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Construcción Glosario Técnico

Juan Manuel Pérez (cc 8888888580)

Sena Virtual
27 de November del 2019

Communication is essential for the developer of information systems and

for this to be comprehensive, knowledge of the English language is
necessary, this glossary is intended to contribute to the enrichment of
the vocabulary of technology in analysis and development of information
systems which we find In the English language, the advancement of
technology means that people who are related to the development of
systems are constantly being updated, and as the vast majority of new
technological advances are found in the english language, one of the
useful tools for understanding texts with specific purposes to our
profession, is the vocabulary, which is very useful in providing us with
the quick and effective understanding of the information specific to our

 Algorithm: They are the sequence of instructions used to solve a problem

used in different programming languages. The algorithms help the
programmer to plan a program for its application in the required programming

 Blackboard Collaborate: It is the tool available in the LMS where web

conferences are worked and the chat session for the apprentices takes place.

 Bug: It is an alert that appears automatically in applications can usually

appear due to errors or defects found in the software.

 Bytecode: It is a code or file that is used as code that is the intermediate in

a java compiler is the result of compiling the source code. The JVM (Java
Virtual Machine) interprets the byte codes and these are used by the compiler
for a Java program. The byte code is machine independent and can be run
on any machine that has a runtime environment.

 Cache: Duplicate data set from other originals.

 Command: It is a written sequence with instructions that a user gives the

computer's operating system to perform a certain task.

 Compilation: It is the action of gathering all the information written in source

code and processing it for execution. Normally, this process involves the
translation of a high level programming language to a low level programming
language, the translation is done with a program called a compiler. The Java
compiler translates translates the code into byte codes.

 DAO “Data Access Object”: Intermediate software that allows access to a


 Framework: set of components or software modules that support one or

more stages of the software development process.
 Hash: They are algorithms that manage to create from an input (be it a text,
a password or a file, for example) an alphanumeric output of normally fixed
length that represents a summary of all the information that has been given
(that is, a from the input data creates a string that can only be recreated with
that same data).

 Hosting: accommodation. Service offered by some providers, which provide

their clients (individuals or companies) with a space on their server to host a

 IGU, Graphical User Interface: An interface is a program that is implemented

using components such as boxes, buttons, labels, text fields, etc. With this
also improve the performance of the equipment.

 Interface The interface is a series of templates which are the connection

point, either two hardware components, two programs or between a user and
a program.

 KERNEL: Software that constitutes the most important part of the operating
system. KiB: kibibyte is a unit of information or data storage. It corresponds
to 210 bytes, that is 1024 bytes. It is represented by the symbol KiB with
capital K. MiB: Mebibyte in its abbreviated form, MiB, is a unit of information
or memory whose value is 220, equivalent to 1,048,576 bytes.

 Mockup: Freehand drawing that supports the understanding of a problem,

situation or requirement.

 Proxy: Program or device that performs an Internet access task instead of

another computer.

 ROM “Read-only memory”: It is the memory incorporated in a computer that

contains data that cannot be modified. Let the computer boot. Unlike RAM,
ROM data is not lost when the computer is turned off.

 Source code: It is the text that is written for the realization of a program which
is compiled for its execution. The text is created and edited using an ordinary
editor and contains normal and readable characters.

 SSL “Secure Sockets Layer”: It is a computer protocol designed to give

greater security to the sending and receiving of data using encryption keys.
 Stakeholders: interested in a project.

 SWEBOK: Software Engineering Body of Knowledge. Compendium of

knowledge for software engineering.

 TCP / IP: Transfer Control Protocol / Internet Protocol. It is a protocol that is

used on the Internet to access and control other computers that access the
information in the cloud. It is a DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency) protocol that provides reliable transmission of data packets across

 Trojan “Trojan horse”: It is a virus that hides in programs, which contains

a harmful code within apparently harmless data. It can ruin part of the hard
drive, in addition to reducing the performance of computer equipment by
making them slow or unable to execute a task.

 UML “Unified modeling language”: is a series of standards established to

realize source code, interface, design, etc. For an application, it has
schematics and diagrams that make it easier to understand programs and
use a visual standard to document the analysis and design of object-oriented

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