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Under the instruction of my client Smt. _______________

_______________. I hereby give you the notice as follows:

1. My client is the only daughter to her parents Sri.Late Prabha Shankar P.

and Smt. Late Nanda my client’s parents were from official family. My
client’s father was an Assistant Director in Fisheries Department. My
client is an MA graduate with B.Ed., at the time of marriage she was 25
years old.

2. Your marriage with my client was solemnized on 05.12.2012 at

Manjukrupa kalian Mantapa, Ratha Beedhi Dharmastala as per Hindu
rites and customs.

3. You are the second son besides your elder brother Sri. _________ to your
parents, Sri ________ and Smt. ________. Your parents have modest
practice and modest income while you are working. It was represented to
my client that you are very bright well brought up with good culture in
accordance with traditional valued system which considered relevant and
important having regard to the present state of society. It was believed in
good faith that alliance from a well cultured and orthodox family would
help to protect the marriage and the daughter of the families concern.

4. You are aware that being secured in the aforesaid believing the
representation to be true, the alliance was accepted. You are also aware
that my client had lost her parents, and your parents calculatedly and
dishonestly took every advantage of my client’s belief the conservative
and orthodox values, the culture, custom and practice. You and your
parents were too pleased when informed to my client that she would carry
with her, Gold Jewelry, with ________ Grams of Silver Articles and a
cash of Rs. 3 Lakhs. 1 Gold necklace gain 25 grams, 1 Gold Plain
necklace gain 20 grams, 2 gold chains of 45 grams of different types, 2
sets of Gold bangles in all weighing 40 grams, 2 pairs of ear stead
weighing 15 grams, 4 Gold finger rings weighing 25 grams, 2 pairs Jumki
Vale. Silver Articles – 1 silver plate with _______ grams, 1 silver
tumblers ________ grams, 1 pair of deepa sthambha of same size, silver
statue of Lord Ganesha and Gowri _______ grams, a pair of silver glass,
silver mask of lord Ganesha and Gowri and other silver pooja articles.

5. You are aware that you are a master manipulator, trickster and a cheat, a
proud son to your parents who calculatedly inculcated in you the mastery
over the same. My client is an orphan and her innocence, lack of
worldly knowledge on worldly matters only made it easy for you to
further your dishonest designs.

6. You are aware that just before the marriage you and your parents on the
ruse of helping my client requested her to keep informing and also take
you and your family into confidence before making any purchases to be
given to the bride and the bride groom. The fake concern was calculated
to ensure the purchase of expansive gifts in lieu of customary items.
7. You are aware that the unsuspected my client who is more conscious and
concerned about the marriage and well being of herself had complied
with your wish list in the prows.

8. You are aware that the manner in which the marriage was conducted, you
and your parents have not allowed my client to put on any jewelry of her
articulated that it appears so bizarre and asked her to dress in a casual
way. My client agreed for that and dressed herself as directed by your
parents. You and your parents not allowed any of the friends of my client
to take part in the marriage. Even if my client tried walk off towards her
friends who attended the marriage, you and your parents stopped her by
articulating that it distress to your status and abused her.

9. You are aware that the first 4 days after the marriage was devoted in
bringing the aforesaid articles to your house and they were taken to bank
locker owed by you and your mother Smt._________ to keep the articles
belonging to my client. It is anxiety shown by you and your mother in
securing the articles to keep in the safe locker that jointly held by you
with your mother did surprises my client as she was keen like any newly
wed to spend time with her husband, but you were in no hurry as your
priority was the same of that of your parents who made brazen claim and
got most of it in the matter of wedding gifts as well as their sasti poorthi .

10.You are aware that the so called nuptial ceremony in fact presented
number of shocks to my client, for you revealed your monstrous
behavior. It showed that you are diabolically indifferent and morally
fallen, besides eternal incorrigible. The same day my client was shocked
to hear that you are a jandis (H1N1) from long ago. When my client
questioned it you got upset and you broken down and cried inconsolably
and you induced yourself.
11.You are aware that after 5 days of your marriage yourself, your mother
father and elder brother refused my client to undertake any household
chores including the kitchen abusing her about the different social group
of my client and you, your mother, father and brother began to preach her
about Brahmanism by degrading her caste and her background unmindful
of the fact that she is an orphan.

12.You are aware that on the 10th day of your marriage yourself, your
mother, father and brother purposely decided to visit astrologer who is
one of your relatives to enquire about my client’s kundali asking him
whether there is any chance for the newly wed couples to live together or
not. As per the astrologer there is a fault in my client’s kudali any if my
client be with you it will distress to your future life and you will leave
this world in a short period. For this reason she has to depart you for few
days. Due to this one day the Homa has to be performed. Innocent my
client believed on you and came back to her home on 15 th December

13.You are aware that your father called to my client mobile and asked her
to walk off for the so called Homa at your home in Shimoga. On 28 th
December 2012 my client came to your home again as per the instruction
of your father. On 29th December 2012 the so called Homa had been

14.You are aware that yourself, your father, mother and brother declined her
to go outside the house and confined her unmindful of the fact that my
client to take her NET exam on 30th December 2012 , saying that they
need to discuss with her about her future life, and moreover it is of no
use to take any exams or continuing her studies after marriage but to take
care of her patient husband. When my client refuse to do so and made
appeal for her appearance for the said exam, your elder brother abused
her that she has not seen another face of him and regulated her to engage
with other household chores except in kitchen. When my client engaged
in the household work while you, your mother, brother and father enjoyed
yourselves in the living room. The conversation, focused around as to
how to make my client more and more acceptable in utter disregard to
herself esteem.

15.You are aware that on the same day i.e., on 30th December 2012 the way
your father discussed the matter with my client was aggravated one by
using abuse language with my client. You are also aware that on 31st
December 2012 my client had been sent back to her home by insisting her
come for the Sankranti festival on 14th January 2013 along with all the
aforesaid Gold Jewelry and Silver articles.

16.You are aware that in the aforesaid context my client brought all the gold
jewelry and silver articles for you and your family with a fond hope that
things may become alright once she brings the jewelry. You and your
parents were extremely happy on that alliance.

17.You are aware that after receiving the aforesaid alliance you, your mother
father again sent my client back to her place. You are also aware that
each and every day my client was getting many threatening calls from
you and your father, to depart from you and save your life in the name of
worships Homa etc., the cold blooded diabolical and shameless acts
calculatedly by inflicted on my client who is innocent.



21.You are aware that although you promised to settle it amicably to my
client have good reason to believe that you are being what you are, most
unreliable and ruthless cannot be trusted. My client under the
circumstances cannot live with you.

22.It is clear from the aforesaid that you, your parents and brother have
committed very heinous acts besides cautiously inflicting physical and
mental cruelty, further your have defrauded my client of valuable and
cash. My client shall prosecute you for the offence punishable under
section 498-A, 406, 420 read with section 34 of Indian Penal Code read
with section 3 and 4 of Dowry Prohibition Act.

I therefore call upon you to return the gold jewelry, silver articles and
cash of Rs. 3 Lakhs other valuables within 15 days pave way for mutual
petition for divorce. On your failure my client shall take recourse as is
available to her at your risk and peril as to cost and consequences thereof.

Your Sincerely

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