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System Development Life

i. System Investigation:-Preliminary investigation is the first step in the
system development project. The objective is to determine whether the
request is valid and feasible before any recommendation is made to do
INVESTIGATION nothing, improve or modify the existing system or build altogether a
new one. The following objectives should be accomplished , while
working on the preliminary investigation. System investigation
includes the following two sub-stages:-
DESIGN i) Problem definition
ii) Feasibility study
i) Problem definition:- the first responsibility of a system analyst is to
prepare a written statement of the objective and the scope of the
problem. Based on the interview with the users, the analyst writes a
brief description of his/her understanding of the problem, and review
MAINTENANCE it with both groups, ideally in a joint user/ information analyst
meeting, People respond to written statements. They ask for
clarifications and they correct obvious errors or misunderstandings.
In other words proper understanding and definition of the problem is
essential to discover the cause of the problem and to plan a directed
investigation by asking the question like what is being done ? Why?
INVESTIGATION Is there an underlying reason different from the one the user
ANALYSIS ii) Feasibility study:- the literal meaning of feasibility is viability. It is the
high level version of entire process , intended to answer a number of
questions like
 What is the problem?
CONSTRUCTION  Is the problem even worth solving?
The feasibility study should be relatively brief as the objective at this
IMPLEMENTATION stage is only to get an idea of the scope. The finding should be
formally presented to the user management. The aim of a feasibility
study is to access alternative system and to propose the most
feasible and desirable system for development. It provides the
overview of the problem and act as an important checkpoint that
should be completed before committing more resources.
The feasibility of proposed system can be assessed in terms of 4 major
•Organizational feasibility:- the extent to which a proposed information
ANALYSIS system supports the objective of the organization’s strategic plan for
information system determines the organizational feasibility of the
system project.
•Economic feasibility:- costs and returns are evaluated to know
whether returns justify the investment in the system projects.
•Technical feasibility:- whether reliable hardware and software capable
of meeting the needs of the proposed system can be acquired or
developed by the organization in the required time.
•Operational feasibility:- the willingness and ability of the
MAINTENANCE management, employees, customers , suppliers etc to operate ,use and
support a proposed system.
Method of preliminary investigation
There are two main methods:-
i. Reviewing document
ii. Interviewing selected persons

i. Reviewing documents:- the analyst conducting the investigation first learn about
the organization involved in, or affected by, the system project. for example:-
review an inventory system proposal means knowing first how the inventory
department operates and who the managers and supervisors are?
System analysis
Analysis is the detailed study of various operations of the business activity ,along
with the boundaries. The objective of this phase is to determine exactly what must be
done to solve the problem. System analysis involves a detailed study of :-

i.The information needs of the organization and its end uses.

ii.Existing information system
iii.The expected information system

The final product of the system is a set of system requirement of a proposed

information system. The analysis stage provides the analyst with clear understanding
of what is to be done. The next step is to decide as to how the problem might be
System design
System analysis describe WHAT a system should do to meet the information need
of users. System design specifies HOW the system will accomplish this objective.
The term design refer to the technical specification that will be implied in
constructing the system. System design should stress on the following three
i.User interface:- focus on designing the interaction between the end users and
computer system.
ii.Data design:- focus on the design of logical structure of database and files to be
used by the proposed information system.
iii.Process design:- focus on the design of the software resources the programs and
procedures needed by the proposed information system.
The design must specify what type of hardware resources ,software resources and
people resources will be needed. The specification is also known as system
Construction and testing:
once the system specification are understood, the system is physically created. The
required programs are coded, debugged and documented. The system should be
tested with the some test data to ensure its accuracy and reliability. Construction of
the system takes place on the basis of system design specification. In addition to the
activities performed during system development ,some activities are performed after
the basic development is complete. Such activities are covered under
implementation phase and maintenance phase.

The system implementation stage involves hardware and software acquisition ,site
preparation, user training and installation of the system. Testing of the system
involving all component and procedure should be done. Implementation is the most
crucial phase of the system development life cycle, because this step is vital in
assuring the success of nay newly developed system. Even a well- designed system
will fail if it is not properly implemented.
system maintenance involves the monitoring , evaluating and modifying of the
system make desirable or necessary improvements. Maintenance include
enhancement, modifications or any change from the original specification. Software
need to be maintained not because some of its module or programs “wear out” and
need to be replaced but because there are often some residual errors remaining in the
system which have to be removed as soon as they are discovered. This is on-going
process, until the system stablises.

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