Podcast Project Reflection

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Guthrie 1

James Guthrie
EDT 180E
Mr. Lewallen
10 October 2019
Podcast Project Reflection
For this project, I got feedback from Zachary Solomon about my podcast. One positive
that he saw in my podcast was the topic and theme choice. He thought that it was an interesting
topic to think about and something that is not heavily explored. What he also liked was the music
choice for the background music. He thought this really brought the podcast together and made it
sound more professional. Some critiques he had were that my recording set up and volume were
not the best. He said that at some points, it was kind of hard to hear and the quality of the sound
was not great.

With these peer notes, I would say that if I wanted to make a regular podcast, I would try
and find better technology to record with. Instead of recording on my phone or computer, I
would get an actual microphone so that the audio would sound better. I would also try to make it
more interesting to listen to because he also said that at some parts, it got kind of boring with the
history section behind the topic. By adding more fun side things like expanding on the fun facts
or making it more conversational by bringing in someone else to talk about the topic could make
it better.

Looking back, If I had the ability to do some parts again, I would definitely leave more
time for editing the recording and figuring out the best way to do audio. I would say that those
were the two areas I was lacking in mostly because I did not really know how to do them. Since I
did not have a lot of knowledge in editing, I did not give myself enough time to edit it into
something that sounded very professional. If done again, I would just give myself maybe a day
longer in the editing stage to help in getting a better end product for the podcast.

A thing that I thought worked well with this project and that I would do again if redone
was the idea of writing a script. Since my topic is heavy in information, it was very helpful to
have a fully written script when I started recording the audio. This just made the recording
process easier and faster. I also like the music I added in the background. I decided to record me
just playing background music on my piano and I think it helped in tying the podcast together.

At least based off of recent trends, I think that in the future, podcasts will continue to
grow in popularity. Ideas like using the recording technology for other things than just talking
about stories could be interesting. One way that podcasts could be used in a way that is not its
intended purpose could be in teaching and lectures. There could be a group of podcasts focusing
on certain topics discussed in class that students could listen to to get a better understanding of
the topics. It could help students especially in online based courses to help in giving information
to students verbally rather than in written form. Podcasts could also go deeper into the forms of
entertainment by maybe creating only hearing focused dramas or shows with plots and events
happening in each episode.

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