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Project Narrative

Days: Objectives/Learning Goals Activities Assessments
Content Standards: 8.W.7 -Students will write Students will There will be no
ISTE Student Standards: inside a gingerbread give me exit technological integration
on day one.
N/A kid on what makes ticket
ISTE Educator Standards: them, them; their answering
N/A identity. question of
Objective: SWBAT begin how do we as
process of answering -Students will pair and a community
direct question of how do share on what they value
we as a community value wrote inside their individual
individual identity? gingerbread kid and identity?
why they wrote what
they did regarding
their identity.

-Class will participate

in discussion with
questions such as who
would they be without
all these qualities?
What would they
Day 1 change?

-Before writing exit

ticket, class will also
discuss why their
identity is important.
How many identities
were similar to their
classmates? How
many different? Do
they think being the
same or different is
good or bad?

-We as a class will go

over the top three
factors of identity:
gender, culture, and

-Assembly project is
introduced. Students
are to either write a
poem, a song, make a
video, make a
TEDTalk, or any other
public presentation
tool to answer the
driving question on
how do we as a
community value
individual identity?

Content Standards: 8. RI. 7

-Students will answer -Thumbs up YouTube videos of
ISTE Student Standards: question on what is the and down. different Disney
N/A importance of Disney songs will be played.
ISTE Educator Standards: and gender? Does
1a, 2a, 3b Disney have
Objective: SWBAT identify expectations on what
the gender roles placed the role of men and
upon men and women in women should be?
popular media.
-A variety of Disney
songs will be played
from Disney’s Beauty
and the Beast and
Mulan, displaying
what the roles and
expectations of men
and women “should”
Day 2 be.

-Discussion on the
qualities of Belle and
Mulan that were
foreign to the
supporting characters.

-Go over what we as a

class think of these
foreign characteristics.
Is it wrong for a
woman to read and be
independent in Belle’s
case? Is a woman
capable of doing
anything a man can as
shown in Mulan?
-Discussion why we
and supporting
characters have our
point of view on what
the role of men and
women should be.
Dive into culture and

-Dive into question can

we be open minded
and still be set in stone
about our point of
view? Introduction to
culture for day three.
How do we introduce
other cultures to
different cultures
without insulting one
Content Standards: 8.RI.4, -Start class with Thumbs Students will use
8.RI.5, 8.RI.6 question “what is up/down their laptops to look
ISTE Student Standards: culture”? up the definition of
1a,1c, 1d, 2b, 2c, 3b, 4a, “culture” and
4d, 5a, 5b, 6a, -Pair and share with “ethnicity” and
ISTE Educator Standards: one another on what determine their
1b, 2a, 2b, 2c, 3b, 3c, 6b, they think culture is similarities and
Objective: SWBAT and what their specific differences.
differentiate between culture is.
culture and ethnicity and
how we can be inclusive of -Students will research
different cultures. if culture and ethnicity
Day 3 are the same. And if
not, what is similar and
different between the

-Class will read a

variety of poems about

-Class discussion on
what is culture and
how different
ethnicities have
different and similar

-Tie in that culture is

so much more than
food, music, values,
but also common likes
and dislikes which will
tie into day four.
Content Standards: 8.RI.4, -Students will start Thumbs Students will use
8.RI.5, 8.RI.6 class with listing their up/down their laptops provided
ISTE Student Standards: 1a- likes and dislikes. This by the school to
1d, 2a-2d, 3a-3d, 3b-3d, can range from food, research communities
5a-5d, 6a, 6b, 6d clothes, video games, and forums on
ISTE Educator Standards: etc, but it must be common likes and
1a-1c, 2a-2c, 3a-3d, 4a, 4c, school appropriate. dislikes such as
4d, 6a-6d, 7a,7b clothing, food, and
Objective: SWBAT -Pair and share. media.
determine how common
and different interests help -Similar to day one,
establish identity and students will share
diversity. with the class what
their likes and dislikes
Day 4
are. Engage in
conversation of why
they like or dislike
certain things. Are
they weird for them?

-Students will look up

forums and
communities regarding
their likes and dislikes

Content Standards: 8.W.7, -Students will discuss Thumbs Students will use
8.W.8, 8.W.6, 8.W.1, benefits of technology up/down
8.W.2, 8.W.3, 8.W.4, 8.W.5 as a mean to inform a their laptops to
ISTE Student Standards: 1a- large audience of a
Day 5 1d, 2a-2d, 3d, 4a-4d, 5a-5d, topic. explore different
ISTE Educator Standards: -Go over how to make technological
1a-1c, 2a-2c, 3a-3d, 4a, 4c, a Weebly, YouTube
4d, 6a-6d, 7a,7b video, PearDeck, etc.
Objective: -Students will begin on mediums such as
their final project.
YouTube, PearDeck,

Weebly, etc.

Content Standards: 8.W.7, -Students will be Students will use

8.W.8, 8.W.6, 8.W.1, working on their N/A their laptops provided
8.W.2, 8.W.3, 8.W.4, 8.W.5 YouTube videos, by the school as well
ISTE Student Standards: 1a- Weebly, poems, as the materials
1d, 2a-2d, 3d, 4a-4d, 5a-5d, TEDTalks, etc. provided to complete
6a their presentation for
ISTE Educator Standards: the final assignment.
Day 6
Objective: SWBAT come
up with an effective
presentation that informs
an audience on why
individual identity is
Content Standards: 8.W.7, -Students will be N/A Students will use
8.W.8, 8.W.6, 8.W.1, working on their their laptops provided
8.W.2, 8.W.3, 8.W.4, 8.W.5 YouTube videos, by the school as well
ISTE Student Standards: 1a- Weebly, poems, as the materials
1d, 2a-2d, 3d, 4a-4d, 5a-5d, TEDTalks, etc. provided to complete
6a their presentation for
ISTE Educator Standards: the final assignment.
Day 7
Objective: SWBAT come
up with an effective
presentation that informs
an audience on why
individual identity is
Content Standards: 8.W.7, -Students will present N/A Students will use
8.W.8, 8.W.6, 8.W.1, to class and teacher their laptops provided
8.W.2, 8.W.3, 8.W.4, 8.W.5 their final product for by the school to
ISTE Student Standards: 1a- critiques to fix final present their final
1d, 2a-2d, 3d, 4a-4d, 5a-5d, assignment for day 10 product for peer and
Day 8 6a presentation teacher evaluation.
ISTE Educator Standards:
Objective: SWBAT
practice presentations for
day 10 and apply
corrections for final day.
Content Standards: 8.W.7, -Students will present Students will use
8.W.8, 8.W.6, 8.W.1, to class and teacher N/A their laptops provided
8.W.2, 8.W.3, 8.W.4, 8.W.5 their final product for by the school to
ISTE Student Standards: 1a- critiques to fix final present their final
1d, 2a-2d, 3d, 4a-4d, 5a-5d, assignment for day 10 product for peer and
6a presentation teacher evaluation.
Day 9
ISTE Educator Standards:
Objective: SWBAT
practice presentations for
day 10 and apply
corrections for final day.
Content Standards: 8.W.7, -Students will Students are free to
8.W.8, 8.W.6, 8.W.1, participate in identity
8.W.2, 8.W.3, 8.W.4 assembly where they use technological
ISTE Student Standards: 1a- will present their final
1d, 2a-2d, 3d, 4a-4d, 5a-5d, product to peers from tools such as Weebly,
6a their school.
Day 10 ISTE Educator Standards: YouTube, Peardeck,
Objective: SWBAT answer etc.
direct question how do we
as a community value
individual identity via a

Teachers: Mr. Melchor Miranda Subject: English Grade: 7th and


Common Core State Standards:

 8.W.7
Objective (Explicit):

 SWBAT begin process of answering direct question of how do we as a community value individual identity?
Evidence of Mastery (Measurable):

 Include a copy of the lesson assessment.

 Provide exemplar student responses with the level of detail you expect to see.
 Assign value to each portion of the response

Exit ticket answering direct question.

Sub-Objectives, SWBAT (Sequenced from basic to complex)

 How will you review past learning and make connections to previous lessons?
 What skills and content are needed to ultimately master this lesson objective?
 How is this objective relative to students, their lives, and/or the real world?

Students will analyze how our unique characteristics help establish us as people and we should embrace the similarities and differences we share with

one another.

Key vocabulary: identity Materials: Gingerbread kid,


 How will you activate prior knowledge?

 How will you hook student attention?
 What question will you pose, based on your objective, that students will seek to answer in Explore?
Teacher Will: Have students fill out gingerbread kid on what makes Students Will: Fill out gingerbread kid figuring out their

the student themselves, their identity. identity.


 How will you model your performance expectations? (Remember you are not modeling what you want students to discover but need to model expected
behavior or required procedures.)
 How will students take the lead and actively use materials to discover information that will help them answer the question posed in the Engage?
 What questions or prompts will you be prepared to use with students while they are “exploring”?
Teacher Will: Prompt students to pair and share their qualities. Students Will: Pair and share their qualities.

Co-Teaching Strategy

 What co-teaching approach will you use to maximize student achievement?

Differentiation Strategy

 What accommodations/modifications will you provide for specific students?

 How will you anticipate students that need an additional challenge?

 How will all students have an opportunity to share what they discovered?
 How will you connect student discoveries to correct content terms/explanations?
 How will all students articulate/demonstrate a clear and correct understanding of the sub-objectives by answering the question from the Engage before
moving on?
Teacher Will: Pick gender, culture, and likes/dislikes as the three Students Will: Go over how gender, culture, and likes and

prompts and discuss the importance of all three for our identity. dislikes shape us into who we are.

Co-Teaching Strategy

 What co-teaching approach will you use to maximize student achievement?

Differentiation Strategy

 What accommodations/modifications will you provide for specific students?

 How will you anticipate students that need an additional challenge?

 How will students take the learning from Explore and Explain and apply it to a new circumstance or explore a particular aspect of this learning at a deep
 How will students use higher order thinking at this stage (e.g. A common practice in this section is to pose a What If? Question)?
 How will all students articulate how their understanding has changed or been solidified?
Teacher Will: Prompt discussion on why identity is important and Students Will: Participate in discussion on why our

who would we be without our certain characteristics. Is diversity something to characteristics are important and the importance of diversity and

be feared or embraced? Same with similarities. similarities.

Co-Teaching Strategy

 What co-teaching approach will you use to maximize student achievement?

Differentiation Strategy

 What accommodations/modifications will you provide for specific students?

 How will you anticipate students that need an additional challenge?

 How will all students demonstrate mastery of the lesson objective (though perhaps not mastery of the elaborate content)?
 How will students have an opportunity to summarize the big concepts they learned (separate from the assessment)?
Teacher Will: Assign exit ticket that steers students to what they Students Will: Fill out exit ticket on how they feel we as a

want their final project to be when it comes to answering direct question. community can value individual identity.

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