Table of Tapeworms

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Table of Tapeworms

CESTODE Common Name Infective Stage MOT Habitat Disease Diagnosis

Diphyllobothrium latum Broad or Fish Plerocercoid Ingestion of Ileum Diphyllobothriasis; Asymptomatic; FECT; Kato-Katz; DFS;
Tapeworm undercooked fish Hyperchromic megaloblastic Proglottid demonstration;
anemia with Thrombocytopenia and Travel History; Diet
Leukopenia; Bothriocephalus
anemia; B12 deficiency; Mistaken
for pernicious anemia; Sparganosis

Taenia solium Pork Tapeworm Cysticercus Ingestion of Small Taeniasis solium; Asymptomatic; FECT; Kato-Katz; DFS;
cellulosae undercooked pork; intestine Vague abdominal discomfort; Proglottid demonstration;
(Armed); Ingestion of egg; Hunger pangs; Chronic indigestion; Double slide compression
Measly pork Autoinfection Deposition of oncosphere in body; technique; ELISA; Molecular
Cysticercosis; Neurocysticercosis methods; Surgery; Xray;
Serology; Immunoblot using
purified glycoproteins

Taenia saginata Beef Tapeworm Cysticercus Ingestion of Small Systematic intoxication; Vague FECT; Kato-Katz; DFS;
bovis undercooked beef intestine abdominal pains; Obstruction; Proglottid demonstration;
Asymptomatic Double slide compression
technique; ELISA; Molecular
methods; Surgery; Xray;
Serology; Immunoblot using
purified glycoproteins

Taenia saginata asiatica Asian Tapeworm; Liver

Hybrid Tapeworm

Hymenolepis nana Dwarf Tapeworm Cysticercoid Ingestion Upper Most common infection; Stool Exam (Eggs)
portion of Asymptomatic; Headache,
ileum dizziness, anorexia, pruritus of nose
and anus, diarrhea, abdominal pain;
Children appear restless

Hymenolepis diminuta Rat Tapeworm Cysticercoid Ingestion Small Minimal and non-specific Stool Exam

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Dipylidium caninum Double Pored Cysticercoid Ingestion Small Asymptomatic; Abdominal pain; Look for egg packets (rare) or
Tapeworm; Dog intestine Anal pruritus proglottid in stool or perianal
Tapeworm; Flea area

Railliettina garrisoni Madagascar worm Cysticercoid Ingestion Small Asymptomatic; Children are usually Stool Exam (Proglottids or
(Railliettina intestine affected; Proglottids usually passed Ova)
madagascariensis) out

Echinococcus granulosus Hydatid worm Hydatid cyst Ingestion Small Cystic Echinococcosis; X-ray; CT Scan; Ultrasound;
intestine Cysticercosis of Visceral Organs; Surgery; Serology; BFT;
Liver and Lungs affected; Simple ELISA; Casoni Intradermal
cysts do not cause symptoms; Test
Ruptured cysts lead to Intermittent
Jaundice and Eosinophilia; Brain
and Renal Involvement; Impairment
of organs from mechanical

Multiceps multiceps Gid worm; Dog Coenurus Ingestion Small Gid disease; Coenurosis; Eyes and
(Taenia multiceps) sheep tapeworm intestine brain are affected

Table of Tapeworm Hosts

CESTODE Intermediate Host Final Host Reservoir Host

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Diphyllobothrium latum Copepods (1st); Freshwater fish (2nd) Humans Dogs, Cats, Fish eating mammals;
Carnivorous fish (Paratenic)

Taenia solium Pigs; Humans Humans

Taenia saginata Cattle Humans

Taenia saginata asiatica Varied aside from pigs Humans

Hymenolepis nana Ctenophalides canis, Pulex irritans, Xenopsylla cheopsis, Humans Mice, Rats
Tenebrio, Tribolium

Hymenolepis diminuta Cockroaches, Rat fleas, Flour moths, Flour beetles Rats Humans (Accidental)

Dipylidium caninum Ctenocephalides canis (flea), Ctenocephalides felis (flea) Dogs, Cats Humans (Accidental)

Railliettina garrisoni Tribolium confusum Rats Humans (Accidental)

(Railliettina madagascariensis)

Echinococcus granulosus Sheep, Goat, Swine, Cattle, Horses, Camel, Humans Canines Humans (Accidental)

Echinococcus multilocularis Voles, Lemmings, Shrews, Mice Foxes

Echinococcus vogeli Rodents Bush Dogs, Dogs

Multiceps multiceps Herbivores (Sheep), Humans Dogs and other canines Humans (Accidental)
(Taenia multiceps)

CESTODE Egg Scolex Mature Proglottid Gravid Proglottid

Diphyllobothrium latum Operculated, immature (embryonate in 8-12 Spatulate, Presence of 2 sucking Largest (10m); 4000 Rosette central
days), ciliated embryophore, mistaken for P. grooves (bothria) segments uterus, 1 million eggs
westermani per day

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Taenia solium Mistaken for air bubble, round, brownish, Globular, Armed, Short neck Wider than tall (squarish); 800- 7-15 uterine
radially striated, mature embryophore with 6 1000 segments branches, fingerlike or
hooklets, hexacanth embryo dendritic

Taenia saginata Similar to T. solium Cuboidal, No rostellum, Whitish 4-10 m up to 25 m; 4000 15-20 uterine
opaque segments branches, cray-like or
dichotomous, tree-like

Hymenolepis nana Thin outer shell, thick inner shell with bipolar Subglobular, Armed, Long and 3 testes and 1 bilobed
thickening, 4-8 polar filaments slender neck ovary in single row

Hymenolepis diminuta Fried egg appearance, Thick and striated Club or knob shaped, Unarmed 3 testes and 1 bilobed
outer shell, thin inner shell with bipolar ovary in single row
thickening, no polar filaments

Dipylidium caninum 8-15 taenia like eggs in cluster to form one egg Globular or conical, Well defined Double lateral pores, Melon
packet retractable rostellum armed with or pumpkin shaped, 200
1-7 rows of rose thorn hooklets segments

Railliettina garrisoni Subglobular, Armed

(Railliettina madagascariensis)

Echinococcus granulosus Taenia like egg; Unilocular hydatid cyst Pyriform scolex, Armed Shortest (<3 mm); 1 mature, 1
immature, 1 gravid segment

Multiceps multiceps Taenia like egg Pear shaped with 2 rows of 22-30 1 lateral genital pore
(Taenia multiceps) hooks

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CHIO 2A-MT 11/29/2019

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