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Farhat Ali

Mr. Lewallen

EDT 180

12 November 2019

Application Construction Reflection

Implementation of Feedback

From the start of my project, I understood this would be a challenge in creating an

application based on interest from scratch. After I completed my first draft of the application, I

was able to receive feedback from two separate classmates. They each complimented the design

and layout of each page, the ease of access when moving from page to page, and the simple and

clean look of all the buttons and images placed within the app. However, I also received

feedback on making the information more concise and to the point. They also requested that I

make the options (flights, hotels and thing to do) easier to maneuver through, as they each offer

only a small option of selection.

From this, I implemented changes by making each page easier to use through removal of

the links and addition of buttons. I also changed the movability of a person using the app by

making selections straight to the page of interest, Finally. I added more options in hotels and

things to do as well as the creation of a “find more…” button that takes the user to a larger page

with more options. There were things I had no control over, of course. I was unable to actually

test this as a real app as I do not have the funding for it. I also am not well versed in app creation

or coding so it would take a lot for me to bring this to life.

Learning Reflection

Through the process of revision, I have uncovered the importance of making things like

this, specifically applications, easy on the eyes and the simple to use. No one is looking for

paragraphs to read and understand. Instead they’re searching for a simple experience that will

take a few minutes and allow them to click in and out of options with ease. As this app is

designed for college students, I also changed some parts by adding lucrative destination cities,

hotels and things to do that would pique interest. The main thing I found difficult was the

implementation of scholarship or funding sights. I believe I could easily incorporate this into my

app, however, I found it challenging to have to look up scholarships specifically for travel that

would not benefit students academically. In the end, I scrapped the idea all together. If I could go

back t the beginning, I would’ve been rid of this from the start.

Alternative Use or Future Directions

This application may be taken in many different directions. For starters, it was created for

the purpose of allowing students to travel while on a budget. This can also be used by retirees

and families. More than that, colleges and universities may also utilize this app to allow for

easier selections in study abroad or research programs. To reach farther than that, this can be

used to plan fieldtrips in elementary school. Rent homes through AirBnB. Plan lunches between

friends from eateries or create activities for a family trip. This application was created for a

specific target audience, however, so many can benefit from it. Much like the many other apps

that were create with a specific idea in mind, it can be changed and fitted for another group at

any time.

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