Supply Chain Management at Regal Marine Regal Marine Marine2pdfsupply Chain PDF

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1. What other techniques might Regal use to improve supply chain management?

Regal Marine employees several supply chain management strategies. Due to

the wide range of raw materials that they need to make a boat, they use different
strategies for different areas. For example, they use a few suppliers strategy for
engineers(VOLVO) in order to improve the final quality of the product according
to the feedback from engineering enterprises. If they used many suppliers
strategy, the cost would be lower because of the fact that they have to compete
between each other and they could have less improvement. In other pieces of
the boat, not as critical as it is an engine, they might use many suppliers
techniques in order to reduce the cost of the product. Although there are some
aspects of Regal Marine's strategy that let us see some vertical integration, they
could even improve this aspects in order to reduce inventories and save some
money, as the last speaker painted out in the video.

2. What kind of response might members of the supply chain expect from Regal in
response to their „partnering” in the supply chain management?

Regal Marine provides the highest possible quality boats and service to their
customers. Being a partner of Regal Marin plays really important role in the
strategy and supply chain management of the company. Supply chain
management for Regal Marine starts with buying row materials and ends
distributing final products to their customers. The most important partners for
Regal Marines are suppliers of row materials. Being a part of Regal Marine
supply chain they get a great number of benefits. First of all they Regal Marine
provides a great revenues for the company because of the fact that they are
buying a big quantities of row material as a world leading company. What is
more they offer they suppliers a possibility to test their products. Regal Marine
pushes quality through their quality departments giving a worth feedback to their
Finally, all partners of Regal Marine get market response. According to it they
can respond to the demand and technological changes.

3. Why is supply chain management important to Regal?

Supply chain management is a crucial element of the Regal Marine company. It

lets control not only all production activities but also row materials suppliers and
then distribution of finished goods.
Supply chain managements brings many benefits for the company. First of all, it
manages all the activities connected with the production. What is more it
controls a delivery of products to all the customers through a distribution system.
Moreover, it allows to obtain effective job. What is really important for Regal
Marine is the fact that supply chain management gives an opportunity to control
row materials and inventory so that there are is not an excess of products
waiting to be distributed. What goes with it, the system reduces costs of stored
materials and products. Finally, the supply chain management allows to predict
production forecast.

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