Herbs That Tonify Yang

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Lu Rong
(Cornu Cervi Parvum)
sweet, salty, warm
1) Warms and tonifies Kd Yang
2) Tonifies the Kd, augments the essence and blood
3) Tonifies the Kd to strengthen the sinews and bones
4) Also for uterine bleeding and vaginal discharge due tho chong-ren deficient cold
Contra: Yin def. with ascendant yang, heat in blood level, blazing St fire, phlegm-heat in
the lung, warm febrile disease.

Rou Cong Rong

(Herba Cistanches Desertcolae)
sweet, salty, warm
LI, Kd
1) Tonifies the Kd and fortifies the Yang
2) Moistens the intestines and unblocks the bowels
Contra: Yin def. with vigorous fire, loose stool and diarrhea, constipation due to excess

Suo Yang
(Herba Cynomorii Songarici)
Sweet, Warm
1) Tonifies the Kd and fortifies the Yang
2) Moistens the intestines and unblocks bowels
Contra: Same as Rou Cong Rong.

Ba Ji Tian
(Radix Morindae Officinalis)
acrid, sweet, warm
Kd, Lv
1) Tonifies the Kd and fortifies the Yang
2) Strengthens the bones and sinews and expels wind dampness
Contra: Damp heat or heat from Yin Deficiency.

Yin Yang Huo

(Herba Epimedii)
acrid, sweet, warm
Kd, Lv
1) Warms the Kd and fortifies the Yang
2) Strengthens the bones and sinews and expels wind-dampness
Contra: Yin deficiency with vigorous fire.
Xian Mao
(Rhizoma Curculiginis Orchioidis)
acrid, hot, toxic
Kd, Lv
1) Warms the Kd and strengthens Yang
2) Strengthens the sinews and bone and expels wind-dampness
Contra: Yin deficiency with vigorous fire.

Hu Lu Ba
(Semen Trigonellae Foeni-graeci)
bitter, warm
Kd, Lv
1) Warms Kd, disperses dampness and cold, alleviates pain
Contra: damp heat, or heat from Yin deficiency.

Du Zhong
(Cortex Eucommiae Ulmoidis)
sweet, slightly acrid, warm
Kd, Lv
1) Tonifies the Lv and Kd, and strengthens the sinews and bones
2) Tonifies the Kd, and calms the fetus
3) Also used for impotence, spermatorrhea, and frequent urination due to Kd def.
4) Recently used for hypertension due to Kd def. w/ Lv Yang rising
Contra: Heat from Yin def. / Salt water fried to increase Kd – tonification properties.

Xu Duan
(Radix Dipsaci Asperi)
Bitter, acrid, slightly warm
Kd, Lv
1) Tonifies Lv and Kd, strengthens sinews and bones
2) Tonifies Kd, stops bleeding, calms the fetus

Gou Ji
(Rhizoma Cibotii Barometz)
bitter, sweet, warm
Kd, Lv
1) Tonifies Lv and Kd, strengthens sinews and bones, expels wind-dampness
2) Used for Kd deficiency causing frequent urination, and excessive vaginal
Contra: Cases with difficult urination or heat from yin deficiency.
Gu Sui Bu
(Rhizoma Drynariae)
bitter, warm
Kd, Lv
1) Tonifies the Kd
2) Promotes mending of the sinews and bones
3) Stimulates growth of hair

Bu Gu Zhi
(Fructus Psoraleae Corylifoliae)
acrid, bitter, very warm
Kd, Sp
1) Tonifies the Kd and fortifies the Yang
2) Warms the Kd and Sp to stop Diarrhea
3) Grasps the Qi and calms wheezing
4) Recently used topically eor internally for toothache sue to Kd def., and alopecia,
psoriasis, and vitiligo
Contra: Deficient Yin patterns with heat signs or constipation

Yi Zhi Ren
(Fructus Alpiniae Oxyphyllae)
acrid, warm
Kd, Sp
1) Warms the Kd and retains the essence
2) Warms the Sp, retains saliva, and stops diarrhea
Contra: Cases of heat

Tu Si Zi
(Semen Cuscutae Chinensis) * Major herb for infertility
acrid, sweet, neutral
Kd, Lv
1) Tonifies the Kd and secures the essence
2) Tonifies the Lv and improves vision
3) Also used for diarrhea due to Sp deficiency, and Xiao Ke syndrome due to Kd def.

She Yuan Ji Li
(Semen Astragali Complanati)
sweet, warm
Kd, Lv
1) Tonifies the Kd and secures the essence
2) Tonifies the Lv and Kd and improves vision
Contra: Deficient Yin patterns with heat signs, hyperactive sexual drives, or difficulty in
Hu Tao Ren
(Semen Juglandis Regiae)
sweet, warm
Kd, LI, Lu
1) Tonifies the Kd and strengthens the back and knees
2) Tonifies the Kd, augments the Lu, calms wheezing
3) Moistens the intestines and unblocks bowels
Contra: Yin deficiency w/ vigorous heat, or coughing and wheezing due to phlegm-heat,
or patients with loose stool and diarrhea.

Ge Jie
salty, neutral
Lu, Kd
1) Tonifies the Kd and Lu, grasps the Qi to calm the wheezing
2) Tonifies the Kd, assists the Yang, augments the essence
Contra: Cases with wheezing and coughing from either external wind-cold pathogen
attacking or excess heat.

Dong Chong Xia Cao

(Cordyceps Sinensis)
sweet, warm
Lu, Kd
1) Tonifies the Kd, augments the essence, and fortifies the Yang
2) Tonifies the Lu and Kd, calms wheezing and coughing
3) Also for constitutional deficiency, post of severe disease, spontaneous sweating,
aversion to cold
Contra: Use with caution in exterior conditions

Zi He Che
(Placenta Hominis)
sweet, salty, warm
Lv, Lu, Kd
1) Tonifies Lv and Kd and augments essence
2) Augments Qi and nourishes the blood
3) Tonifies the Lu Qi and augments Kd essence
4) Currently used for treating epilepsy, immune disorders, and allergic disorders

Hai Gou Shen

(Testes et Penis Otariae)
salty, hot
Kd, Lv
1) Strengthens the Yang and essence
Contra: Def. Yin patterns w/ heat signs / Cases w/ hyperactive sex drive
Hai Ma
sweet, salty, warm
Kd, Lv
1) Tonifies the Kd and fortifies Yang
2) Invigorates the blood
Contra: During Pregnancy / Cases of def. Yin w/ heat signs

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