Transportation Engineering Notes

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“| Mopuce- 4 RAILWAy Eng NEERING] ~ a History of Ration | 4 tg we 1") Con Raiiooy fe Map anted in England AKA Mod tenn Whe tenelus un on road weak OO Wed CP IS dy Kane « In 1781 the Cass iron Tails rene Intnedced & dhe Main [dea sbout moderen rtaileay tae developed « ao a wh A French metho ,“humed Nieholas Joseph nok WOR Pm thvent= & bonshu= die Fieat locomotive @4eam powered 19 dn Yea 1764, Wid) way Muaning W) rad. . | In 804 Anevida detgned & Gongtrencted dre tient lovemateve fore eadlweys. 0 4th Rebesey WB newe | dr Gmail Lewn Merthyr fn wales , | | | Ne famous fionur of Ratha Ceorge Stephenson | (ei- \et4e), born on Aine A181 Ne payer Wenl> do Sekool bit BY he ange Neserh to read @ yonide , He kes Engines very much & Wereked on a Tailood et in nore England . He Shonld be alisays temembueed Jhat- Ceorye Stephenson 0S helhere the Tnventore of 2deam engine Noe Se fegrare of reailoay. Bet he played XO majere cole in Constructing Pebe rathceys vf wnodeen days » ve Secame vou Famous & rich, @ Trancposiat®sn os xegarded as an ender of economic, soca and commoreral progres of a counted necav are to Seuefau potmtof Wow Ine srenspostation & of CY Land 4rancpos 9 vada Rath edey Ohl wey Et) watee ARBRE Botan ey ES . ee eB evercunere- : acon “ iw Hee fransposd = poe ays Hes torecad development of Razd Po Inia? Ao tbe Alnod 20H) GO pekéiee He Ervemaact of vakdargs. Pndia was a ~tountry wWely a exkronely poor means of tpferudetacony cdoys Oo pashan PRO bus tye 2 oe Madvar CMow chennat > and Ba rato Wow Cont Qmp Oat a. The fotaoe Se Po Gor arch devoted to deat potiy Sac cegchak ya’ ¢ &y the nésto of © oven oe spabhioay s &9 Indie - Prop ascr® fore Ye Cong ACH of) of Endta wUer Cabmeted +o y Mice RM, SLEPRantor | yeuar- sere vapor, oe Bast Treo Compare A contac T° CONSUL AN Ouper?- af 1e0KRme Arorn Calurt abo underetok eo Bq eat andia \eud- janie, Lent merzopeut WO com pony BER - Whe fret pakWooy gene beLween and Thana 639 king Stretch) was Born opened. Tt has 14 Coaches and Wats ARveo Py 3 ang ona. \egs- \e6o tent watdooy Compandes werte pet the followesy ieee wsrvabuished & entra ames - a> croak Sndeo. panensula Rai ae (av) athe Madras rot oouy (Cis) The. Bombay = Baroda and centrat Tndta Ratweay. ccindia Rak dcatern serget wee wih Sndéan Ratlway.” Soucky Cast rary w> We (vt) Tre Cs} Tha So (vit) The cogetta and rode acbiay of 147480 ame ob \Oa04. “andFar Raid qnquiny Commetiee” Was coppotated andae he crate anshep of Sére yo Ran ACWOMN To look ey 1 Rath dug off afte - \9 Aas. ° 19.23%. nattnaldeatoy of waktw started. jquq-so!. The Sovecnmat acquired Cobol overt at omy Fad pdrake Compa swaidiongs once OV Clacsebe al? HasiebCalion ob Snctan a Shuday a4 es of B main Gicgore, GD tron powl4t- The Jolianeye © DHl4 a4, B.. em 3 urref mq have bee) Cla ceafeed Al teen sDLet es DH Bes +oehl muGrrdsarak- Hoeuth a pane - Kobe mumbal . mo pout cn anna? 3. pare- sans Ue Moawah- B&R Paw mernber? G maminat- Gunkatud - nonnai @+ Howrah - vijay a ada ehannat qudanat? MGS. 4. LELKo - Goran Port” Q- pewhe- FakPue grenerehad | 3. cnennak- moaayet: Te 9 cert UA spect ed gine other Aron ron 16 Grose melon Tonmel Co-Ms roe Fore BH MA Ber or ii) Main un ots, AN (i) Mat) EO es rude _ Commying part annus off mo or more Fore MH (i) Brandy Binge Tnese arte claccekiod eothe F otlow ery eiera'- SAN Ba Loner wrt) Gerd 12e6s dnan 1a Gar poe amnud Cmartimeum Ff ect PIO Spoedh Yoo Keveh.) YY Fae mG Woes, ett Ahoe lla’ cohich Joss Than ac GMT Cae Annum. C paemecstbl of Seed Tr eR) Bache z V4s0- Re-Rroureiy of rae Was cond and ® Bxonos ware foremed Vourfou fe year Pans cue planned fare development ab andion Ralwey * wfereat f2vo yeat plan Cigei-S6) 5 Secen eve gout pian c1acb-8)) Sy Teed feve Yeue ran ciaby- 46) 7 Foe eve qin plan caea-74) cy Fett Fevd g Care plan C19 4-78) J Whe beth Feve eae play c19%-%) The seventh Ave geet plan C\9e5=92) Pome eeerth We Yeowplas 1398-99) yyw ntothy Feve Yoate Bleu 1999 a8) Yy Te 22516 $ove goeue Plan (Ao a- 804) ype areventy eve Yeare plan.Caoot r000 Mm PE 3g 32% » Do \_ mee we N61 Creu gaye) used TL2 mm (9 te a 610 vo (2 4t) Naheston of wheelso. ™ PA poregreanc o offered ba the fredton Peper peywween Ine metal ccuefa ce Ol He Gail ame ened LR pees “Those wer long waite nan ped ek at orfareetfoa | undae the wok fort descharkRoag of ash Sor lot omoatey eC. UPalk atts. Preast cede waserted) pared, under oA aroused WN? seepees, 70 ranger locds ford Sleepers TO woe» 24 Harpe &D poet yowor Wack: 2c Ihe RTA Banari ofp: The \oote palast beloved the “oo veljaconl 1 eoferes ay woo as waliart cobb « of patel, To reduce Hoe enrenctiy of Prossaste, pouedculor. on Loht vart of geerae , @ oan pata of meid’steo) ore Cas POD ec Peyreducad beboeen 4He ports ant we geepat. Tres plete &s conrad oareln plot 2 + MH Aldrlbutet the load over a lartgot Aree oh, A@enivese $10 eRe Bote’: Th c 20 ea pocess of fees AGS: BOLGIE cevgep of RAP S% Creep ec Ine Lon epudingl emovemont of rane a Frock. TH occas chug +o Coveral wealoni. The Shh of cro ends to dvag sno track. PF bavat e oF 8 Such GOD Ho had +ue walle. “ Berakimonts. Derakl He mend: a Nose F Ockew&, (Oho, & WHOA ofa +Waky ort boRr 0 pur of tho vatig, SH CoMseh by a ae ar Hrt°O weteerte PO vocal ator 1 athtdond Proper Aearyhe on PAR! = & s © Check Rai cr Chee, wai’ cate provetedien Iho eprostio Gtdoof the caostedy locator Fore queUR Ore heed, of the yonicle GR thud 4o tag the 2 whe) do Linh ovee 40 Aendoray f anolbel cmd ConPRof OHee3. “Tho heeds axe Conal ala Slopod 4m &O 4o prevent from zubloedk the Rocio face of qne wat head and to proven laderad movement of the axle, cots afacaheed. cantar, fe ENDO contr&e of ubedls + Creep of Rater Croay & Ane Lore judingd movant of ABs bo G Wak -B OCeurs due to soverad fone, Tho Obbou of Creep tends “op Aree Ane trac , ef bate &¢ ery cecteefonl 4o had the rally. becadiments. DemaiPment octues hen inne egheads of a HRD ore befre BR Oe of he vaRl< Ig Couto on Oxcurdorst TF Outen by ah Atticlent ond Sonera eo vot of ives” one povensep claro. 80 i Doeaie Headed Rafter, rece axcetrt aaiis LOM) aye cloutsic Head- The batty end top Ct Fook cand hood) ofthe raph Oxo ok WL Came CrOu- CoctioN - p pASs “They arte rectarfertare AeeP Pas ery wohtin wWheadlt oO Hoe lotomorttves Grtedaken OU ow repoticts Ica)! $3, The raked) Stace chove+he regres ee dot Careygth te rail Aru & aed embankment + bz necant ol Yhe es eonkaes 4 is amore, the Séd@ Sloped Gre © Loree dre bettere Slabe tt ty of Slopeg, @ “ Ash platesy. Thete pater, csommbeerte ry chapo’s hes used to pede tre iit le ‘ es “awe tego TALE Gb the nobis fotlt: bed ee) ° 2 ake regutred Bap fore epenc: on d alvo Poach) of rakls hue jo termp vart akan, rey one made of shee ore rnnckten:- Fore ated Cs te Prepaid Leabfired @ rood to roceve-the rohosd. Gover The Sange ofa Wo EnfBia C4 recasur as the mene ALHANO bei @D the Ennore mano er& manateG oe FauFe fee os of tho tw valle, Gradienks. Anu dopartuce ofthe rail Bra Foe jevel & know as Grade ort. Ractient HH ke Catted an ceperoddont whathe +rocn sto, @ Ie dere) of metfon . ang a Abr Geodiont. Phe> rou Fue belo Cong dtecui ob movement - 2 Grade Compentattens. The cernount of Ruodleny e pOUrced, COUR Cvere O Cuueye Cond Recchient, avg $0 bo Proveer oh “togethere We PALEH ODED Yrod 0 ge unio OF Grade ComPQnsation oy turevel. Laon 10S. Guecdl salle Ge orvira radi, provided ovat brbdgon to prevent eee gor by HA of cerallmont OttereéiB ontng brea Re - auth Cofoctys 2. Haute Btactisy of Derwnstg 2 tno tole lead heh Con by hau Id gf» TL Udi GAes he Proote of the Doconotes. @ SrtertlocrRe. he + ® —————_—_ echn Mug, acheoved) ~treacGhy ont. orectetal AF arti tt fore bye belvoeey “Int Levers es Cae} dostue (ake TER Cuabele “TH® posebe derees, aly Con deaton and Aangot of PUL ing Lod Saal) and jus Prevent d Conftic chety emovernent, « eg a wachéng ede fu eto wochant (aD mochanetod martial locker Jeoco morevci T+ swarailbne chemi Cad oneshY a} oencR af, wpizers “eet nage Cece canal teed oe erectus Loco m oto you Rs AE corn worl, ayoudt Gm Wane \ocomover 3 we epotred Gad Cone Barton” Watering - ‘pn tenene@: and conto Ate done, GUL Coat toh cocomnerev* youd pevre coe: “TKE Ronde ah Gdrade, CNW AiR. wn ennere Sates 40 46 AUN oki s. C4 ge Meu: r . op CAE otk Roacdicnl mom gnien eqocktan i. ae CA AHO EUR Cg a oe Suavantak C4 a & Paweng Rrnctno and Einetic wht YOK coy UY Cpe OMe ese 8 Reason. oner By» a fees SEE * fined Ine : on robls eb eine OQ pst ARE "bo. ee OF wo ote ee a nt ye pete cuapexaly alcan cS py 2pott ve Ee ane Teer ot or bre Lene branches of Trow a Main Line on he Curve Of fro @proidde seca; Are a Apoent Fig, from arene boin dhe traces bp2furt Gh? ore cue that Plaw, Cf 2a Not PomeH e cant fort both -puc track. Chu core, 69 tne brancy AL verge, +O Pond? , Same place Looe fydutee es Caid to Gepost eher a fiod - Platforms, A watak loved heatla Cron eget tro USAaLe — perMangeru boarck an . ") Gn AWatne ab ye stateou * pheb afore . + pote) ¢, Crossings OXLe Polnrs andl(rossées mE Conrat vary ces ore Cerrang cA end © ae to) iD - cation atinge foraier ore divers ng atileoontd % a‘ PAL e ed 40 abbord Torque teatoto are comet mova doa Come ES Te ANojren - Railway track. Reith Are the Cauretere Prorictad) by Palle Bedell 6 Sleepers, rosten§ 69 aol and Suhpoak e Routog Reeatanas meds tre TOetanc, To moe ale Consion? vee Oa lovel dae, , aff rod) pro feaes beLEd 209 uy wg d surcfoo He Fath ad toy woheed - - To Sac atl 24 on have, nogateve blloug He nner rat) Cont Ore wD: A vardow duper of gous OE Prtdend py 7 porcdientare plree + . @ Reotlems of Meticauge Seystero Y _MtGoBlempsiog, VOC PU ANES | D Ine firdent wy af realling Stoek 1 Congest= of - Empty morement tog ~ Lageng dhe Low a. Leng period of. Fme waiting do Yee Link hatter . — Thanfercreauibid ppescle direction of. main Aravel Bt od equipment: nod pouible De chadaionat factly t~ Stadion gored Such as ii] = Jods. — Yentenance Rape a anting HOON) ort oUEAS ~ porforeey of gree. Speci tiotions 3 Madeance to dept movement od geods and ~ Specialty ducing emergenien, ~ “reansshs'p ment= cet. ays detfe ") balanced etonomia grecuthy — Indastiiat develapment — Movement between petats vf Production & Conmeump Yor, > et Beaty ty Fosarce guage Conversation . —— —__. OO DD Mae teaches atee preveded ay A De Jone OK Lore ata ‘he PY Mb pow hare to Gate Lome otter PIN Chae oh staltocan ig Reeaserey The hawtengef . Vhe dagen MYardine GEhty Ie Link ie : Toad graye for Ihe Is Important aspeat « 1) Sn con venience do ~ Chew of BA tases — Climbing ore Cocosseng badges —_ Man powere. Meqtreed Low lesgare Pah — Suc ef tase =e PEN Coctching the link drat, Parbercercs, Y “harsstapment tog goods - Pomage ts gorda — theft ~ Stet halle, paced > Delous Coused om Mithandtings of gueds Conray ef poke ts tq Reilosay Go Kk toys —> () | eae J Contingtl vaheol deonds, Qu Rady sh Ethane ——i the Rurefece of ghe wheels arte Made, 9 Cone thope ale an inctenati’en of fin 20 andthe Same Slope a prorded 19 We renal | ye’ ay Known 2 toning of heels . Tey Se ehedalenntng 15 Stora ghle braele die. do move In Ory dinedeton /the diameter of Ye wheel MU Bree ere east And Te Whee t “remoy 18 Gecto mattealty forced 40 more Darcy, iy its oralginal Contreak poselion . Wheterd 0 O& Coreved dead fereee dhe deat ie fexeed in dametre on usere rae, distance dus Yo Cemirafagal oiterard deol, the inureases And the or wo Araeks are adwsded « Radlses Aippnnt : Resliony Ohignenante ng. very Conaplae preoets, I anit he Enginceres Oden Hace a wee vouciety ot Factory Kw huge ho ef atterenatives . “They Shoutd Select an economical path based en epeg raphy » Sei] Conditeon , etre ak tnpael- Such at aie polladeon sk notse , Cedoceenomie Factores , % wel ay eppected level of ucviees’ ef dhe reba in) deems off gees Ox Passenger Crongportation . bef) The dinersden & ese on GU ty the Contre Loe of the eiluony esck or) Ke guound is-calted’ a. Aoack, MLanment + elligorsats Gait bE EA gph nee HS &. Vouieal pegs * detxoniet aWWanment : Na Inchucles. Straight posh | NS Welt deviatiorge weldth 1 horizontal Guwove . in % Nucla auligomegt Verettad alignment of wailrary crate Hnelades Chongs iq Qradient’S K varctieal carves. Basie i weatenents of 0 goed attigomend : A, Sdreoct te Conscdercatee ry Semele Th beans esesial to eth Juss Peints by a Patlway tine tor, Streadedfe p Oke tho that iy emergency diag Quamy Can be transéered. Frees, ene peent do dhe oaher. x) Linsatng of trade Centres # \k uo trades centres may not be Tailsay ne. 19 Sach cases Yeilwway line Proposed Uaked bp by a Were Should be @ 9 between Abe Centres , BD Consecbong Penk with ste jnkecivee of te. (, Hef wile ne - Ase ph Seeonesr a Aeire ng, thre Be lobereiare Of tg essential do hare a. new Matlemy ly perk anck te dade Conde, bf Counsrey?. DSN G Giang Rage _ecakettore A oa 8 Puptied red Ro ~~~ PS taro Pert. Bet yp Lo possible. to shorten the Cpltding % cs bine has to be lec. 5> Layey of a branch lig @ | Ey Vadereloped ante :- A ne rai lisoy Line # bid do develop ary ARO istuch may be Nich in mineral ere otters, Aoketoh wealth , FRobes tnfliinsing tne proposed saute RRO ae 4 ge ae Shed be Selecteh Witard. ost Rhee See Mat che Cast — Lompeses Ceapewot Col + marnberance Cese renewal, + paprrkiturce. Ale riking epopensed) 9 Bastety. — the Ovoilabl. Porsengen Gack, tate ¢ bbe: trans deccecl. Sapely. — The reoude Sfoekd Mecedemt3 Oh wuld Sheds — The reaite eeapy Lhoetel be Such ray Ae Spud cf the tas 2 Ketonable , fe Srch Goleetel sq Hat Ma 46 menimum, roo ® Sn vedre do hare a Proper & Sede apactsrey ree Meese , Warious sanveys ane Cannel ou : ‘ Te Reconnasss ance ervey a. Heeliminarey Seve, 3+ Lvente’en Sucve Tantben Lure, 1, Reconnatteanee Verevey oe 7 Survey, — i he fae er pireiretng fey sr te arctic Cunied pip wy Herre darcy Which has nol- been previeuiky, Sureveyek fore the P= of laying Sun rw Teelway bing. = G45 main obrechves arts. fe ar py gag Main % Whole. verceettoresy) 4 Ge Indercmations gatherud on thes Survey Aree. : CY Yrnetal Chanacterishics of Be Country § pho Uploting Cubtevakon . @) InFonmastiog veepording tol Indlusyrcces * @) Density of poputation & localidy (hy probable ameant ot the tentlic Jo be, Servet g @ 3 OS el ce) netere Yoluune of export & ther desdénateon, (1) Areunk oP Import k Center of their decdntbigl”, G) Sindy of epsistirg moans of vreans puree @ Gr physical denduces of He Countrey §) CY Surdace fonmaston of dhe ground a) CY Nature of Leif & its classe inten CY Strenms & recveres whieh ane. likely to Cros dhe Properek railway Line © Avatlbilidy of mectercal £ bbeure Foye aes lusting Consdreectc'an « @) Free liminarey Suevey- i SP Ob Ne ote By bie okve °F prclininaiiy Serve Ye Cendutt- fa, obh ¢ Nerdempouth ous. bo noconnaicance Sevey ~ 40 © delowmine the. acowrnde i ee . ne alerg Whete alserrade reevdes . Ieporance | @& Ww & devde dhe Bud poate. & Kecommencly only one poshioutsre pote , CO NM Shenld te CAarrectdart- BS on tL depends the align CB) _Lecakion Saserey . ARNON Say ia, At, Por pracisséon TO OL By Hi pepedlis, Piopised Muse & yo Ly the Mast. gomnomeaf Tinte Sten de Preliminary lata. @ lmpontance the locatisn Sarevey esdablihes Ihe Conde Love. of tne actual frock do be (aid. Ko dhe Consdmel? work is Sarled afdet dhs fart * ee Surevey te dhe beginning of Actral lasing milioay lene. roonks done ty tre deren The follering Peak are Camitd Pil Oren gy , > papene (oeation : » Feel Location am, {e Mlethet 8 pate eh tlk bs Cilions oo i bb lke gradings Curcves, . ete ane menlioned = Gach 9 ane also Bhown ; ¥ / Deke location beaet — the boca” fata, Papin Met (8 trams desacd ty che “ob yanks = tech S bovets ane the Ir dg ha 5 the tentan pF 2M iven alt crery 204 ~ ve bench mercks ane es, eb l, ' Inderal yon trans ht palin, every 200 m Process. isy @- aD Reilasouy Reunipiesscon Sescvery Reslasay Beantias” Surwey is lomibed i. ghrp Gregor. DP Ct Cony Larsbelidy evey J Feet by foot Survey Cok Coa deasibiled, G- SS eed hin dee ghik clerked? Survey fore dtx Prepred reuse. What melades Lpobanrnat? wf- overt lying Steuctunes eke by oven, were brie «Nees Akio includes Suscvey tf Goel fo wrseyy Soundan? Cae, A ly ae On aeceprance of & prajed=raperd- , Soop by fae detailed Sureveys ane reguined Yon. dhe Pp ecaton yp wonkeeng dressing Tone oh ebrcbrortion, Rremanent Wa? :- The Sind shed track on a Patlcay Cotted 04 dhe qeemanente seus - FAI road Je Id Consist oF the Lop eng S cuertiat parts "eaee Rail, Blecpere 2 Bauast . @® Requenemencts ofthe Tererranart wey = Mange Pte track Choutd be tuidorm & Here Shoefel nol be a Vonnying, gouges + — thers Dhorntd be minimum un” between dhe Much A rea. - fo wepary, ‘replace om Renew vhe Iomaped tracks the jauilides Shout. be prewnt Along dhe Way ate YOR ous, peirds. — The design of thentd be . Bh Sarl, Hale Hoe land of train Be dicdntbedtet wath en ft - The 6 ts af dhe frock Should b¢ uth thet hey Conld eat dhe thek due ty jnmpack. — Cn oes fe een 4 ncbortionn: — Gpeciat Considenctons ane Yeleen rotdle designing. Kw Curved. mee = had poses lateral neg by rer Ventiest Load. — WM Should meguine dhe min, of maintenance. — Ihe drainage praby Should fo perted - — 2 wail [tr Sbeidd be Presper. Koi The Cae tron woth wen Introduced ale fia Yeon 1784. befewedhal the joy being | Prredion. den Tals pene henge oF pone AE Prttent~ de Shee! apy ls ane which fe op 2 following Apes : west ™"] Bye Bas ) Deable. Headed RG op Buty headed. ” ny Flot Footed pelinelle Social Tolls trails Comseste of dunex Paw ds ramely p deere are: tle. opel sinmashi- — ppt A lowere able are Ielensttaly made dp : double dee Life. of veil. — When spper teble gets @ iy0rn ule tre vail Wik: be reverted tb do we dhe bower, sable. MH pesess bath of cio % 732 ony Thee are wet used noi a days, a> Boit- ended Rails —Orrraemrn s [= Peele ~The heaal te Laregen than Lol jtrutt ane mndke upet sees, — best Of cra is Geretally 18.049 m, ~The arte mainty eed an Crgland. Careape. > Flat Froted Rail 66.6 Here the Lot is Spread owe do Lum a base — These ane the Papetace. 142.8 we forma of rac/ bal Em ~ thee railg ane cf differart- (ery dts, 20.64 fin dif ferort- bounties as Pere dtire Clan dared» Creer or Raus => rh fest —™ Swedton of Conny ete le nyadinad Movement of anils Coed 0% creaep, Lowes of treeep {) Brakes + Cresp duelps Brcing dhe Starting B Meping, od de dain, ducing Sharing the Whee] Prdhes dhe vail backward & deseeng Stopping des thes yy, y " Sreaesged mo trou is 2) wave action te Cast eg Det insvemente of wheel Sailers Gand ty da crmi) tre acl depleet-s nen dhe Supponss by forewing Crcests. whan) dhe wheels of dhe Vehicle Sdrikes Here Crerts de crerp in developed = 3D Pecemsivn testy ' Ace: fo duis dhuony the Impau- ef rai! wheels a dhs ints give rite te Crap. Bela. Dichanges 9 fempenaturce Crucp may also be Caused dad tothe tnequal Supamsion % Contractions rf wnile due fo varying Weather + Resusts im the C8 reve side of Maree presen & hence. doe guage & olisturcbed there well be wedening of q9P8 Sere paces nie Some please Whe tnptetleo. gop rmntshes, — poteiion et- points anal Cecassings ane deevurcbed) — The wath berome Yoo short- on too long dus. to Cotten - — The Interlocking mechancem % alte disturbed. — "the ballast gecten gets dittunbed 2 the Cup mone than (50 mm je nok percmited “therer arte 3 methods, by Which ha Creep ix Connected ; D tabbing bak of Rails eidhere by Jack ee manpever. 1D) Use oF Creep anchors ¥o resdricl dhe ruovement- of yale. Creep anchors One User al every 3-4 Sep ert Injerwals. eas bcc? oe ae WwW Use of See} clenpieers : vse ef sel sleepers vhrtenghout- dhe vreack Minimizes dhe Urteep Hh as if provides good gnip Wwe dre ballast - WEAR Be FAILURE IN RAILS. Weare in Rails The prodlem caused by movement of wheels ovew we Tail & Called as Wear On Roils. Tels may be aspabied 0% Lotsing D weston dhe pore had of wail buue Here dhe meted doom dhe dep “CD ‘tf dre “rou foes and Jorevns Gaase Bea presfectior called as, bucre vin he Jou Side. D woeare of eras ate dhe Erde | Ale dhe eppansien gaps ; dre whuls of dhe Venice takes A pump olurting dds jump dhey- Imparl- a blew 40 dre end bf dhe 9 prNehide roils wear a = Rails WD wreace of rail Spansion grote tn the Sides of head : This is dhe mott- datreuctive type of weare tay Caused on dhe dencks Al- the Cueves. Methods adopeel Jo reduce weat : 2 vse of Speetolty stee?, 1) Propere maintenance of track WD) Reduct” wf Lppanrion gap WD) Gochange of xails on Cuscves. vd Indrooductng check rvnils vd Using lubnicardts , VI) dfardening wrils ayade dhe head. Failure in Roly . facture in vail & cause wiltoat= any notice. whith may be Causeof due do Manidackuciy defeob, * clesegn of pints, fateyue due fo Shear Stress , qual o£ mil & Speed of dha damn: @ “ype. watt Balas = Crushed head dre bead rf the rail gets Curbed clue te de pmo of metal from head of wre], — “Mrtansvercte Lessucce A fevsure on hole 7% developed On dhe heal rh de vei] A prtich aprunds guarclunlly « — Splet head tesce die hereof of dhe vail gots Split into dodo Ports » — Hopizortol Piura de dssune ov hele generated ale dr Section of ns] and pOrenily yes FP; — Square ort angrlare break Herte fre woi| breaks cifpert Vere cally ore hore’ zontolly « Reyuirce ment’s of Ballast: DI maintain Hre negnind depth of dre material wed fr bunt dorm disdntha ef hretght ot drain. W) The material of ballast Sheulel preenide Su TEecente SUP on the Sleepers restnicterg, Metre Movement . WD Ane metencods wid dev dalle Shold be elaatce in Wadintt wy te metentol bhotd poser reaapined Compressive. Strength wetante braking: V) Bee we Mt Sherld ollnd He main Woden to adrtain oul- Inrne dindelg Widtrert- absorching Ore blocking i We motenial Shanld be Chétap onk, eascly Available ening Conséetion « Vi) 14 Shout hol posers Gy chemicat Aiden ov tre vacls. oe metel skeperd. WW) MY gheald be easily workasle, We) I Shentet te durable R Mist abrcesien effect. Materiaks based Jr) Boast mteriols [eke Brsken tone, Kankan, Gravel , Ashes, Sond, Movrian , brick bats Selective Loi] may be ised fre Contmetion.of Soltest . Mein tonobions of Bats > # provide a hand & level bed Be Sleepers “HHO distitbode de loads evenly do the ground. 7 to maintain dhe dead level. PP fron on elastic bedl- Pete repteiet dhe Growin rh plots oy She Rails. > i: esHuret longideclinst,& Vertert ksplacement- oft a ok Requinements of Sleepers +, D the Wink one! rairdenanee tate shea be Lod WD He olesigns shontd ro be Complicated. wD He weight Shel be medenate - rhe See perts hravta poses Suthiceod= bearting dren ne ptar/s WD Bhowtd reese Shacte 2 Vibtattons due Jp ue ‘4 nl mn Trening. . ian Vy) The materiel ef Shepere Shite PE mar: anc, joe the ballast preter Mp. lls DIN sheld bth stanc dre dereailnest wm) /# Urortd be Wworke bie R laning Should $e easy “Taper of slesperes : There are mainly 2 Hyper of Sleepers (p, 1D Longédadinad Sleepers Shire ane dhe Yorum of Seeperes Consitderg of. Sloss of Stone on Amber. Placed pea oe reals. Cross plates ane Prioided o- Contnny Indexvals to maintain Prepere gauges Piven ep, - Romning of tain iz NOt Smooth Shin dare ane Gus vac preee * Wr dbo wt Somage : manifacdaning , trarsponting ies ’ WGiledinal 8 Frnnsvease 7 Rails — Coc none. — Write Creeatea by Ae docks 4 more. lorsctadinet Sleepers, D Anansverse Sleepers dese wene Firut- developed i brelarn 2 now « days adopted tortvens ally thse nea Placed taught Ounglas fo he rpel. are overtone disaliantoces of the longitudinal ype. ] y 5 Transverse Tima * Al Rast, Tekobs wed done sleepends matentots beke! tinker, Case “lov, See} ® Concrete Traini Resi'stance-g * brhen He dain runs Along te rail Various forces offecs wesistan® ty dhe movement Whach may be grouped as 3 D Freietton & ware Residence D Curve Resisdance D Ratsionoe dea to Grokierds D Résistance due dp Speed of Hein, ® 1) Freiedion 2 Wowe Resistance + TORN es ENS (GONE wher a trmin is Tunning F wave actton on yy tracks i du \ % Pieduced tm orden to bven coma thas Sayre Power rf “dhe locomotive has do be wbhtised. hats may be foundowt by roughly by: = 0-025 y Weight of dae + aluning Standing dite amount is donbled - » Resisdance dae to Curves — Registance becomes efpyective when dhe tenin passes overt aA Curtwe — Curve reesitdance varies fom 02 1g pere 709 lap pee Lense of Lunwe jin perfect Cndedin tp I keg per atom: Pane deste? Carere PN saonn mute CondeHon of vox] for BG! Crrwe resistance = 0/0004 X degree of Curwe x Weight ot oan Bee tee ae Fott MG: = 0-002 x degree of Cunve >< Wweignte of tray foe NG = 0 000n yo degre rf lave — © Reiclance du to Unadints ; BP OR dhe train moves along a Misting gradient hos dp Cre eOmre Kesitance dua do Gracie . gos a 8 at | A a c RD Rewistonee due dy ay me WD weight wf the voheel raul.) N> Newman presse gaat wall iM” Stwalan dRany ht eae i FQ te, Rewstance du to Crdinte = CBee amis. # rode A levadionte © Revstence do Shad of te tnin : due to Spud of me drain thre wil beteo Kinds oh Vezistonce + Dd Rewstance duc ty aie ow wind. D Oseitasr'on & Conussinn rayisian ce . F) Rewistance due Yo are Josend. © H Consesle cf dhe Sede Nertisdan ee, Mess vance . Wile Velite Whedy Aen deel depends on te beng rf te Can ba represented a+ Wind risttence = 13 xigS Ay 4 Ae Spopeted ated in yr Vs Vdoutty of botnd Karp h 9) Os cilletorey a Cenetesre resictance. 3 These type of reerisdance offered +o Phe Impocel- Ipreees hich, develeps sie Sreacks « hes Caan be colentated by : Oe hairy by © newer 2 Fx? wye Wee, ia Where py > Ce By, dove, YF Wlosedy oy Komph # thse Can be overt come. by, increaring Ara. Speed ef the tin. Gteomemic eign of foils \ Hh Cuntocteree in dhe HACKS I's mainbatned 10 provile nvarccabuledy Zn Tai) rneks do tonneel- Important. Detnts & Yo PerCO me he obsdtuctions , Wonlls # The y langert- Teslioay bne (Comptetet, Séraghts) Crisis 1 dusteala Which, Coaneeds restorer) cesdeetin to Swusherery austteelio bse a Continanls Stee atght- tack of 497 km botune a4 en Coming drain can be geen eon) a. chislar® of 26 jem, Dexignotion of & Cureve. fhe derignated 48 ds. degree Ore by ids v Tacks . DP TNL estes af Phe. Curve is the angle Sublended bY be tom Cheonch ah dee cog lo ta length of Coed $e AB = 20m lees 78 {degree of Cacia is | lee ek sy yy ne, # dee Ca eS se He Smauerc will be He radius. {fF C Vb de Certne of he 9 Sin Be BO LAC © lenge 2" 3B Ge * rath h honet fa BB xt urine, dee of choral Sin B 2 Frrackontly doa radius of teadeee Crve of. degree | 1s equal to 17/9 m, ™ For (20m chord lergé) (ow types OF Curves & linaibing olyrize of Curey ae Foe dhe Indean oaihwons 7 the vention! curveg are proveded U- dhe fenctin ot grades Aian dre algebric diff between dhe grec, & equal to ae. more Phan 4 mm peo ™M ot ay, GL Ht husing gradicus- ef [in 100 meets a ralying Gradient ef lin 200. well Ne cerseny do proovede dhe vertical Curtve ) 9 Rising grtadiont of [in 100 = fem in 000m ore fomm in Im Ore 1D mys, Riving gradient rf lin 299 = Smeetan ® 5 —Lem_tg—~ 200 em om in > lem _ 6S tm 200 em loo oom = 5 mm iq |m © Fm Algebric dF ox: (0-5) = 5 rom, a4 algebra deff is grertt than the preseccibed Uae Fee 4 mmf + dhe. vertical cutie has tobe preovéded hace. Ye Tnansition Cues ! This Bo Jope of Cane inbttoduced berotan A Sdrtag ht And a virrenta Curve 0 betwen fwd branches of. a. Compreenc Corere « < trewition Conve Objectives of providing transition ‘iin — do provede Smoovh sunning BR impae{- Comdtork- do dhe possengers : — do help dehiewing desire! Supecelevasion graduady - — to ceenease the chances of denai/ment. Leith of the deonsition Cure! ld is tee thtal longer of dhe Cunve Starting frcom che tutaight do dhe meeting point an dhe function aNd the Cérentoue Cunwe. othe grantee lergHy drom dhe follswing Rasiagg Boe fs Joken as dhe length of dhe tromsittey Conve | y Le 72 e i) Le 0:0 73(D) x Vina iii) L=o- o7a(e) x Cv, ~ here, L = bath ob lew dren Corwen (7) Die Cant debicienay, Fore may Speedin Gx) C a Aeturl Superelevat” ov Cante in Gm), Via = may Speed in Kmph. es a (nonden to Sd the dransilton (weve dhe main Cixentan (weve ig to be moved inwonds by @ Contain distance . The distance is denmed as Shifd - get 24k = bength od dhe dransid Curve R= Radevs of Cirtealan Curve ZB + A drarsstion Cure Md be Htined tothe ends of a 3-94 © Creeuloue Curve ontth the Sirtalght «The -lengah of the dronsitten Curve ie 20m . eng oul- ghe Shift &, oF fsels al- every 30m Indenvals. Lo me Ss swt = 55 = axasa > Re Radios of Cunve = ima zea A37m . we a BL GRL whene, YF Ly dfPset- od deans? Or a BWetance % Hever Stenting pa _. Of re transia? Curr. K = dictence ot ony Peinke ests tls Ke vedi oP Ccudart e reve.» Le feted longi ef deonsd” Guest - Y = = 0-085 m 6X WOX ABT = 35 om 3 we 2 = o.b8ee a 6x 120X437 p ” = 68-6 ew 2 % > go? = 231 Tem Gx120X437 no?” Yq = 5A. Dem GxID0X 437 @ Ftad out- the Length of che dransit? Curve fore a . = dq Cunve Ae hee degree + having A Cont wh oem: Mave peromissible Speed on the Cuntvete gp Kmph. & anwable Cant def Pideney 1s 75 mn. 0) i Sel Given degtee od Cure = 3 Sopenslevad? = 10 om Vinoye = &D kewpy be 7s mn = 7-5 om Ss, » Le 72 = PUK WS Te9 Dy) L = 0.073 x D> Ventys = 0-073.x 75 xX #9 = Se 43-3 » L= 0-073% EX Vinge = SBA m ansing 2 quate of abe igs th ot Ae @ Sipercetevation ve Conte! As long 05 She train travels hg Setrarghi= the tmeke Te lines one Kept W- Same level bu at, whe Crwes 5 5 ORSed WHE he Innere ms she vated realy ane y moantained ale a (He & beg te Conder ack dat centri Fugat fpree_« ss is CoMled an Super elevation. Srpredence of pagreding Hh tm Do ensure He ge & Smsedh movement of porsenysnr \ pes : 2) He andeodaces tne ve 8 a Coundenacl= the 3) It Prorents lenaitnente & vredices, Yaa. cotoeD . 4) provides equal die Leibe ton of whee lodols 017 dso roils - 5s) Te decrease Ho mainjenance ost of dhe deme: Hl: wasasd: oh B,pcspenate wet edhltisud by to Zo 7 8 Gag ta dele rs : é ed Weighted, iain ———4 —— R-> Radios of Cuecre. Gt) Sepercelinod” (oni) ee 3 ot oF Inckinadi eee doh gute Recents ch Wired Searface. stn) Np Wdaciky in mete Poy cendeithagal fare aching en the Voltde 9 Cosh © aR wy Resolving the Freees we get? at Pusds WSing sypsenal Wve fa. e ny aG sow S ae = ve t . So Fron de 249 wen i] i& Clean that! heighey whe. Speed greater is dhe ebovat read - & ik hodgher as radins »Soperelevat? vrogg is (ess. 7 By Sinplibying. + ee e= vo ™ Nae ge des ines Gx ie COX Lo 48| XR XIGD X 16D = v2G —" at} dn Indian Gndalien + 2 .3)5.V> » es Water, bees Bet Bs deal ge ES 127 R R MG drack_ 3 er vex nO = of) jr PR B Nv dns Vixo-62 OG yr r7R Forctto res affecting Supe elevateor) "+. 4) Erictional Rerislance between the vole! & wails. 2) loning of- wheels ») B dy of the velvicle wotuich is Comcdenec ay reid bole oetually cf is preercidecl writ Spredngs fo mnimise Impact + 4) Wetglnted average. + “the Super chevat Sheol be preeweded ace to the weeghted awercags.- Be Wweegited owertagye. re? + 8X55 he 4x60 a2 =) St 440 + 240 _ N80 Bd: 22 2 53.64 pongh, Spud of trains on Carers f- Sate Speed of trains twhile Passing Overt a Cutve ends on Several factors Such as vhs. gant , Super cles? y trensckon Qurve / Weight- rf che tracy. Fore Indiam Sate Cpeed v4: Me & BG > Vs 4.49 R=77 Kp fon NG V2 BL fR-6 Kanyh whet, VP may Safe Speed 2 Qa radi rf Cure ELA G degree Cuore tranches of2 » 3 degree main Cue in on oppeiite Mrecdirn jn dhe ule of g@ biG Yodel Speed ory che bench Cine te Tedaceted) dp 30 Kaph . Detrenine may Speed 071 main Zine , Ahurning Permissiabl Cast deffreteney 4 75 mm, ee Supewoloved) fe Branch Zing, yer Rone \. 5 2 VEG = aisve 2 fee x 35% = Re R i "Ye Negetire. S.penctuat? = (Gyrtr.- #5) 2h 87 cug we moe Srpewelevat? Can bo Giveq on man bene. e187 om aS Theo nittted Fpavelivat? 2 [89 panty fetancy 2 4I9F8 om oo, én HG V2 xX be aise Fag » (4: 378)= — xe COX at Vez 2a. @® Gireakeents ». brodients ane proneded to magn lade dhe rise ort Sau ths bee] rf Whe Mriloay Anh. « A nesing grate 5 ane one lq whi Me stad pices tn dhe dineetivh ef Le moromente of thatdie and in a Fadling guadionk tne trek looses Clevater, on the dinzee? of. movement . Grshirets ane vf foun vepes DReding gradiant- Cee whe Seepesle greadutmt= thal 8 eyile TA A Sater) In pln tenee2n? tin ISp 40 Lin 260 In hile deanoin 3 Lin io te [tq 150 Y ashe te belpew Cormdient Ween the Gradcute of a seetery le so & Btu Gn negotiate the tye of enba Coping Dis Poshing be air. 3) Menenstiom Gradient TT [ds mine Stexpen than the udeng gradient ane ollrwgd to repotinte Ube gradients Sleerert I : d pert Shan he re robing graclients. 4) Gfradiwsts iin Mafion yarcel — Prerets Stancléng venice bom Yelling B raoveny- away From te yan daw go grvity. — Reduces Ite vescedeve Jortce reagnsread by a. lowmoteve to sunt. ® Gunde Compensation Carares p Newide Stra retsdance vo che morement 4 doing. AS oo ull grrdients ane Compensated. Yo dhe dollowing eptent : s) on 5G 004 % perc deprece of tunve oe » 99 Me OOay n mH ” " SLR 5 " ‘ Y i Na, Oo2% wy » not 3 a" a “+ Horizontal Ceueves Cures Gre Intended on a vrailoay trace to bipay obsincles eo Peewee lontin & Abily avenged grbionds and ue pee & wala ling tough Tyastony oe exible locators. Provided ap Gradients wets Hb ay vhe pointe Where dee Gradient meets He love | gprand . Veatital Curves Sumnact “we ‘pe Vane ore Sag Curwes Whiner Hhene & a an he grackens- of- the drack , an angle ig formed ot he junction of- dhe gradients. This Vorteal Kenk gl- the Junction 45 Smuohened by bring Vont'col Cururr. the long dn of da tea Core. depends pen Jie olsebnie Attferanee tn Jrrde a&% Shown beled : 6- Dai th . ae | Le 963,72) & Phrits & Comings one Provided tycillele We Pailoay vehicles fom ont ‘nck +> anosham. the crnck may be permilek , diverging ore Convenging 4 Ah oben. —y the Prints/ Switches hutps tn diverging te vehote s .& > the (nessings prorede an de. wails to help che Hongect wheels % reall ovee cher, .

2s a departed movable rat! made of- high Carbon tee] to Weilkstand weare . PSP & weil > ee she running ail pnd: RM lt verge yo) operates. 1) Pecks ore. Switohes —> 4 Poe of dengue & Stock rine! with Mecemeny Connections & Fre wy) Crossing so eis a duice snvreeduced al- Where doe Yoila Cros each phere, Swtedex | Swerches are of mainly 2 types: tha qund? D Stud Switch + dere no Separcade dengue vai! ts Preoveced and Lome pyorshon bf the. tcl au waceig ons Side do He oben Side, Ge no mone used. pins 2) Sphet Smeteh + Consis- of a pate of Stock Tail awa paire of dongue rails. than are. alte of Ywo types loose tail type & faved hastype ® ¢ wossings ° br WA & device ladrcoduced al- tha pein’ rheece yo ae Frees acres cach Pdher to permet fhe a railway Vehicle te pass fom one track ty anodban: i Leg Splice, ; a), . Fasinge uy =} dine A ' “aw Tara" Crcetsing | Heer op si 1 ; a 2 enle Creotbing “ SF SS Troe bing Right bones dere cd being woa/ Poinj. | catacls of Creossing Fay" - overcau lergdh s — Hen duo rasls C printed) & splice atl) ane machined do form a nese , — foe wing well, Conmil= fe) ae lef hand wing TAL! ase oe Neel ade Tips of Ceosengs > 4a acute soyle Cnouing See Dd Ohbuse ugke ore Dinroncel Crossing De 3) Square Cocosseng kenge Rela. of Contry $i ~ be in y= Ie Ganse ef de frrck 2) Heel divergence @): W135 is Gha chitdanee Petoreen Spe main Line ancl the Jurinaol- ile ol-he hee, 6) Angles? Crossing. (0) Anger betein the macnbine anf che doapont— of Be Jaren out Lino. 4) Badivy of dartnrol— (R) Re Rating of che Contre bare of chen Hennont- bath de gauge rit Petgn Nedhod 1_ \7NC 1 + i jee | Toe of — beh 4 Sutoly pL Fle 83! tomgant- patna eta st —)n dis meted CL and SL P Celecloted . Gass? Cotemlated ming my hl- dle metre Perionn tahouladcen : =e — Cove lead @) = Lun Pee = Kowvis Re R= oy ioe DRo= 1-50 + 26n> N = beegth of Crossing, G = Cease distance SL (Akgd ) bo Le, _ jek heed 5.1. Le ChL—~S_ Sh ey =2Rga) = LON -9Q@4)% Auk dinssence dy SL 6 Rd)h. @ ae Coen Rigs (Method -2) ewe =F "Mees of 4, 2B A ane bevy iver, CL) = G-d) Nan GDA. = G-d) ent baw ae) /n Re reli = G-b 2 Gy sae (Cr pray AXn(-P) M Re 5 fy... (Mes ~ (lnde Sbrmtghte Rg. af = aa Crossing. be “= Te yiven = 9,24, P&S x Roe (0-4-1 @ ina) es, An’? Ri a oy Ceosning lead “) L CNP NG BONE pie % Cos + re ea (ate) 2 fz C84 + oe (O42) oe (ae my | + ( mS Yew Ar’) 2% ogg (Le "0 fea (ag) Signeulting & Snsentooking tn — the pevrpote of Stonalteng & Interlocking As peter to Comins! 2 epelate vho movements of Hees Sotely and eppicienty Signalling dt tha nicdldm of. Communrcaste'sn between dhe, Station masdec, ot dhe Controle re. Sting 9 the ofbice umd whe loco pilet (rivers of Objeckives Pectane — To Megekote the treing re vement— Safely Bye Speed - ™ 5s Same Long dy Some hire ct, TP entaxe te ty Pw ; Whed= eres each oro. “ Modes — fh Mipplade ach che anrival p / trans fram Stoctlry yond: OPrrtce af ~ 5G Mee the Ba§eh of dhe din ap level crossz Wh th tees We path op Pre Blogs Wad Vekrofes ; Clore Lenton A Sanat =i masrdatn A tage dedan ce betevecry gy Bains Choartacterussties Boss wb dase final” Ie Operational Q- Fenrchionad Communica” of. MBL dq vi'gugA Lorem. 3. hoemkonsl Reception on deparchurce Sign ale % 1 . Sema mean> 9 Sign “Pho! paso ~9: bene, DA bemaphon Signal Convisl if a movabl ann dized. on a vertical pour bya pin jotnd— rhech tan be Controlled thom He latin, > MWe mig hetghle is 75m fom Me fracks. 2 These Sipmels ane Wel vin 2 Sidratr'ons » . Penoded. by Inco. POC a Rey ay ead OFF- Grtlon —> Yello —> te pooceed w% Caution E R ve ye 40 Stop. orF- Preeed —P Greer) proceed ol mapimumn Speed. Gs Stop Sgnoks — ste tyme 0 double Line Seb mS id yee ye ers Y troin + Fi = tome, Lyre otel yaa DLC i ante Stollen / Pdt ib Provéded al he ° erdnance of rhe Stake'sey fore HOKE Statean Gore. ~ Rowkeng Senate. Rovided ate ated Dye op beth main & branch Lines, Bre ban be Gecupie d: — Advanced stantr homed Prev vided for he departune of te chains Lamy a Sakon . Signating Sager This bresadly clusibed. axfo hoo main Catepenes : P Mechaniod Signollerg Sysdeu by Cecheeal Smalling System. a) Resinciesll Bpbstions Sppicon — Heme mechanion’ operated Ganals ag To es uppet qadtant one ured. me — Prinds seek ar loecsng wed ; 1 Steetcher bang 4 Une of Pointe look ¢ — Ae level Cottings wronsally ©... ; operat ng leo f pee a — Monitoring of trots d dons. by the hew of merken detectans , treads & elect mechanient device. D _Certrierd Lignalling System — Coloured baht Clonots Welly dero-etperbinendoe8 Bpress ane — (nts ane operated wee a Wed. ae por okings “$I or eleotnze — level Crewing gates Ane operated & Inknbcked Cechrinly operstect banrnéens , we — openakry tnt % malnterined. by eleetnital Sip pattng| Copipments. which bse path puttons 2 rolany Loretohes. — Menitenire is dors danough the help of- dorcel Gororind droid oneutts (re Cneerts) | Ae Crnenids 7 ple Comme, . ope : @ anleleking? + ped 5 2 Sd is defined by he mechanion! rebhinbre fotucen Vinionr leven, thih sperotes the Signals and tha points, Whth % hos Pest le. by Signalling operatt'rn . Fhineigles ! thine vce mainly 3 the Insets ching % bored : ? LA Wmpenidle be bowsen ne Signal tr an opproadding Wain WO dhe one gy WRC relates prpey fe & pcked- j A> It ae impossible locke. hn ike le ie Nps he’ b iy al vet the eppeokd tain. afder leweniy of By No & imposible do lower She$eanals the he admersion ef tratns town nie +s Con verging ~ direcdlam dp tne Same bine gfe Cae dna t Sterley Manse The process of Inurtocking if Greeatty puletated by 3B medtrads Such as ! D Meppels 8 bike Stn fist Seton sa a z end ‘ : D Keay £ Yh —f Sore ty Fat aed % Jy Route Relay Sytlery . aa a peau a the angele of tries promeiples 6) Whig, Fevees than dhe Giynak ts to te lomened , “M+ Watchman Hotes the duo gates and Yne two Keys ant locked. whith releases Yhe Morking f Lignal Yo be Sosseredl: When dhe Sey nal is lowered the keys gel- i) lever dhe ftuck up frame -& hence makes Imposeélle to oper Ailee the deuin Creosses , dhe dignall ds boeghl= fo tha noremak patedion & keys of dhe gt ane laken Ot & dha gate are opened loleseacleing Standards? fas py Speed of ary Interdackeny Ltendarcds ane of { dype* Zeno — Speed upto |b kph, Standard | — Speed upto 483 kmph ve Standart 2 — ©) Joe ay Sandand 3 — " * fore unnesrtrietel Specct- Ampreovements i ff Svanalteng ? 44. - Pek nla diet hetbo Sop Gee Sin eile PAM Monde Ore Sadly Iyerclocked Yo Prevent ‘tend Hatt poke mends, 7 Witting bamniens hare been Provided ale many busy lero} > “he ‘ea Segnad has been 117 troduced Retin dhe aba veres.. —> teeto motte Warning Suodem btueh ges Warning to Ke dretverts wisually & audibly om an Adequate distance . . Phudomadte Simatting Susdans ane ineceducee I danse drake. areas. > Rede ee Sates of Intertoteings arce Cuenied sulm ale. MYpK_functions “to Cenhalize ay Henetions Yrom one Cabin. 7% In odldilten to all those Indu Indeed Mone Srphisivated Hiechnqus & Se fee Mesh anes OMe Oo: Ainpoer_ En cin cea Lee eed | ndrducot? baenang of Sine Fem mejeanty Yount Conteuey 1 Gvil avcodton has Become one of dre mast Fscnading riepertant and Complise Mmdesinies jy ae WiseDEn The ciel aviokon Siler) panticulaal, aise pores eure she backbone of dhe ode Venus perce 4 hacen, Sore the. Preasent- generatepn. D) bo eruce Ovitsien Sadety Seeunedy, 2) Etpeckive ragelotion of Rarpeel- aintrarsponl- 'y doe Ceintey. Dl pronide gape, ofreok , reebieble and Wedes preecrol geal dine vnanspord- Sercvices ») Mlewitiety to hap dy Changing needs. D te Provide ct. plates o (eref- pling Feld (treat aug ©) Enemucage. preivate ponte'eipas), ots) " ») Encounayy trade, tourism 2 omeay Ccopomec & gran. D Neirdein, Seeunesly dough appreopreiste Sypdems . & Prackces. 4- dhe Domestic 5. Cire! Deknce Hircporchs Prinporde Sik Seleokor : 2 . The Lnetores Uceted beteca' ane responsible foe 9 dha Seleckion of ite Log aixpont-. » Regionod pln 2 Ths Sele Select sheatd fey wey ilo tre repionat pen 2 Aeporct uses The Selection of tele depends upon dae Use fon ainpock. fre. whadhen. perc cinkian ore Fore militar eperatcons . 3) Rreoprimate, Jo othere, Aenponts i the Site Should be Seleckd ak n Concdensbl déedance Jem the episting airports do reduce the indenknance of movement of ainenagis oF Valous aurepordts . 49 Cireund Aecemebelidy : * WE pasenger & more Concerned with hic Loore Yo deoic tems nattere Aran the actal ace trovef dente. hues The. vehne Negucred. to reach the Birepordk Shortel. nof- Encet 96 yrinufes » ee a a wh wassed greounc eg. Ail dep DP nsiallly Conrrteral vo bean Heal Gireperct See, . ®) Obs truckon, » the artea Should be Kept Sree oF bhesnnedions, as pase dart ay pessible Ob any cost ReeACling to izatitly Lis, #) Wisibiletey The Sle gBleeted Sheutd dene fore bo Free Seem Vise biledg reducing Condvcans , Such as Fag + Smoke and haze. @ 8) Wiad The tile Gheald be lotated b windwand dimecteon of tha teity . So hake min, Smoke. dreor cdg 48 blown do dhe Sete 4) Naise nuisance : Showld Landing daxeotl poids of dha cicenatt, pass over. ths. land which 1's free From Tercdenteal on Indusdrecol derelepment. ®) Crunding , Dmat Sot Aarsctrcaf? ; the mest desinable guabety of Soi] Zor Aércporel= Const) , Is dae one which Contains a Kesonable amounl- of- pervious material Bach os gravel, sand): ‘the Soil which becoms plastic Whey wel-'e ngpet onsadtoable type Dy) Futura Development > Talking into Conidorcaskon dhe anticipated Ladera Cevetopmints in che ainport , Larger aren heuld be Meqtred tritially | 12) Avnilabelily of Uldletes Geom Town ! Facilidees fee wate Seppty , Sewer, Clectnicely hes do be greorided in dhe oa, g 1x) Economic Consedercaker » a Amongst dhe vaniens alternate Sales , One WAS Ze Economical Shouts be prednned. Ateoxait Channedeninsies hed to Hepa planer ond desgnurt Seuld Bh, Jolines thm abet dbe| print 1+ tape od prepatazon 2. Sica of odeern bt P+ Minimum cdosentng nadiis Ae Minima Crecling radius 5: Spee of asrera Ze S. Capacity of atecreatt H Wneeaht tweighl= and wheel Conigureasteoy 8. Jet baste 9+ Fuel Spillage 10. Norse. 1. Spee een The Qeee oft aimcrea ft. ) ids canceling radius ySpeed | chanrctere’ stax 7 wept: Conregiong Capacity Ablse Rudtence ete. Depending, pen he dpe ct peopebicon ef ite aaiecreastt he per toremance, hoacteniedees of wiccaaPls Oo cLaencda OPO the Lape of propebsion . Q-_Sice of Hincnatt : the Sere, of aiccurtd mrelies Zo llreseng important: Aimensions ) wirg Span Dee Lan DR 1) Ditton between main GO Weta Ls eds v) Cai! width. ; hom of dhe aimenntd desider dhe wedening of Seong BA CRORE: oft ately tosiiony 1 Sioa, of apreens & hanens “Po (ARR es a itty ROTER The teeming radius of an aimenat! iz usditated. Wren My Lene ig detavon dAnough wha ample of dhe nese gear when HS ak is Maimum ongh Of wefan The Porni- wrhene hic Ane. incense. drawn Sherouth dhe apts Of the fare racy pons the Conte ot Wwieklen , lied the dstones of the Sratten Bibpalie Ceara a qietion mepresents dhe mindmum ing. amas, The maytmiem Angle. ef rotediion iy ap°. another fine Ay Minimum) Circeleng Todius t nbd Tod With Wh be amern bt 7 bake te) X0 Space - The Yadiug depends “pen dhe type of. Arent , ase tothe value and weadltin Condedeons D Sma autotion Aire enaty under VFR Cand? Shoe Gre) ) Be ® Beipen asecnatt unden. VFR Congn #® VERS 8 al fence th @ Pilet- 32 ley Q mite) rales) Ate A Sel- of repulekens tenclare Perates 29 ance td iy Neadbere Conde bes ry 9 Peston engine Qinenatis wndere 16 Condens > 13 km WD Tet engine aincraty onder IFR Cong? = $0 Km # TER: (struc mental Lege vies Here dhe the oe thing depitly wy > dhe. navigation depends tnonia Signals. x tas trumen tg , cD) Speed of dhe Atcenaft , Matnky toe Spud Ht ainemtd os deLreg 1) 2 pes Ground Speed g aere Speed s v (es ae (ie the plone moving ery aa ven 6 f ne. # Ip arenadt] is eying thet Gita a2 ta binphy and > head wend ay SO Kant | Speed of aixcnat) 45 vemph. D Arecna ft lapacéty ¢ Atreenaf clepends upen dhe Capacity of aincnaty/ D Weight of. ticnalt & heel Conf ercaudeary roeighk- of the ainereadty Aieethly Indisence. spy length of the mun a wel 43 dhe MUTA wepudtemants A. dapenls net Orly One Height of apy Peanger baggage, Lue}. bul also Ibe treqedostaf Weight 6) Je Blase v= At very hgh veloity + He aicenat} eels Mp ephawl— goes ade A Speed herghen hor) B00 ker along well vas hole Gree seme od] abso Spils out « Fer hat Sevenal pes “Ih blast Rees ore je blue detectors one sed fry diveating he Smoke sieeted by dhe engine. Sea cltles Bilamnino we (Henible) foemedl mecatecgi by she {eh Maske arene 1 in derinable 1 pronide cement Conenete pavertent- at leash at dese persons do resdete dhe effets ote dhe blisk- 4) fuel spellge Al loading aprons and hangers iP i, defEruy- to amid Spaltage Completely . ha. areas ef- bettomins ns Pavements aarpert= aushancty MMA Sepenelsion bay cha. (9), Diese Notte ed 6 “ i a i 7 Meat) CHenter preollems. fn layout he Fak (EdaCAL Ivinson Hminietnation) noise, reegetorions Barnes BS pecee ‘ny 1989 pre 1 powered Uneratde, Ruduchien in Low length is found vo be he mosy eyective. way of- minke zig dhe impo of Me cenfic niise- © Monitor Sundaser #4 an itemmliport :~ of- a The Se dha Surtface 1s an Category of Tunayand dhe dype of- appro: otabellen Younes gente Wt od agen may be densded 5. 1 Prinnoniy Sureface 2+ Horizontal Sundace Contead Surface Neprosch Swcbee/Depanteuce Sun face Ss Teonsctonal Sunface « 3. ea 1s Re Wrefncee longi nay Canticed on & runuony ~ the. elevation of be Primacy Seuedice is foamy ot Chevarte'on of the Tuna . = ~ length = Runwsasy | ~ Meh = gem! TPT thn on @ Hort zontos doce? —H ks he honizo, ainpork - TE Constructed by desing 09 ane of Ypeenky. wana, from He Centre of dhe Tunsay : — Radews of wae Vanes teas SOO dee 2, wieves Bee Oe ondeny On the wulaty. BD _londoog Sunt Pree : irr — Kt 4% be Sunboe pleading eudhsaecl and Stee Whe Periphery of. ste henteanted Surehen =F hand Stepe of 2054 — iH tk hawing onexontel dihunfh, ib Smisl PAtprsnch/ Dpantine Suche ; ntl plane. Iso hep bee the eablished wedth (40 A beginning Plprsse ap » Teansifion Swetace + EEE Ser rae, — Bite Surbroe Send puttuarte! and upward at reeght egies “te a THENWAY Condecelen , — Spe 2 41 Wind Rose +. — Wind rose iy a qraphient tool ured by merconolorists yo gee a yews of how the wind Speed and deneeteory ane “apteany ditkbed aba parkeulare location. St shnss the hirectirg, duration & Intensity of wend. tind Rese agra Teg he Dolan Conpai nate Nerd i pa iP he Seguney at bands Showing rind Speed cB. —— Werd reese PRO Software Can be Lseetor analysing : a bong Senies of uxind data Ava ronsay, Uses opobinid hie! - — wand reese Shows the Ferg ueny of wend ¢ # bleweng fom parkienlar dineckons overt specthee Penios- ot timo. — the lenyth of each “Sooke” arrovind dhe cinele relaked te dha Freguiney BF wind blowers fo a pan — bah Spoke 7 broke den jntp Colo i oe Coded by Shal- chews wend Speed. “= vanges, = Pere nu the bend] reese datas, Qirepont runway & Consinuoded degpptenlly vo penser best vakeff and Landing, prinding to tna notre Greomenit elements of Tanivsay & Renwoay 0 Phot a a Hphooy ’ F hese arte dened os dhe paths oq he aieddld Swetade, Bore he doping Hf aircon Bnd eee. iWhended to Prevele Linkoge bemveen Bra pach of dhe. aindioll. dnd anether, 9 Re dopoinsesps, Cinenadts move Only 07 dhe d , dhere ah po acre morement~ Axocinkd neh Abse ord he movement ane, anelatieily whee: yes © tpn shay — locoded aa 0) He periphery of- 8 apron Jo Proved. Unintennupte d- taping of- ainctafe ens the apr. © Dual Fanaliel_ dant : Juve panalle| -byalnorys 09 Which erecreake Cay ni am in eppasere lkecHons » © Teeminal Taniney ? ; 1k & A port'on of by apreg inkqded vo pro rede. access Jo only wincnatt g¥ands on gate positvong, hue Ke areradd Gy sland $0 05 to take ee, prmsersers ae do i040 the aiewaty ore mut Of the cont. Fackerts Conde Ming the layoulm of TTavivonss : D) inimury IndenBrence between yrs landed vrcenat? and ready fo toke off alnorott - Dikovisten of Separate enticanee and epit Yaporisay at- yor ens loeatens along the foun wary ¥0 cleare the uae. a Sen ae possible - >) Averding Intersection of dayiuay 2 Ake repeany A) Facilidede bighere tureneft Speeds zoe neces » Bceupancy. Z t i Short pesscble Aitlenee betwen 4 delet rinsing nat building Geng 1 fengay ; . : a Ap RAtOd dacs © Iasning Radius 3+ Rede chap of Loy lain A Width of dayaiony 5 Sigh destance SO Trtanpvense Greadionl- 7: Width of Cateta arto ) Ie Lergify s- ; | sseble - — lenph & kepl= 05 Sholay pe — FE welt incense a5 rember. of fonivoys have to be Provided along ke reunday 2. longidadinoS Cresdcny — leet dewinays ance apenadlanatty mone daieatt. th the guadink is Steep. ie Cbfecls fre! Consuumpidty. As pere 1CAD Cinterenational béve longeadincat gradient & : 03% You A and & hype of winport- se pr “esi ors? Joe CRD E ype of aapont- on Catego te of Fogk depending o,, he cles. and TOLL Condeaj) 3 ROE H ohn e of Ll, udlénnl Cradccat . si) | Aviation System) mgplonunry — Me hare of grake. Should be Smee Camse any preodlem lo Aiconat) me oP Vereod Cerne of 30 7 Hh envi net to vemend. there force left Qrte. preovidad at ® foe dant B type Ainpent hengiy Of vertical lune % 25m Loe each (1. grate change: — Son CPE, leryth of- verdcot Cunve. as 30 mf, Cth 1. grade Change — distance between she pointe of grenete Charye = 2 6r9) Phere A 2B are Percentye gaade, chang tk eso Petals af . . pe (ane he Contre bore. OF doplosaye A _bieddy od he dyintay — width of lapivcay & obvdys Lome Joy than pate of He vunwap' becauge Kone the Specdas Smart}, — & The weith varnies between 23. Ainpenk dpe — Tapsieoay voestag Bo NE. A — 45m B— w5m c 15 D 18 9 — —— 23m 5. Aughte clistance ; — Ae the Speed of the Ainexatt 6 Yapottay Ue deme shan drat on dre runvay So lewer gare fy , Sia B SubPesent + ae ~ tepliay usin be visible ab ang, pol PR peat to o destance of x Lrom ony belt y. Segre destance : Arnped lode y aL STC ah 150 + Fe am 200 C DRE 3m 300 9 6. Trans vertse Gradient TAINS & exsentiot fr quit doatnage of Stree wares — Rreperh Drgantsat? (eno) (ntetrattenod civil Aviad? Gysden) Feecommunds dhat- fare vhpoivacey Paremsnh 2 oun Ae drawrense Frtierk shockd hoy Srteed a value of Ws % dr Ay ds) oR, 2% for PRE dpe. SE Hitnl shetlt hed be lis. than Or” — Pha Fecommendsy dhale Crndiant- Streuld be SH for Presh Bay © a F Wedth of the Safety Arua Ws aren Inclades Heyliiay Pavemenl- Lheeldres of Crphert bee At My be Paresealty Paved plus ha Aria het graded andl dasined — Stabilesed FORO moterials were titted _ To preevenk dhe exesion of strouldert maskreiat de. oo Kish Speed of she Propellers, wohde dhe Arectias ef the fete aincnad’s Ye envsien protien ef te Sheuldere mateual dee ty high dpend jel ephauste. — Mas felt dale Contain welt Sey pom rf GhentdexS » direrrt to dhe paremenb edge Should be pared radu Uphke slrungly, “madera / the Surface mate Le inpereribvr i Gmaody and shoud not dicinteprate due fo te hot bose of~_et- Yn Brtumin Shoulders ant Rorematly 8. Tlertntng Rdins — When ere a Chang in the derection of: & dewivay a hontzordal tuseve 4B prtore, , ded * The Cwere & Lo desipned Shale pre aikengh lan ade wseds Me werthoede Sez tionrdly reducty dhe Speed, ds yo Ro Toliys iy ™ ves V— Speed iy Kmph PH locpesend of &see the Wyre & felons) 3 the reel hip behween dhe madius of hyotisaey , wheel base of- aieenaf? Ond dhe Seed fel dielance tf- the main goare ream the edge of che pavement 3 Giver a 3 0.308, 2 by Horconies'? le ——_ dfs Gqioten. Contre Lina. of Re wadtos ofa damioach mete Wea Wheelbase of Areonaey iy redite_ T = Wwedth of daptwsoay Paremend 1 mega S = désdann bederecry midway point of dha main gears and eolee of- Pyle . x one x nu tase 8H wh g If 0.3.09 wy Cpe 9) <% be Weaning req!) | ‘ & 6 >y Crider ty Rie Be : + C+ nse — 92 2 RR buege 70H dhe pain duseniny gad Shautd be wep) RT — AY Gererrer Pi mt WE hrbeef base of. atneral{- (m) = pedth of dapslisay pavement (rm) Di = BW > BAR “se Bete Ir DL Mw Use Ww tnsdead of Da, ELM deptioay (2 to be dlestynedl fore opercade'ny Bocing T07~ Ban, heh has dhe Hollauring Spectferatdns , Determine Ya duemtrg radius of dhe Jopivay, tobe ba IT Tm Tread of Main gets = 6.69 my Turning Speact = 40 pemph Se, Turing radius Rav aod os f (25 joay . S98 dom havonjeld § a : Re 4.388 wr (2-3) WE 19-9 wm feee, T= 22-5 my tabs delteny MM WAlus, Re Bode, Bale we reed thale min erening Vallis should be tom," Sop thus Tasting aradius = 120m. Be Actually feortded, ® Clements ef Runwoy Rented Cofipestin KH npr 40 rumbec of! ing cold + One or mone wunwey on an ain Some bari Confqecattons Ore: 2) sgh meow 9) percnal srsnwey 3) Intemseeting tannin & 4) open-V= Tanviag relative. encanbatien of 1) Gopher smaneoay hax henoly Capacddy of ee ame feet uaden |v Age SEE ae rar kar in TR 29 fanotet oweey® Close pacalle Tunway> ane Spaced from a min of - 90 ft- de joy Ban unde. Hee 3-4 parallel mnways Qe plaid ode oreylan Indenvals . fr che sly ploced Tunas 9 S04 60 Dpenations pew how % fey forcly placed 1 9 1 = 105. operations pr he °) patateing ramon de nays RH iy tury Hee clineottons Losing each odter, These dips ef runvsays one , = Shery trends [lod Lory Pe ne Taal Hue deferens diwechsny , CD = 4) open. v- Banwsouys Merwin Ly dP. dimettons Which denote Infenseal ane We fennecl os ORE) Vo unnoeeys « Operadens goward Vi —y Fong, a epercal on Asay hee ‘p ‘Si ibe wins oF Beet unwey length Bowe Menway (nsw i, oledenmined fom dhe. perdremance osery — Nowmeal landing een. — Novmal dekee-alf Crse — Eaptne Trilune Care Dow lanching Core naquines, thate ainertad# Should Come a, Gop Wthin bo percent ef landing distance. petadtens pe be, ” wo, Step ee ‘ “kK — ton of Runrsay —>] k—— Hat landing distance ——A 4 hich Ie an ana —Wennat fake off rwopuines 6 eleanwoy Wy Liye de nil and is i'n aldgnment weidh dhe Centre Une of runway » The votelth of dhe clereasey isnot hess dhan 4 thro Kept Snte drow thsinucdons , af to Punway « — Punting engine failuce case tithe a Cleartwray on a airesy 8 Magnes S vopway "'S the Cwdended sania) fo Some. erote; : ISO m and dhe end of- @ = Wnty is wed te decelerate ike atrotadt and. bnerg tt +o dhe Sop daring an aborted dake off. E Fhe length of Dunway — Undens Slandand Cond I's Mere. The Airport Sele Aas an ebwad” of 270 1» Ids reference amp fe 3Qr 94 % Ie dhe maway 12 t be Consdnucled with 9%) effeedtre goadtents OF 0-2 1. Sopeemint dhe Corer — runioay Lengdt &)? = UY Cree” for eleray? = ClevoL” above Sea lanes Dee many 2 yin ye 270 ete Set thy dread length = teay 4 = 122m 0) Slandand. atmesphentekmp alm the Hiren Eleva? ton Camereriy ye x Cleve? ‘ sate') PIS 00S x 240 = spate . (iy Garret” fe dep } ape = 30 4t ~ I8.19 Sas Me HP Ooreeeh? a 1729 9 = 346 19 Comeed leydy = Igo24 340 = 2062. 0, @): P het de dotat Crmect? of. eleval? & chimp » = 2062 - 1620 Té20 MID 2040 y, Ace. Re eno it thowldnek axed 36 A vy) lomeet” hv Crvadson} ape nx EAf. lergehy ye LG, ged] x See of. onan, = 2M 2062 x on 100 = 92+ 485 Comeced length » 2062 ¢ ep ship = 2149.45 2S 2150 oe baste rine —IChO Peeammends — pavemant- bord Vvangnp fom AE mH le hy edt chypes of alepecta® — faremok Wh of arin WP prtavede aole quate Ores 40 dhe Crying frcom the Shroeldere mastery lus normal openackdns, : Optdended Wun wa. Koa Ie A on ty Trp Mbt aren, J = Runway Safety brug remert- Safely ten Uenstel of. dhe reunwsay , which gs a paved ann * The Shoulders ane usuolly emaved ay dhey are used during emengeney “Ansdnire advantage rf prioretling Shoulda on ester Site of punwory te dha hay Imparlm Q Sense of Openners fo dhs pilet anal (mpnove pee PSyhology ' oluning landing & dake off. Fhe weld of Safety anen Should be actfoasl- [30m pee A, Bc type 8 #2 ™ fort DRE type, 5 fore ug HA Bhaectel te Medoreins” Bre-r9, “]ravense — (yaddent Toansvense greelnk i tential For gutek Bias af Surface. won « — Itho Recommends Yale dre drangrense Greollent- Shauld not Cuceecd : PS fr A,B,C dpe. ra» n BB. ne sfc jcho revemmends That Se dransvente gvadied Pendeen of dre Shoutdere A Shontd be ale a distance of, aga tm dhe conine Une ef 0 shout rod em ceed 2). hy prevend= Ponding of wactere, & Bernatning Portion of Chaufdere Shautel We ep Cord. Eh the lonprdadenal grad. of nray Myered Qunway | bry Ih, dry A trereases dhe 1B, C dip —> psy, PAE | octpr Ny, pleratle Lime]. > Ieno 4 thio rode of fa of Cradient- i ls E29 OFA Per 2am Sig ble Dievance ten Ele Kul k= Ll le» = ICO Te commends hap br ABC sype Qrreprrt any tt pail hs 2m Above the Sungree OF sunny Shoeld be clear viseble + ftom a Aledan Any. He Norway dh. wenee apie Soe D&E dupe aennity BAA & Duley above cmnwey Should be visible” bedhs na dixdance oft Ob Ver half Are Dwrway Corp, Mg? Pesenipd [Smal raeporct lovee Aiepert- ~y Man goad. change 24 er Sheuld net epceect Cech ay a 2 &) SD leyh of yontival 10 m Cusres Lj&lo for mn ath +), Gmde change PD Distance bedween poh point 4 nto ob ynta | 1 OY | 3064 a lene (>) o-, rrumey gradab? map Inditakes dhal- dene is @ relserng — Gred = te uh rmaeding a foltthp grned of. > There % Again an upgrade of 019% peanvioy Profile os pet FAR Speefyalr, ry * Descgn dhe ply =! BBD, Ze oo a Wee ge HY = key 2 tay be y He og gag ou y, Eve) She A bE Gg (Ui Yow fangs mang! Fhe devijn Shawld be Commi out Ly Small airpnés Lys 0" 1-9 = 15309 fa = qox try e 126m D= @ FF (ars) = 4 ee ry) S 253 ms, HOLDING APRON “Taniway > Heldéng Apron As thse known ay Nun-up ox taorem-up — agos . these —ane—loercttd hese Ore looked woture tne ateoratt waid Le there daen to oko of & prtarre they ane rally Chatked tox Weiee dake off Tilt mB OE Ad of the ranuony Py Lab g Wad} thal if one ode went is Unable to Jake ofp Pecause Some dePhop An machinery Orvdhere SOL Gon by pass uf tore che dead HIE Sie depends on dhe pea heurt ainseat movement, The moynot by reeg wired ye he Volume off Autti ty Sraol+ 7 The chanance tober dhe oving tps tb Ma parked Girtetatt Should rot be [ess than 75 m Cs) “Tereminel tutea @ . ~ Those are He ponkirn of the airport othere than the landing Oreen . 94 Serves a5 a focal pain tot geberekes OF he ainpenk HL Constee of tereminat § perationel buildings , Veliete parking Gera , Uinenalt Seavice hangans ete. PY The doumind Gnd eperrtioncd buildings woolly manage ak pperatinat! actives Foxe: die: Un veatds , he of aiitort butlling is ty premtde Sherer eos lige foe vanious Suttace Gebvtk'es related Jo ale deeansportt « arctions Ff the besldeng Sone vonlauy dnesledies Preoreded In tre ainpont building On: » Prsserserds & baa pepe handling Counters dre booking ») Dosgoss claim fection ») Enquiry Counter P Space don harclling & preseersing mail express & lighte Cargo 7 YD feblic deliphone booth . wy Wasting hots foe porsberyens & vibilons » Teilebs B Bodhyom Facility Wo) Rs bauertands Ke pars «) Fev 02) opm . ) Uerenat stone ancl Ft shops . @ WD Spoce te aga Zines Assos papercs be w office spree yen Mates. 1) Weather Baurcerce Dik fee & Banking Yacitders ) Custom Conde! PD Topo & heatah gee Congetel vi) Coqdeel dower - VISUAL MDS —pilhe pilot needs“ viewat gitds while landing on daleiny ff desing ak Weather & ot af) time . Se Runny Wrushold , wander dyes & Tirta Condrceleres, ore mt essential Mems which Sheilld be. Clearly vith bo du pélot « ~ pab Dusting dae dhs dene ore weather (on dileons par af dhe wighd dime fry Visibiledy reduces Considerat “HA enentik do prontde Adequate lnbdering in a epert / eh wel} Convey Lenat are In Formations to the pélol- ag dicing viveble Condy? «,. pe AIR TRREFIQ. ConTROL ee ES AE aS Mein Keason bebdred for proweling. dire draltee Coodreal ts > 0 Cadequand dife & property > eppedlile dre haktin movemen}: @: Need of ATC she Cendkal of aineraf! deals with Ihal- phase of aire droursperred” ty eesure gate , cinrentonk ocenemic. Mevement- of idenatyd drom one ainpert do another: Netweth ef ATC » wre network fare Consealliy he ATC Can be dencded. avo tue pads 1 Conde] within deeming! area 2p Conleesl overt divuseuy 3> Aiawoy Communi vasten « DY Landes) within fooniaad dren he done teom the anporl Condres! 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