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International Feng Shui School

___ Do neighbors’ houses have sharp angles pointing at this house or appear to
overpower or dominate the house? (-)
___ Are neighboring rooflines excessively pointy, sending negative energy your
way? (-)
___ Is anything in front of, behind, or to the side of the house that is excessively
tall, weighty, or massive? (-)
___ Stop and listen, see if you can hear the freeway, airplanes or any sounds
that might bother you (-)
___ Are there large electric devices nearby? (-)
___ Are there large satellite dishes or ham radio antennae from the neighbors
aimed toward the house? (-)
___ Consider all neighboring influences, even those beyond your immediate
street. Is there a nearby freeway being expanded, a new overpass built, or any
busy street? How will the noise affect you? (-)
___ Is a zoning change bringing commercial or manufacturing into your
neighborhood? (-)
___ Will a school have bells and sports events with powerful lighting or loud
___ Are there churches, temples, synagogues, graveyard, hospitals, doctors
offices, mortuaries nearby? (-)
___ As you drive by after work hours, on weekends, and different times of the
day (and evening), are there an excessive number of cars parked on the street?
___ Will there be overflow parking from the church around the corner? (-)
___ Is there any unusual neighborhood noise? (-)
___ Is there a water tower, or large water storage tank nearby? (-)
___ Is the route to your prospective property unpleasant? (-)
___ Doe the name of the potential street have a negative energetic association
for you? (-)
___ If on a cul-de-sac, is it at the top of the closed street? (- -)

Parcel of Land
___ Is there a pleasant view to the front of the property? (+)
___ Is there a sign saying dead end? (-)
___ It takes a long time to grow a majestic tree. Property with mature landscaping
gets extra points.(+)
___ Is the lot on or close to the top of a hill? (-)
___ Located on a T or Y intersection? (- - ) if so keep looking.
___ Is the house situated on an outside curve? (-)
___ Is it on an inside curve? (+)
___ Is the house located at the back of the lot? (-)
___ Does the home have a rise at the rear? (+)

House exterior
___ Are the porch and front door visible from the street? (+)
___ Does the front path curve gently? (+) or is it straight and rigid? (-)
___ Choose a house that is relatively square or as close to it as possible (+)
___ Does the house have trees or poles directly in front of the main entrance
door (-)
___ Are the house numbers easily seen from the street? (+)
___ Is the porch slightly elevated (+)
___ Is there room for a fountain near the front door? (+)
___ Is the porch sheltered by a roof or arbor? (+)
___ Does your front door look across to a neighbors driveway or garage? (-)
___ Is the main door strong, solid, and in good condition? (+)
___ Is the threshold solid when stepped on? (+)
___ Is the doorknob solid and firm to the grip? (+)
___ Does the key fit into the door without difficultly? (+)
___ The house should be built on land that shows healthy vegetation and animal
life indicating land with plenty of good chi (+)
___ If possible, you do not want a house at the very top of a hill. It leaves the home
unsheltered and the residents feeling vulnerable (-)

House Interior
___ As you view the interior of a house, think carefully about how the sun affects
each room. How many lights will you need during the day to live comfortably?
Many? (-) Few or none (+)
___ Are there bedroom doors inline with each other? (-)
___ Is the front door inline with the back door (-)
___ Are the windows in proportion to the doors (+)
___ Do all the windows open and are the locks in good condition? (+)
___ Does the house have a spiral staircase? (-)
___ Do any stairways have open risers? (-)
___ Are there interior beams or structural roof supports? (-)
___ Any interior posts or pillars (-)
___ Sloping ceilings over sitting or sleeping areas? (-)
___ Is there a long, poorly lit hallway? (-)
___ Does the home have Split or bi-level floors (-)
___ Stay away from homes that have mold, musty, smoky, and putrid odor
smells (-)

___ Is the entry open and light (+) or small and dark (-)
___ Can you add a skylight if necessary? (+)
___ is there a staircase in front of the main door? (-)
___ Can you see the kitchen or a bathroom from the entry? (-)
___ Is the size of the entry adequate for the chi/ energy to circulate easily before
entering the rest of the house? (+)

Master bedroom
___ Is it located behind the house midline? (+)
___ Does it allow for bed placement in a command position? (+)
___ Does the bed placement allow you to sleep with your head pointing towards one

of your positive directions? (+)

___ Is the bed on the other side of a wall from a bathroom or toilet? (-)
___ Is there a beam that runs across the ceiling? (-)
___ Is the ceiling slanted in the bedroom? (-)
___ Is there a closeable door separating the bedroom from the bathroom? (+)

___ Are any of the bedrooms above the garage? (-)

___ Is it located in front of the house mid-line? (+)
___ Will you face the main kitchen door when cooking? (+)
___ Does a bathroom share a wall with the kitchen? (-)
___ Is a bathroom located above the kitchen? (-)
___ Is the toilet on the floor overhead about the stove? (-)
___ Are the stairs located in the center of the home? (-)
___ Are the stairs dark and narrow? (-)
___ Does the stairway lead straight out the front door? (-)

___ Is there room for good chi circulation around your desk? ( +)
___ Will your desk and chair command the door? (+)
___ Will your chair face one of your best directions? (+)
___ Will there be a window behind your desk (-) or a solid wall? (+)
___ Does your potential office have plenty of natural light? (+)
___ Will the desk be under any exposed beams on the ceiling? (-)

Dining Room, Living Room, Great room

___ If entertaining is important, will the location of the table put you in the command

position (+)

___ Are the rooms naturally lit with good circulation? (+)

___ Is a bathroom or laundry located in the center of the house? (-)
___ Does the bathroom or toilet share a wall with the kitchen or bedrooms? (-)

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