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– means a word or a group of words used as a name of person, place, thing, animal, idea, quality, activity,
event, and etc.


A. Proper Noun – specific names of person, place, thing, animal, idea, quality, activity, event, and etc.
Every important word begins with capital letters.
Example: Philippines, June, Bread & Butter, Red Cross

B. Common Noun – generic names of person, place, thing, animal, idea, quality, activity, event, and etc.
They begin with small letters.
Example: country, months, medicine, ballpen

C. Concrete Noun – can be experienced with the senses of taste, sight, hearing, touch and smell.
Example: sight – cell phone, taste – food, hearing – music, touch – rock, smell – perfume

D. Abstract Noun – when it is a quality or idea. It cannot be perceived by the 5 senses.

Example: freedom, justice, love

E. Collective Noun – terms applied to a group of persons, animals, or objects

Example: Constellation – (stars), Bouquet – (flowers), Army – (frogs), School – (fishes)
Bundle – (sticks), Faculty – (teachers), Battalion – (soldiers), Fleet – (ships)

F. Count Noun – refers to anything that can be counted

1. Regular Nouns – can be made plural by adding –s or –es

Examples: table – tables, pens – pens, boy – boys, church – churches

2. Irregular Nouns – changes spelling when made plural

Examples: mouse – mice, child – children

G. Mass Noun – are things that cannot be counted

-They do not have plural form. They cannot be preceded by articles a, an or a number. Instead,
they use quantifying phrases.

Mass Nouns Singular Expressions Plural Expressions

- Lightning - a flash of lightning - flashes of lightning
- Electricity - a bolt of thunder - bolts of thunder
- Rice - a sack of rice - sacks of rice
- Advice - a piece of advice - pieces of advice
- Information - a bit of information - bits of information

H. Compound Nouns – are nouns made up of two or more words

1. One Word – Example: (Basketball, Butterfly)
2. Two Words – Example: (high school, over time)
3. Hyphenated Words – Example: (Sister-in-law, Brother-in-law)

GENDER OF NOUNS – the quality of a noun by which its sex is distinguished

1. Masculine – denotes male sex
2. Feminine – denotes female sex
Fiancé Fiancée Rooster Hen
Monk Nun Stallion Mare
Bachelor Bachelorette/Spinster Lion Lioness
Widower Widow Bull Cow
Dog Bitch

3. Neuter – denotes objects without sex (Example: Book, Table, Pencil)

4. Common/Indefinite – either masculine or feminine sex (Example: Children, Students,
Teacher, and Doctor)

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