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School Records include books, documents, diskettes and files that contain information on what
goes on in school as well as other relevant information pertaining to the growth and the
development of the school and its personnel; namely, the head teacher/Principal, his/her assistant
and school staff, plus school children. All school records are important and must be treated with
great care and efficiency.

Importance of School Record Keeping

 For effective administration; as it aids retrieval of valuable information.

 For accountability; for it provides proofs.
 For decision making; for instance promotion of students and staff, discipline, teaching
and learning performances; etc.
 For Employment/Recruitment purposes
 For a school guidance counselor; it helps him/her to know the holistic picture of the
student they counsel. For instance, records provide proofs of student’s academic grades
and achievement, disciplining measures, etc.
 For information bank/ references
 For information to parents and other stakeholders
 To make good planning
 For supervisors/inspectors/proprietors/ministry officials
 To promote efficiency in the teaching and learning process
 For verification purpose

Types of School Records

There are two types of record; which are:

1. Administrative Records
2. Teachers Records.

In Administrative Records you have the following:

 Admission Book/Register
 Log Book
 Time Book
 School Calendar
 Visitors Book
 Correspondence Files
 S.M.C Minutes Folder
 Teachers Personal Files
 Master Time Table
 Cash Book
 Stock Book/Inventory
 Disciplinary Record
 Continuous Assessment Record Book
 Individual Cumulative Record Card
 National Policy on Education
 School Syllabus(i)
 Curriculum
 Transfer and Learning certificate
 Education Act 2004

In Teachers Record we have the Following:

1. Attendance Register
2. Class Time Table
3. Health Record
4. Lesson Plan and Note
5. Record of Work
6. Scheme of Work
7. Forecast of Work


Admission Book/ Register

The admission register shows the name of students that were, enrolled each year in various
classes in a school and the names of those who withdraw from various classes in the school.

Log Book

A Log book is an important official record kept to track significant happenings that take place in
the school; for instance the death of student/staff/prominent stakeholder, dates of resumption and
closing of the school term, staff and student misbehavior, major events/activities/visits/decisions
etc. The head teacher/principal keeps this book safely secured and must be presented to the
Ministry of Education, Chief Proprietor/Education Secretary/Manager or School Board of
Trustees upon request.

School Calendar

The school calendar is a mirror where the portable dates of various events and activities to be
done during the coming session/term/year are reflected. It is usually prepared at the beginning of
each academic session. For instance a school calendar may indicate events/activities such as:
holidays, examination time, meetings, sports meetings, price giving day, Independence Day,
republic day, etc. similarly it is sometimes called or referred to as Activity Plan Book/Record

Time Book (Staff Attendance Record Book)

It keeps the following the date, teacher’s name, arrival time, departure time, signature and head
teacher’s/principal’s comment.

Cash Book (Financial Record Book)

This is the most important record of any school. This cask book is a system that helps organize
school finances. It is a simple record that details all payment made and income received. A Cash
Book should indicate school fees received/collected, government subsidies paid, donations of
any nature, proceeds of fundraising activities, etc. Additional a Cash Book shows receipt of
items and all expenditures. Cheaque books, bank statements and bank transactions enrich this
particular major school record/document. This book is kept with the treasurer/bursar/finance
officer; and in the absence of such persons the principal/head teacher. Upon demand this
document must be made available to the relevant authorities. Possible auditor’s reports formed
part of this relevant school record. {Refer: Makeni Diocese Education Directory 9:1-10; pg. 4-

Stock Book (Inventory)

The school stock book shows the current supply of equipment and other material in the school
(teaching and learning materials). A Stock Book is usually divided into two part: the first part
showing the consumable items (chalk, dusters, diary register etc.); and the other part showing
non consumable items or all school property/facilities ( school building, furniture, television,
tape, records, sporting and athletics equipment etc). Furthermore, a stock book should contain
name, quantity and date of supply and expiring dates of goods supplied, if applicable.

Visitors’ Book

The purpose of a visitors book is to keep records of the names and addresses of visitors, date and
time of visits, purpose of visit and who the visitor request to visit. This book is kept by the head
teacher/principal; or his or her assistant.

Correspondence Files

These are files holding all letters leaving your office and those coming in your office. These may
also include confidential files, teachers’ performance or appraisal files, minutes of S.M.C file,
Board of Governors file, teachers’ personal file, etc.

School Timetable/Master Timetable

A school time table is a table used for coordinating four basic elements (students’, teachers’,
subjects and periods) in a school system.

Disciplinary Record

Disciplinary records are kept to protect students from arbitrary punishment from teachers and to
free teachers from unwanted criticism by parents or students. In most cases, the head
teacher/principal should approve of any disciplinary action before it is administered to a

School Syllabus (i)

A syllabus is an outline and a summary of topics to be covered in a school. A syllabus for a

certain subject is often set out by an examination body such as WEAC who conducts, supervises
and control the quality of public examinations for uniformity.

School Curriculum

A curriculum is the set of subjects and their content offered in a school. A curriculum is
prescriptive and is based on a more general document that which specifies what topics must be
understood and to what level to achieve a particular grade or standard in an educational system.

National Policy of Education

The National Policy of Education is policy formulated by a government to promote education

across the country. The National Policy of Education covers the availability and provision of
early childhood education, primary/secondary education, higher/tertiary education, adult
education, non-formal education, technical/vocational education, distance education and any
other educational services of a country. Administration, supervision, planning and financing
education is at the heart of any National Policy of Education.

Individual Cumulative Record Card

This is a continuous record or a combination of records that contain comprehensive information

about a student. It provides a summary of a student’s academic progress in school it also includes
the student’s names, age, date of birth, date of admission, family background, social or extra-
curricular activities, etc.

Transfer and Leaving Certificate

Transfer and learning certificates are the forms approved by the zonal inspector of education and
signed by the head teacher/principal at the request of parents to permit their children to leave one
school to attend another as a result of a parents work transfer, any other relevant reason by the
parents/guardian, etc.

Attendance Register

This shows the daily record of student attendance on each class in the school. At the end of every
week/ term/year, the class teacher closes the register and submits it to the school head to cross
check and sign. Attendance registers must also be cross checked and signed by Managers

Class Time Table

Class time table is a good record of how, when and where classes are held. These keep students
organized and informed about upcoming classes and help students to manage their time and

Scheme of Work

A scheme of work is a guideline that defines the structure and content of a subject. It shows how
resources such as books and equipment are to be used and how class time, class activities and
class assessment are to be carried out to ensure that the learning aims and objectives of the
subject are met. A scheme of work can be shared with students so that they have an overview of
their subject.

Lesson Note/Plan

Lesson plans are records kept to guide teachers during their teaching activities. These are written
on a weekly basis to determine what and how the teacher will teach. A lesson note/plan is
developed based on the school’s scheme of work, unit plan or curriculum. It is presented to the
head teacher for assessment, signature, date and name before it can be used for teaching.

Record of Work

The teacher’s record of work shows the things that are to be done and have been done each term
for each class subject in a school. This record helps to keep teachers motivated and on task (to
complete the syllabus by the end of the term) and ensures continuity.

Health Record

Health record is a record that records the names of students who were ill and sent to local health
centers or the hospital for treatment.
Academic Record

This pertains to school performance of children; they are geared towards the goal attainment of
any school which has to do with effectiveness. This includes the following: examination records,
terminal and end of year examination result, exams questions and past question papers, etc.

The Forecast Record

This record book contains all that the teacher intends to teach in a particular lesson. This is
written in summary form for different subjects. For instance the structure of a forecast record
shows: Subject {Math} – State the Lesson/Topic – {Division of Decimals} – Duration {Time 1-
2/3 Weeks} – Evaluation of Lesson


The head teacher/principal of a school is the chief daily administrator of that school. He/she is
the first gentleman/woman of that school/institution. Consequently, among many other
administrative roles, these are the main duties and responsibilities of a Head Teacher/Principal:

 The head teacher/principal should be capable to interpret the policy of the ministry of
 He/she must be capable to execute institutional programs (curriculum) based on the
Educational goals and objectives of the state and the school.
 He/she has a main duty of selection, inducing and maintaining personnel (staff).
 Should maintain discipline in the school.
 He/she has the right to admit quality student in the school.
 He/she has to be familiar with the “educational laws” which spelt out the responsibilities
of the various agencies of education in the country where he/she operate.
 Should be able to Manage the resources of the school
 To communicate between the school and the outside world though correspondences.
 Protect and maintain schools grounds estate and buildings.
 Keep in safe custody school finances
 Conduct regular staff meeting and ensure that minutes are recorded for each meeting.
 Ensure C.A P (Community parents association) meeting are held at least terminally.
 Supervise the academic and quick’s resolution of conflicts within staff pupils and parents.
 Make recommendations to superintendent on termination, suspension promotion, transfer
of employees assigned to them.
 Develop school budgets based on documented programs needs.
 Manage use of school, facilities supervise maintenance of facilities and ensure a clean
orderly and safe school environment.
 They should report for work regularly punctually and motivate the teacher to teach at all
 They should demonstrate good management skill and abilities in the conduct of their
professional work.
 They should establish good relationship and cooperate fully with education stakeholder
responsible for the advancement of education and in the interest of the teachers and
 They should observe confidentiality in the manner consistent with lawful institutional
 Monitor teachers to teach according to the apprised syllabus.
 They should not engage in activities that adversely affect the quality of their teachers
teaching and profession, such as learners/parents exploitation, cultism, drug etc.
 They should honestly present each teachers performance and examination result.
 They should not engage in any form of corruption practices.
 They should be good role – model in their demonstration of dedication and honesty.
 They should promote safe and conductive learning environment.
 They should ensure that learners are treated with dignity and respect and their right fully
 They should employ positive methods of corrective discipline.
 They should encourage teachers to encourage parent to cooperate with the community
members to enhance the smooth running of the school.
 They should be able to give report of the school role every year.

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