Guthrie Expressionprojectplan Edt180

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With this project, I have decided to mainly focus on future
technological advancements in the area of art. As a college student
majoring in art, art created with the use of technology is very
minimal as of right now. Art created digitally through different art
programs like ProCreate, Photoshop, Illustrator and others has been
starting to become mainstream in the art culture but expression with
these technological advancements have still not been pursued fully.
By thinking about the growth of art digitally in the future with
advancing technology, new art forms may start to form to stretch
boundaries and artist’s creativity. By looking at the possible artistic
advancement through AR based art through the medium of a visual
essay, this will help in exploring the technological possibilities not yet
explored with art as the focus.


The medium I chose to display the future of technology in art is a

visual essay. I will be creating a visual essay using pen and ink with
some color for the drawings and illustrations to help display the
actual materials being used in the future as well as the way the
materials might be also be used in certain scenarios. Images include
a depiction of an artist creating 3d dimensional art with the ar
glasses and paintbrush tools and the other image is how the
completed three-dimensional piece of art may be displayed in a
gallery setting.

I decided to choose this particular medium of a visual essay for this

project because, since I am an art student, this was the best way for
me to display and show my thoughts on this project in a visual
format. Since the idea for the future technological advancement is
visual based, illustrations would end up being the most beneficial to
show off this idea fully.


By displaying my thoughts and ideas through the medium of a visual
essay, this might be beneficial for people who are visually based
learners. Understanding the concept might also be easier through
the use of the medium I chose instead of others. This particular
format with mainly illustration-based information and depictions of
my thoughts may help in conveying my ideas better than just trying
to describe them through words.


Some challenges I might face with a visual essay format would be

explaining certain topics and ideas in visual form and not through
text. By only showing my thoughts through images, some of my
ideas that I had with my technology might not be interpreted the
same way to viewers looking at the images. Certain things about the
technology and how it might be used might also be lost, making the
viewer confused about certain illustrations without the use of
descriptions of each image.

Another negative with this medium might be the amount of work and
time it might take to complete it. Since it is drawing-based, each

illustration and concept may take some time to complete and
organize into a proper and cohesive visual essay, making it more
difficult to complete compared to other mediums. By sketching out
multiple ideas for illustrations beforehand though, these problems
with drawing the illustrations might not be as difficult.


- ART with AR

Materials used in creating the digital art

- AR glasses
- Drawing pens/brushes
- different sizes to produce different strokes

How it will look when creating the art

- has a white grid to show where the drawing is in the 3d space
- a digital palette where you choose colors is available on the side
- a digital table with other useful materials like water and a paper
towel to “clean” the brushes digitally would be available on the side
- the glasses are what projects to the user what they are drawing
while the drawing brushes are what actually produces the lines
digitally, storing that information to the glasses

How it will look when displaying the art

-the final product that will be visible will only be the digital 3d
painting itself (no grid or palette visible on the side)
- a 3d digital plaque can also be added to display the title and the
meaning of the piece of art to the viewer
- with the glasses being worn by the visitors, they can then be able
to see the sculpture in the actual size created as well as walk all the
way around it to view all sides of the work

Display for visual essay format
- have detailed drawings of the objects that would be used
- have drawings with color to show the possibilities of creating and
displaying the digital art
- have some titles or words next to each image to help explain what
each image is

One advancement that I perceive will happen in the next ten years in
digital art is the growth and formation of creating and displaying art
through the medium of augmented reality. Creating three
dimensional forms and sculptures digitally with virtual reality has just
started to be explored and some artists have already noticed the
potential this can lead to the future of digital art. Displaying this form
of art though has been difficult with the big, expensive, and bulky
virtual reality goggles being used today. They also put the viewer in
a black space to view the created art, making the art seem isolated
and out of place. With the idea of exploration of digital art through
augmented reality though, these problems are not in affect. AR puts
what was created into the real world when viewed, making it easier
to understand the form and context of the art.

In the future, I perceive AR glasses becoming a lot thinner because

technology will be a lot more advanced in this field than it is right
now making the glasses easy to wear and not bulky and heavy to
the user. In the idea of creating art with these glasses, I perceived
that there will be some sort of drawing pen or tool to help give and
store information to the glasses. Different tools may exist and vary
depending on what the artist wants to draw like big and fat brush
tools to produce digitally fat strokes while thin and skinny brushes
might produce digitally thin strokes. By moving the tool through the

air, it will produce colored lines being digitally stored and portrayed
through the ar glasses for the artist to see what is being created in
real time. By walking around the 3d workspace, the artist can then
produce 3d dimensional painted sculptures making the art capable to
be viewed in any direction.

Once finished, the glasses could then save the final piece of work
and store it in a place where other ar glasses and technological
applications like smart phones could access it. This can then make
the digital art visible to people with these glasses at museums or
galleries so guest can walk around and experience the creation for
themselves. Future technology might also exist where projection
mapping may occur and glasses and cameras to view the art may
become unnecessary.

I believe that this technology can be used in many ways to help

artists in the future. It can help sculptors create a sketch of what
they might want to create digitally beforehand without starting a
project instead of a sketch two dimensionally. This may also be
useful for architects or interior designers who might want to use the
augmented reality feature to help show a rough idea of what they
want their final product to look like. It also just creates a new
medium of learning and expression for children interested in art,
giving them the ability to explore in the digital world. With the
minimal materials needed to create art, digital sculptures and
paintings with this technology can be created almost anywhere,
making art even more versatile than before.

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