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Idaliz Lawrence

My observation from the two sets of topic questions between addition and

subtraction is that the class did better with the addition then the subtraction. I also believe

that question 5 and 11 was to hard for the class because only 31% got the correct answer.

Just to give praise to some student , Juan did fantastic on both subtraction and addition!

Hugh also did great on addition too with an outstanding score 100% on that section. Holly

did pretty good with a score of 80% on her subtraction. On the flip side there are some

students who need more help or a refresher. Luke received a 40% for addition and

subtraction. Nathan needs extra support on subtraction because he received a 20% on that

section. Carly also needs extra help on addition because she received a 60%. My advice

would give parents an option is to either go to a math specialist or have tutoring after

school to help guide students back on track so that they will be on good pacing. In addition

to helping the struggling students , I would advise to challenge students like Juan with

harder material .

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