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Nuseir Yassin is known as NAS DAILY. He does a one-minute video. He describes

himself as a Palestinian-Israeli. He decided to name his vlog as NAS DAILY, NAS is an
Arabic term for “people”. He was born on February 9 1992. He made a vlog to show the
beauty of the Philippines and what is good about the said country. He made a video to be
able to feature the Philippines in the growing country.

Nuseir Yassin. (2019, October 4). Retrieved from Wikipedia:

The vlog tells about the best things about the country and the people who are living
with in that country. He mentioned how was the Filipinos open arms to welcome the tourist
visiting the country. The vlog was like promoting the country and at the same time telling
what is the preeminent of living in the country. He states how Filipinos where hospitable.
The vlogger warms the Filipinos heart by creating that simple vlog. He features the
beautiful beaches in the Philippines like in the vlog which is El Nido, Palawan. He said

The content that I want to suggest or recommend is to make a vlog about the
country that are left out in the industry of the modern society. I knew that not every country
is blessed to belong in a modern society because they have a shortage in financial needs.
There is country that is not that rich as other country but they have a beautiful place they
just dint get featured because they are left out in our modern society. I just want to feature
about the country that is living like a primitive and not adopting into a modern society. I
want him to vlog about how people that is financially shorted in a country that is full of
resource that can be sold to be able to live for a day, month or a year. And how the
government help them to be able to live for a day and what was the move they need to
do in able to live a wonderful life.

Magnaye, Princess Mica A.

11- HEBPP 1A

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