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Blank High School


Director: Ms. Boyer

(406) 529-XXXX boyer118@hawyee.k12.edu
Hello Parents and Students!

Welcome to Blank High School’s band program! I am ecstatic to work

with all the students this year, both new and returning. I’m looking forward

to continuing the great work that we have done last year, and exploring

new levels of music making with all of the ensembles. This class will

involve learning music, playing music, learning aspects of music literacy,

etc. This class is performance based, and so largely requires just your

student, their instrument, their brain, and a pencil. The best thing your

student can do is come to class and participate in the making of music. I

have a lot of great repertoire planned for the semester, so stay tuned! My

goal is to improve the musicianship of your student as much as possible,

and can’t wait to get started. I look forward to your continued support and

enthusiasm! If you have any questions or concerns about the curriculum or

your student, please contact me by phone or by email, and I would be

happy to discuss things with you.

-Ms. Boyer
List of Course Offerings

Here at Blank High School Band we have three ensembles, a concert

band, an intermediate band, and a wind ensemble. These are all auditioned

groups. They all meet every day, and will all give two performances each

semester. I will hold auditions in the fall of every year, and each student will

audition. I will use my years of expertise to place the student in the group which I

believe is the best place for the student to learn and grow as a musician. These

placements will be final until the following year.

Grading and assessment plan​ (by semester)

The grading policy in this class is, by necessity, different from other

classes. Since most of our work is done in rehearsal, and then in the

performance, it cannot be made up. Attendance/ Participation is therefore worth

70% of the total grade each semester, with the other 30% being the formal

assessments. Participation is worth 35% of the total grade, and attendance is

worth 35%. There will be 2 formal assessments each semester, a smaller one of

a recorded part check before our largest concert in October, and the final, which

will consist of both a written portion and a played portion. The part check will be

10% of the final grade, and the final will be worth 20%.
Attendance policy

The attendance policy at Blank stays true for this classroom. Any absences

must be excused by either a doctor’s note, or a call from the student’s guardian.

Unexcused absences will result in the following disciplinary actions: 2 unexcused

absences will result in a parental notification, and a warning. 3 will result in

detention, and a call to the guardian. 4 will result in an in-school-suspension. 5 or

more will result in an out-of-school-suspension.

These ensembles are performance based, and so the student must be

present at all performances. Performances are the equivalent of tests in this

program, and our way of sharing the music we’ve worked so hard on! Regardless

of how well the performance goes, we simply must have all students present to

give it our best shot. Therefore, concert attendance is worth 40% of the

attendance grade, and daily attendance is worth 60%. If there is an emergency

please contact me and I will discuss this on a case-by-case basis.

Classroom management policies

Each student is expected to treat the instructor, peers, and the music with

respect. The student is expected to bring themselves, their instrument, their

music, and their pencil to class every day. The student is expected to participate
in the music wholeheartedly, and fully focus themselves on improving their own

musicianship. Disruptions to the class will result in the following disciplinary

actions: 1 disruption is a warning. 2 will result in the student’s name being written

on the board. 3 and 4 will be strikes by the student’s name. After 5 the student

will be given detention, removed from the room, and the guardian will be called.

Some examples of unacceptable behavior are as follows:

- Throwing things

- Touching another student’s instrument, music, or other belongings

- Bullying or discrimination, in any capacity

- Talking while the director is giving instructions or feedback

- Leaving seat during rehearsal without consent of the instructor

Concert Dress

Concert dress for this program is simply this: all black. For male identifying

students, one option could be a black button up shirt and black dress pants. For

female identifying students, one option could be a black button up shirt and black

dress pants.
Student Materials

The only thing students need to be able to bring themselves is their

instrument and a pencil. If the student doesn’t have an instrument, the band

program has a few instruments which can be checked out at the beginning of

each academic year. Please have the student come see me after school during

the first week of class. If I do not have the instrument required, I would

recommend renting or buying one from Morgenroth Music Center. The band

classroom has lockers for them to store their instruments during the day, on

overnight on days in which the students don’t have time to practice. This lockers

will be assigned at the beginning of every year, may ONLY be locked with the

school-provided lock, and will only change in the event that the student switches

instruments. There will be no extra room given for storage of anything other that

Concert Dates:

Date Time Location Notes/Dress

October 21st 7:00 pm School Auditorium -All black

-Joint concert with all bands

December 19th 7:00 pm School Auditorium -Festive Christmas wear (ugly

sweaters encouraged)
- Joint concert of instrumental and
choral programs

February 20th 7:30 pm School Auditorium -All black

-Joint concert with all bands

May 13th 7:30 pm School Auditorium -All black

-Joint concert with all bands

May 31st 11:30 am School -​Not a public performance

Gymnasium -Pep rally
-All black




By signing this, I agree that I have read and understood the Haw-Yee Band Handbook

in its entirety:

Name of Student: __________________ Signature: _________________ Date:

Name of Parent: __________________ Signature: __________________ Date:

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