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NO DIAGNOSIS KODE ICD 10 Strabismus, Convergent concomitant H50.

NEUROOPHTALMOLOGY Strabismus, Divergent concomitant H50.1
Disorders of optic [2nd] nerve and visual pathways, Other H47 Strabismus, Vertical H50.2
Disorders of optic chiasm H47.4 Strabismus, Mechanical H50.6
Disorders of other visual pathways H47.5 Strabismus, Other specified H50.8
Disorders of visual cortex H47.6 Strabismus, unspecified H50.9
Disorders of optic nerve, not elsewhere classified H47.0 NO DIAGNOSIS KODE ICD 10
Disorder of visual pathways, unspecified H47.7 NEUROPEDIATRI
Optic atrophy H47.2 1 Anencephaly and similar malformations Q00
Other disorders of optic disc H47.3 Anencephaly Q00.0
Papilloedema, unspecified H47.1
Craniorachischisis Q00.1
Disorders of optic [2nd] nerve and visual pathways in diseases H48
classified elsewhere Iniencephaly Q00.2
Optic atrophy in diseases classified elsewhere H48.0 2 Cerebral palsy G80
Other disorders of optic nerve and visual pathways in H48.8 Spastic quadriplegic cerebral palsy G80.0
diseases classified elsewhere Spastic diplegic cerebral palsy G80.1
Retrobulbar neuritis in diseases classified elsewhere H48.1 Spastic hemiplegic cerebral palsy G80.2
Optic neuritis H46 Dyskinetic cerebral palsy G80.3
Other disorders of binocular movement H51 Ataxic cerebral palsy G80.4
Palsy of conjugate gaze H51.0 Other cerebral palsy G80.8
Convergence insufficiency and excess H51.1
Cerebral palsy, unspecified G80.9
Internuclear ophthalmoplegia H51.2
3 Congenital hydrocephalus Q03
Other specified disorders of binocular movement H51.8
Disorder of binocular movement, unspecified H51.9 Malformations of aqueduct of Sylvius Q03.0
Strabismus , Paralytic H49 Atresia of foramina of Magendie and Luschka Q03.1
3rd [oculomotor] nerve palsy H49.0 Other congenital hydrocephalus Q03.8
4th [trochlear] nerve palsy H49.1 Congenital hydrocephalus, unspecified Q03.9
6th [abducent] nerve palsy H49.2 4 Encephalocele Q01
Ophthalmoplegia , Progressive external H49.4 Frontal encephalocele Q01.0
Ophthalmoplegia , Total (external) H49.3 Nasofrontal encephalocele Q01.1
Strabismus , Other paralytic H49.8 Occipital encephalocele Q01.2
Strabismus, Other H50
Encephalocele of other sites Q01.8
Heterophoria H50.5
5 Microcephaly Q02
Heterotropia, Intermittent H50.3
Heterotropia, Other and unspecified H50.4 6 Other congenital malformations of brain Q04
Congenital malformations of corpus callosum Q04.0 Spina bifida without hydrocephalus Lumbar Q05.7
Arhinencephaly Q04.1 Spina bifida without hydrocephalus Sacral Q05.8
Holoprosencephaly Q04.2 Spina bifida, unspecified Q05.9
Other reduction deformities of brain Q04.3
Septo-optic dysplasia Q04.4
Megalencephaly Q04.5
Congenital cerebral cysts Q04.6
Other specified congenital malformations of brain Q04.8
Congenital malformation of brain, unspecified Q04.9
7 Other congenital malformations of nervous system Q07
Arnold-Chiari syndrome Q07.0
Other specified congenital malformations of nervous Q07.8
Congenital malformation of nervous system, Q07.9
8 Other congenital malformations of spinal cord Q06
Amyelia Q06.0
Hypoplasia and dysplasia of spinal cord Q06.1
Diastematomyelia Q06.2
Other congenital cauda equina malformations Q06.3
Hydromyelia Q06.4
Other specified congenital malformations of spinal Q06.8
Congenital malformation of spinal cord, unspecified Q06.9
9 Spina bifida Q05
Spina bifida with hydrocephalus , Cervical Q05.0
Spina bifida with hydrocephalus , Thoracic Q05.1
Spina bifida with hydrocephalus Lumbar Q05.2
Spina bifida with hydrocephalus Sacral Q05.3
Spina bifida with hydrocephalus Unspecified Q05.4
Spina bifida without hydrocephalus Cervical Q05.5
Spina bifida without hydrocephalus Thoracic Q05.6

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