material re-
and nitrification of ammonia. A denitrification moval reached in the anaerobic step, biological

removal of nitrogen (by nitrification/denitrifica- that not enough nitrogen was formed to cause
tion) and phosphorus (by luxury uptake) sludge flotation.
becomes problematic due to the lack of biode-
gradable organic carbon. Hence, the main
drawbacks of current technologies are still 6.2. Hybrid systems
related to nutrient removal and that is the
reason why most recent studies have been An alternative to the treatment in activated sludge
focusing on this subject as discussed herein. system is the utilization of high capacity hybrid
suspended biomass-biofilm systems. These systems
6.1. Sequence batch reactors (SBR) have been successfully employed not only to up-
grade low nitrifying capacity wastewater treatment
In studies developed by Callado and Foresti plants, but also as a new technology to develop
(2001), almost complete removal of COD, nitro- compact systems for simultaneous nitrogen and
gen and phosphorus were accomplished in anaer- organic matter removal. Further improvement in
obic–aerobic systems composed of SBRs in these systems include the replacement of the final
series. Nitrification, denitrification and biological settler by membrane filtration units, as in the con-
phosphorus removal may occur in the second figuration proposed by Oyanedel et al. (2002) that
SBR treating the effluent of the first anaerobic includes an anoxic chamber with suspended
SBR supplemented with acetate, operating under biomass, followed by an aerobic circulating bed
aerobic–anoxic cycles. The results obtained in reactor (CBR) which contains biofilm and sus-
bench-scale unit opens the possibility of using pended biomass. The aerobic reactor is coupled to
very simple systems to promote the complete a vessel containing a hollow fibre ultrafiltration
treatment of domestic wastewater. The first unit membrane module that allows the separation of
can be an anaerobic SBR or any other configura- the permeate (effluent) from a retentate (sludge)
tion, since the effluent quality of anaerobic reac- that is recycled to the anoxic chamber. With this
tors is not expected to change drastically from system it was possible to reach high COD and
one configuration to another. However, the need nitrogen removals and no solids in the final effluent.
of supplementary addition of an external carbon
source for denitrification and biological phos-
phate removal makes this alternative inconve- 6.3. Rotating biological contact (RBC)
nient from the sustainability point of view. On
the other hand, the external carbon source can Tawfik et al. (2002) tested a three stage pilot-scale
be alternatively produced from the controlled RBC for removal of E. coli, COD and ammonia
digestion of sludge and domestic solid wastes. from anaerobically pre-treated domestic sewage.
These considerations imply in changes on the The three stage RBC system operated at a HDT
conception of environmental control systems to of 10.0 h and an OLR of 5.3 gCOD m)2 day)1
integrate solid and liquid wastes treatment. was capable of producing a final effluent containing
Van Haandel and Guimarães (2000) evaluated 43 mgCOD l)1, 3.3 mgNH4-N l)1 and 2.0103
the sequencing batch reactor as an alternative for E. coli/100 ml. The authors pointed out that the
aerobic post-treatment. Even though the required removal of E. coli in a RBC system comprises: (i)
retention time was very low (an anaerobic HDT sedimentation of coarse particles; (ii) adsorption
of 5 h and an aerobic HDT of 2.4 h) proved to onto the biofilm; and (iii) predation by ciliated
be sufficient to produce consistently a very high protozoa.
effluent quality (BOD and TSS <20 mg l)1). The Also working with a RBC system, but for
produced activated sludge maintained fair to the post-treatment of an ammonium rich anaer-
good settling properties and no bulking was ob- obic effluent, Pynaert et al. (2002) reported that
served. The authors showed that nitrification at the inoculation of the RBC with methanogenic
high sludge age did not cause problems during sludge favoured nitrogen removal via oxygen-
the settling period: during settling the denitrifica- limited oxidation of ammonium with nitrite as
tion rate was low (no extra cellular material), so the electron acceptor. The authors state that

the experiment confirms the property of this total hydraulic retention time of 8 h (UASB
system to remove ammonium to nitrogen gas reactor: 6 h; DHS: 2 h) being capable of remov-
without the use of heterotrophic carbon source. ing 96% of unfiltered BOD and 3.45 log-units of
faecal coliforms. The authors also reported a
6.4. Expanded granular sludge bed reactors high nitrification degree during the start-up peri-
od, with NH4–N removal over 56%. As HDT
The feasibility of using EGSB reactor for the was decreased and organic and hydraulic loads
post-treatment of very low concentration anaero- increased after the start-up period, the NH4–N
bic effluents was evaluated by Kato et al. (2002). A removal efficiency dropped to less than 30%.
pilot-scale 157.5-L EGSB reactor treating the efflu- The DHS reactor accommodates both nitrifiers
ent from a full scale UASB reactor and operating and denitrifiers giving way to simultaneous nitri-
at 4-h HDT and upflow velocity of 3.75 m h)1 fication and denitrification.
was capable of producing a final effluent with to- A novel radial anaerobic/aerobic immobilized
tal and soluble COD concentration below 87 and biomass reactor using biogas constituents as elec-
55 mg l)1, respectively, and TSS below 32 mg l)1. tron donor was investigated by Garbossa et al.
The authors also reported stable operation during (2005), aiming at simultaneous carbon and nitro-
all experimental period. gen removal from municipal wastewater. The
research meant to confirm that methane and
6.5. Fixed bed reactors and alternative support sulphide present in the biogas could be used as
materials electron donors for denitrification, as previously
suggested by other authors (Thalasso et al. 1997;
Daniel and Foresti (2004) carried out studies in a Islas-Lima et al. 2004). The bench-scale reactor
fixed bed reactor filled of polyurethane foam, fed was divided into five concentric chambers with
with synthetic substrate simulating an anaerobic the second and fourth chambers filled with poly-
effluent with a high concentration of ammonium. urethane foam matrices for biomass immobiliza-
The results obtained with the reactor operated in tion. Promising results were obtained, with mean
a sequential batch mode and each cycle com- COD and TKN removal efficiencies of 90% and
posed by aerobic and anoxic periods indicated a 92% being observed. Average COD, N-TKN and
stable process of nitrogen removal. It was possi- N–NO3 were 44, 3.2 and 1.9 mg l)1, respectively.
ble to establish partial nitrification to nitrite and
complete denitrification. 6.6. Jet loop reactor (JLR)
Machdar et al. (1997, 2000), Araki et al.
(1999) and Uemura et al. (2002) present the A novel two-stage anaerobic/aerobic integrated
development of the downflow hanging sponge – system consisting of an UASB reactor and jet
DHS – reactor, tested for the aerobic post-treat- loop reactor (JLR) was developed by Tai et al.
ment of effluents from UASB reactors treating (2004) aiming at complementary removal of
municipal wastewater. In its fourth generation organics and simultaneous removal of Total
(Tandukar et al. 2005), the DHS reactor was Kjeldahl Nitrogen and Total Nitrogen. The JLR
constituted of slabs containing long sponge strips is a sort of aeration tank that incorporates a re-
measuring 2.52.550 cm, which were then cycle line with a venture and a draft tube, thus
stacked one above another but in direction 90 allowing the introduction of air drawn from the
to each other to make 20 rows. This was consid- atmosphere and mixing of the reactor contents.
ered a module with 300 sponge units and 39% In this system configuration the UASB reactor is
occupancy of the sponge by volume. Four such used to achieve denitrification and methanogene-
modules were put one above the other with a sis, by means of recycling the nitrified effluent
certain gap in between for the construction of (taken from the secondary clarifier) jointly with
the whole reactor, giving a height of 4 m. The the influent wastewater to the UASB reactor.
main improvements in the reactor were related to The authors claims that the combined system
the enhancement of air dissolution into the was capable of removing more than 85% of total
wastewater and to avert the possible clogging of BOD and COD and more than 95% of soluble
the reactor. The whole system was operated at a BOD and COD. The JLR presented average

removals of 94.0 and 95.4% of TKN at HDTs of 8 dissolved air flotation (DAF) process, proposing
and 5 h, respectively. The UASB-JLR achieve an a two stage flotation unit. In this configuration,
average of 78.1% TN removal with a 4:1 recycle the first flotation stage is intended to remove sus-
ratio at a combined system HDT of 58.8 h. pended solids by the flocculation–flotation pro-
cess. This flotation technique was originally
6.7. Membrane bioreactors (MBR) developed for oil removal and is based on the
formation of aerated flocs, in the presence of
Another interesting post-treatment option is the high molecular weight polymer under high shear.
use of micro and ultrafiltration membranes The second stage flotation removes phosphate by
associated with anaerobic reactors, aiming at to precipitation and coagulation with Fe(FeCl3) and
increase the quality of the final effluent and to also acts as a polishing step, separating the resid-
maintain biomass inside the anaerobic reactor ual fine solids. In trial studies, the application of
with greater efficiency. In Membrane Anaerobic 5.0–7.5 mg l)1 cationic flocculant was capable to
Bioreactors (AnMBR), enhanced biomass reten- separate off more than 99% of the suspended
tion can be accomplished by membrane-based solids, while phosphate ions were completely
separation techniques (Jeison & van Lier 2005), recovered using carrier flotation with 5–25 mg l)1
favouring the increase of the mean cell residence of Fe(FeCl3) at pH varying from 6.3 to 7.0. The
time and improving the conditions for the degra- staged flotation leads to high recoveries of water
dation of low degradable compounds. In last and allows separating organic matter and phos-
years, important advances have been made in the phate bearing sludges. In contrast, the conven-
development of new types of membranes with tional DAF produces significant volumes of
reduced costs, and research is being carried out mixed organic and inorganic sludge which may
in order to find better reactor configurations and lead to complex post sludge treatment either to
operational procedures that decrease energy reuse or to dispose of.
consumption and fouling (Hernandez et al. 2002;
Beal & Monteggia 2004; Fitzke et al. 2004;
Jeison & van Lier 2005). 7. Conclusion

6.8. Advanced oxidation processes (AOP’s) The fundamental and practical results obtained
so far have effectively contributed to consolidate
The use of advanced oxidation processes can also the anaerobic technology as the first stage treat-
become an interesting alternative for post-treat- ment for domestic and municipal sewage, and
ment of anaerobic effluents. The AOP’s involve also to offer a series of post-treatment alterna-
the generation of hydroxyl radicals which have a tives that take into account the social, economi-
high oxidation potential and attacks organic cal and environmental aspects of most
molecules by either abstracting a hydrogen atom developing countries. Recent developments and
or by adding to double bonds, thus allowing its further research on nutrient removal will soon
mineralization to non-toxic forms such carbon overcome the few drawbacks that still remain,
dioxide or water. Studies carried out by Sigge which are challenging a wider application of
et al. (2002) demonstrated the feasibility of this combined anaerobic/aerobic, anaerobic/anaero-
process in further reducing the COD contents of bic and anaerobic/physico-chemical systems for
anaerobic effluents, when using ozone and ozone/ domestic sewage treatment.
hydrogen peroxide in combination with a granu-
lar activated carbon contacting column. Colour
and COD reductions ranged from 66 to 90% and References
from 27 to 55%, respectively.
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