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Air pollution is usually an environmental problem that has

worsened over the years

What is air pollution?
It is based on the alteration of gases suspended in the
atmosphere. Each of the problems that involve the
atmosphere; They are leaving sequels not only in the
environment but also in all its inhabitants, human beings;
Flora and fauna .
The substances that flood the layer of the atmosphere are
increasing from the polluting sources. In the breathable air;
The contamination has intervention from different
substances that modify the natural layer and all the
components that are in it.
There are many causes that generate these results in the
atmospheric layer; giving rise to the fact that the air is not
totally pure, as is required for the life of all living beings.
Being a problem of maximum severity; polluted air is
affecting the quality of life of all human beings and with it;
the climatic balance of the planet, creating different
negative weather events that cause permanent terrestrial

Causes of air pollution

Fossil fuels
One of the greatest sources of air pollution are fossil fuels;
such as the energy emitted by cars for their fuel; which is
emitting carbon dioxide that goes up to the atmospheric
Any type of cars, heavy vehicles and other means of
transport are presenting these details of contamination
being more or less serious; according to the type of fuel
they use.
The sources of energy and the emission of fossil fuels do
not only have discharge from automobiles; but also from the
factories and power plants.
Industrial chimneys
There are two types of pollution that exist when talking
about an industrial source. The first pollutant type is that
caused by the emission of smoke from furnaces and
industrial machines. However, this polluting class has been
markedly reduced given the replacement of coal and oil by
electric power.
Chemical industry
The products of the different industries are assuming their
work with a good amount of chemical processes; which add
more polluting elements around the toxicity of the
environment that vary in the range of danger.

The malfunctioning of industrial plants; they gradually

poison the air without having a limit, causing environmental
catastrophes; before the appearance of different changing
climatic effects that can become permanent if a certain
action is not taken.

Burning trash
Those dumps that are open to the sky; generate a large
dimension of air pollution that affects the planet over time
Little by little, progress is being made as long as recycling is
used; but in contrary conditions, the use of polluting
materials are leaving malignant effects in all natural
Chlorofluorocarbons are substances issued by refrigerant
companies; aerosols and also other similar applications that
has taken place several years ago.
Little by little it began to be discovered that the constant use
of CFCs was generating many toxic effects for the ozone
layer ..
Consequences of air pollution
Acid rain
Thanks to the accumulation of toxic gases and vapors; the
air is contaminated directly with a good proportion of acids
that fall into the rainwater; allowing damage from the lands;
until the crops of any sowing.
This is because acid rain is responsible for eroding the soil;
as well as the sculptures and the buildings and monuments;
which translates into complete damage for all environmental
and human environments.
Greenhouse effect
This is the phenomenon characterized by the inclusion of
many types of gases within the layer of the atmosphere; it is
collaborating in the retention of heat emanated throughout
the planet. Therefore; the temperature of the earth is
maintained much more
At the same time, this is the phenomenon that protects us
from the very low temperatures that would exist in other
situations; being much more difficult to live with thermal
comfort. The main gases that comprise the greenhouse
effect are carbon dioxide and methane.

Respiratory health
Over the years it has been determined that polluted air
directly influences lung function for the respiratory process;
being a great predisposing factor for heart attacks; or also
deadly diseases such as lung cancer among other diseases
caused by smoke; like COPD.
This makes reference to that with constant exposure
This refers to the fact that with constant exposure to air
pollution, not only the physical health but also the mental
health of the population deteriorates; even more so in those
people who have a genetic predisposition.
The culmination of these capabilities ends up reducing
memory; as well as generating coordination problems and
decrease in physical performance.

Skin lesions
One of the most important repercussions that air pollution
has on the human being is undoubtedly the damage to the
skin; because with the direct contact towards polluting
gases, the risk of the appearance of skin cancer increases.

It's not just about contact with polluting gases; It is also part
of the induction of gases towards global warming, causing
greater incidence of solar rays on the skin and with it, more
progressive damage to cancer.

Smog effect
It is also designated by scientists as a beret effect, being a
phenomenon generated by air that has been contaminated;
conforming the inversion of the natural temperature of the

This indicates that the high pressures are creating a high

barrier, so that the cold air is trapped in the layers as low
temperature; while the high layers are filled with a much
higher temperature due to the proximity to UV rays.

In this way the smog effect is translated into a compound

full of toxic gases and pollen that inhale all the inhabitants;
Especially people who are allergic and have many negative
consequences for their lungs, especially.

Solutions for air pollution

Take care of green areas
More than prevention, there is action; which means that
before you can repent, it's better to take care of what you
already have; having an objective of preserving what is the
forest mass.

The natural areas have always been the lungs of the entire
planet and as such it requires the conservation of human
activities; who certify that he is capable of taking care of
what he has around him.

For the conservation it is necessary to plant trees; Do not

throw waste into natural environments and above all keep
the flora alive in all its contexts.
Reduces air pollution
The policies that have been directed to reduce air pollution
remain an ideal proposition to advance reforestation;
avoiding the presence of obstacles that may prevent
meeting the objective.

The achievement in this type of solutions is about creating a

pure environment; balanced and above all, breathable; in
order to create awareness in each of the inhabitants;
helping to be a behavior that extends throughout the world
and thus collaborate with environmental health, starting
from the air.

Reduce the consequences of the greenhouse effect

Trying to combat climate change is possible and can be
done by reducing the sources of CO2 that come from
industries to atmospheres. The actions must be direct,
reaching control from the transports; up to the power plants.

Each of these steps are elementary to contribute to the

health of the planet and you will see that with the expansion
of information; the extension of collaborative behaviors will
become more and more reliable.

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