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Date :07-08-2019 TEST ID: 390
Time : 00:35:00Mins BIOLOGY
Marks : 140

Single Correct Answer Type

46. Which one is the correct hierarchical order in Taxonomy?

1) Genus<species<class<order 2) Genus<class<order>family
3) Species<order<class<phylum 4) Genus<class<division<order
47. The phylogenetic system of classification was put forth by
1) Carolus Linnaeus 2) George Bentham and Joseph Dalton Hooker
3) Aristotle 4) Adolf Engler and Karl Prantl
48. Phylogenetic system of classification is based on
1) Evolutionary relationships 2) Morphological features
3) Chemical constituents 4) Floral characters
49. Select the wrong statements.
(I) Lower the taxon, more are the characteristics that the member within the taxon share.
(II) Order is the assemblage of genera which exhibit a few similar characters.
(III) Cat and dog are included in the same family-Felidae.
(Iv) Binomial nomenclature was introduced by Carolus Linnaeus.
1) I, II and III 2) II, III and IV 3) I and IV 4) II and III
50. The biological definition of a species depends on
1) The geographical distribution of two groups of organism
2) Reproductive isolation of two groups of organism
3) Anatomical and development differences between the two groups of organism
4) Difference in the adaptation of two groups of organism
51. Tautonym is
1) Unscientific explanation of a phenomenon 2) Common name used as a scientific name
3) Nonlatinised name 4) Same name for genus and species
52. Bionomial nomenclature was first issued in
1) SystemaNaturae 2) Genera Plantarum 3) Genera Animalium 4) Species Plantarum
53. Binomial nomenclature means that every organism has
1) Two names one scientific and other popular
2) One scientific name consisting of a generic and a specific epithet
3) One name given by two scientist
4) Two names, one Latinize and other of the person
54. Among the following choose the properties shown by the living organism exclusively?
I. growth
II. increase in mass
III. self-replication ability
IV. response to touch stimuli
1) I and II
2) I, II and III
3) I, III and IV

4) I, II, III and IV
55. Biological organisation level of living being can be represented as
Atomic → Molecular → Cellular → Tissue → Organ →
1) Sub-cellular → Cellular → Individual → Population 2)
Organ systems → Individual
Organ system → Tissue → Cellular → Molecular → Individual → Molecular → Tissue → Organ system →
3) 4)
Atomic Population
56. Select the correct statement from the following statements
I. Increase in mass and increase in number of individuals are twin characteristics of growth
II. Metabolic reactions can also be demonstrated outside the body in isolated cell-free systems
III. ‘Response to stimuli’ is a defining property of living organisms
1) I and II 2) II and III 3) I and III 4) I, II and III
57. Metabolism can be best defined as
1) The process in which a chemical is formed inside a body
2) The process in which a chemical is destroyed inside a body
3) The sum total all of chemical reactions only occurring in a body
4) A complex construction process only
58. Among the following which is a common phenomenon exhibited by living and non-living organisms to show the
feature of growth?
1) Increase in mass 2) By cell division 3) Increase in replication 4) By cell differentiation
59. Third name in trinomial nomenclature indicate
1) Species 2) Sub-species 3) Sub-genus 4) Ecotype of organism
60. Which one is correctly written scientific name?
1) Panther Tigris 2) Mangiferaindica 3) Pucnthera Leo 4) Columnba LIVEA
61. Choose the wrong statements regarding universal rules of nomenclature
1) The first word in a 2) The first word denoting 3) Both the words in a 4) Biological names are
biological name the genus starts with a biological name, when generally in English and
represents the genus capital letter handwritten are written in italics
separately underlined
62. Which is first step in taxonomy?
1) Description of the 2) Identification of the 3) Nomenclature of the 4) Classification of the
organism organism organism organism
63. Who coined the term ‘Phylum’?
1) Cuvier 2) Aristotle 3) Ernst Haeckel 4) Hooker
64. In hierarchial classification, class occupied a place between
1) Kingdom and phylum 2) Order and family 3) Phylum and order 4) Family and genus
65. Which one of the following taxonomic categories can categorized rest all others
1) Family 2) Genus
3) Class 4) order
66. Which one among the following is accurately arranged in descending specificity
1) Species → Family → Class → Order → Division 2) Species → Genus → Division → Class → Kingdom
3) Species → Genus → Family → Order → Class 4) Class → Order → Family → Genus → Species
67. Which one of the category contain the least similar characteristic to one another?
1) Class 2) Order 3) Family 4) Division
68. Two different genera are classified in the same taxonomic category family. Which statement is correct about
their classification?
1) The same class, but different species 2) A different class and different order
3) The same phylum, but different class 4) A different kingdom and different phylum
69. In addition to the Malpighian tubules, excretion of the waste products in cockroach occurs by
1) Fat bodies 2) Nephrocytes 3) Urecose glands 4) All of these
70. On an average, female cockroach produces …… oothecae
1) 7 – 8 2) 9 – 10
3) 8 – 9 4) 10 – 11
71. Which of the following is a sense organ pair in cockroach?
1) Antennae and eyes
2) Maxillary palp and labial palps
3) Antennae and anal cerci
4) All of the above
72. Supra-oesopharyngeal ganglion in cockroach supplies the nerves to
1) Antennae 2) Compound eyes 3) Maxillary palps 4) Both (a) and (b)
73. In female cockroach, anterior part of the genital pouch contains
1) Gonopore 2) Spermathecal pores 3) Collateral glands 4) All of these
74. Blood of a cockroach contains
1) Plasma and leucocytes 2) Erythrocytes and 3) Erythrocytes and 4) All of these
plasma platlets
75. Consider the given statements about 𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑎𝑡𝑎 and select the correct option
A. Blood vascular system is of open type
B. Malpighian tubules helps in the removal of excretory products from the haemolymph
C. They bear no eyes
D. Female bear mushroom glands and male bear collaterial glands
1) T F T F 2) T T F F
3) F F T T 4) F T T T
76. Identify 𝐴 to 𝐹 in the given diagram of female reproductive system of cockroach

1) A-Colateral glands, B-Vestibulum, C-Genital chamber, D-Spermatheca, E-Gonapophysis

2) A-Vestibulum, B-Colateral gland, C- Gonapophysis, D-Spermatheca, E-Genital chamber
3) A-Colateral gland, B-Genital chamber, C-Vestibulum, D-Spermatheca, E-Gonapophysis
4) A-Genital chamber, B-Spermatheca, C-Colateral gland, D- Gonapophysis, E-Vestibulum
77. Cockroaches can climb smooth or steep surfaces due to the presence of adhesive pads found on the tarsus
of their legs
1) Pretarsus 2) Arolium 3) Plantulae 4) Tibia

Assertion - Reasoning Type

This section contain(s) 2 questions numbered 78 to 79. Each question containsSTATEMENT 1(Assertion) and
STATEMENT 2(Reason). Each question has the 4 choices (a), (b), (c) and (d) out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

1) Statement 1 is True, Statement 2 is True; Statement 2 is correct explanation for Statement 1

2) Statement 1 is True, Statement 2 is True; Statement 2 is not correct explanation for Statement 1

3) Statement 1 is True, Statement 2 is False

4) Statement 1 is False, Statement 2 is True


Statement 1: There are seven obligate categories in hierarchy of taxonomy

Statement 2: Other categories of similar type can be called as intermediate categories


Statement 1: Museums are places/institution where preserved plant, animals, artistic and educational
material are exhibited to public
Statement 2: Museums are of different kinds, like art, history, science and general museum which exhibit
their material to public awareness

Matrix-Match Type

This section contain(s) 1 question(s). Each question contains Statements given in 2 columns which have to be
matched. Statements (A, B, C, D) in columns I have to be matched with Statements (p, q, r, s) in columns II.

80. With reference to cockroach match the following columns

Column-I Column- II

(A) Anal cerci (1) 4th and 6th segment

(B) Tegmina (2) 10th segment

(C) Testes (3) Forewings

(D) Ommatidia (4) Sclerites

(E) Exoskeleton (5) Visceral unit



1) 2 3 1 5 4

2) 4 3 2 5 4

3) 3 4 5 2 4

4) 5 4 3 2 4



Date :07-08-2019 TEST ID: 390
Time : 00:35:00Mins BIOLOGY
Marks : 140

46) 3 47) 4 48) 1
49) 4 50) 2 51) 4 52) 4
53) 2 54) 3 55) 2 56) 4
57) 3 58) 1 59) 2 60) 2
61) 4 62) 2 63) 1 64) 3
65) 3 66) 3 67) 4 68) 1
69) 4 70) 2 71) 4 72) 4
73) 4 74) 1 75) 2 76) 3
77) 2 46) 2 47) 1 46) 1



Date :07-08-2019 TEST ID: 390
Time : 00:35:00Mins BIOLOGY
Marks : 140


46 (3) populations that are reproductively isolated from
Taxonic or systematic hierarchy may be defined other such groups under natural conditions.
as a series of different ranks placed descending
order. In other words, it is a system by which 51 (4)
various taxonomic categories are arranged in a When the specific name repeats the unaltered
proper descending order. Kingdom is the highest generic name this is called tautonym, e.g.,
rank and species is the lowest or basic rank, i.e., 𝑀𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑠 𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑠.
Kingdom>phylum/division>class>order>family 52 (4)
>genus>species. Binomial nomenclature was given by Carlous
47 (4) Linnaeus. It was first issued in Species Plantarum.
The phylogenetic system classifies the plants 53 (2)
according to their evolutionary and genetic Bauhin (1623) proposed a binary system of
relationships, e.g., classification system proposed naming plants. This concept was properly
by Eicher, Engler and Prantl John Hutchinson etc. enlarged by Lannaeus (1753), while publishing
48 (1) ‘Species Plantarum’. According to this, plant name
Phylogenetic system classifies the plants consists of two parts-the generic and specific
according to their evolutionary and genetic epithet.
relationship, 𝑒. 𝑔., Eichler and Engler and Prantl’s 54 (3)
system of classifications. Growth self-replication and response to stimuli are
49 (4) the properties, which are exclusive among the living
Order is the assemblage of families which exhibit being as increase in mass can be observed in non-
a few similar characters. The similar characters living thing, e.g., mountains, sand mounds also
are less in number as compared to different shows increase in size by accumulation of material
genera included in a family. For example, plant on their surface
families like Convolvulaceae, Solanaceae, etc. are 55 (2)
included in order-Polimoniales mainly based on Organization level starts at sub-microscopic level
floral character. In animals, order-Carnivora and leads to population levels. Organization or living
includes families like Felidae and Canidae being starts with atomic, i.e., sub-microscopic level
and reaches to cells (microscopic level), then
Family has a group of related genera with less
become visible or microscopic with tissue and
number of similarities as compared to genus and
organs and then reaches to conceptual level
species. Cat and dog showing some similarities
and some differences are placed into two different
families-Felidae and Canidae, respectively.

50 (2) 56 (4)
Mayr (1942) defined species as an array of Increase in mass and increase in number of
actually or potentially interbreeding natural individuals are considered twin characteristics of
growth, metabolic reaction can also be ↓
demonstrated in vitro and consciousness is Class
considered as a determining property of livings ↓
57 (3) Order
Metabolism is the sum of all the metabolic activities ↓
in body, i.e., anabolism and catabolism. Anabolism is Family
constructive process, while catabolism is a ↓
destructive process Genus
58 (1) ↓
Increase in the body mass is a common feature of Species
non-living and living objects to represent growth as Class occupy a position between division/phylum
non-living objects also grows if we take increase, in and order
body mass as criterian for growth, e.g., mountains 65 (3)
and boulder also grows by accumulation of material Out of four given categories, class is the largest
on surface category. Therefore, can categorises rest three
59 (2) categories; order, family and genus
In trinomial nomenclature a third name is written or Kingdom → Division/Phylum → Class → Order →
printed after two words name, which indicate sub- Family → Genus → Species
species or variety or race of the organism, e.g., 66 (3)
Indian babul (Acacia niloticaindica). Where indica The accurate arrangement of species in order to
means Indian species of babul descending specificity is
60 (2) Species → Genus → Family → Order → Class
Mangiferaindica, scientific name consists of two As in the taxonomical hierarchy similarity increases
words a generic and another specific name. It is from highest category to lowest category
binomial system of nomenclature. 67 (4)
The first word denoting the genus start with capital In taxonomical hierarchy similarity increases from
letter, while specific epithets start with small letter highest/largest category to lowest categories.
61 (4) Therefore, division has least similar feature as
Biological or scientific name are generally written in compared to lower categories (species)
italics at these are Greek or Latin words. The first 68 (1)
word denotes genus and begin with capital letter, In taxonomic categories family occupy the position
while second words denote species and starts with between class and species (lowest) family can
small letters accomodate different genera but species are
62 (2) different like dog, jackal, wolf belong to same
In taxonomy, nomenclature of organisms is possible genera Cannis but species are different. But they
only when the correct place and correct name is belong to same class. More similar characteristic of
known. i.e., organism must be described correctly. order are grouped in same class
This is identification and is the first step in taxonomy 69 (4)
63 (1) In addition to the Malpighian tubules, excretion of
Term phylum was coined by Cuvier. Aristole is the waste product in cockroach also occurs by fat
regarded as Father of Zoology as well as Biology. bodies. Nephrocyts and urecose glands
Earnst Haeckel proposed Biogenetic Law. Benthon 70 (2)
and Hooker are pioneer workers in classification of On an average, female cockroach produces 9-10
organisms oothecae
64 (3) 71 (4)
Hierarchial classification is In cockroach, the sense organs are antennae, eyes,
maxillary palps, labial palps, anal cerci etc.
72 (4)

Both (a) and (b).

In the head region of cockroach, brain is The pad sticks to the hard, smooth surface and the
represented by supra-oesophageal ganglion, claws grip the soft and smooth surfaces
which supplies the nerves to antennae and 78 (2)
compound eyes The obligate categories used in the classification are
73 (4) species, genus, family, order, class, division/phylum,
All of these kingdom. Inspite of the seven major categories,
74 (1) sometimes sub-categories like, sub-species or
Blood of cockroach contains colourless plasma varieties are added for clear distinction. These are
and leucocytes called intermediate categories. Generally,
75 (2) intermediate categories are added in classification
Periplaneta bears compound eyes, which are of plants
situated dorsolaterally on the head one on the 79 (1)
either sides Museum are source of ancient and present
Cockroaches are dioecious and both sexes have informational matter where preserved plants,
well-developed reproductive organs. Female
animal and artistic and educational material are to
bears collateral glands, while mushroom glands
public awareness museum can be categories
are present in males
80 (1)
76 (3)
Anal cerci – 10th segment
A-Collaterial glands, B-Genital chamber, C-
Tegmina – Forewings
Vestibulum, D-Spermatheca, E-Gonapophyses
Testes – 4th to 6th segments
77 (2)
Ommatidia – Visceral unit
In the legs of cockroach, tarsus consists of five
Exoskeleton – Sclerites
small, movable joints, the tarsal podomeres. They
bears fine hairs. The first four tarsomeres bears
soft, adhesive pads called plantulae on the
underside near the ends.
In ends in a pair of sharp, curved claws. Between
the claws, arolium is a delicate hair-covered pad.
Only the tarsus of the legs rest on the ground
during walking and running. The claws and pads
serves back-slipping of the tarsi during


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