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College of the Canyons | Granillo English 101

Essay #3
The Missing Chapter
Essay Objectives:
1) This essay will assess your ability to employ and emulate rhetorical strategies; 2) conduct
research; 3) evaluate appropriate source material and incorporate evidence to support your
original argument. 4) Finally, you will have demonstrated mastery of the writing process.

Point Total: 200 Submission: Electronic (.doc, .docx, .pdf)

Outline: 15 Points
Half Draft: 15 Points Page Count: 6 Pages + Works Cited Page
Completed Rough Draft: 20 Points
Final Draft: 150

Write a six-page (6-page) essay in MLA 8 format on the prompt below. All drafts (unless stated
otherwise) must be:
ü Typed
ü Double-spaced (2.0)
ü Written in 12pt Times New Roman
ü One-inch margins on all four sides of the paper
ü Have appropriate headings
ü Drafts must be printed in black ink only.
ü You will also need to include a works cited page with two (3) database articles, and
other relevant information.

Assignment: Hanif Abdurraqib uses distinct rhetorical strategies and speaks to a particular
audience. Review the following selections:

o “Ric Flair, Best Rapper Alive”

o “It Rained In Ohio…”
o “…Michael Jackson Kissing Whitney”
o “Black Life on Film”
o “Tell ‘Em All to Come Get Me”
o “…The Ballad of Baton Rouge”
o “Rumors and the Currency of Heartbreak”

Pretend that you are Abdurraqib’s editor. While you like the variety of topics he’s covered within
the theme of “IV,” he may have overlooked some major turning points in history that are
pertinent, or supplements his previous discussions.

In other words, what addition would you make to this part of the collection to broaden
Abdurraqib’s vision? Consider what is missing from this particular section of Abdurraqib’s
collection––not only musically––but socially, politically, and culturally as well.
College of the Canyons | Granillo English 101

Your research and message should emulate his rhetorical strategies while remaining within the
scope of the overall collection. Thus, while it is your work, it should easily fit between the pages
of his words.

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