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Ellis 1

Matelyn Ellis

Dr. Bonnie Whitener

English 101

18 November 2019

Reflection Essay

During my first semester at the University of Alabama I have grown physically, mentally,

and educationally. I have learned so much about myself and who I really am. I have also learned

a ton educationally in all of my classes and have grown tremendously as a writer. I have learned

new writing styles and techniques that I had never heard of before. There were many times of

confusion and frustration with all the new styles but there were also times I feel that I blossomed

through my finished project. The paper I enjoyed the most was definitely the Toulmin paper. I

understood the requirements and was able to easily explain what I wanted to say. My least

favorite paper to write has to be the Rogerian essay. I found it extremely difficult to persuade the

reader without putting blame or fault on the opposing side.

I would also say that I grew as a person since I have arrived at the university. I feel that

I’ve been through more than the average first-year college student. During the first month of

school I went through my first ever family death. My favorite person in the world was taken

away from me at the end of August. The loss of my grandfather took a huge toll on my life and

brought unexpected stress to my first semester. I grew from that and became more mature as a

person. I am extremely thankful for what I have and how I was so fortunate to receive it all

through unconditional love. I have become more social and outgoing as well. I would go out and
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be in social situations in high school, but I would never be confident to talk to people I didn't

know like I do now.

I have several goals I wish to accomplish in the coming semester and few years. I hope to

keep growing positively, make new friends, and learn as much as I can before I graduate. I hope

to keep blossoming as a person and grow stronger and more confident and social. I also hope to

keep growing as a writer and learn new styles and techniques. I would really love to continue

growing as an intellectual as well. I want to soak up all the knowledge I can before I graduate

and get out in the real world.

Through each of the different writing styles I demonstrated during this semester, I found

highs and lows to each. Though the Toulmin essay was my easily favorite to write and finish,

there were also times I struggled to construct this paper. I found it easy to get out what I wanted

to say while still persuading the reader, but it was difficult to say what I wanted to without being

harsh about the subject and sounding rude or like I was putting down the opposing side. On the

other hand, the Rogerian essay was extremely difficult for me. While writing it, I kept reverting

to Toulmin style by not putting myself in the other sides shoes and seeing it through another

perspective. I enjoyed things about both essays as well. I really enjoyed the freedom of choosing

my topic and basically getting to write about anything I wanted to and was passionate about.

I think since I’ve been a student at the University of Alabama, I have become way more

mature than I ever was before. I’ve become more mature in almost all situations and I learned

that I am way more independent than I thought I was. I find it very easy to live on my own and I

have flourished since I moved out of my parents house. I learned that I honestly prefer being on

my own. I love coming home but I definitely miss being at school the entire time I am home. I
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cannot wait to live on my own in an apartment here at school. I can’t wait to have the freedom of

going home whenever I want and not just when the dorms are closed. I’m going to live with my

current roommate again, Brooke. I am so excited to see where life takes me in the next few years

as a college student.

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