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ee Ale c_HIMNE YS D ESIGN V consTeerT an de eR eT Oe Re bi TALL CHIMNEYS Design and Construction SN MANOHAR Chiet Civil Engineer Tata Consulting Engineers Bangalore Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited NEW DELHI Torsteel Research Foundation in India BANGALORE Coil) © 1985, TATA MeGRAWAIILL FoBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED 1No pact ofthis publication can be tepraduced in any form or by any means Without the prior writen permission of the two publishers, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, and the ‘orstee! Resnarch Foundation in India ‘This edition can be exported from tnlia only by the publishers ‘Any opinions/statements expressed in the hook are that ofthe author and not necessarily that of the publishers; unfess specifically indicated otherwise Publishing Monager: Rasy Bent Production Editor: Ravan KAvL Production Assistont: BL Docks Jointly nublished by Tata MeGras-t fil Publishing Conypuny Linvited, 12/4 Asaf Ali Road, Now Delhi [10 02, snd Torstec! Ress. ch Foundation in tnd 7, Crescent Road, Mangalore $60 1, and! printed at ‘nikal Electric Press, 4163 Arya Pues, Delhi 110 007 a FOREWORD It has long been established that introduction of Torstecl as a high-strength, high-bond rein- forcing steel has contributed significantly in the development of reinforced concrete design ‘and construction all over India and abroad. It has been realised that the use of Torsteel in properly designed structures leads to conservation of precious stecl resulting in substantial reduction in construction cost with improved structural elliciency not only in simple reinforced wcaihers but also in complex structures. |As research and development is continuously taking place cnd knowledge and experience bociny gained, seinloreed concrete construction is being rendered more and more versatile. Many coniplicated and special types of structures cilering to a variety of service conditions und design criteria are now conceived and constructed in reinforced concrete more economi- cally than with structural steel, masonry or other ma © publication of technical literature incorporating wellestablished design procedures criteriy based on latest developments is one of the important activities of Torsteel ch Fourshution’s (FRED tectnival services. As large-scale industrial development is ing place all around, at ktrge number of tall chimneys should be required to be construc every year and if was therefore felt that “Design of Tall Chimneys” was one of the riportan: anal urgent topics to be taken up for publication. Design and construction of tall a highly specialised nature and data so far publised even in the developed scanty and the information available being in smelt bits, need was felt to Ishcu!ion as one of the single sources covering all the required design details in a prehensive extrner. Being compan ‘a new subject it was with great difficulty that pert of emineiter, MF S.N. Manohar could be found and persuaded to take up the this publication, On behalf of the engineering community and on my own ons to Mr Manchar for having brought out references on all aspects of wonerete countries. by bohulf, Ponisi teestend my hearty eongraty sl num nd study. this eXeellent Fook incorporating. a fund of data a Ucsiga of tall chimneys, based on his own experience vi FOREWORD, With the help of this publicatfon, 1am sure that it should be possible to design ant build industrial chimneys taller, slimmer, lighter yet stronger, stabler, cheaper sind more durable in reinforced concrete with Torsteel PR Mueosey | { | | : PREFACE Mier realising the urgent need to restrict pollution levels, chimney heights rapidly increased. ‘This is hecause pollutants now had to be discharged at a considerable height such that after dispersion over a wide area, their concentration on reaching the pround would satisfy the ret stipulations of pollution-regulatory standards. As a result, short brick chimneys of the Hav gave way t0 the present-day tall reinforced conerete chimneys. Tie advent of tall chimneys foreed engineers to take a second look at design methods and construction practices then in vogue. It was realised that it was not enough to design such structures for static Loads alone, but that their response to randomly varying time-dependent wind and seismic loads also had to be examined. At the same time, execution of work at considerable heights posed techno-economie problems to the contractors which forced field engineers to look for technical innovations and cost-saving measures. This led to the intro= duction of slipform construction, use of metal liners, ete. As a result of these developments, the installation of a present-day tall chimney requires the use of modern sophisticated design tools and construction techniques In addition co undertaking a comprehensive structural analysis and constructing to accept ble standards, the proper engincering of a chimney requiresa study of environmental aspects, estimation of aerodynamic and seismie forces, determination of thermal stresses as well as valuation of alternative lining and insukstion materials with due reference to. their cost, corrosion resistance, perlormance under dillerent operating conditions, etc. Thus it embraces subjects like metcorofogy, chemistry, mathematics of risk theories, thermal engineering, and soon. This makes chimney design a truly multicdisciplinary activity. ‘There is, however, a ture which can provide inputs from various specialist disciplines for engineer, This book aims at providing such information, “Throughout the text there is emphasis on understanding the basic concepts, which are ex- plained with mathematical support, This will provide a theoretical background to a prace incey and will draw his attention to the assumptions and limitations inherent in iniethods he intends to tse, It is hoped that this approach will lead to a better vitiual absence of Tite the benefit of @ practisi rising the desig vili PREFACE understanding wf the phenfmena involved and résult in a pragmatic design and in the interprciativn of cites of practice. the teacher and student alike since at deals with the theeteticel dures and in the application oF these procedues to jractie aim hats been to present desien jracodures 9 yield results ef acceptable avcuraey. In special analysis could be used, if necesit While kine much of the thenretival work hus been developed | Forms an exten Hy deen from references ited iva bib ion of me earlier papers. This wort: emboxtiss 1 during the evsincering oF nyzny cium, received engi wets. 1 is not possible to hank deeply indebted to the Torsteel Research Fount, of this work. In conclusion, while recor: Consulting Engineers for permisiing yy Wiews expressed hervin are personal and do not nevessatily re Sever tin Good 1 My APpTEciatien oF th Hication oF this buh, # Taig Boneh sf ch Ful 4 himney reful to proce s. The which lement + book, cases it gained cstions Tam cation f Tata at the ‘pany, SOHAR we ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Permission received from various institutions/agencies for use of the following material in the book is gratefully acknowledged. |. Equations (2.6), (2.8) and (2.9) and Charts 2.3 and 2.4 are from ASME Recommended Guide for the Prediction of the Dispersion of Airborne effluents, 2nd edn, published by the American Society of Mechanicat Engineers, 1973, Basie equations for shear and torsion in Appendix E are reproduced from a paper titled “Shear stress analysis of cylindrical chimneys with openings” by A Fafitis, Indian Concrete Journal, Feb. 81, p. 42. 3. Section 5.3 is based on a paper, “Vertical stresses in chimneys due to temperature" by S.B. Desai, Indian Concrete Journal, v. 42, Apt. 68, p. 176. 4. Sections 5.6 and 10.5b (ii) are based on a publication, Design and Construction of Steel Chimney Liners by Task Committee on Steel Chimney Liners published by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) 1975. 5. Equations (3.3) and (3.8), Chart 9.2 and Section 9.4 are based on a paper “Gust load= ig factors” by A.G. Davenport, Proc. ASCE, ST 3, June 67, p. 11. 6, Tables 4.1 and 4.2 are extracted from IS: 1893-1975 and Chart 4.1 is based on draft IS: 1893. Values of coefficients Ki (Chart 5.1), Ka, Krand Ke are-fcom IS: 4998 (Part 1)- 1975. These have been reproduced with the permission of Indian Standards Institution, These standards are available for sale from Indian Standards Institution, New Delhi, and its regional and branch offices. CONTENTS Foreword y Preface vii { Acknowledgements ix } List of Plates av 1 INTRODUCTION 1 | Ll Function of a Chimney 1 1.2 Historical Review 1 1.3 Types of Chimneys 4 14° Architecture 6 2 CHIMNEY SIZING 7 24 Exit Velocity 7 2.2 Physical Dimensions & 2.3 Plume Rise 12 24 Environmental Aspects /4 2.5 Estimating GLC 16 2.6 Particulate Settling 2/ 2.7 Special Aspects 23, 2.8 Illustrative Examples 24 3 WIND EFFECTS » ‘ 3.1 Wind Characteristics 30 3.2. Strouhal Number 32 3.3 Static Wind Effects 34 3.4, Dynamic-wind Effects 37 3.5 Wake Bufetting 39 xii CONTENTS 4 SEISMIC EFFECTS 4.1 Seismic Excitation 41 4.2 Response-spectrum Method 43 43° Modal Analysis 45 4.4 Time-history Response Analysis 48 45. Seismic Elect on Metal Liners 48 4.6 Mlostrative Frample 50 5 TEMPERATURE EFFECTS S.L Thermal Gradient 50 5.2. ‘Temperature Stress 59 5.3 Combining Vertical Stresses 60) 54 Circumforential Stresses 63 5.5 Ventilation of Access Void 63 5.6 Temperature Eifects on Metal Liners 65 5,7 Insolation Ellect 67 5.8 Illustrative Examples 68 6 FOUNDATIONS 6.1 General Aspects 7 6.2 Raft Foundation 73 63. Pile Foundation 86 6.4 Shulls of Revolution 94 6.5. Miustrative Examples J04 7 ELASTIC DESIGN 7.1 Loads 1/0 7.2 Shell Analysis 110 7.3, Shear and Torsion 134 7A Dellection 137 7.5 Corbel Effect 137 7.6 Mlustrative Example 1/38 | 8 LIMIT STATE DESIGN 8.1 Partial Load Factors /4/ 8.2 Limit Ste of Collapse 142 8.3 Vertical Temperature Effects 176 8.4 Limit State of Serviceability 176 8.5. Ilustrative Example 177 9 DYNAMIC WIND ANALYSIS 9.1 rameters JS0 9.2 Stability 182 at 56 10 141 180 a 56 nm 0 141 180 9.3. Effect of Flexibility on Response 183 9.4 Along-wind Response 184 9.5 Across-wind Response 188 9.6 Dynamic Response 189 9.7 Ovalling 189 ~ 9.8 Vortex Suppression 190 9.9 Illustrative Examples 197 10 LINING AND INSULATION 10.1 Functions of a Liner 196 10.2. Liner Properties 196 10.3 Chemical Corrosion 196 104 Types of Liners 197 10.5 Liner Design 199 10.6 Mortars 202 10.7 Insulation 203 10.8 Illustrative Examples 204 11 ACCESSORIES 1 Cap. 207 11.2. Lightning Protection 203 11.3 Aviation Warning Lights 209 114 Ladder 209 ILS Clean-out and Access Doors 209 11.6 Breeching Connection 209 11.7 Mounting for Lifting Materials 210 18 Air Vents 211 11.9. Galleries 2/7 11.10 Platforms 2/1 ILL Soot Hopper 2/3 12 CONSTRUCTION 12.1 General Aspects 2/5 12.2 Conerete and Reinforcement Work 216 12.3 Formwork 2/8 124° Lining 220 13 MODEL SIMULATION 13.1 Need for Simulation 221 13.2. Simulation 222 13.3, Limitations 223 Notation CONTENTS. xllh 207 215 21 205 xiv contents Appendices A’ Raft Foundation 235, Pile Cap 239 Shell of Revolution 247 Elastic Analysis of Shell wi Shear and Torsion 250 Limit State Analysis 255 Recent Developments 259 References and Bibliography Index ° Mulli-lue Openings 247 O7™mone Fron Pla Plare Plite Plate Plate ( Plate 7 Phere & 233 262 269 Frontispiece Trombay chimney (Courtes; Plate 1 Plate 2 Plate 3 Plate 4 Plate 5 Plate 6 Plate 7 Plate 8 oy LIST OF PLATES Tata Electric Cos.) ‘Twin towers (Courtesy: Karnataka Power Corporation Ltd.) Chimneys dominate (Courtesy: NTPC) Lower portion of a chimney (Courtesy: NTPC) i Raft reinforcement . | A chimney with strakes (Courtesy: Gujarat Electricity Board) ‘A molii-flue chimney (Courtesy: Gujarat Electricity Board) (Top) Stipform being installed (Bottom) Chutes for placing conerete during slipforming (Loft) Slipform construction (Right) Jacks for slipforming PLATE ‘Twin Towers (Courtesy: Karnataka Power Corporation Ltd.) PLATE 2 Chimneys dominate (Courtesy: NTPC) Chimneys, as we kt function, They had a, Targer and taller, the: In USA, however, Piece added to a fluc» area of an industry. ¢ perature and velocity “stack” has gained pc 1.1 Function of” A chimney is a me that after dilution duc entrained solid parti achieves simultaneous etc.) and being high! mets itis well to re pollution control. 1,2 Historical Re Man has always bee PLATE? Chimneys dominate (Courtesy: NTPC) 1 INTRODUCTION faimneys, as we know them today, are tall slender structures which fulfil an important netion. They had a humble beginning as household ven: and overthe years, as vents grey farger and taller, they came to be known as Chimneys, A cluster of them is a stack. In USA, however, during early days the term “stack” was used to describe the extension rece gp ed #0 a fue duct to convey and discharge combusting gases away from the operating area of an industry, A stack which was scientifically designed t6 take cognizance of gas teme aetack pane Yeleity elects, corrosion aspects, ete, was called a ney. By usage, the term “stack” has gained popularity and today it also signifies a chimney. 1.1 Function of a Chimney A chimney is a means by which waste gases are discharged at a high enough elevation so that after dilution due to atmospheric turbulence, th entrained solid particulates achieves simultaneous reduction in concentration of a nuyhee of pollutants (S02, fly ash, cic.) and being highly reliable it does not requite a Standby. While these are its distinct metts, itis well to remember that a chimney is not the complete solution to the problem of pollution control, 12 Historical Review ways been in search of an cflective system to dispose off undesirable gaseous Man has 2 TALL Chineys Products of combustion. ‘he earliest form of Auch a system wats a small vent. Over the years there was an increase in both dealt irc ts ated volume of eases 10 be handled and ce Faault vents were'replaced by smd brick chinny ch chimneys eontinued to increase and those ta "1 as industrial ehinineys, (@) Material of Construction Until the beginning of this eontury, the Populae materials for ein brick and steel. As chinmeys prow taller, a sp fee cnmical and were replaced by steel ehinmeys bath self'supporting and gnyed. White she fist conerete chimney was built in Germany, 1876, reinforced conerete: chimney introduced in UK and Europe i 1907 andl tapering cone prcinforeed concrete chimneys have heen built ay ts SA and USSR since 1900 anda. dosm jal conerete chimney bulk in Japan in 1916 remarneg the tallest chimney in the work fae between jong see, Mere marked technical improveneee in the field of concrete chimn Hep SOuCFetE tla ts present pradomnin HF StaLUS aS a construe. tion material only alier the problem at Sonerete cracking due to a thermal eradient wg resolved in the early 195s. Nav teached when brick ehinmneys became chimney wits buill in tatg, (©) Lining arly chimneys were unlined, Developments in boiler and fuel technolo, ininge, Mich ®agravated the corrosion probe rode Hing Lnitaly, seltsupporting, Jats eine brickwork backed by an insulatin medium was used as a lining, but soon insulating bricks were introduced in the 19s gabsequent development, such a lining wes Ihe thet tot Cotbels (at intervals) oft the sa” ra Int Cotresion of the concrete shell and te overcome this de sir Bap was introduced between the and the conerete shell, eerie ste! liners are popular beesune a impervious to gases and compared to pricks, ar lighter an permit a hic hy Velocity, Insulated stect tiners made th ir appearance in 1960 and the probiem of buckling otsvch Hiners came tothe forefront in 1971 when design sraulfeations had to be introduced to cates fa orig ortlure-dtferentialetiets, ete. In eoeen edu etaies are being tied out as a lining thant and if new technology can achieve cent jajtetion ad improvement in their ptern nee, plastic may well prove to he the primary Tining material in the future. ieney,a ventilated (©) Pollution Regulations abla reference exists to air and water Pollution and more recently King ted JRelind promulgated the Sea Coste Act [towever, the emission of gaseous poten St aschinneys continied to be tolered ate necessary evil until th °F 1852", Then technologists realicd the atmospher. ‘ard of ms from ¢ London smog disaster absorb an unlimited “Nebel ruber fnicate te erence mumier inthe bibliography, quantity of American ¢ USSR in 1 Inv the ear achieved if von this wv mate disteit work of Sut and severa’ plume rise: (1980), Hol nd Briggs ( predict plus of poltutants @) Design Desi proc modern sop! Early chime allowed fors this end, AC was updated A chitnney role. Primiti structures wa and Duchem neers ascribe At about in the field, b formation wa with the fort callapse of Ts Feerybridge ¢ insight into « To study 5 theory were b increase in ¢ plus. For the ctiticatly reass response, It w. and behaviour on prototype s Michelanget Over the years dled and as a continued to Fial chiraneys, Tuction were wys became +d, While the mneys were lin 1910, nd a 165-m world for ie chimneys 1 construc- ‘dient was > Tow ilue- duction of insulating 508. As a the con- rough the ventilated ‘pared to nearance mn design ' recent ee cost orimary ard of 's from sisaster fimited INTRODUETION 4 Siannly of Pollutants and this led to advice, followed by legislation, such as the British and Aaercan Clean Air Acts of 1956 and 1963 respectively, echniegt stride to air quality in USSR in 1967 and the establishment of an environmental pr achieved iff a chimney was about two-anda-hall timer the height mate distribution of pollutants in a plume and its dispersion in the ‘atmosphere baséd’on thie? work of Sutton (1922), Bosanquer (1936), Hay Pasquill and Cramer (1957) Gittota°(i961) and several others. In addition, many semi-empirical methods were’ developed’ té predict plume rise: notably among them were-Da ‘idson-Bryant (1949), Bosanquet-Cai ‘Halton C950), Holland (1953), Priestley (1956), Bosanquet (1957), Lucas’ Menne and: Spurt (1963) and Briggs (1969). Their work enabled the forinulation of mathematical models to reasonably’ sre Diane behaviour and thereby arvive at an estimate of the ground lencl ‘concentration of pollutants, sunt procedures have come a long way from the early rule-of-thumb melts to,the rate t fophistcated mathematical techniques backed by data from tests na ene models. Line chimneys) developed cracks since temperature and other streawe yore nos adequately allowed forand this focussed attention on the need for a rational deeigy Procedure. Towards this end, ACI published a specification for the design of cononre chimneys in 1934 which was updated in 1954 and again in 1969. A chimney isa wind structure, ie a structure in whose desiga wind loads play a dominant ree meamitive man was awed by wind and a fundamental knowledge abort ag forces on ad Deckenan Stined only afer the work of Gatiteo (1655), Newton (1680), Smoce (1759) and Duchemin (1842), The disastrous failure of the Firth of Tay bridge iw tie ‘made engi- neers ascribe quantitative values to wind loads aie amatt the same time, the vibration of chimneys due to vortex shedding was observed jn te Eeld, bu an association between the periodicity of the wake of a eylindes and vortex formation was stated by Bénard only in 1908. Thereafter, the relationshiy, ofthis Periodicity with the formation of a street of stable vortices was stated by von Kérman in 1912. The collapse of Tacomas Nartows bridge (1940) due to wind-induced oscillations followed by aciplse cooling towers (1965) resulted in much research directed towads gaining more insight into the cause and magnitude of aerodynamic forces. To ‘study pollutant dispersion, mathematical models based on the turbulent diffusion theory were being used in 1960. At the same time, pollution regulations. forced a rapid increase in chimney heights which today have reached the staggering magnitude of 400 ra rae ieee stisctory and economical design of such chimneys, it became necessary to critically reassess wind Toads and improve the mathematical models for predicting strncrarct response, If was ccallsed that sueh reassessment can best be done by studying the efleet on and behusiour of scale models in wind tunnels coupled with field measurements of respons on prototype structures . ; Michela lileo and others’are known to have dsed models as an aid to resolve 4 TALL CHitasieys ehltectural and structural problems. hough Teminger:* sed Models to study wind etfeets On buildings in 1893, their scismilic use 09 meavure wing toads and steuctural response is polly @ development of this century. Tie sins wind tact for simulating w Ported by Cérmak* in 1933 and thereafter valuable work wen done by studying the behaviour of Seale models in wind tunnels by Seruton 1958), Fung (1960), Davenport (1961) and Orne. Such work has yildsd valuable information aheut ae hatte and magnitude of dynamic loads due to wind and in understanding © structure's respanse 10 such loads, [tel chimneys were rarely checked for adequacy ules earthqutke conditions. Probl ag iter the Nobi carthyuake of 1891 aud tte Son | aneisco earthquake of 1906 that font methods were applied to evaluate the resins OF structures to earthquakes. Farly Seismic theories were evolved an the basis ola cane force analysis but disasters wrought by pocg duakes at Kant (1923), Niigata (1960s) and Alaces meat fo study dynamic soil propertcs andthe weeesaie ar jon theories to evalu k of electronic computers his greatly speeded up the amlysis of chinnecs Today, chimney design is a complen multe disciplinary exercise posing chatlenges to nscialists in various fields. A typical team which wy needed for adequately handling a mo, {all chimney project is indicated in Table 1.1 TAMELT RE Cuwusty tor turnarioy Thaw Pnoueer €o-on0maToR PROJECT MECHANICAL EKG, | Me dat i Eeuirmont | thetmat Metatngi Shed | Eroineer m= PROAECT CHEMICAL ENGINEER cuir Engineer Sheciaise, Spesiatat Da Mada ol i - Held Matoriat siphon Chemist Phys Tron Serr Stee | iad r Tost er Suuetwral —arehitect Soils douincey Brg i 1 1 mation Model Study Seistotonit Groth Analyst Moga Stedy Oe Geotoait 13 Types of Chimneys Chinineys may be clastied ina varen of Ways as illustrated in Table 1.2, areas becla iy of ways a ‘ated in Table 1.2, Some of the aspects t Heig. Tat Enginessing (a) Height Initially, ct with the ree be consider that it calls only a ma tall, () Number Often, a si sources is s) reduetion i: in order to with «separ concrete wit (©) Reinfore Above a cer sive than a | logical strai material use with or with competition tudy wind effects tural response is vind was reported the behaviour sport (1961) and and_magnitude » such loads, tions, Probably ake of 1906 that ‘thquakes. Early ters wrought by tention on the ories to evaluate ers has greatly s. challenges. to sting a modern | | ENGINEER i sete0r0ogieat Speriaist the aspects | TAOLE 1.2 CLASSIFICATION OF IxDUStRIAL Ci INDUSTRIAL - CHIMNEYS ———, warthutor nooo weloT NUMBER waTERIALOF —__stmudrunac unin OFFLUES CONSTRUCTION ‘SUPPORT To 1, Tall Shon Single Muttitve Guyed Self sup. 1) fue orting T Bri Reinforced concrete Steet FAP. a) 1 T 1 q Sroinwion le fie tasty Paco erchesad la Sais Wang lay Stool “stool ste Wh Terstest wit ad stot (0) Hefghe Inilally, chimneys with heights exceeding 150 m were considered tall chimneys. However, uth the recent emphasis on structural dynamics, itis generally ‘accepted that a chimney may be considered as tall when its height exceeds 150 m and in addition fe aspect ratio is such that it calls for evaluation of the structures response to dynamic wind loads. Thus, it is not nly a matter of height but also the aspoct ratio when it comes ta classifying a chimney as (©) Number of Flues Oem, a single chimney serves more than one boiler. In such @ ease, when one of the gas serrctoa, shut down (say for maintenance) the gas exit velocity will reduce because of rcauction in the total volume of gases to be handled. This can lead to heavy pellosen ona Uy gider te overcome this problem, a chimney serving more than one beiler san be moviteg sree mirage foreach gas source with such Mues housed in~a-common enchsiee concrete windshield. These are popularly called multi-flue chimneys. (©) Reinforced Conerete as a Construction Material Above a cert ht, an RCC chimney requires less materials, is lighter and is less expen: jive than a brick chimney. It has greater resistance against wind-induced vibrations, hee. lesical strains and foundation settlement, Today, reinforced concrete is the deminne meferial used for construction of tall chimneys and foi short chimneys precast concrete With or without prestressing is used. In the latter range reinforced concrete has to fase severe competition from steel- and glass-reinforced plastics. = BL cases 14 Architecture “Aesthetic” is a word derived fan a Greek worl mevnim more with the appearance of « thing rather than th Shismbey with a detatched eye rather than with a prejudiced sion oh it is essentially drainage channel for waste gases. Viewed this wa, even the spiral form of white smoke ean appear pleasing agatinst a blue sky. al himneysateruet considerable visual attention since they stand out froin neighbouring Siructures. In an attempt to increase their aesthetic appeal, various Shapes such as rectan- Bulan triangular, elliptical ere. have been tied. However, as far ae chron We concerned, estates Goes have severe imitations imposed on him since itieekere ie a cirvulae Up Aiesl atrueture tracts least ind forces and poses minimum awdara a and de Problems Itis not possible to ignore this fact particularly with chimney costs now becoming significant, In view of the above, most chimneys have a crear sap i Plan, Even so, their appears ance improved by incorporating special Keatures, such as grooves special finishes, Mere such features are specified exteie cae i etuited in hag 1g Work Will be easily not imneys to serve more than one boiler is a distinet ingleue chimneys are oo thin 10 hold the eye but mote chimneys, because of ther larger width lend strength nnd nd hence are aesthetically preferred. Such chimneys are gene duction of a taper is both technically meaningful and assiher ically esi “perceptive”, ie. it is concerned ality. Hence one must look ata toa chiomney structure ally cylindrical but the intro. ble. The sizing 0 can be said t a suitable ek pollutants, tory standar. ‘quantity of 1. Draft 2. Enviro: 3. Steuctu ‘ach of the 21 Exit I flue gases speed will be gas plume ar it can permit Bases to cone Henee, the such that the speed at site, ¢. it sconcerned + must look at a is essentially a vhite smoke can mneighbouring uch as rectan- sare concerned, that a circular aie and design now becoming », their appear- pecial finishes, quired in their srisa distinet but multi-ive ney structure out the intro- 2 ‘The sizing of a chimney depends on many factors wich are diffcult to quantify. Broadly, it can be said that a chimney is sized auch that it can exhaust a given quantity of flue gases at & atilable clevation and with such a velocity that the ground level concentraron (GLC) of Pollutants, after atmospheric dispersion, is within the limits prescribed in pollution-regula- {ory standards while the chimney retains its structural integrity. Thus, whi handling given wantity of Mue gases, the major factors which influence a chimmney's dimendions wee 1, Draft requirements 2. Environmental regulations 3. Structural considerations Exch of the above aspects is covered in the discussions which follow. 2.1 Exit Velocity Ufiue gases emanating from a chimney experience a field of increasing wind speed, soon a speed will be reached (termed critical wind speed) when the wind will shear off the emerging fs Plume and this ean lead to excessive pollutant deposition, Also, i the exit velocity is low, it can permit cold sit to Row down a patt of the chimney causing’ acids contained in tee 288¢5 to condense on the walls and cause damage. Hence, the least flue gas velocity ( ing on part load) should be Such that the corresponding critical wind speed is. greater than the estimated design wind speed at site. In Chart 2.1 are givén the minimum exit velocities which will ensure, for different 8 TALL cHIMNEYS wR 2 fs EXIT VELOCITY H,/2, +20, 16 TALL CHiMNeys 2.5 Estimating GLC Growing realisation of te need to control the ever-increasing nuisance from pollution has forced the development of analytical took, ty predict GLC. While there has been considerable an retthis dtcetion, none ofthe presentdavanalstic te ques, however sophisticated seeaeCUaely eepresent meteorolopicul conditions se nature of terrain, ete. Hence the Fontan oon Prelcted GLC varies widely depending on the Logical conditions prevailing at the vite. tn mea simple eases, preveit-lay analytical techne, ‘ues yield acceptable results as eontirmed frome field observations, nilormity in meteor. ~ a ° ‘ see As : ae Syst Oisriat io Tiga Fig. 2.2% Spread of a Plumo In order to formulate a mathematical modsl of plume dispersion, consider a single ei aney fe mane Pollutants ata constant rate (Fig, 2.2). The assumed steady averave wind ty nsports it & distance 2 in time ¢ atone the wind oe jon AD. Crosswind turbulence, though radon, Hi ature, is assuined to spread the plana Out horizontally equally on cither side of she plume axis 4, . Based on a broad edtrelation with Tol a Chsettitions the Horizontal and vertical spread of a plumé-tre both assumed to follow a Gaussian curves With this assumption, the equatic where asshoy at thes Ther It show distinet Consi pollutan adhere t there is, the grou tance fre axis. He lution has asiderable histicated, Hence the meteoro- a techni- vimney asports andom of the vertical a, the CHIMNEY SIZING 17 ‘equation for pollutant concentration can be taken as ¥=Crexp [~ y2/209]-exp [= 22/203] ~ where Cis a constant and y and z are distances along directions Perpendicular to thé wind axis as shown in Fig. 2.2 and o,and o- are standard deviations in the J and & directions respectively; at the location where GLC is required. The area under this curve for y is given by te te ff expt-p2pot exp t—2204) ise, 2-05-00 itude ofthis ara signifies the rate of emission Q,/0 and we get ro aati (exp l-y'2etl-expl-s4/20tp vrocautl be noted that Q, inthe above equation isthe rate of pollutant discharge (o/s) as ‘lstinet from O. used in Eq, (2.3) whieh is the mass flow rate of fe gases Tanider a typical plume spread as shown in Fig. 2.3. 1 is assumed that when gascous Popitants sicike the ground (at C) they are totaly reflected, although some quantity would und surface or vegetation. Hence at location £ at a height Z above ground, «_& a portion ofthe pollutant reaching directly and an addtional quantity reflected off she ground. The latter is taken as equal to the direct component calculated at the same cee Lane fiom the source but ata distance z below ground, i. adistance Ha-+2 from the plume axis. Hence the equation for pollutant concentration now becomes Fig, 2.34" Effect of Ground on Pollutant Dispersion 18 TALL cHIMNeys exp = 5285-foxp | - cnet aya where y= Poilutant com ob Me AE) poof! ( =I, yy} er Putting above cation, we yet mavionin GLE atoms the plume asig ax Y, : Pr Or enh te] Qu) Ean 222 expres a power lations Ihc when the sie) on toa and MP where A, fp are constants, then wes th For obtaining maximum eonce this value in the bove equation, we have 0117-0, c The important conclusions to be drawn fi exp [= Hap stration, we put a aly and get irom the shove ane 4 When esas is independent of s, asin GC along the pinny Ince WHEE Me MeN” ail is depenkhent only oe te . 2. Maximum value of GLC is inversely Proportional 66 wind speed Teer act dower the wind speed, hisher the tos {eiser the GLC, This siyysts that there bs ennany sind oy GLC occurs, Wales of standard devistiony sy an as recommen he ASA and 2.4 in whieh das depend on many £ Jing distance from about one hour for a rel edt Tine indicate th factors, such as the aun 9p (a) Accuracy of Estimates The accuracy of dispersion esimare sampling time, ete. V ively open country ined From Table 3.3, Ne Fan}pe OF ess eonfiicinec, Sian pherie strnetute, topyopegpi ‘ales in the ehatris ane nd for Four stabi HV Substituting Om NS OCCUR AT dis sectica spre, Va thee tice hat as So piven in Charts 2.3 Mardbcevistion values iy. wind speed, samp: fora sumpling time of sos. The stability clays SEN CAEN FM AS, tar tap {he complexity of the dispetsion pionoenon renerated by tersin sy Ferditions, ete. The equations stated steae cage eh ites dest wae However, there ave eases sven ni snagy Jachars need 0 Be tian si acount such ng SUE terrain features. guounid slopes. abnormatmeens Wat concaitioves apydicaste to the Aa Sch conitions can ie appwosimatcly aecommat oe nedifying the above Aton center programmes exist tw eater fir sch woos ae meyer, it compe Neated situations specialist advise slut he ea aps The reader is made avaire of some oF the principal assumption sen x nie equations and standasd d lev ition vates are ba wed. fh thoabove dispersion } “ex axis as Qn) Ax? and sbstituting (2.12) at a’ dise sad.” hand, as ind hence naximum charts 2.3, on values, J, samp. atime of ulity class nding on logical tuations, stich as leto the ove Vcomp= spersion 10000 (HOURLY MEAN VALUE) sel 3, POWER LAW EQUATIONS FOR oy VERY UNSTABLE 0-40x x°9! UNSTABLE 036% x26: NEUTRAL 032x x°78. STABLE — 031x x7! 1000 10600 700.000 X(m) Distance downwind from chimney Chart 2.3 Horizontal Standard Deviation of a Plume 1. Lapse rate is assumed uniform, 2. Wind speed and its turbulent, characteristies are asgumed uniform over the distance travelled by a plume and the turning of wind with eight is neglected, (HOURLY MEAN vatues ) 10000 1000 (m) 100 Law FOR ony 10 = 040% x7 0-33% x86 0:22 x x0+78 0.06% x07! 109) voc 100 000 Xm) Distance dowawing trom chimney ChE 2A Vertical Standard Deviation of a Plume 3 4 A Mat topography is assumee. The pollutant emission rate also assumed that a lume tises vertically after emis “aches an equilibrium attitude ant therealter travels horizontally. CHIMNEY SIZING 21 5. With respect to the stationary plume axis, the plume-spread profile is taken as Gaussian in both orthogonal transverse directions. 6. None of the effluent is tost from at plume and there is total reflection, of gaseous plumes from the ground, . 7. Chemical and photochemical reactions along a plume path are neglected. ‘Tante 2.3. Key to Srantciry Cass" (uaseo oN TURNER, 1969) Key to stability categories Surface wind Day Night j speed ~ Tnsolation Thinly i, (at 10m ee overeatior © 40% (ons) Strong Moderate Slight => 50% low cloud | cloud “2 vu vu vu — — Fa) vu vu u s s 3s vu yuu u N s 56 v UN N N N 6 u N N N N Notts: 1, YU—vety unstable, U—unstable, N—neuteal and S—stable, 2, Night refers to one hour before sunset to one hou after sunrise. 3. Neutral class should be assumed for overcast conditions duting day or night, regardless of wind speed. 4. Sirong insolation corresponds to a solac altitude > GO” with clear skies; slight insolation corres+ ponds to a solar altiuide from 15-35° with clear skies ‘ 5, Moderate insolation occurs. when solar elevation is 35-60° and the sky is clear or sola elevation > 60° with partially cloudy skies. 2.6. Particulate Settling ‘A particulate’s settling rate is allected by its size, stiape, medium viscosity, electrical and ‘thermal migration and many other factors and hence itis dfficult-to.define the aerodynamic 00 behaviour of particulates. As a simplifying assumption in practice, particulate-settling characteristics arc based on their apparent spherical sizes and it is furthet assumed that after discharge from a chimney, they initially rise vertically with the flue gases. Thereafter, for particulates tess than 20 x in diameter, their motion is assumed the same as that of the gases in Which they are entrained, Particulates larger than 20 in diameter are acted upon by buoyancy forces of the medium as well as gravity forces and the net force is med that given by tude and Fin GG ely Po) 22 TALL CHImNeys. The atmospheric viscous drag on a settling particulate given by al, Ge 2 Pe den 2 Ge #7 tee V5 for a spherical particle Ge Which is the drag forve coullicient, is a function Of Re (refer Vig. 3.3). The value of Cunningham correction factor C. depends on the dimenin ee the particle in relation to the unity ie Path of medium molecules. For particles larger thang 20-re diameter, Ce is taken as nity. A particle attains its terminal velocity (Y,) whew Fi Fzand taking (6p—p.) ~ pp, we get vind Coy oe Vem Edge Ot @13) Substituting pes 1.1765 kejeu.m at S1P, values o/s. taking de sre sgrmestion into aecount- for cange af parce a an Table 2.4, variations and Cunni densities are given in Vanty 24 Tossa vi Pasticulate Particulate density tkycu.m ameter (Hy 300 sow 1309 20 Pn 0.006 oo: sors 0.024 30 ota 0.027 004 oss 40 oon von 0.0m was 50 0.037 oor 106 0.9 “o 032 O.t0r 037 0.190 70 0.070 ong ows 0.251 80 0.089 0.170 0246 ons ¥0 0.110 209 0.300 0386 100 ons 0249 0356 0.437 130 0.263 047 0.4658 0.826 200 0.407 0709 0.965 250 0.386 0.993 4am 300 o70s 1170 1560 330 0.830 1390 sso 400 0.92 L610 2120 450 1130 Es20 2340 00 1270 2.020 Beto B90 The dispersion of a particulate ean be looks! upon a that of a sascous plume tilted sepetvind at am angle of tan Yi whichis equal te te/O ton small clues. Thus the plume dispersion equation develajed earlier can be wat andl replacing Ut by He~ V'5/0, the equation POFGLC of particule polluiistrp) at a doumund dene ¥fiom the source, becomes a expl— spoof en 3 (ener stol y] (2.14) The value of lation to the ‘istaken as Pa) ~ Po. We (2.13) nd Cunnine re given in ne tilted *plume -quation mes 2.14) CHIMNEY SIZING 23 ¢auation itis assumed that there is no reflction of particulate’: after. touching the ground, This equation yields an average deposition for a partculee wind speed and one free settling velocity. In practice, one has to deal with a ran of particle sizes and wing ances and to analyse such cases itis necessary to consider in Heremene ¢ range of, particle sizes and wind speeds and the rate of deposition is determined for exch such incre- ment. Summation of the same over a tite period will give the otal deposition 2.7 Special Aspects Some special aspects are dealt with here. (a) Short-term Deposition As mentioned carlier, values of oy and ¢: in Charts 2.3 and 2.4 for calculating the ground- level concentration of pollutants are for an averaging time of one. hour, the following cal eauation can be used for determining the quantity of deposition fora peried toe em than ane hour (3). 3600)" F-Q2y 15) where 1 is the GLC for an averaging time of one hour and ¢ isthe desired short time period in sevonds. Index rin the above equation depends on dispersion conditions as given tela: Stability class ‘ Very unstable 065 Unstable 082 Neutral (b) Long-term Deposition For evaluating GLC over a very long period (say one month), allowance must be made for ing wind speed and direction. The sector angle (p degrces) subtended the continuously changing g dc by a receptor at the chimney is frst determined. With frequency of wind incidence (2) towards a receptor in this sector, the equation for GLC becomes (2.16) where x= distance of receptor (m) ‘The total time period over which GLC is required may have to be broken! down into incremental periods and atmospheric stability and wind speed appropriate to each incre- mental period used for determining the GLC (7), Summation of such values would give the total GLC. 24 TALL cHiMNeys (© Potation sou Multiple Sources Maltiple chimneys are a common ort itdestriah installations, Pan from suet chimneys mutually interact {éepending on the distance between tem, meteorological cond}. mons. Determination of GLC unc, vor ditions is based on resuts ae very limited VRE Of field studies carried out on bn ane MES emitted from a group of ehy mney, When chimneys are spaced a large distance apart there q | obviously be victually ng interference between their plumes, The GLC any distance downwind then eaieutated a dition of GLCs determined as if exch Chimney vas operating atone. Whey losely spaced, chimney plumes combine and tend sc Fise higher than it emitted from g single chimney. Ag sangitlt of such interaction, the GLC wi fond tobe tess than that obtained by an arithmetic SUL OF GLC taking cach chimney se ately Briges has suggested the following enhancement feetor to predict plume tise chimney sources, from multic 2.17) My By where 417 plume tise from saine ithe ignoring other sources, m Alin plume rise from sume chimney enhanced due to discharge from nei chimneys, decentee spacing betcen a tine of V equally saved! chimney Tam 2S ENN ENeine (ey) & hy an wea 1 ® on tay Law ss 02 12a ht as oa una tr is os ho ta um i os ts hos os | 10 15 106 106 x0 to vor tor Values of Av are given in Tale > 5. The G Te att point obtained for each eh 1 aay Hatin is them the sem ot sven volo eortesponding plane Adis It may be noted that while peo ney Role oF hx wasee a a te fied exit velocity With wind blowing. Peed: the plume rise will he When thes Smited from a single chimney than nies Gmvtted From 30 smaor sie chinmeys, 28 Ulustratiye Examples EXAMPLE 2.1 Consider a 180 m hieh Re C chimney: of eircutie section “HN 100 mm ventilated airspace es from such gical condi. & very limited “chimneys, virtually no sulated as an 'sely spaced, arithmetic om multi- 17) abouring ics Hy, >eity are CHIMNEY SIZING 25 ‘or the chimney and the net draft available, Solution For a design wind speed of 35 km/h, the ane ended minimum exit velocity (Chart 2.1) is Sails: However, to achieve a good plume BO sai ata velocity of 20 m/s, For handling 22.000 cu.m/min of flue gases at a velocity of 29 mis, the top diameter (inside of lining) ‘quired is 6.09 m. Hence, provide a clear diameter of 6.0m, : z Inside dia. of concrete shell at top 6 +2(0.1 40.23). Same at location of fue entry =6,66 4 (180=5)x2 11.04 m 80 : Dia inside of fining = 11.04~ 0.66 10.38 m 10.3846 Average dia. inside of lining = >= 8.19 m jutration of chimney at rid-height of tue uct = 600-+ 5+175/2 = 692.5. Barometric pressure at this elevation (Tabie 2.1)= 699.7 mm of Hg Same at chimney top = 692.6 mm of Hg Assumed fue gas temperature drop-—1 5c Flue-gas temperatureat outlet, 7,,= (130+273)-1.5= 401.5 K Specific volume of flue gases at this femperature and pressure 0.823 x 760 x401.5 = S00 BOE 1.209 cusm/kg Re (5 000 x 1000)/(1.209 > 60) = 4.25 104g Surface area of duct= mx 8.19 x175— 4503 sa.m Average temperature difference between fh gases and ambient air =402.25~ 313 = 89.25°C Heat lost = 1.4 x 4503 x 89,25 = 56.3 x 104 W Temperature drop 56,3 x 1041.03 x 48.25 1o)=1.15C This value agrees well with the assumed temperature drop. Average gas temperature Ty = 402.25 K For a brick lined flue, ¢/D =1.6/8190 (reler Sen 2.20(i)) = 195 x 10-6 From Chart 22, for Re= 8x 10¢ and c)d)= 198. 10-6; we read f=0.0137 15-4 X10"? x 48.252 108 0.893 x 402.250.0137 x 175 hy= De MN 0.110 mm of Hg 15410"? 48.258 108 x 0.893 401.5 tee 692.6%6° = 1.320 mm of Hy Total head lost= ht = Os 10+ 1.320™ 1.430 mm of Hg 24 TALL Chimneys i With 7, 13K and T,= 402.25 ' 1 26% SS 085 "40235 NOR] 82021 mm of Hig Net draft =2.621= 1.430 1.191 mm of Hy | Natural draft = 0.029 «699.7 vsf. EXAMPLE 2,2 | A Power plant bums 124 /h of coal cont bing 0.67% sulphur and the elt from a 105-m high chimney with « top diame er Cinside oF Lining) of 2.1 gases are emitted at a temperature of 104°C 5 Nelocity oF 17 mys. At chinmey'top the design ambient temperature and pressure Mt 704 min of Hg respectively. Under i Stable meteorological conditions (a ? C00 mm) and with wind blowing frog 22° NE ata speed of 8.2 m/s, what will be the S02 concentration averaged aver ne kon tng ition 4 m above ground level at 20. SWand are Alistaice of 10 km? Also, what will be iro patutant concentration averaged over one mach 312 ground level receptor 10km avsay if it subtends an angle of 11° at the chimey centre when meteordupieal mean ind tae Wind blows in the direction of this seeron gt i OF the time. Daring this perio! that a stable meteo and 10.75 m/s for 29" ‘Lis released The ,etilwent ! Wind blowing at averase speeds of of the time respectively. Hoxical condition prevails with nd 71%, Solution 124 10 6 . ase 206.6 600 jg 206 Rate of sulphur re 64 (molecular wt. of SOs discharge af SOs, Op ‘ ©2607 413 Diseharg #802 0 SB atomic w4 etsulphary “P0607 41 Rate of emission of tlue gases PERT T SB em {lence, itis a large volume source and under stable meteorological conditions, Eq. (2.8) should be used to evaluate plume rise, Pal’ = 094 1.0Y100= 0.015 Cin 172.1377 293) «293 7 8 NEE ew EMfective height He 105-58 = 163 my Distance of receptor from the source as Pain ag ilone the Wind direetion is x= 10000 ¢0s 2° 9994 m, Cross wind distance re esit 2'= 49 m. From Charts “ct and da toe Mable Te atts ©2145 m and «==41.5 mat adnan OF 994 wy tener the chimney. Usin F4- 2.10) the ptacant concentration aie desired elevation will be e}er[-A(4) ool 1 2” BMS edi SRY 0.229 p gyeu. m 21 mm of Hg ‘mm of Hg intis released The effluent mney top the ively. Under slowing from one hour at what will be 10km away rds indicate ‘iod assume peeds of 8.6 413 g/s 2.8) should 10000 cos for stable Using Te = CHIMNEY SiziING -27 Plume rise for the two average wind speeds will Be as under: 82 AN(O1~ 86 mys)= $8 ($2) = 571m and He 162 m 86 19 AN(O,= 10.75 mp =53( 82.) 253m and He= 158m Ata distance of 10 km, o=41,5 and using Eq. (2.16), 61 ats dep [ (#2) o, - 2\4i.5) AO 86 mis) = SaaS TE ETIO UOT TT 158)? 70.143 4 gfcum 61413 Jexp 413) OV 1015 WI) Fa raTSeTOTT IOUT ETL” 0-166 l Blevin The total deposition will be, ¥= (0.143 x 0,29) + (0.166%0.71) = 1.159 4 gieu.m EXAMPLE 2.3, Dust particles (assumed spherical) of specific gravity 1.5 are emited from a chimney at the {ate of 60 a/s at an effective height of 185 m. Find the concentration of dust at a around, level receptor located 300 m away with wind blowing towards it at 2.3 mys.0, and es may be taken as 60 and $5 m respectively. Grading, of the dust particles is as shown ia the let column of Table 2.6 ‘Tarte 2.6 PaRricutatt Geapisa - 300 100, = |» - 200 %” 7 150, R — Doar an eee A WANN ee A SU 28 TALL CHIMNEYS Solution Between any two gradin si intticle, Vor siupliviny, « ‘own in the table on the let. obtain the average size of the ser that all atts. hetween upper and lowser gr consi OF this avenge sizes “Te resulting 9 GLC of pollutants ding sizes iia shoven in Table 2.6 on the eight. The 300%, \* 0 satcasff ORT The quantity of pollutant for each size is determined from the % distribution given in the Fighthand column of Table 2.6. For each particle size the terminal setting velocity Vp is gbiained from Table 2.4. Vor each setting velocity, the term Ji and then rp ave ealeatried These calculations are presented in Table 2.7. From the tabulation it will be seen, that. the total deposition is 222.22 1 g/eu.m, vals Tame27 Opetu “ Auster y, (es) on Guptereny 25 3 800 bay omy m4 22s 7 4200 12 nes os.s7 175 18 1osn0 oat asi17 D0 ns 2 row ost 98256 25.96 90 in “x00 030 2048 65 28 tes oar 1498 35 10 un 0.06 580 ‘eof the ng sizes ght. The in the ¥, is slated, at the 3 WIND EFFECTS Herein are discussed the basic aspects associated with evalua ion of the effects of wind on a seeeey simeture. Later (in Ch, 9), it willbe shown how these conespte sen, applied in Practice to analyse a chimney under static and dynamic wind fonds pea i esentlly the large-scale movement of fce air due to thermal currents Tt playsan and alo becaasuttey design because ofits capacity to transport and disperse paling and ako because it exerts static and dynamicloads whose effects on alone structure, such 30.4 chimney, are significant. (is well nigh impossible to predict wind elec Precisely by ro al Procedures because f winds’ uncertain variability and thereforoe decgees ce 10 use approximate design techniques. Tee Wind load exerted at any point on a chimney can be considered as the sum of a quasi (ime-average) steady speed and which will end to produce « steady displacement in a structure, The dynamic component, which can éause oscillations of a structure, is generated ‘essentially due to the following three Feasons; 1 Guste—They cause dynamic pressure changes initiating inline oscillations, * Vortex shedding-This phenomenon ereates eros-wind dynamfe forces hich can lead to transverse vibrations, 3. Bufetting—A down upstream structure, chimney could oscillate due to the bufetting effect of an The magnitude of force exerted by wind is dependent, among other things, on the wind reed and its luctuations, Re, ete. Hence to estimate wind loads a knowlede of te charace teristics is important, 30 TALL CHIMNEyS 3.1 Wind Characteristics For a designer i is imypoviant to have information on the following wind characteristics as applicable to a project site J Annual feequency distribution of wind speeds 5 Estimated maximum gust speed during the doce ie of the structure, 5: Spectral wind energy at the chimneys nanwet frequency, (@) Wind Speed Frequency Distribution Pata on wind speed frequency distribution is normally available in the form of a wind rose, White such data is often adequate for structural design, low wind speeds to which recording instruments are insensitive, are shown as ealiaa Gna wind rose. Thus data on such low wind seats not available althoush it can he important ie ‘it-pollution aspects of chimney design, Jf reliable continuous windspecd data over a number of years is available, then it is Possible to statistically period. In the rane tlm wind speed at a site for a given return chimney, the retasn period is ehosen on Considerations such as its pot the tye OF Facility it serws, cost consequent ee lant outage and/or damage tw neith, Pouring stucturesfsystems as. result of visti o* Functional distress. ete. Fara chimney. the return period may be of the order ah 4) ve {00 years depending on the factors mentiona above, ong Chosen FeLurn period, the probable maximum ind speed at the reference height (isvally 10 0) is forceast after a statistic anaiyen Of wind-speed records applicahte to“) Ste, Wind speed at any other height ean thon he eae sl fram the equation, be (yy , Oo a. BD sen cael Pore wind sped at Isight = andl at vtonenee heiuht co respectively, ay #8 a coefficient which essentially dspennds om tre turlitce roughness—refer Table 3]. It is indeed rare that reiable wind records anc available for a particular site, Hene: designer has to often base his desizns on coxhsl stip relevant to the site location, fons of wind speeds for a wind zone () Spectral Energy [2F particular ste, wind speeds at particular Frequency: can be represented as shown in Fig, 3.1 For analytical purposes, iis assumed that such a \wind speed is composed ofa mean come Ponent J and a Nuctuating component Cid waver us is say, Thus, UO tustinees gett FOF each freguenes Wee reoe eng od ane it represents the horizontal Bustiness OF wind. Tntreducing a spectial devine function § (ig. 3.2) sueh that WIND EFFECTS 31 sties as = z = 4 rose, ording v wind imney Time itis Fig. 3.1 Wind Velocity Fluctuations return j as its i weigh: | an ney, | ni i ys 4 fellows that the rms value of the fluctuating wind-velocity component Ul) over the entire ioned range of wind frequencies, will be given by the equation > ? weight opel wight =| Sede G2 From a lage numberof observations the following empirical formula has been suggested en) by Davenport” for the power spectral density of wind. WS, ax? ya Gro)? ™ (1x3) Ga) ea where S,=spectral density at frequency one n= frequency, He y= terrain fretion-drag coctlcient—refee Table 3.1 i Ds9=mean wind speed at a reference height of 10 m, m/s s 1220-n/010 in ‘This spectrum is assumed to be invariant with height although recent measurements have shown that a variation with height does apparently exist. However, a comparison between am tncortically predicted and fckd-measured responses of sicuctutes has confirmed the usability i of the above spectrum. The area under the non-dimensional form of this spectral density function represents the mean-square fluctuating energy. The terrain ftiction-drag coefficient C) as a wide range of values and representative ones that may be used for design are ps ta siven in Table 3.1, . 92 TALL CHIMNEYS Sq Frequency Fig. 32 Spectral Density s, TAME AL Thangs Suatact Paws ares Category Description c * ~ 1 ge cites and bull-up arcas 6.050 028 2 Rough woodsd country, tos ann! ety autskire ois o.ts 3 Flat open country, open Nat coastal bellsand grasslanls Gon on 3.2 Strouhal Number Strouhal showed that when there where St= Stroubal nub cis the critical wind velocity wi on the natural freqneney and is vortex shedding, Cpt Deo Si +hich can venerate vortex shedding, diameter of the el Ga) Is magnitude depends ney. For a tapered chimney, whose WIND EFFECTS 39 | Giameter varies atong its height, the frequency of vortex shedding tends to lock-in with the | Ghimney frequency at a wind velocity corresponding to a chimney diameter at about one- third height of the chimney from its top. , @ i Ii is observed that there are minot oscillations when the wind velocity is 40., but the sear of such vibrations is likely to be an order of magnitude less than that ofthe ‘major a | oscillations which will be experienced at the estfcat velocity. Also, theoretically there could ss be severe oscillations at a higher, wind, speed corresponding to the neve igher mode fre- aiynes. However, in practice, this may not beimportantasitis not expected thas high winds Will tain a steady speed and direction, which is necessary to initiate and maintain vortex shedding, Strouhal number depends on Re and its generally accepted variation with Re is shown in Fis. 3.3. For sub-eritical Re values, Stis constant at 0.2 and in the ultraeriteal Re range it fabilizes at about 0.27. For super-crtieal Re, values of St range within the upper and lower bounds indicated in — vob r eritead ert | os 02 IIS TTS Ty Re (10g scale) —e G4) | | Fig. 3.3 Drag Coott (Cy, Lift Coott (V/Z5 depends ~y, whose ‘and Strouhal No. (St) Values for a Cylinder 34° TALL CHIMNEYS 3.3 Statie Wind Effects Wind exerts a statie force (knows distribution of wind pressure aro and direction of wind incidence. magnitnde is significant for large-dian, shear forces and bending moments wh an air stream, ‘The body depends on its shape inferential bending whose + drag produces. along.wind ely withstand, (@) Drag ‘The drag force on a single stationary blutt body can be written down as Fam Cr Ase where Fy=drag force, N Ca= drag coeticient A area of section normal to wind direction, sq.m ‘The value Of Ca depends on Re as weil as on the shape and a: Peet ratio OF a structure. For a cylinder, there is much debate as to the value of Cyto be upted in design and the Benerally accepted va lation Of Cy values with Re is shown in big. 43, In addition, values OF Cafor blu bodies of dilferent shares 9 Biren In Table 3.2 Using these values, the dag on a structure can be estimated, (©) Circumferential Bending, ‘The radial distribution of wind pressure on a horizontal section of a chimney depends on Re pose value is normally in the utra-crtical, istribution fora cylinder at sumed that the along- forces induced in the structure and these ae, assumed 10 vary sinusoidally along the cireum- ference of the chimney shell. With these thode, one bending monienis inthe shell en be obtained using established analytical incthods, Coeflcients for maximum moment and asi it ‘mnular section arc given in Tabte 43, © Wind Loads on Liners ‘luc ated muttsslue chimneys. Although their portion projecting above chim @ foads transmitted 49 them becatoy at ting interac- hing ae chimney shel Such lines may Supported at only wo points~near the beens Phin and at the top~or else they he pred at regular intervals along their heres indeed at the top of afiner suc that ail pose a deflection raiuney shell. The magnitude of this foresee on ‘0 behaveas a beam of varying moment of inertia, acted uw that of ment de the fore ait stream, The nds on its shape bending whose ‘ees along-wind thstand, (3.5) Wf @ structure, design and the ‘dition, values alues, the drag epends on Re ra cylinder at at the along- nduced in the 3 the circum. shell can be ont and_ axial ys Although ‘ove chimney heir interac= ‘car the bree- their height. sadeflection force can be ‘tof inertia, TABIE32 Vatves oF Desc Coteiciest G, a ci ke a O x > Ce WIND EFFECTS 35 With ‘rounded POLYGON RECTANGLE ig With sharp [I ‘eages a] 22 cool! CO we ante fo “Hu * 1, Length breadth ratio taken "as ab Fal +D vm fulice CD >> edges J+ oy =] >ES 2 Correction actor 0-8 for 20° < aspect ratio < 4. UILATERAL TRIANGLE With sharp ron With’ rounded edges tat on fn by @ transverse load at the top and then quating the deflection so obtained to jet of the chimney shel atthe top, For example: ter © Iiner oF uniform Ef, the tip displace. the tones pena 888 load P is PL'/SET, Equating this vane deflection of the chimney shell, acest Pe" be obtained. Ths force wil induce veges the liner for which it has to be designed, é 2 SSURE COEF} Coett x By (Pressure o & z é é ons =20. Fig. TAME 3.3% Cimcon snennea Win 1 Maximum positive moment Maximum negative ‘Maximuea axial force 2. rMen 3. Positive shel! anc + $.4°% Radial Pressure Distribution Bending momen coeftxpre Axial torce--coottsspp 0.667 moment 0384 119 “O° Njsq:m radius of shell, m for bending moment and axial forse Seoeiens implies tension at inside. of 1 compression respectively ar Oo} Aa of wi tance inside of | When a finer is supported at ‘seular intervals, the chimney Witté’momentis assumed to be shared! between the shell and the finer. AC Rex is the common radius of curvature, Rew Betlet Beh, from which 3.4 Dynamic-Wing Effects ' The masnitude of wind load exerted ein lad oats duo to turbulence. As mentioneg mcr itis usual to consider that the Wind load at a point is composed gf a steady and a Muctuating component. The lattes Force, in line with the wind, s termed gust load, (2) Gust Loading [uetations in wind toads imposed on “Structure are random in nature, Such @ random load can be represented by e FO=K(O soup. | = KO*1-2 Oey) for small vatucs of oy where KehCe depy A Portion ofthe above load (KO) 1 NNSaHC ad is We (0 the mean velocity 0. the Bust load component is given by Fe=2KOoy, “nd substtutns or ae fom Ea, 6.2) ve oot KO. / favs GB.2 ‘This equation is later used (Ch, 9) to Staluate the dynamie response ofa chimney, x (b) Aerodynamic Admittance 4 structure's response to wind load, at ‘ny, teateney, depends on the spatial characte istics eenuind turbulence. This aspect is taken an ry be haa orm called “aerodynamic admis fance coetlicient™ which is given ‘Approximately by the equation®® z ee 38° TALL CHIMNEYS crsodymamic admittance coeficiont atthe structure's Ratural frequency », Hz ‘“=mean wind speed at top of a chimney, m/s has to be multi Plained later in Ch. 9, the caleulated response of @ structure to wind loads plied by this aerodynamic admittance eocthereet t, allow for response modi spatial wind-turbulenee characteristics, ©) Vortex Formation ‘ q When aie flows past a chimney of circutar Ciateétion, vortices are shed alternately fram | the sides causing a pressure drop at resular interns ross the chimney section, Such press | Sure changes cause a lateral foree perpen Ha the wind ditection, ‘There is rewutar than s Gio of vortices in the sub-ctitial Re rants (ie Ky 3% 108) as well as in the ultra evitical 3.5% 10. In the superer CCHS Res 3.55 10 the pin of rahe eausine a instabity ai asa seats varie «diag. comes 4 irregular. This is shown in Vig. 0 Re < 5 Regime of unseparated flow di ‘ ) Ss pe | Hoe a T ich the a: Jima i rs | Fig. 41 ved for Ci= factor which depends on the ‘support conditions (Fig. 4,1) Aresses liner span between supports, m oe rnored ‘uniform mass of the liner per unit Iength, N-s?/sq.m sling i : , tat Fesponse of a singlesspan liner sis gi inet ‘The response of a singlespan liner under inertial loads is given by Dua Axper ental | __Inoducing seine sta aoa Su for We obtain the modal ental displacement A, as Ayn Sex Pe G1 4,10) a We normally consider only the first-mode values for lincr*design. Noting that bending ‘moment is EU(d°v/ds*), the maximum modal bending moment is given by 50 TALL CHIMNEYS 4.12) jie acceleration Sy ean be read from Chart 4 "for a period determined using Hii the modal participation factor for the tet aoe bd its value is given in 1 few support conditions which are nocinaly ney With in practi aso given in Fig. 4.1. As mentioned eatlcr, the Inve and chimney ements have to Miah at Beitts of interconnection and this requirement will impose bending moments (Af) Which can be evaluated as explained in the ease wind loads. With dhe finer acting as 4 bear sri loaded with ts inertia toads, the bending mom sare calculated as explained above (fa), These moments ate then combined by “imadatic superposition method to sive the dogg " moment Af, Mw ‘The method is explained with the help ofan example in See. 105, 46 Mlustrative Example Examine 4.1 Consider @ 130-m tall RC eytindrical hininey-lihe struciuse of uniform creme section (4e=8.16 59.m, 1187.9 m6) with aweight of25 kNjew.mand 1,-4.4 0! S Sama. Frthuate the base moment and shear under easthywae Conditions. ‘The structure is kacated in seine Feel as per IS: 1893 and ie supported ona cay foundation. Take damping factor (2) as 3% and the importance factor 1.0, Use hea {he Fesponsespectrum methoxl and. mr analysis technique, Solution (@) Response-Spectrum Meth: 11-139 m, fer S16 m0, 250002 8.165 130-2 26,52 108 N Radius of syn, Bm and Hayes From Table 42, CPA awd Go yany Using Eg. (4.1), ma tor Ts a Ad WW! Sto ws For a period of 2.6 5 and with 5% damping OAS ms trom Chast dul, Bor seigmig zone UE, =0.019,, The she, that x/Z, (0) Atoder sinee the pr is used. 7 these masse (4.12) ficient Cw are ents have to coments (Me1) agas.a beam above (Mea), ve the design ‘oss-seetion valuate din seismic ctor (8) as ind modal “or seismic ps SEISMIC EFFECTS By zone Ill, Fo=0.2 from Table 4.1, Since B= 1.0 and J= 2.0, = 1.020% 0.2 0.48/9.806 .0196. ~ ing Eq. (43) and noting The shear force and bending moment atthe base are obtained by us that x/H= Base shear= 427 x 0.0196 x 26.52 x 106= 742 kN Base moment = 0.0196 x 26,52 x 106 x HO 33.8% 108m Me EEE ew Nowe Me Che f/m) 2 @® «05 e @ m @ ne x © () Fig. lized Structure Ios 82 TALL CHiMaNeYS For a cantilever structure loaded as shown in Ves 21), the defection a Any point is given by (xP 43025} ig ge wy hea! Deflection cocticents due to a unit foad placed Herations for the first and second mode vely since the purpose of this es at load points 1 t0 4 are given in Table 4, a leamiated alter two and three eyes respegic mple is only t0 explain the procedure, Tam 43 Dextecrow Connicunis Deftection at Load at — — ' 2 3 s 1 Oa aa was 6.0286 2 our ome funy 00234 3 outs ooons o.asss bor 4 0.0286 on bons boos Dellsction=cvelt cs jis1 @ First Mode: The caleviaions are summaticed in Tate fof amd some of the steps are explained below. Initially the defection profile 714 (col 3) is assured ancl eneneam viding inestia fontds &y are obtained. With these loads acting on a beam, dellectsane at H node points are determined using the coelicients in Table 4.3 Deflection at load point 2 we =P mn 426.9. 0.1707 1293.2 fey 20.2875 4208 -o.ri07 Asinsreasions indbcate.t are for use in the i ne) I thexs are number of similss sacs operating a the sane femperature, the quantity of heat flow inte the ved vill be Flue Chimney istrative — =10 2 for | same Fig. 5.2 Section Through Multi-Flue Chimney a" He Me T 7 (63) Ke Di CDs GD, Diy Heat flow out of the void across the conerete wind shield will be #-HATo~ Ts) ten| tT) (54) Code Rea * RBs where Kr=coeficient of heat transfer by radiation: Since still a valu is taken as 9.0 W/sq.m °C. {ating the heat fowing into the void (Eg, (S.3)) to the heat flowing from void to the Aincenhere (Ea. (54) will yield the void temperature 7. When the access verde Henilted, is evaluated as indicated in Sec. $.5 and in such a case T» will vary. over the height ofthe chimney. The thermal gradient across the concrete shells then deteraineg tla lines as shown in Eq. (5.2) using 7.~7a for Te~ 7, With the thermal gradient ius established, vertical and circumferential thermal stresses van be determined ae choms below. Vertical stresses duc to temperature and those due to other loads need to be combined to arrive at design values, is assumed in the void, this 5.2. Temperature Stress Consider a concrete section (Fig. 5.3) with unequal reinforcement on the two faces and ‘emperature in steel near the Fespectively and that at the neutral axis will be (at where the vertical strain will be ¢=3T(1~1), Bree expansion of steel on the 3 hhot and cold faves will be aT and (1—alar 2 respectively, Restrain of this free expansion ¢ fon the hot face gives rise te the following 2 frees 5 Tensile force in steel on the cold face (= @ TI ~ Rn teke Compressive force in steel on the hot face oP edkmpa.r, Compression in conerete “LaOT OWA, shove ats the distanee of tein the concsete fur Fee and nr is the distance of he meuiral ais From the ho face, Sin is no nel fonee du t0 a temperature tise, the sean of the compressive Fores must be expal fone fram there Fig. 5.3 Tomperature Stres fo the tensile Force and we ms mp eye EE Rea 3) Stresses in steel and concrete will he as under ‘Vensile stress in steel on el! fee Ean) Compressive stress in steel on hot face Tofar se 1) Maximum compressive stress in concrete = ux ine eats Qecur in the veri os wells inthe ciewoirential direction and approe Pua feiforcement should be provide in cach diretion. Near the top el a chvnanae ney thal and wind Toads ean be ls and the temperature stress ean be eetvey hanes Thee {Ri fgeton the permissible stress under the combina ie ol dead tnd wind long rapnerature should be restricted to that aoratly poemited witht allowing forage due to temperature effects 5.3. Combining Vertical Stresses Hto he combined wits these due to As mentioned earlicr, vertical temperature stzese dead weight and moment from wind or easthaqe evaluating temperature stresses initially on the cracked: Ke eiTeeis. his ean be sichieved without jon theory. hot and cold faces will be al and (a7 i | | | | cel near the and (I~) axis will be tin will be steel on the id (I= a)x7 © expansion 1e following 4 face DAEs © hot face ment from listance of since there rise, the be equal (6.5) 4 appro- ney, the Henee in ads with erease due to without TEMPERATURE EFFECTS 61 Consider that a thermal gradient of 7 kelvin gives rise to fictitious stress fin EE ~ Which fs compressive on the hot fee and tensile on the cold facb. Under the action of dead {eight and moment from wind or earthquake effets, an element of shall ane ‘compressive Similan eam’ sie of a chimney will be under uniform compression for ne width, {hilary a section on the windward side will be under uniform tocion Provided, of course, ‘hat the moment is high enough to eause tensile strese iting eran clewhere™ how this fictitious temperature sires can be combined with the suc Rs uniform compressive or tensile stresses (on leeward and windward side, respectively) naaattt loads: The method is summarized below and it i extended fo redeer oe effect Seg etural axis location on resulting stresses. The final stresses and locating cf uke neutral axis are true values, although f is fictitious, (a) Leeward Side (© Neutral Axis within Section (f! > £3) From the stress diagram shown in Fig. $.4(a) it can be seen that n= feons/2ft. Due to the combined effect of a thermal gradient and existing compression (de tonne axial load and a moment), the forces will be (ye) 1 at Hor Face Scomb pete] een @ i) * (tap fer ts Fig, 5.4 Combining Vertical Stresses with Temperature Stross 62 TALL CHIMNeYS Compression in concrete = kinde-feans Compression in steel on the fot face ™ (fom 2f(t~a)} kimpAe Tension in stecl on cold face ~ (2of,~fone\(l = Kmpag Duo to an axial load and a bending moment ct Compressive stress is fz, Hence, £ on the s ion, the existing concrete Existing compressive force on the section =/(1-4 mpc Since a thermal gradient does not alter the {otal force on a section, we ean eguate the Algebraic sum of the resulting forces tothe extet ing compressive force and we get Foes 26] —nne [onp?Anpttci oy ratte fue wo] 6.6) GO Neutral Axis Outside Section (/! = fy In this ease (Fig. 5.4) the extreme fibwe stress om the cold Face will be fooas= 2 and the following forces can be written «own: Compression R concrete = (fos fi)Ay Compression in steel on the hot face Vi ~ MN inphte Wf I~ Rapa Coons Compression in steel om the cold face = (f, Proceeding as in the « lier ease, we get for LAE # AmpC a4 at ~AY) Seon La (3.7) () Windward Side © Nestea Axis within Setion (f, yy Due to other loads, the exist steel and concrete due to temp (ig, 5.4c), Proceeding as in the fens force int stcel will be pf. Expressions for forces in eralure effects will be idemtical to those given in a (i) above earlict ease, we pot fon 26 ~ mp af (mph mph ays ah ay] ‘Tensile stress in steel, far= mi(2af,~ foams) 2a on fone npn ath (3.8) Section (nf, <= f,) Proceeding as in the previous cases, we get (Fi 3.4d), Maximum tensile stress in steel for~ fix 2mkida~ 10 (9) ‘Thus the combed vertical stresses in steel and concrete can be obtained. | | | 8 concrete ‘equate the (5.6) and the (s.7) vrees in above (8) 6.9) TEMPERATURE EFFECTS 63 5.4 Circumferential Stresses ‘The circumferential stresses in a chimney due to a thermal sradiont can be calculated as shown in See. 5.2 for vertical stresses. It should be noted. thet while using Eq. (5.5), the uantty of circumferential steel provided should be used while evaluating & and p values, lal stresses arealso induced in the shell due to axi forces and moments caused BY alin and these stresses can be calculated in the usual manner. ig common practice to Gleebraically add the stresses calculated separately for wind effects an temperature gradient to arrive at the combined circumferential stress, 5.5. Ventilation of Access Void For @ multiflue chimney, the maximum temperature in an access void should be restricted in order to permit inspection/maintenance personnel to work efliciently on one of the flues hile some or all the balance flues are operating, In the tropics, a temperature of 40: while at the entry to a void at the bo! |. Natural draft is contemplated for ventilating the void, % Calling for a temperature lower than 25°C may place unduly severe restrictions on inspection/maintenance scheduling. 3. A higher temperature at the base of void will result in a lower thermal gradient over its ficight. Consequently a substantial volume of ventilating ait wil be required for which large openings will be needed near the base. Depending on the local range and duration of ambient temperatures; a designer may choose 3 {Uiferent set of temperature conditions atthe top and bottom of the vold fan those given Shove Provided the three aspects mentioned earlier are adequately taken into account, ‘Another alternative isto use forced ventilation, The capitalised cost of euchrs system should bes Weighed aeainst the additional investment of providing extra. insulnion and thereby reducing the heat input into the void. In case the arca of ventilation openings required to achieve natural ventilation is too large, then forced ventilation may be Necessary but care should be taken to see that the velocity of the ventilating air is not excesenc, 0 evaluate the quantum of ventilating air required, a comple‘e heat balance for theen ire {himney should be carried out, However, the normally used approximate technique is. given flows We consider that N-1 nuniber of identical ues are operating when onc cheng flues has to be inspected: 2 Pefermine the maximum and minimum temperature gradient (47) across a fue % ATou= lus gas temperature minus access void temperature, both at the location of entry of flue gases (Tze Tie) . 64 TALL CHiMNeys 3 10, ATaio= Same as above but at the outlet Notes: (i) Tre $0 be 298 K oF highest umbient dry bulb temperature, whichever is Jower, unless an ambient temperature other ther 298 K is chosen for Tye Gi) Te should not exceed 313 K. ToT) Determine the log-mean temperature differential (LMTD) over the void, A Tense A Tin lla Eo een _ G10) Using 12. (5.3) calculate the qu NV by Wel and LMTD for (7q~7,), Determine the mean temperature diforentia! between void and ambient air, ty of heat Mowing into the void (y,) ‘after replacing ©.) here Ts could be the maximum desien ‘iry-balb temperature oF 298 K, whichever is lower, Using Eq. (5-4), determine the quamtty of heat Slowi shield (44). Use Tus for 7. — 75, Catcutste the quantity of heat ta be ventilated out () of the dealt: Yo de ge, Calculate mass air fiow r concrete wind- at through th. es void by natural wired in the void 10 remove sit qe and cheek that velocity of air in the void is reasoainle vdctot dela si CO G12) qihere Or is the volun of ventilating air eesired, ey nis. Lvaluate the pressure head (lp) proving in the void bocaus Compared to ambient Ireter Ey. (2.2) with ry 0.99) oF a higher tomperature ap 003 a-anf mom Hy (5.13) Ta (Cet Taya + Size att and outs openings using the equation, 0902 Ayan J ge (6.14) where At and sts are the ace and outlet openings respectively, sq.m. * Check that the relative humidity is within acceptable limits. The outlet and inlet open- ‘ngs should be spread uniformly around the chin circumference, The above pro- cedure is further explained with the holp of an ine, ‘erexample in See. $8, thichever is sn for 7 (5.10) F replacing uy chever is ote wind. Y natural velocity. (5.12) perature (S13) ot tin, TEMPERATURE EFFECTS 65 6 Temperature Effects on Metal Liners Thermal elfects produce longitudinal stresses ually prevented either partially or fully. Ina flue se gradient is created across the flue dian Sena ferent streams or within the same stream or because one of the 88 sources is horizontal bearnormal conditions ete. Hence, when a metal liner has mace then one horizontal breeching at the same elevation and where there is no bulla wall, the liner should be designed for thermal sradient across its diameter. This gradions the maximum tem- peratuce differential between the gases entering a liner from different breechings under the pot not less than 15°C. This temperature differential dies out at about ho fom the top of a baflle wall or five to eight liner diameters from the top of broeching when a batlle wall is not provided. Worst condition, AT. = 4Te-ae-exp [= B'bz/D1) (5.15) where ~ 47," temperature differential across the liner diameter at any height 2, K 4T.=fucegas temperature differential at entry K = heat-transfer correction factor = breeching-width parameter "height measured above top of breeching, m Dx~linee diameter, m B sate parameter Values of a B' and 6 are given in Tuble 5.1. The above thermal gradient induces longitu- inal stresses because lateral restraints prevent the free rotation or displacement of alliner. In addition, secondary stresses are produced because the thermal gradient asreahe diameter is TaM.e 5.1 Vatues oF B’,6 AND a, bys 6 4T.°C) a Flow ratio ho 0.40 1o 1.00 ° 099) 12 Lo 30 095 os os le. Lor 100 0.90 16 10 150 086 6 Ln 200 ost un 250 ons sot 1.20 300 0.70 Dit Dia ot ine 350 0.67 68 TALL CHiMNeys assumed to vary linearly along the civeumference rather than lincarly across the diameter, ‘These are termed as flexural and secondary elcets respectively and are evaluated as under, (@) Flexural Effect Temperature differential is assumed wi decay in accordance with Eq. (5.15) [F form ever the height of a brecching and then 19 g h L finer_obove Height breeching- of breeching (a) (b) Fi9.5.6 Temperature Differential Across Liner (0 For Portion above Brecehing Temperature differential 75.017 ( 1 (refer Fig, 5.56) Foree in liner (of radius R) duc to this. = 2-31 Moment of such forces about the neutral avis, BELRE dy arma, diameter, 18 under, 1 then to ig. 5.5b) TEMPERATURE EFFECTS 67 M Fete O81 247) De Rotation of the liner, Substituting for 47,-from Eq, (5.15), we get ot $= 0.811 5 ATeac exp [~ B'6xiDz] 6.16) we divide the moment of the arca under the rotation curve ( | Yoads) by its area ( { tds ), we obtain the distance of the centre of gravity of the curve (e). "The defetion 7 ne at any distance 2 is then given by olf salen where A=0.811 eacdT~/Dz and F= B'b/D. Gi) For Portion within Breechiog Due to a uniform temperature differential over the height of a breeching, the deflection at any location will be 1-expt-Fep | (517) A sax ah (442) Where / is height of the breeching and 4 has the same value as in Eq. (5.17). ‘The total deitection will be 81+8:2 Stresses are induced in a linet when this displacement is restrained, (b) Secondary Effect If variation of the temperature differential is any point will be=247-/Dt. Since itis assumed that the variation is linear along the circum- ference, the secondary rotation will be, (10.811) 247;/Dz.=0.189 adTx/Dz. This will give rise to a secondary stress © 0.1 @4T;-Ex. 5.7 Insolation Effect A tall chimney deflects due to solar radiation heating only that portion of its surface exposed. to radiation, The thermal gradient is assumed to vary according to the cosine law and the temperature of the most heated fibre relative to the fibre at ambient temperature is taken as 47. As a result of this differential heating, the rotation of a chimney at an elevation x will be o(47/Dadx and its lateral deflection at a distance z from the ground will be given by y= 247. apa De De 08 TALL iuimaty:, det chimney i wot penerally heated far its full thickaess we need to introduce a reaction fictor J while evaluating lateral dlletion, Olin, the values is taken as the ratio oF the thickness heated to the shell thickness. Then, 5,2 24T . = SD Gas) alo An case the diameter of a chimney vari s height then stazewise integration should be done to arrive at its lateral displacement. This displacement canees ceventricity in the action OF the vertical load and this p~8 ellect has ta be taken jane ceount in the design of a tall chimney. 5.8 Illustrative Examples EXAMPLE 5.1 ase atrmm thick concrete shell ot a single-tve chimney is subjected toa thermal grauient ALIS IC: Due to other toads, the maximum concrete and snl cee at the mean radius of ory, imNeY are 4.0 and 120 N/mm? on the hewn’ and windeaey sides respectively. With Oth steel reinforcement of which 72% is placed vn the eure fave, exlewlate the combined Partial stresses. Concrete cover 10 the centie of tcinkincement gcd mm, He 38.5 KNfinuy £1= 200 KN? and = 115: 10-6 per“ Solution Ex 11 10-67 38 » 25500 5.33 Narn? Leeward Side $15.33) > (8.0) Henee the neutral axis will lie within the section and ease DOF See, 5.3 will apply m=200255= 7.84, k=0, 0.003, p= 0.0235, we 3 x Fone 2533) [ —00235-+[ 003840 -900 10,281.03) +0.8(1.0-0.281 + 49 (1.4 1002559] 7] 27 Nino? This is the maximum conevete conyressive siren, Windward Side IY) S389 paren Menee ease b(ii) applies Maximum steel stress, f= 19-42 7.54 <1 N/m Pw ag. oy itroduce a ken as the (5.18) on should ity in the design of gradient radius of ‘ely. With, combined N/mm, TEMPERATURE EFFECTS 69 Exanpbe 5.2 Evaluate the area of ventilation openings required for a 17Sem tall (abgye breechings) mult ‘lue chimney with details a shown in Fig. 5.2. Each fue has a 115-mm thick firebtick lining (Co= 1.15) and 75-mm thick mineral wool insulation (C;=0.06). Gas inlet and outlet tem- peratures in each flue are 160°C and 157°C respectively and the gas exit velocity is 24 m/s. Temperature conditions inside the access void should be such as to allow inspection personnel to work ellicently on any one of the flues when the other two flues are operating. Design ambient dry bulb temperature which will not severely restrict inspection scheduling is 18°C. It is also required to ascertain the temperature gradient across the concrete shell under steady-state conditions when the ambient temperature is 12°C. Ce 1.7 W/m °Cand barometric pressure= 725 mm of Hg. = Solution Dur 4.3m, Din Du 4.34 20.115)" 4.53 m, De=4.415 m, Dio 4.68 m, Di=4.605 m, Dam 14m, Deo~ 14,8 m, Dem 14.4 m, From Chart 5.1, Kte=45 ‘and Kir= 10, and hence Ki = $5, Tw" 313 Ky Tre= 291 K, Tom = 302 K, To 291 K, Te(max) =433 K, Ts(min) 430 K. = 433-291 = 142. - . 142-117 ATi 933~ 291 142s Ton = 430-313 117, LMT = aaray = 129.1 Heat transmitted from two flues to the void will be 2X 175x 129.1 0.075 0.06 «4.605 * Heat to be ventilated, q,= 440760239318 = 201442 W From Eq. (5. 2.2% 10-3 201442 x 291 "T25(H13 ~ 291) 2.57 sq.m 09 cu.m/s Void are: and hence Velocity of ventilating air in void =0.64 m/s 4p (Eq. (5.13)] = 0.0341 x725 x 175.{(1/291) ~ (1/302)} = 0.542 mm Hg ss 7 TALL CHiMNEYS Cotisidering equal arca of inlet an! outlet openings, we have from Ey, (5.14), | 8.09=9.62-4/ 0343/9 i from which A162 sum To obtain the thermal gradient across the concrete shell under steady, tate conditions when j the ambient temperature is 285 K, we consider tht al the thie Mus are operating Heat flow into the void= 3.x 175(431.5~ 7,)/0.322064=5121(431.5~ 1.) « Heat flowing out of the void = x 175(7;—285)/0.02527 = 21736(1,,— 28S) ‘Equating the two, we obtain the void temperature, T3129 K Thermal gradient across concrete wind: hicldl will be 04 312.9285 sie Te vassal _, 0 od se OAT Mas 148 7 144 itions when ng. Lower portion of a chimney (Courtesy: NTPC) auowoorojuios Y4e% e4 Raft reinforcement nney calls for considerable attention to ,be paid’to the a chi ion of the footing’can have serious con design’ of its foundation, For instance, a small rota sequences on the structure’s stability. 6.1 General Aspects Some aspects relevant to chimney foundation design, are discussed below. (a) Subsoil Characteristics ‘These are ascertained from field: investigation and laboratory tests on soil samples. The nature, extent and manner of conducting such tests is ‘considered to be outside the Scope of this book, However, some salient aspects are mentioned below. 1. Deep bores coupled field and laboratory tests on soil samples are recommended in ordsr to adequately investigate the substrata 2 Jn the case of plate-load tests, care should be taken in interpreting test results, The ceifect_on bearing capacity due to aspects such as presence of ground water, test plate- to-foundation-size ratio, etc, need to be taken into account. 3. Tris important to remember that a foundation faft can stress possible weak soil layers 72 TALL CHIMNEYS OF Tat lower levels white the elect of such layers m; YOU be selected in results oF load tests conducted using smalt ace lates for loadin (b) Loads i A chimney foundation design is inf ed by the following major loads Dead Load This includes the sel-weight ofa chim Sories, platforms, etc, Wind Load A chimney is a wind structure and hence y ind loads should be estimated with ¢ °. Normally, wind pressure as stipulated i the * putional codeis used since pst recone oF witld speeds, etc. at the location | Chismiey are often not readily availanae wind-tunnel studies on scale motels May De mecesstry (0 estimate design wind ns Where forces duc to aerodynainie meron wen neichbouring structures are anticipated OF where terrain features are abnormal However, sin cases Seismic Effect This load is important since w has a Signilicant ctfect on the desien of a t ill structure and its foundation. The manner of estimoin {he mapnitute of such loads is discussed Chet, ©) Design Aspects White designing a chimney foundation, the followings may be kept ia mina, 1+ Normally tension is not permitted in the soi under a rafi foundation, The untill magnitude of net uplit may be alone 2 The foundation should be checkea te safely against sli forces. 4 Anchors, if used, shoutd be designed with Ample reserve capacity, 4 elements aggresive to concreteare proces cither in the subsoil or in Irae table measures should be taken to manne concrete § Wis considered a good practice to pontog en annular raft such that the centre of iroter £or uh soll reaetion under dead-load contge coincides with the shell location rl Irefer Eq. (6.1), Commonly, three types of foundations 2 die We (i rat, pile and i) shett of revaheiot: EWCh of these foundation iynecie plscussed here. As mentioned earhinsa sell oo revolution is an extension of the chiomney shaft sna is mot strictly» foundation, analysis is covered in this chapter When piles are # under the 1 though its « in results ts, acces: me care, records fowever, in cases icipated and its 4, les are lateral water, tre of ation ell of vell of sh its Ai Uni FOUNDATIONS 73 6.2 Raft Foundation Fither a full ft or an annular raft can be provided. The latter has the advantage that because of a ‘higher uniform soil pressure under dead loads, it minimises possible gradual Uilting of a foundation aid on cohesive soil when the structure is subjected to. lateral. loads from a predominant wind direction. ‘A raft is generally circular and analysis of such rafisis covered here. An octagonal founda- tion, if provided, can be replaced by an equivalent circular raft for purpose of analysis. In the analytical procedure which follows, the rafts treated as an isotropic homogeneous plate of uniform thickness with Poissons ratio taken as 0.15 for grade of concrete normally used in foundations, (a) Annular Raft Such a raft is positioned as explained below and its analysis under different load. conditions is dealt with later, © Ratt Positioning An annular raft is preferably positioned such that under dead loads the centre of ravity (cg) of the uniform soil reaction coincides with the shaft location. Consider a chimney shaft of radius r=a supported on an annu- lar raft foundation having external and in- & de ternal radii as a and aa respectively, Due to a uniform soil pressure p, the load on an cle- ‘mental strip of such a raft (Fig. 6.1) would be r-dr and its moment about the chimney axis will be pr?-dr. 8 of soil reactio F,uating this distance to shell radius fa, we get 6») rm Axia} Load Such a load (IV) is exerted by the dead weight of a chimney (Fig. 6.2) and it is assumed to cause a uniform upward soil reaction of intensity p given by pa WiraXima2) (6.2) | ky 74 TALL CHIMNEYS For analysis purposes, the raft is divided into two portions at r=Ba. Equations for deflec- tion 6f the inner and outer portions ean be written down as Bet re a yest yey woe BEG Pe Mb Ya ft Von 4 YsfPln fF] aoe op I ft Ys Yof24 Yorn f+ Yo-f2-In f] where D= fe-#/11.73 f= raft thickness, m t An clement of such a raft is shown in Fig. A.1 of Appendix A, wherein positive — directions for forces and moments have also been indicated. Constants Y4 and Ye in the above equations are determined from the condition that load from a free edge up to —3P x, section is equal to the shear foree at th: es section and the other constants are de mined from the following con At r=ca, At rea My=0 At r=fa, wim we=0,and Ma= Mie Rest of the analytical procedure is detailed in Appendix A sand results summarised ia Tables 6.1, 6.3 and 6.4, In those tables the second subscript for moment stands for the value Off, ea, Mrnjytte valus of rial moment Ate al f=. (i External Moment External moment M duc to transverse loads from cither wind or earthquake ellects is cone sidered to be transmitted to the raft at a radius r= Ba (Fig. 6.3) with a fore Recos 0 vary- ing linearly across the shell diameter. Then, M=4 f Rcos 0 (Ba-cos 0) Paral from whieh. R= MnB a? (63) of soil reaction [Ejp. (A.1)} will be = 4Mjra} (1-28) ‘and maximum intensit The Fest of the analysis is summarised in Appendix A and results are presented in Tables 6.2, 6.5 and 6.6. Values given in these tables are for the right-hand side of the raft where the soil reaction is vpwards. Corresponding values of dellections, moments and shears for the left~ hhand portion of a raft will be the same but opposite in | os Tana Taye Gat suena UBS Se TT < }) voriod s250 30} uy 12MO}. ul BsOKN_PUD (ys 4) uo!Lsod JBuUI UI ss0ays pun O55 luo Suc oas! 13) thu oddd CAN shustaditoa! ome Soononba beso “San U4 310N | 7 4 re - ~ 029-9- = g (1 +,0)/, 72-02 + 9/0 til - we =A] J wm possiz ~(1-yo/o ui osg-iz+ Wa ~ p0z8-9- = — 2 heer ia-o-[( sen) n0 “4 Srse=t 4p mje + dui oe-g96-2- pase 07-5 za g A -g/ta~%hy -0-=%] ur K=% db dui ges = g © ura -alta- Ay 9-25 Four a-% Sb dui Jars =% g we 6 you s% B-=% foe. sh a a t r * (be yoyfyor oz + 28 /pozt-ti=ose =A [0-9/2 un »s9.12 + d urso1z-do-ze-9-],9 “A ee le +gie0-[(iepip +1] 097-5 =% | (1) ui oes ui g-gh96z-zs-z~poar-s = | : J ut 7A-Gd/eapFags-U- =" Surh-% p- dug po+,d-='a 8A zh 9A ze _7'0 ‘ . ous [Sate the ssre 0D = Tp ze (2-1) og F 8b, zer _ 0 iz sop | SA. Ag — ye] 2-8 . me + eq 8 eE-| ob Tip (5-0) te PA A, Shy ny = pong] EL EH Sort | Hitt Biel Pre Se" ay o=% o: Mw 4 hh, Kyeuy 4p] 264.2 % At er og | 7 | KET * Be | 20d Tw [|G ezesrn% tH S8-0” %H EES] Foe | 2 4a sh % ze? eA gh 2 BE Bes yoo] 28-78 lu uiezesre yaa SEO HETIL] Hog | PALA I, A. SA) Cz6L 2m & fk AK, | 98 | wT ER TR S| Gob ln [ wpa bag ty ate ty od oop fate W_LN3WOW opti avor_Wwixy ‘ecerieteearaae Tava SvIANNY De, =| SS TBTNNNY a —— 2s — row £ <: — 8 57-0 = ee7-6 on. | 005-0-[ese--] [0 [Geo Pome | Yn 2 avon awixy Bixp8# 309 « ‘w 3 4dv8 uv onNny 8 eg amy Py | 97-0 | s7-0 | os0 0 | ceo | su-0 | 08-0 | 8-0 Toso 18 £ | | -07- er-ze] genaz 409°9-1216-0-| 965-7 st [eee-e Joe-o FOUNDATIONS 77 {080 | 28€-0-] tere se-zz-| 767-8 -|662-2—| 02-2 “et | sr-ot [seo S05 [80-2] ste s6-1-| eber|sor-edoorecloms € | 199-0-/ e6e-s- 08e-S~| x2-0-| 27" 1 | 918-0 | s62-e-|ee0-8-] v5.6] toe] gaa 707-2-| 5-0 805+ ]es-z [%8-t-[es0-s- coor] ened soa s05+r-] OvE-S | o1e-¢ | exo. ‘O-| 426 -€-| sue-¢-| 99-¢,-| 3-0 036-8 | cat-r [00-1 |zse-2-| 196-94] zo 3-0 i " Bee | seo. 486-0 |.290- 4 -| 6m. 9 6-8 -| 06-0 w0e-0-[arr-e-F estec-| st-0 808-0 Jorn 2! i2e-s-|ni9-6 -| 0-4 | 699-41 c00-4-] céi-9-| gay -|$08- 314 ve 08-| So | 0 | $90 | 09.0 [sso | oso | ao [ov | %n [sof | | | 1 XOdx yrp= Py + Seen Qv01 Www MPS wD” Ply 14a OVINNNY 9 smvy, FOUNDATIONS 79 [oo 59-0 | a-o seo | oa-0 | seo | os-0 [oo |wolwo wo m= | 79-61-| 6-€1-| oze-6-| 22-9 - 627-7 — 705-2-| oot -t-| eut-0 joct-t |eng-2 [ose 09-0 [cez-0-| 25-94] 90-14 waz -t-[5-1-[ ve-0-]50-1 |r90-2 [ors-2 leo SLO] 72-0. r €67°0-}998-0 | 610-2 | Sio-€ | oro 04-0 | 995-0 (6e-Z-| €96-0-/995-0 |eoe-t |ee6-z | sro . [eof are [eel or ase-|mer|ero [on lovee [oro 3-0 [ase-0 | c10-0 | ws-o- 2u7-7-| ote-2-|oue-0-|a12-4 508-2 | sero i [ss-0[ 00-0 | sito [ess-0-|ooe leone ae-s-|ur-s-|oro-e- -0 | we-z foo 5-0 | 90-0 | 2-0 |esr-0- ver-7-[3tt-c-fere-e-| im--| ve1-0 | ase1 [soo s7-0|eza-o | ue2-0 | ese-o- e-e-|19-5-| e5-0-] 95-2 | ao 07-0] e2z-0 | sez-0 | eoe-o-| zo-1- 90-¢-| 19-7-| ee-9-| aso | xo se-0 | v2e-0 | w82-0 |zez-0-| w6-0- tz 2-|596: e-| v9-s-| ecr-e-| s0-er| exe-0-| ono c&-0| 708-0 | uez-0 | ese-0-|z06-0- s67-2-[oas-e-|e25-9-| we-9-| etp-6-| 96-er] = Hi 6-0 | se-0 L 0B+O | SL+O | OL-G | $9-0 | 09-0 | ss0 | 05-0 | sy-0 | oo oh Sao LN3WOW pot per nee = kes Tava av TNNY Fig. 6.3 Fig. 6.4 (h) Becks! Load Invariably, the height of esathtlt ythin chinntiey vs Mitten trom 4 This load is considered in two parts ist a umifiory Joad wh sure and then a differential tond af the same manner as explained fo outa in hig 6.4), cl only increases the soil prese oF the ral Cree Bay in * B(ili) OF Appendin A ‘The effect of such a diffe: nti ly of minor sienificance ned hen ferential ene et anal. he downvard oad on a clerenat ne a of anit circum ferential length and its moment about a section vey Parave given by the followin: express arth toad =f preaen P p Moment about r= a= [pr (iar) drat Oa 4 13242) Taking the intensity of upward soit Feaetion at inver and outer povipheries of a rati asqiand # respectively, it value at any tacation (ef) sven hy alo yep) (ay Aidan also their besding mamenss about py cin in Fable 6.7 slows with values al teatro (Ga) Equating total soil reaction 1 the en We get expressions for gu and qs wi Values of these soit press ferent values of (©) Fun Ratt Quem. 8 somplete raft is provide instead oF an annulae one. the eur Under the above mintionel thes len eet {he results resenleg in Tables 69 to. nea ta a sinall FOUNDATIONS st ye ore [aro wo [so [oo | wo lwo | ‘ eeu Jero-st | 926-22 | 629-82-| 995-02-| “Yee fama roar] ogden [ae aow| mow] (age [i PPO DIO-( pe - B-EMUED . F It 8 w29 44-109 ~ (DE |B 4c peocan vob 7 + UD + 20)(L4 2) ~_09 +(6-71 firm 4 O66-4-| me 11] 09+ vabacgas¥ ears | ure-e-| ozt-6-| 59 96-9 | c0-0 | mts-] ou. Bh geud Boe sst-e |ese-z-| se 02-0 | o8- avoir TIsyove 9 X 1 a 412092 My OE Ta em Spf Bee 2 F gg4 SBS E54 gs 2 TTS over tse ro Qvo1 TIayOve Tava SV TaN 9 mevy Ox 909 = (6 «4p) 82 TALL CHIMNEYS i I | FOUNDATIONS ut Aiaanoedsos U<) 8 U> 4 suonee Ayubis 99) eZ ous [ght ett 4 ono [f. (W <4) vosod s2)n0 10} sum) somo) uw asou PUD (Y > 4) Volo souR ul sioys pus swouou 9p 20} an) aden uw (A) SIUDIII02 5A SuOHONDD aA0GD MST “k:-SLON 4 2019-0~ 97-5-= %% 2096-2 - 97-5 = >) + Gur a enp9rs +,06t-0-= 96 #0075 - Gui vor = Ue Geet 08m aH Bah fue Y . 0 _— 1096-2 - SF UIO- esz~ = 2019-0- 97-5 - #8 2 Sura ese £50995 «u61-0- = BUT YU BEru964 & ¢ OG BLM oe sys] Be AE +H er pre] B= we s0p[A.d se su] tl. MO ‘ 251 _ Mn 180 HLL [sen [ a Lae 73 W ox ileal Mee woe] 22 | Heyy Ae MA, Jom tw 9509 MATH TE 2 we fr i) avor_wixy 2. ave Ting 2., | Tver ES ; Wt Fs org mv, osm ‘Too leo luo Tao Toso T sso Touro Tso] oo | seo] ao TA 84 TALL CHiMNeys in a 21 POH IDI riy ar mur) 204P 4 wHj209 = v01_Wwixy Tava Wing 19 nev, ~i. Wn (958 Us suonos0) Ayubs 29) F310N FOUNDATIONS B85 }_S Us! 2 >) ssa Ans 281 =3i0N | | y Weri~ =m (9 4 r+ 007-4) 0 2h (,ua7-t4 7) o- 2 : Q OrI+e) a ” — 4 ( ay 2096 | Ise-6 G72-O-| cr-et | se6- 0 =o ‘ r 2 haa ® fice ur 4p 4 Gy] OF [tee nese % a pw pon Bee] O78 | 8 [ate no] 8 a on Ot * Bd x jac = hy 4 Ton Lava 2h pore “ eG as sd tg Mery 16 TALL CHIMNEYS at Be obtaney al af supported on rock, then the maximum incest orvock pressure can be obtained aficr Fedistribution of pressures as shown in Appendix A. Chart 6.1 can also be used for this purpose, Chart 6.1 6.3 Pile Foundation A ile foundation is adopted when itis not feasible to Provide «footing ata shallow depth from various technosceonomic considerations, When ney, the followin may be borne in mind pile foundation for a chine 4. Net unlit shuld not be allows! out end-hoasing piles thouh moderane uplift may be Pere fn friction piles, In the latter ease, the eapaciy al sel te uplift should Pe aecked in the fckd and a ample safety margin proved 2 lt should be permitted only on a small percentage of ce under the worst toad combination, Piles are often located in concent of piles, yields the maximum mom load on a pile is given by Tings since such an arrangement, for a given number "tof ineitia. For such 4 group oF piles (Fig. 65a) the Pite toad = 4. Mer-vos 0 Pite toad = . 6.9) where W= vertical axial load, N N= number of piles M~ moment, N-m ZXle cos 93, sq.m pile locating radins, m mes may Be Provided to support either a full sft ov an annulac footing. Analysis of such pile caps is given below. ssure ‘ean ty be vould load miber *) the 6.5) such FOUNDATIONS 87 (a) Full Pile Cap Such a pile cap is treated as a plate simply supported along its outer periphery and analysed separately for each Joad condition (Fig. 6.5). It is casy to see that the edge reaction will vanish when its values for different load conditions are algebraically. added. ’ Seit weight of ple cop R/unit. 1 oo , ui oo a te [ast ae | ME rar ts! MAXIMUM LOAD CONDITION yp Ry by (fe soe, Ps Sat B 2 ie laa 8 7 sacha orig MINIMUM LOAD. CONDITION Fig. 6.5 Full Raft Supported on P: 88 TALL CHIMNEYS ie sll-wcight of pile cap forms: uniformly distributed load (udl) over theatre aren and carth backfill forms a ud over a portion ofthe simply supported plate, ee ant expressions for evaluating moments due to such toads are piven in Tables 6.14 and &-18 and she evaluated values in Tables 6.16 and 6.17 Next the load acting through achininey shell a» well as pile reactions along each ile ring ate reated as equivalent ring loads acting ona simply supported vitcular pats The approxi- mate analytical procedure employed to analysea plate under seh loads is explained by taking only two rings of ples (at radi rt and ¢2) but this method can beextenled to once any number of pile rings. Such an analysis is carried out separately for «minimum load conditions. @ Maximum Load Condi A pile cap under the maximum toad condition iy shown in Fig the axis @=0 are first determined using Fg. (6.8) ana then cach pile carry the maximum load in that ring, ez. all pals in a ring at radius rear the maximum load p1. These diserete pile loads ps are assumed to foray load of intensity 2 6.5b, Pile loads py to ps along sstimed 10 suinied 0 vary an equivalent ring Lev Such upward ring loals of intensity Rr (external load statics as shown in Fig, 6.5b, ‘Tie plate is mow assumed to be simply supported along its outer periphery and loaded with Tis loads of imensity 71, 72 and Ry. Design moments are oiriained by alechenteais the moment values obtained for exch load condition, Expressions ior munnene ae inAppendix Band the results given in Table 6.18. ‘These valies of tai! and tango oments are also plotted in Charts 62 and 6.3, Because of this approsinate apmecch in is not possible to evaluate torsional moments ‘fr, n aud Ps support a downward ving fo: ius fa) from the chimney shell. Its va of intensity jcrmined from © is set i) Minimum Load Contition Jn this case also, ple loads are first determined and thew the minimum pile toad ine ch ring used to arrive at the equivalent downward ring load (Fig, 6.5c). ‘The test of the procedure is similar to that explained for the saximum load cond (©) Annutar Pile Cap Pius case an annular pile cap of inner radivs 2a is supported on pitesas shown in Fig, faitially, the raft i considered as a full rattan analysed as detailed in See 6 4 Bor cach load condition, radial moment Az, (M-atr~ aa) is determined, Since a isfree, a moment Me =~ Aes nowapplied at r= aa on a plate simple supported along its outer periphery (Fig. 6.6b). Adding moments ereated by the differen vn conditions to the moment duc to Af, at r= 24 will ive the final desien moment. The mati ment is detailed in Appendix B a example in Sec. 6.5 wematical. treat ied With the-help of an illustrative id the method is exp FouNparions: #9 “ arses arr ey : a (-) gata +t “MIM TL dIGOL UE se si duos aur ancy YQ g woodsan G

2OtF Ede ay 204208 es Wy FOUNDATIONS 91 2 ors wre wet - 08-0 OEO-ve = sco Wee Os ule EO- 8 MU WLE-o = a0 (er -wersuueyy so-w- | s9-0 | vote w-s- | 0x0 a: 1a- 4 1 os ae isi [omer- Sr) Ee he 2} se: 7st -2- | o5-0 ; MED SHE) = Sh EE te eae a: St st sz-e- | sro Qvor 3NI1 ont Tava Ting sro movy, OL bax 5909 = by 4 ib I LE pez Fo o 2 1 t 84 TALL cHImNeys . ro Ma | Ma >| Cu (by | Fig, 6.6 64 Shells of Revolution In order to economise on foundation Sent a chimney shatt is often enarged in. the form of | & shell of revolution, Such 4 shell often takes the form of a one-sheet hyperboloid ora cone | Of revolution. The former is an efte, anhalt sites i has good buckling strensth cen | regemonth stress transition atthe shattteay interface and also permits the use ef straight reinforcement, For ovaluating stresses in shel of revo tion first, rine forces are eleuated considering the shell as simply supported Hs bottom edge will undereo displacement and Feamion Which then have 1 be neutralise) $1 edge Fores and moments since the edge cy fed to the raft. Supcrimposing tne ts due (© membrane forces on those ereated by edge Toads, final design forces and moments ane obtained (@) Membrane Forces & conical shell and a one-sheot yperhotoid are analysed for the following nine load conditions: 1. Seleweight 2 Axial distributed toad at the waist circle 3. Moment at the waist circle Shear at the waist circle Horizontal pressure +) Nertical pressure} linearly varying with height Normal pressure Moment applied at the base Shear applied at the base @ Truncated Cone A conical shell and its element are shown in f ig. 6.7. The membrane eq ad do ANOS © 9 op Pes © form of tora cone vgth, crea- of straight calculated ment and he edge is ed byedge nine toad (66) : Nem =pe-s-cot p Such a shells analysed for the nine load cases listed above and the detailed analytical pro- cedite for evaluating stresses under three of the load cases is given a Appendix C. The method of analysis for other load cases is similar and hence not Feproduced, but the results for all cases are tabulated in Table 6.19, i) Hyperbotoia A one-sheet hyperboloid and its element under membrane forces are shown in Fig. 6.8. The equations for shell geometry and membrane forces are: 22, ae 67 from which and sin p= Boca [PF 96 TALL CHIMNEYS, Tams 6.19 TRUNCATED CONE ED CONE POSITIVE VALUES _ARi 1 Ng. 0nd Ng: When tensile 2 Nig When acting in increasing direction of @ 3A, © When tongent rotates outward ot support 4 6 When inword ~9S oSd cotd ; Shear <0 oto Et End 2 22 Pere g 97-142, anak cove) ° | BSF cos? = Ps m8 Mer EP OS +e 2 wo (4682 Wee sin gp (6S) - 20) £ovd pes, sing S for cases 3&4 Detlections and Rotations 2 fore unreat but mey be used “for eesign’ ene O° reters to values ct support Sheor = 0 ~S(S~5.) sin2o cose AL sin ® costo (9-20-225) 2, 2 ECE Se) sintep FoR SS: FoR S58 Nett bs (2865329 Se 8?) cos Linearly Varying Vertical Ne yNg & Shear 3 Pressure’ Ng = ~kS(S-S.) cos'o 3 Shears 0 cot cos9 59 9, 2 0, = Raat. S34 4.25124 “Sees e e a: E Boot (19+3 = 13-25,)] ET (Ng 0-2 Ng) Moments -And Shears eM cog sin( AL +y) 2 2 N2- V2 ane, 2 sin( +? ~ 2 )eorg Me = an OM sina a pe rs) = is 0-20Ms 292 22 ° EY sin? S War? Et G20? x * + C-sin( P — FOR @_lineariy Varying Normal Pressure ¢_Nermal Pressure _| FOR S$ = Se: Nya Ng @ Shear =o S> Se Ng = “ASO (287 95, 52a 5.9) “= KS(S28,) cos@ 3 Shear: 0 bcos cotd (163 263 ASEM (160-951? - 5,9) = ~kR eds 6LEt (-5:6024 5-4 512+ 0-252) 98 TALL CHIMNEYS Waist Circle (@:%) Fo. 6.8 1 forces yields, dNe dC ay? Noprcosp Ne dNy ty Ney ries’ ~ Neves 1 NN Nw Ne Doo (68)

=P ohne ‘o* Tame be =P oh i aa Mon TeTaEES 5 hers 0 ae % = Shr On ate P R; <%, 2 = avery, (02+ &) e828 7M [Q) Moment “M’ at Waist Circle oF . eT) é © "o° Se 5 No =~ Matighe, core : | ers Sr fie sino “a B =t aM j,) iW (mi @ ie Ma 32 fb * * EEC O7Ny” My) 383 ZN |@ Shear "P™ At waist circle g : “Pb ese Ta Pp e ra sing 1 a7 ; ~P.ab sing cos 0 z Kors os fim te ~pe Shear = “LEE sing on, 100 TALL CHIMNeYS Pressure hive. sing BL (5 ~ 47) i, ter cases, FOUNDATIONS 101 Fig. 6.9 hs above equations are applicable to a hypetboloid and si shell will have the form given below. k “« pe Be ['206-m)-e-£e%-0a m9] Values of Neand Np (or Ns) as obtained from membrane analysis are substituted in the above equations to yield the edge displacement and rotation Relevant expressions for each load cise for a conical shell are given in Table 6.19. In the ance ofa hyperboloid, these Sapressions are cumbersome and hence are presented in Table 6.20 with tte help of coeflici- ERG indus cle, These coefficients have been evaluated for a range of shell-geometry parame: ‘ers and their values presented in Tables 6.21 to 6.25 for ready use in design office, 8 (©) Fage Loading For a shell subjected to symmetrical edge forces location is given by the equation, Qr= Cre sin (Yb y) (6.10) nd moments (Fig. 6.10), shear foree at any where Fora cone (he above equations will be 1,30 =CreMsin (M+) and dey = 00=C1 sin (M+y) Viboae be oh RNR 102 TALL chimneys, TABLE 621 Vaters oF ComricteNts fafa jy PO ww ewe eg 2°16 go" Ria 15 12 1079 367 1899 40 v0 47 —a.a9p HAH BOGE aauRs eos 1g R46 1493 190 2616 ust 0.2! “os 287 8.0773 0.0582 0.0370 b.0239 Tp ESB 1854 2346 3.245 0109 —aans ons ests 0.0651 0.0870 0.9129 o.usi7 Te 2ale 2376 2.951 3.908 0.27 —ossy cane leet 88572 0.0120 9099 O19) Ty 29H 2468 3419 5.312 nas nar aan lus HOSIS OOS LOE Holes Ty Rat 227 ase 479 0397 Carn any fe HOI 0.038% Gorse oardd 19 203 3289 2775 $215 0652 cosy funy ue OHS OURS OU29 Lares bo zane 227 403 305 “ons ous ig ft 8.0405 0.0308 0.0228 Gratsd 2 284 3454 4.357 G06 —-o3nt “ton Dy T1316 8.0380 0.0290 0.025 KoLaS 32 29% 3.67 4.630 6391 Lost Ova 1 “LYK 0.0358 COME 00302 OOLIe 23 3286 Sam 4499 6983 Coos Li OER 17 901M 0.0260 voI92 golaD 3a 3428 4085 5.09 T4038 Lor “hay LFS Fest 90822 047 WoIsd meaty Fo 2596 4206 3399 rary te ie OL? 1629 Hose M486 MaNIs atone 25 3361 4479 S60 TIM 00217 re 4s 32S 2812 269 02010 -o2018 “ors mores ace OM 0.877 0.683 9 0.0199 16 3052 3.173 3.273 3.350 —0.2084 —o.1926 —o.1804 1780 1.396 1.091 o.86¢ 5 oles i 17 3.495 3864 3.978 4065 —o.1974 “o.ted0 0.1737 2417 1674 1323. 1.061 5 o0173 | 184439 4596 4725 4.823 0.1875 Lotto ~oie 2478 1.972 Ls 1.273 ) ores 19 S194 5.370 S.518 5.625 —0.1787 0.1685 0.1607 2.862 2.289 11837 1.500 5 aise 20 $989 6.186 6347 6470 —0.1706 —oI6I6 —oIS46 3.268 2626 2118 1.740 5 oo1ds ! 31 G826 70H 7.222 7388 —o.4162 “oss! colaas 3.696 2.981 2.415 1.995 > 0013s 22 2703 7946 6.140 8.290 9.156) —o.149 —o.tasd 4146 3.354 2729 2.264 » 00132 24 ony Oats QUO! 2265 oso 0144 “ose “ose goi9 sank oD. 2546 3 00126 25 waar eset (49 1028 ots —oise 0.1333 ots Sta aie 3252 2842 5 00120 25 1088 1089 ILI 134 —o1389 —o4s2 —o.l268 Moss Sane EHS 3.762 3151 ) oons a | + 160 | | Ria | J Osis oan C202 OATTL 0.498 0.385 0.295 0.227 0.4050 04969 —a-ers7 812 1.72 UY O3ue Gua? O27E 02258 0729 0.880 o46t 0372 Soar Woswe eet? 274 1S gang QR 028i 0.2615 0.990 0.904 0.655 058 —oatis asses Woe m2 Le Oa9en gt 23137 02988 1.279 1.053 0.872 0.78 oar Wos3e0 oes 218 3037 re gens 23008 9.3380 0.215 1.595 1.526 1.119 0981 —o@al —o52e Loe, BS 3sI6 La gary RAIN 0.3882 03427 1936 1.623 L374 1.199 —0.4293 Losi Does 234 4008 18 04210 0.2951 0.3781 0.3605 2/302 1.656 1443-04110 —0.4983 —o.6365 S65 sat ry gaunay QARSE O.2895 0.3756 2.602 2282 1.958 1716 “o3%2 Loata? —oNies a8 5129 34 0482 04198 04017 0.3885 3.106 2644 2.278 2.006 —0.385) —o4erl osu 133. 5727 24 04320 0.4125 0.3996 3.542 3.026 2618 246 —03726 ~o4si7 Los77O OL 6355 22 vasv7 4214 0.4092 4.002 3.429 2.976 2.639 —0,3603 0.4367 U3879 Si 7014 23 0.661 0.4294 0.4176 4.485 2852 2.352 2981 0.3484 04224 —osI95 385 7.708 2a oar OA364 04249 4.990 4.295 3.787 Ja4y —03370 ~04086 0.3219 OM sa 25 OATIS 0457S 04826 O4NI4 5.518 4.758 4.159 3.714 “03262 “oayss Losos Lea 839 9173 — eee = ss 108 TALL cHIMNEYS Tame 6.25 VALENS OF Corba dis hein W808 a aye gan Oar RS OHS 0.258 OAM O41 062 OK —a gy 0.218 -a27% ~o.e7 OR O34 Ona OSH OSI wat ast Te O86 OS assy Ost ots S30) Bste— 203 ost om Lo Lue Bee =O ~0972 1384, ose rag? 0957 Lass on ow Lite Tay 22s LIM =1a38 “3/00 fos RF 131 aes ost ame 15) pgp 2? 1S 1965 toe tan EMS 253 0a Loss ihe tag oh? 2.000 tap 2a REC 29m oem ue iy um WE 250% Pode aan 260 362 o96s Lim Lay dons Te Ross 2585 =m 2.002 2.427 3.100 4.319 t.001 1.218 1 sen ROH 480 2046 264 3.683 S062 Los Hist | son 1200 5.450 220 27 3.286 4.200 Sais tose Lew 4930 Sx 23° 3.096 3.759 4705 Gore tase t S09 Fh tang FE 2500 4200 S29 2851 To aay ee 208 810 Ls 25 382 4.157 606 Ras tis tasy 2 TG 9S E59 Values of constants Cy and y are determined trom dee conditions. For the case when an ede | shear oF ede montent is ating on I! expressions fir masimut ede dey moments ina shell, tion, shell, ete. have been deter. mined and ate listed in Tables 6.19 and 6.20, {niially, the edge displacement and rota, tion is obtained using membrn Values of corrective ede fore alysis and moments 10 be applied are the obtained such. thar these edge movements are nullified. ‘The complete procedure for one typical land case Fig. 6.10 is given in Example 6.2 in See. 6.3, 65 Mlustrative Examples Examen 6.1 Seopa wat alt (Fis. 6.114) supports an anal load ot Sonn EN and a bendin Sine’ EN-m from a chimney shell Ths sol one bechey ees lato the maxinun sol pressure under the abo and ev; supported tHe fal at its junction with the shart, Niece anprted on piles as shown in Fig. 6.11h. In boat oge and in the latter case népect the weight af the south acy roment of 's sheawn in the fisure, Cate Hluate the maximum radial ie iy moment if the raft is raft nerlest the sell-welght of the so, FOUNDATIONS 105 54.000 kN ’ é ww 8-0m (2) an edge | a shell, ection, n deter- | nd 6.20. W rota that 4. The i vad case rent of ro, Cale radial sralt is I he raft (b) + Figgat Lem mace “108 TALL CHIMNeYS Solution 42 56 80 end? og Bm oF m07 @ Annutar Rafi Soil pressure due to axial toad (Eq. (6.2)}, . pa M000 PSU oot) 9-7 RNG . Maximum soit pressure duc o moment Eq, (A.1)] j 580004 x 81-048) = 480 KN/sg.m Edge pressure duc to earth surcharge (Table 6.8), gs 025-1 ~2.8 RN go Total 464.9 kN - Hence, maximum soil pressure is 464.9 kNJsu.m Moment at junction with shaft will be Afes (ie, Meat f=) Me, Dat {0 axial load (Table 6.3)= ~ 4.598 «319.7 <8" 10-2= —940'S kNem/m Due fo moment (Table 6.5)= ~ 4.027 <148.0)<8°« 10-2 ~ 4814 bt myn Pueto buckill (Fable 6.7) 15.625. 85 1g s 0.6 kNemym Bending moment at rafi/shaft junction is ~ 1321.6 kN anion r (i) Annutar Pile Cop By Moment of inertia of pile eroup (7.52424 stews! 18 eos! 30 beox? $4 peaye 2 1 (10) 5.0510) +3. Pealeos? 1S? Leos” $4 pf tr © 127285 m he js $4000, S800 4 " Maximum load on a ite (Fy 6.5) y= 5404 ‘ppras) 77 MALS AN at Similarly, maximum toads on the piles in other rings will he & PA=IOSTAKN, — py=99K4KN and py ©9394 KN There are 20 piles in the outer ring and maximum losud Pee unit circumfeventiat tently for So. the outer ring, M118%20 ao) g kai Png! TAILS KN, sin Similarly, Pre SBS Nim, Py=63S6KN mand Pe 404.) kNim From Fig. (6,5b), 1 O7x8 = 2067.6 KN/in R= [AT1.9 %7.5)4(534.3 % 6.3) (635.65 5.0) ) 404.103.7)) 22')} ) Uh for FOUNDATIONS 107 ‘The pile cap is now considered as a full raft simply supported at ing loads ~ Pi, ~ Pa, ~ Ps and ~ P4 at the respective radii tn the charts and tables for ring londs on a circular plate, Ba is defited as the radius at which the sing load is applied. Hence for load Pi, P= 7.5/8.00.94 and from Chart 6.2 con _ficient for Afr} -a is ~ 5.6% 10°2 at f= 0.7 as well as at f= 04, Rest of the calculations are tabulated below: 1.0 and loaded with Ring Load Load Location (9) M,x 10a (at f=0.1) Mx 10a at faba) ey "HSGNNS =426084Sexa7L9 Saaee +170%584.3 =49083 —4:17.0%534.3 = 4.9083 HBSX638.6 HITS) 4248x6386 415763 FNL6 404.1 4688 +28.2x4081 = 11396 21.9 2067.6 —45280 Toial 6395 Applying an equal and opposite moment Af, at f~2, the radial moment at f=B is Ma(Eq. (2) = 511.694 {4 $e 101.4 KN-m/m Design moment Mje= ~1368.6+ 101.4 = ~ 1267.2 kN-m/m ‘This problem was analysed using the finite clement method which yielded Mf, KN-mjm = 1145 Exampue 6.2 The lower portion of a chimney shell is enlarged in the form of a onesshcot _hyperboloid to ‘transmit the load to an annular foundation. Axial load from the shaft is 97.750 KN and the horizontal wind shear and moment transmitted by the cylindrical shaft to the hyperboloid at its waist circle are 3800 KN and 3 11 000 KN-m respectively. Calculate the meridonal force At the base of the hyperboloid where itis fixed to the raft, With reference to Table 6.20, the geometrical properties of the hyperboloid are, astm, el06m, eT, ndDem, Sato / 7 Sin 72209511 co 7203000, foo 9/26 wtt4s, Baas a b Si cot? “7 . set —-= 2.02 sine vo @(1- 8), were 2 = 11.1453 «2.022 88.26 Ri a 88, 25000%0.4 _ mn 8 Op 710 KNIsq.m + Am 1.3(~ 88.26)/\/ [L145 x04 = ~ 54.34 108 TALL CHIMNEYS From Table 6.21, /1 1.583 for Rja= 1.325. Js= +0.0524, ja= ~0,0749 and js — 0.1477. imitarly from other tables we get j2= —0.2633, Dre Membrane Analysis: Metidonal membrane lorces (Ny) ate obtained using Table 6.20 Due to self’ weight = — 10 x 8(1.583) = 97750. 2x 10.6 x 0.9511 = 3800 > 2.02 73H 1060.951 =311000 FR 10.6 09ST Due to axial load = Due to shear=: El Due to moment = =9263 A Total Ny = - 2785.0 kNim “ = 3800 8 «0.9511 Tax 202% 10.6) ‘Ne ue to moment) = —314 000% 80 = =1170 ‘No (due to shear)= Hen: T74 Total Rotation at base [rosesc-oae- P72 cane 00 oy) 3800 gen (ray) | ~o1aT)] = 279% Inward deflection at base [ircfostnasscacios(o2e 84.) racoh =H8.36 =97 750 ditas 6 (02+ ) + 10.604 ~0.2°:926.14:11705 4+-10.60(0.2(— tsos20.n]= = 44686 We now apply uniform edge shear Hand moment Af (directions as shown in Fig. 6.10) in order to eliminate base rotation and displacement since the shell is fixed to the rate Due to Shear Ht Cie VF xO9SII W= ~ 1.345, y= fom SSSI 1S IN eos 2/0) ye, 180.9511 = 346.18 H/E, «(sy (= 1.345 H) sin ( + 0.2633, » so} 17.0} 10) in Due to Moment Mt c Minvinan At the edge where ¢ Hence SM oa ate 0 \ hs at ~ RAE TIIS(—1.235 31) 608 0° apy 96 4 (F134 aD sin (= 4) Design %, MOIS 20.58 = 4468 0 (Table 6.20, case 7), 2755 ~ + 1.345 x 13.65 x 22 from whieh and ‘cot Po sin y 0.3090 O.95i1 2759 kN/m Mf 4) 0.9511 un M 13.65 kN x (=00.707) FOUNDATIONS 109 224.58 M/E = 1.15 kN-m 4 kNjm 7 ELASTIC DESIGN ina Mey structure f subjected to a combination of frees ang from Ta awe weit, faces gaumeratue dicen earthyuake, ete. The interaction sf thee pron nn be taker fo account which makes chimney-design process. complex, It is normal practice to I tor adorn uy sell by conditing an clastic anal for sai onde anda vinseauaey by the linitstate approach. Thereafena cheek eimai ae eee the structure can safely withstand transient dynamic loads 7.1 Loads The various tnads and corresponding permissible strewsss that need tw be considered are sheeted fn codes of practice and hence not repeated here. Its important te remember that Wind and seismic forces need not be considered to act simultaneously. 7.2 Shell Analysis The combined ction of various toads produces vertical and ei ‘umferential stresses ina chimney shell. These stresses av evaluated as given below on assumption that the shell antes a greseseeton, circular in plan and of uniform thickness and teat thickness) diameter ratio is sia SIGN wn weight, 1s has to be practice to then cheek © that the idered are ember that esses in a the shell hickness/ ELASTIC DESIGN 111 (@)_ Vertical Stresses Due to Aviat fond and a Moment Netti sess are caused by dead leds with oF without a moment due to wind or seismic installations a single chimney serves more than one steam generator and hence for fue gas entry more than one opening at the same elevation is provided ins chine ney shell. The analytical procedure presented below permits evaluation of stresses in a chin: ney shell with such multi-lue openings. Consider a circular shell with four openings subjected to a vertical axial load (W) and a ‘moment (1) with wind direction as shown in Fig. 7.1. During seismic analysis, this direction should be the one tlong which seismic forces are considered to act, Neutral -Axis within Section (B-

g.|f0s:ifartman eas) | Lanes) yg | fas fn oqur 46 308 TS | oat | oasis 130 56] 0.0668. 97 75 0.5306 130/60 | 02713 —0.140s 097m sss 29 | = = 2, 032 pigs fom en? OF 0.4982 130 $6 | 9.0859 100 75° 0.5634 130) 61 [0.3477 0.184 o.9529 0375 130 Gs | 0.0227 92 75, 9.8911 130] 65. | 0.0795 —O.OH4 0.9971 0.5953 127 6s | = =! 08983 aartes | et OT 05121 130 $6 | 01039 102 75) 0.5923. 30! 0.9308 O64 130 6S | 0.0850 95 75| 0.6488 130, Go 0.9887 OGi7 8 66 | 0.0298 92 75; 0.6883 a8 ler 09972 Ose BS et] - = 0.6708 125) 67 = 0.8235 130 s5| 0.4203 105 75| 0.6175 130 0.5056 06199 130 63 | 0.0655 (97 73) Oeym2 130 o.578s Og 129 67 | 0.0483 95 75, O209 139 0'9892 07273 126 68| 00230 92 75) Oasl Ia 09873 O76 13 | = = | O68 18 = Wind shear Q acting at an angle @ from the ¥ axis, will yield shear forces Qx=Q sin @ and 2y~Q cos 0 and resulting shear stresses fos and for have been evaluated for different B and values. Theit maximum values together with the location (7°) and wind direetion at which they occur (ie. 0° from the centre of opening of half angle B) are given in Table 7.2. 7.4. Deflection ‘A tapered chimney is treated as a cantilever beam with a varying moment of inertia in order to evaluate lateral displacements under wind loads and duc to insolation effects (Sec. 5.7). 7.5 Corbel Effect Brick lining is often supported off corbels projecting from the concrete shell (Fig. 7.7(a)). The magnitude of the montent due to corbel load can be substantial particularly when a large ‘sap is provided between the lining and shell for inspection purposes. A corbel moment pro- duces compressive and tensile stresses similar to those due to a temperature differential (See. 5.2). These stresses can be combined with vertical stresses due to axial load plus a ‘moment to arrive at the final values in the same manner as shown for vertical temperature stresses. As shown in Fig. 7.7(b), Mcand Mee should be used for checking the adequacy of internal and external reinfdrcements respectively pli 138 TALL CHimNeys |“! Mei . na Fig. 27 Xt is shown elsewhere!® that the moment value at a vertical distance x from the corbet | will be 0s Ax) where Da Ea s2 This moment dies down rapidly to one-third and 1% of its value at x= 4/7 and x respectively. 7.6 Mlustrative Example ‘Srsider an annular RC section 200mm thick, 10m dia, and subjected to an axial load of {M00 KN and a wind moment of 21 600 KN its Thews are ta diametrically opposite open- and mabgending an angle of GO" anc 40° respectively at the contre, Wane 3% reinforcement and modular ratio m= 12, evaluate the maximum scl act concrete vertical stresses. Also, en the wind shear is 310 KN, calculate the maninue ehege stress and the location at which £802 m r= 5m, W= S400 KN, 41=21.600 kN, 2=30, = 20, p=0.003, €=21600/5405=4.0 and efr=4/s 0.8 "p= 12% 6°003/(1 ~ 0,003) = 0.036 ve corbet 2.29\/r Uoad of site open- ‘rcement cs. Also, at which ELASTIC DESIGN 139 From Chart 7.1 p=79 ~ Concrete stress at centre of the shell [Ey. (7.2)] 1 2 {£08 79° +08 20°} Maximum steel stress [Eq. (7.5)] = 121.9 Nisq-mm 0.2 ‘Maximum conerete stress = 6,07 [ mee] = 6.28 N/sqemm For 8= 30° and j= 20", from Table 7.2, we have ¢=0.9892 and the maximum shear stress occurs when wind blows at an angle of 68" from the centre of the 60° opening (Y-axis). Its value is 0.7209 x 310/103 =0,224 N/sq-mm and it occurs at 129° from the Y ani For purpose of explaining the method, the above result is obtained through detailed caleus lations given below. Referring to Table E.1, we get <= B= 2.269 1-028 [220-5 in ssn 09-2020 309226] 7.313 m+ ty-2s[ 2200+ Gin ssn 6] =15:59 wt Tip" 18.657 mt 5 [22 sin 60°+sin 40° _ (cos 30°-+cos 20°)? = 1.865 m* 2 4 2369 tiy= Tin= 3 (005 60° = cos 40° ~A(eos 30°--c0s 20°) (sn 20 = 1.480 m* . Sin=0.2%25 [sin y— sin 30°— Se |] = Slsin 7—0.5+ (y~ 30°/822,889] (y= 30°) sin 30°)/2.269) si sfos easy = 510.866 02 5~cos y~(y~ 30°)/71.994] Fora wind angle of 68° and using Eq. (E.18), we get [ 0.9892 sin 68° 1,480 cos 68” 37313 Qip=310 146.768 KN 140 TALL cHiMNEYS, 15= 310 [SGT OH TO i 75.83, At y= 129" Sip=1.987 and: - | Sig= 0,60 Sn \ bie iG 60-30 ,o ILS mse sand d From Eq. (E.5), 0.218.657 1.865 — = 213.66 KN/sg.m From Table 7.2, ¢y/r 0.1434 and using ig, (1.19) x0. { Sor= 1ia4s* 2 9.79 KN/sq.m0 Total shear stress =/os+ for 213.661.9.79 a Tg) 70.224 Nisq.nn n6$"(0.1494)(11.3452—4 63.631 kN Se (oy 3160 = eg (129 pe) =2967 m “Fos= 9-601 (146.768 x 18.657 — 63.631 % 1.48) + 1.987 (63.631 x 1.865 ~ 146.768 x 1.48) Las?) 2967) =2.967 m 8x 1.48) jee 8 LIMIT STATE DESIGN In a chimney shell the steel tensile stress ean inerease rapidly with small increases in the overturning moment. Since the moment is caused by wind load, the magnitude of which is a variable quantity and difficult to predict accurately, it becomes important to check the structure's strength under limit state conditions, Such an analysis is ulso required to ensure a consistent factor of safety throughout the height of « chimney structure, 8.1 Partial Load Factors For the limit state of collapse, some codes recommend the same partial load factor for both dead and wind loads. This may not be appropriate since while there is a virtual certainty regarding the magnitude of dead loads, there is uncertain variability in respect of wind loads. It may therefore be advisable to confirm the structural adequacy for load combinations with partial load factors 101.5 DLELS LL. 0.9 DL +14 WL 1.2 (Div LL+ WE) The above load factors are given for general guidance, but in arcas where abnormal wind conditions prevail it would be advisable to undertake a statistical analysis of wind records and then predict the Ioad factor to adopt for wind loads. Degree of risk coupled with the corresponding cost penalty will play a role in arriving at the final decision, The following two limit states are discussed below! . 142 TLL cuinavers | 1. Limit state of collapse 2. Limit state of servic 8.2 Limit State of Collapse As mentioned above, estimated lpatds are Fuctored t 4 structure has to be designed. Given below is an sanalyi in steel and concrete under the ultintate load condition ive at the ultimate loads for which Procedure for obtaining stresses (a) Stress and Strain Variati ’ inearly aeross the diamczer and the maximum concrete strain in | srenetic ar Compressive tte (at msan radius) at fale taken as 0.0035, ‘The charactenatc | strength of concrete (fx is taken as its day cube sitensth and te dese e a8 K fa The concrete stess block is shown in Fig. 8.14) front which i vill he cea nen Stress is assumed constant at fe for strains exceeding 0.002, Tor kesver rings ag block is taken to he parabolic and given hy the couatien, h pe“ Quw=s2) STRESS BLOCK | | i | ePAABCUE | ee gg /POEIOH STRESS mock \ : STRESS, A 03 ‘ Bo 1 Neg & @) a Fig, 81 (Contd © 5 for which sing stresses te strain in raracteristic sthis taken seen that ; the stress cK HOU ryt unstn 4a wana (HIGH VIELO STEEL ( TORSTEEL GRADE ToRLO) 415 x(Kyor Ky) /mma MLO STEEL 250 x(ky of kp) N/mm2 STRESS ° +008 STRAIN ) © Fie. 6-1 (0) Design stress-strain dieram for concrete (b) Strain diram,(e) Design stress. Strain diagram for steel in tension and compresevon {1 can be readily shown that when the ultimate strain of 0.0035 is just reached, A=4/7, jereatier, with further increase in compression, the strain diagram is assomet io rotate about O IFig. (8.1(6)] until the strain reaches 0.002 over the entire section. Wate Plotting charts, the value of k is taken as 0.45, The stress-strain curve for both mild stel and cold-worked deformed bars under tension or Giateafter, the stress is assumed constant for further increase in strain until failure te characteristi steel tensile strength fis taken as 250 N/ for mild steel Jand 415 N/ for Torstec! grade Fe 415 (Tor 40) and in compression the yield strength is taken ac Son ie stesestrain diagtam for steel is shown in Fig. 8.1(e) with desien strength taten og ‘v-fie and kaxfr in compression and tension respectively, (b) Ultimate Strength For analysis, two cases are considered, viz. when the neutral axis les within the section and {chen it ies outside it. For cach of these cass, two alternative stress diagrams forstel have to he considered and the resulting four stress diagrams are shown in Figs. 8.2 (a tod), The anibtial procedure to determine stresses in steel and concrete under the limit state of collapse is detailed in Appendix F. STRAIN 14 TALL CHIMNEYS concrete () Stee STRESS ket UIRAL axis . Katy CONCRETE STEEL STRESS ) ecu ketew 1 ns staan bool cy, le| - . AnsuLAR froca: A H dof CONCRETE - 0 STRAIN STRESS w Fig, 8.2 (Cond) Kf STEEL yt kaetye oe n ¥s| 4 fF | Z VQ atte gies dam cou ke fey is tye CONCRETE STEEL STRAIN STRESS yield strain (ey, > ey), (b) Maximum sion steal is fess than yio'd strain (ey, < ¢y)+ (e) Yield strain exceeded in of comprassion steol (%4 < =v), (d) Yield strain exceeded in all compression From the equilibrium of forces acting on a chimney cross-section we have We=V+Q-T (refer Appendix F) ek Sex (Lp P + ke fyeprt O~ ke foaprt T =kefes (1 p)rt-n (6) where r akcfe (2) and 2 efx (55) Also, VitQit Ty oe Prtg Ont ant, cos 4 (62) 7” Pen @Q—-a(0) Taking ki =k2=0.87 and fre= fu, the values of coefficient n for different e/r rati in charts 8.1 to 8,30 for ready use is a design oflice, to arrive at the ultimate re plotted load Ws. (©) Overtarning ‘The stability of a structure against overturning should be checked with load factors as indi- cated under type 2 in Sec. 8.1. Mus Wu ee Mu/ Wy 8 > mh 146 TALL cHiMNeYS Fk fey (= p)eten 2 € 2 Wu Chart 8.1 Annular section without openings LIMIT'STATE DESIGN 147 Wo Mul. Le he ; Rn > i TW phere we y ee THY eM / Wy ¢ Wotk-teg (Iep)eeten [2° 1 se i 2 2 f i. ie i 1 ' “6 26 6 42-0 E a 4 2k TA} joe e' | 22 i: ae | 2-0 E 3 4 oF i 4 SOE D0 18 * —- Io [+] rok 4 Lat dis ‘L 16 Der 16 16 —| Veg 12 1-2 10 foto do LoS q ose ove oe = fyt = 250N nm fos | PT + ona HES eed? . 1% love otal 7 ohhh 2 ‘on -08 10S: SOS q Chart 8.2 Annular section with ono opening 148 TALLCHIMNEYS i 20, “Bel cope prope Pera f eS 4 TH] i . | ee Ma / Wy Wek fea (ip) ern} 4 i; ri I L Chart 6:3 Annular section with one opening LIMITSTATE DESIGN 149 T TS 4) ea) per es Mu/ Wy eBoy (I-pIrten 1) E ++ 07-06 «10K: DGC Chart 8.4 Annular section with one opening 9 E 150 TALL. ae e=Mu/ Wy Wy fey -p)eten ne a Share 8.6 Annular section with ene opening au Wythe fey (Iepietin | 18 "7 es My/ Wy f Chart 8.6 Annular section with two openings 152 TALL CHIMNEYS ra e=Mu/ Wy Wye ke fey (I= p)reten 4 ane fyt = 250N/ an? a= 20° 15° Chart 8.7 Annular section with two openings ‘Chart 6.8 Annular section with two openings 184 TALL cHiMNeYs Ww 29 Abul 2-0 ae 77 7 ryt0 : > Bal rrTTy: BN ee Mu/ Wu hs Wut kefeg -p)rten | 18] 7 [7] i—+—} 7 “FLD Pare LIMIT STATE DESIGN 155 10 Mm 18 2 26° 300-38 a ‘Chart 8.10 Annular section with two openings 20, Way Mu] 2.0 ai : Bad Ae ; r 45 bid 1.9 HN ee Mu/ Wu Wut kite, I-pirten | 18 1-8 ney + 7 "s ry — hs ’ ‘ r Ass ne hee va ea ve s ey - > 1-0 os 0-8 o7 os ou LL LPT yt 250M [+ wl 0 e Be 2 os Hert ee tao 25. be oa Eta loa ‘on 08 “38 oat A680 156 TALL CHIMNEY, 28 Mud wal ano Wh 2 ory aul Wy =k fey (I= pleeten 7 a) rep a; ee in 25 sa Chart 8.11 Annular section with two apeninas AVATE DEIN tH HEP gay pie 2 ho a Wetn Pe Pe Y ba We a hye fpr ‘Chart 8.12 Annular section with two openings 188 TALL chimneys 9 a]: €; es My / Wy Wut ke tey pie stn fe $9 ea amu) Wy Wy? fe O-pIebn [ts ed Tt eto | “ie a6 a3 q Chart 8.14 Annular section with two openings 160 Tasers 20 3 E . 2h eM / Wy Wye kf, U=pireten J 8 17 16 CHF B45 Annular soction with two oponinos 28 anh Wo Mu en Mu / Wy Was ke fey (I> p)reton, Chart 8.18 Annu ome Section without openings 162_ TALL CHIMNEYS 20. Woy Mu “peg 4) a ae . Fp “| ~]a6 2 eemy/ my | E Wey Wat ketey Iep)etin | 3°4E pH pe re | 4 a TT i i: 20m T+ yh al ATT PTs a6 ey | Z to e=M/ Mh, ia Wu? k= te, U~ wae ¥e | ve i 7 : q we] 2 j {| 4, ree "y 7° yo he | fv Y|_ | | hs 6 4 | a ne i? Ltt Sh.2 as | 3h. 4 | - die i i, { 4 hea Tees ta ; Ve oe 0-8 LI os re fyt = SI5N /romt fox oe 8-20 |,, © loaf Mz O , “ 12 16-2 2h 32892380 “S569? Chort 6.18 Annular soetion with one opening 164 TALL CHIMNEYS 20 € . ant Woy Mu eo My / Wy Woe kote, (ete T ver. T Chart £19 Annular « «2 ” ta hfe (Iep)ectin rT ra]. eM / Wy al ~ “6 s ity fyt = 415N/mert fox q Chart 8.20 Annular section with ono opening tH bePt4 p= 30° LEE - AS OF eae a ae a Naa ag a 166 TALL cHiMNeys 20 Wal Mu " ' of | 45 E i ee My / Wy War beta (= pirten | Haft AL “Ppt tt A { | “TP Chart 8.21 Annular section with two openings 4 i LIMIT STATE DESIGN 167 9 6 wf i. eeMy/Wy t us kefc, (I= pete | 6 TT : | i, | 6 ost . 4 hs < j 1 @ hc 1 ha 12 2 4 1-0 o-9 0-8 7 168 TALL CHiMNEYS i LIMIT STATE DESIGN 169, 26 Way Mu TIT ETT TE mt 2 See) EA] TT es My/ Wy se are Wy? ke fey (I= p)reten | 18 Fe Sar Torry Pr oad ha 7 he 9| M6 | v6 T Lh bh For TN . . Lt 2 cr * * a 1228 BP GAO wk 4 (Chart 6.24 Annular section with two openings Chart 825 An 170 TALL chimneys LIMIT STATE DESIGN 171 7 Ty ° 2 7 7 r TTTT4 AT 19 £5 E oft Me en My / Wy Wut kete (I=pietin | M8 q 41-7 T E 1 ‘“ 1-6 15 74 PODER Lt Fk fyt = 4ISN/mnt Jou HT Elje- 2g |. ~ECELL LEE jan 28 .. 02 4 oe sth BBE SBE 3 | } I | p fe Lo. 2 _ “ 22 a __| Chart 3.27 Annular sestion w 172_ TALL chimneys ley e=My/ Wy btoy eprom Le LMIT STATE DESIGN 175 Wy kefey (= peta T Chart 8.30 Annular section with two openings 176 TALL CHINNEYS 8.3 Vertical Temperature Etfe The feet of temperature dilerental on the ultimate load eartying capacity of a section is seamife below. I the maxinvum recommended temperature dilevential of 120 evita then the corresponding strain will be 1.1 x 103 (200.0013, Ifa section carrying this seat iublected to inczeasing compression, the maximum and minimum strains t hale Nou be 0.0035 and 0.0022 respectively. Sines the stres in conerste is assumed costars tee Strains exceeding 0.002, the ultimate loadhcarrying eapacity remains the same ae obtained Without considering a thermal gradient. Similuely, on the tensile sido of the section, any increaso in strain boyond the yield stain of steel does not altect the scetion's load-carrying Cihacity. Thus the effect of a thermal gradient of the magnitude normally encoumiacy ce chimneys is generally ignored in the evalvation of ukimate vertical load dating nae stage analysis, 8.4 Limit State of Serviceability The purpose of this limit state isto ensure satisfactory performance of a structure from cone sideration of serviceability. ‘The following two aspects deserve sttent 1. Deflection 2. Crack width (a) Defect The calculation procedure for evaluating dellections is ident design, For this purpose, cal to That wed iy an elastic the characteristic Toul is used with a load factor of unity, (b) Crack Width Mile evaluating the eruck width in a chimney, the stiffening elect of uncracked concrete in the tension zone ean be ignored since all parts of a shell perimeter are likely to be cate Jeeted to tension at some time or anoihsr due to wind loads acting trom stent dineetang over a period of time. The permissible erack widths may be ta ast J. Exterior surfaces and internal suréaces where inspection is not possible 0.3 mm 2. Exterior surfaces subject to severe climatic conditions snd intevant anne faces which are likely to he exposed to gases under lini» failure cont tion and where inspection is not possible OL mm Mier ey Crack width, oy = git St (8.3) I stance between the point considered far erack width evaluation and the surf of tcinforeement. This point on the concrete surface 1 between adjoining reinforcement bars neratly located centrally section is °C exists, ying this at failure astant for obtained jon, any scarrying wtered mit state rom con- n clastic conerete be sub- irections 0.3 mm 0.1 mm (8.3) surface entrally. LIMIT STATE DESIGN. 177 *1=strain at the location of erack-width evaluation | c=-clear cover to reinforcement = overall depth of member : : | x= depth of the neutral axis If the calculated value of cy is greater than the recommended permissible values given above, then spacing of steel reinforcement may have to be reduced or the quantum of see increa- sete Method of obtaining strain Ce) and distance (1) for diferent loading ones described below. (9 Vertical Axial Lood and Moment mn this case, the location of neutral axis (p) can be obtained from Charts 7.1 to 7.17: A-x=r(Cosetcosp) and a =f/E, (Gi) Vertical Aviat Load and Moment Plus Temperature . ‘iis tensile stress in stecl (f) is fist determined by clastic analysis as given in Sec. 7.2. Then the fctcious temperature stress f, (refer Sec. 5.3) is obtained. Thereafter, the maximum ven cal tensile stress in steel fis obtained by Eq. (5:8) or (5.9) depending on whether fr mf or fe > m-f, respectively, fall -x=t) FZ ane. hax (& #10) i) Cirumfercatal Moment ‘The irewerentia ste in sts! due to wind moment and temperature eect are sepaac tly obtained and algebraically added. Dividing this by fives oy hox=e(I=n) where 1 is given by Eq. (5.5). 8.5 Mlustrative Example An annular circular cross-section of 8.4-m mean diameter and 275-tnin wall thickness has wo diametrically opposite openings subtending angles of 50° and 30° respectively at the centre. This section is subjected to an axial load of 11 700 KN and a wind moment of 39 300 KN-m, M30 concrete is used with [2-mm dia, high-yield Tor. 40 bars (Jje=415 N/ equally spaced on each face giving a total of 0.3% steel area. Check whether the ultimate axial load-carrying capacity of the section is adequate when the load factors for axial load and moment are (.9 and 1.4 respectively. Calculate the horizontal crack width under work= ing loads given above and also when the concrete is subjected to a temperature gradient of 40°C. The following data may be assumed: £,=200 kN/, coefficient of expansion = 11x 104°C, Ee 16670, m= 12. Coeflicients ki, kz and k for fre, fr and for may be taken as 0.87, 0.87 and 0.45 respectively. Conerete cdver= 50 mm. ee 178 TALL CHIMNEYS Solution * $0,003 1.036 (0,005 © 39300 PI Toa “YS From Chart (7.9), ' 20925 and 8d ‘ CW 0.928: 11 0010-8 Srp) EOS 1 0.003) BUF eos 15° ~cos 81 10.530 kN 9A Nesqamm, Steel stress-«(12-<9.4) & eos. 168.8 Nes. = 11 700°<0, Ultimate axial Ultimate moment MOO 1.4 S5020KN-m me S8000 ro ss0%4. 97 124 kaha O87 415¢ 0.003 Eh (1Ep) bs AO a) 208 From Chart 8.24, 2 0.7 will be Hence the ultimate axial lod-cary apacnly sf the section We kf Wo p)ren = 0.48 < 30(1 0.003) % HUS80 KN > 10530 kN Evaluation of Crack Width “@) Without temperature effect Total sect areas 2 4.22°(0.275 0,3 108/100 21 771 With 12-mm dia bars equally dist will be 280 mm. Distance from conerete surface to contre of reinforcement ses JEEP Se] 0145 om Strain «1 + 168.8/200 > 107 == 0.844 x 10-4 0.70. 10> 0.275% uted and equilly spaced on face, the bar spacing 0-6 = 56 wan Jh= x= 4200 (608 15? Fens SP) -> 25 for a tapered one. In the above equation, equivalent mass mis that mass which, if uniformly distributed along the chimney height, will have the same total kinetic energy as the multisdegree freedom system. To evaluateth's mass, achinney is modelled as 7 number of lumped masses Mand distributed masses mu, nia, «., mn Per unit length over heights 0-21, 21-72, »»5 za-t-Zm If its characteristic shape is pi for the sth mode and we equate the kinetic energy of the actual system with that of the equivalent system, we get [ricseayl aogt fm ma pide +. from which EMovin E fines m= gt : 3 | Pad: Jn Eq, (9.2) the equivalent mass for the first mode is used. Since the weight of brickdining contributes significantly towards the total mass, the stability of a chimney should be checked both for tines and unlined conditions. Such a check may impose a limitation on the height of construction that can be permitted without taking up brick-lining work 9.3 Effect of Flexi ity on Response For a flexible structure, such us a chimney, we can write yaO=¥ areacosiont , Where yar is the lateral displacement at elevation z in the ith mode and qi is a multiplier for the same mod In this mode, wind load on the rth mass of a chimney model (with f masses) is say Fr. Then, 184 TALL CHIMNEY work done at point r by this load will be Fp, total work done will be ¥ the equivalent mass mn, the Kinetie (KE) snd potcatial (PL) energies ean be writen down as ite Panpiede Lae pnt and ail aie [emt | eae pe {ee ‘yj de Lagrange’s equation For each acsonitnt mode fs AED COS) ET Sm we from which x Fie 1 < mi and wey . few" In the above equation, the mechanical admittance Function £4! is given by [til yeajny 9.4 Along-wind Response As seen from § The first term AC? is the quasi Je KOUK,. The dyna atic: fore forve is 2K Cou whore value at Wveation ris say Ba nd the response to such st leading will be “Pn. Using down as (9.4) (9.5) (9.6) ag will be hen. on DYNAMIC WIND ANALYSIS. 185 “Taking the value of os from Eq. (3.2) and introducing the aerodynamic admittance function, An [refer Sec.3.4 (b)], we obtain y ob lan= f Se dylan Poa ‘The above response spectrum is shown in Fig. 9.1. It will be scen that the primary response is obtained in the frequency range m~4n to n+4n, Hence the above integral can be writen $O3) and a small portion to SOs. The latter reacts with water vapour 10 form concentrated HaSO4 at a temperature called the sul- phuric acid dew-point which is 115'-150°C, AU ower temperatures, corrosive acids, soch as HCL, begin to condense and at 45°-55°C the water dew-point is reached. In this temperature range water starts condensing and forming highly corrosive acids, Thus, acid and water dew-point temperatures play a significant sole in the degree of carter sive attack and a designer should aim at maintaining the liner temperature away trom them. Jn this context i€ is important to nove that instead of the Mees e, the tempera ture prevailig at Iue gases and whieh 2 temperature and, backing insulation hering properties. 1 to absorb thermal enance is preferred. sates, ind shock, © and should not al aging. se-gas constituents a8 coal, oil, etc.), tion to SO. The «ure called the sul- ive acids, such as sn this temperature ae degree of corro- away from them, sare, the tempera- LINING AND INSULATION 197 While corrosion leads to deterioration of a liner, the smuts (mixture of iron sulphide and adhering carbonaceous materials) formed by acid attack 0n a steel liner can be carried up by fluc gases and these can cause physical damage when mitted from a tall chimney. Thus, every effort should be made to minimise corrosion. In specific cases reagents, such as NH, could be added to preferentially absorb SO3 or combine with it, 2NHs-+ H20 +03 + (NHi:S0, Such addition of reagents, if attempted, should be with specialist advise, since if there is any Asliciency in the procedure, corrosion can increase rather than reduce 10.4 Types of Liners Cyimeey liners can be classified ether according to the liner material or the manner in which a liner is supported, as indicated in Table 10.1. ‘TaMLE 10.1 Cummncy Liven CLassiniearion Classification by manner of support provided Classification by material of eonsteuction 1. Independent wren gris liner material 1, Masonry These include various types of is atried by the liner itself. bri i moles, acide ‘There are two tub-classfieas resisting, fire bricks, ee, tions as given below, (2) Free-stan reingewithout any lateral 2.Metal Mid stel, stants test and restraints, eg. selCSupporting ‘other ally's brickwork (©) Stabilised Lining is independent, but 3. Concrete Cast in situ or precast lateral restraints are provided to-enfbre stability, ec, stesl 4, Plastics. GRP ‘and GRP tiners 2 has vertical supports at $, Coatings Lead, glass, ete, & number of intermediate Doints along its height, e.g brickwork supported on corbels 3. Integral Liner is bonded 10 the shell and is thus an integral part of the shell with continuous suppoet, eg, coatings (@) Masonry Liner Masoney is the most popular conventional liner material, Independentlyupported. masonry §s gencrally more expensive and can prove unacceptable in a tall chimney, particularly whee ae POMS TALL CHIMNeYS focated ina high seismie-risk area. A masonry liner should have cither an impermeable back ing membrane to prevent egress of fe gases or, alternatively, a ventilated air gap to carry Such permeating gases out of a chimney. The choice of a particular type of masonry finer depends Jargely on the operating temperae aire fn chemical composition of fe gases. The following ins toed guideline for choosing 8 tuitable type of masonry tiner when the tue gases have cance. constituents, Operating iene ale Vspe of masomy Fines + 1. Blow 175°C ‘Acki-resising bricks 2 175800 Many factors have to be eonsiered to make a elioiee. Often, moter tnicke are prefered 3. 8007-1200 Fire fick. Acideresising five Wick may be Used iT heavy chimes attack js antcipateg) Dense engineering bricks can be used to form a finer in the temperature range 180°=300°C ‘here chemical attack is not present Such bricks cannot withstand thergut shock, (0 Actress Beck Tene nee stistand the type of chemical stack normally expovinced by a chimm -y finer. ara pereary SE artculrly advantageous when the tempeiatoreeapercd continu ously below 175°C: They have limited resistance to thermal suck sud ene temperature is expected, they have to be lined internally with fire bricks (Gi) Plee-briek Vining Such a lining should be laid with special mortar. ‘This brick is wot a 00d insu Wilstand high temperatures, has reasonable chemical resistance arty the workmanship is good. for but can 6) Tasulating Brickwork. Moler brick is the commonly used insu lat Danish type of lay which has insulating properties and is tight in w st-mentioned property enables Fema Uction of suc brickwork Tor heights exceeding 60 mi with only lve supports. Its use is not recommended where avid or abrasion resistance iy of pfimary concern, 1 can safely withstand rapid temperature changes without spalling and is thus ideally suit- G4 for use in incinerators. It is however readily damaged by how ck henee is not normally used in the top 20 m of a chimney. Such brickwork un be non as a form for the eonerete windshield, () Metal Liner A metal liner is impervious, has a low frictional resistance a nit a high exit 1d will pes impermeable back- Jair gap to carry operating tempera- deline for choosing tuents. to make eferred fick may be ticipated range 180°-300°C tal shock, ya chimney liner. cted to be continu- sigh temperature is, ‘insulator but can # gas-tight provided anish type of clay od property enables cal supports. Its use is thus ideally suit- ace is not normally rm for the concrete permit a high exit LINING AND INSULATION 198 velocity. Such liners, when used in multi-lue chimneys, should project above the windshield by al least two-thirds the outside diameter of the latter in order to minimise downwash Liners made from alloys are useu for special applications, but otherwise, in spite ofits valner. abitity 10 chemical attack, mild steel still remains the populae liner material because of its lower cost ~ A stcel liner needs to be insulated since it has virtually no thermal resistance and allowances ‘must be made in its construction to absorb large thermal movements, Its attacked by warm. moist air, neutral waters and all acids and hence should not be used at temperatures below 175°C. For the top 30 5 m.a stainless-steel liner may be incorporated to withstand heavy chemical attack. © Other Liners Insulating Concrete Such a liner can be either east-in-situ or precast. I has an edge over masonry liners in high seismie-risk areas and if precast concrete is used, vertical joints are eliminated. The commonly used ingredients are high alumina cement with moler, slag, vermiculite, fly ash or crushed firebrick as aggregate, depending on duty requirements, Such a liner is used below 800°C and may require a surface coating for protection against ‘chemicals. In the design and construction of such a cast-in-situ liner due allowance should be made for initial shrinkage and subsequent expansion, ) Plastic Plastics have already made a dent in the liner fold. Glass-reinforced plastic can be moulded to suit any desired shape, has excellent chcinical resistance and is impermeable. Its light ‘weight is a distinet advantage in handling and for use in high seismic-risk areas. Such liners are suitable for use below 200°C, but there is a risk of liner combustion if soot burns in the fluc-way. Plastic liners should be designed with care and in close consultation with the manufacturer, They should be uscd with caution where strong alkalies could be present. High cost has precluded their more extensive use, but with research throwing up plastics with better p. formance and lower cost, these materials may soon become popular as a lining material, (i) Coating A coating can be applied to steel or masonry surfaces to enhance their resistance to chemical attack. Apart from possessing a good bonding property, coating should be flexible and should withstand abrasion and chemical atlack. Various. materials are available and they should be used as recommended by the manufacturer and only after proving testshave yielded satisfactory results 10. (@) Masonry 1 There is yet little scientifié approach to masonry*liner design. Details adopted in the past are Liner Design as SEPT 200. TALL CHIMNEYS Sul elied upon since earlier tners have given stistactory performance over at number of years, Such liners are often supported at 10 m intervals on vorbele Projecting from the cone cre Windshield, but mole brickwork cam be supported at 40 m incre ! jrnere should be adequate gap between the liner and windshield to alg for relative move- mem Derween them due to temperature eects, wind and seismic load ie Also. for th peason a liner should not be fixed to the eap. A masonry liner has aloe bursting strength and hence is. usually reinforced with 75 6 mt sind 50:5 mm cn cumferential andl vertical mile steel bands respectively, * (b) Steet Linge Steel-liner design is a spe design guidelines are gi ead eld and calls for caret attention tw detailing, Broad ve examples ire included in See. 10.8 QO. on Mit ee Such ‘a ‘iner is hung trom a ring girder atthe top which ix inv erg £0 Absorb the anticipated large thérmal movement an exparerr Joint is venerally pros Vided above the brosehing, ‘This joint detail is important singe le absorbing the envisaged Substantial thermal mo.enicnt, it has to remain gas-tight. iably oF stainless stock. tn Gi) Bottom-supported Liner In this ease a finer is supporied at the bottom with the top end five ‘Thus.ian expansion joint Fe not required but then the liner wall isin eompression reyuirine sen rods ind ein tial stiffener’s at reeutar intervaly to stiffen it feren- id Design For a comprehensive coverage of this subject, refer 158 in the Bibliography, Dead loud come Brises of the liner self-wejeht and the weight of all permanent ‘itings, insulation, clinging Gust gunite, if any, etc. Llfects of wind, earthquake and tempera We 10 be taken into Account as explained in Sees 3.He Wd 5.6. Stresses have 10 be Fg c eumferentia! directions and then combined to ehsch ihe he limits prescribed below for cslindrical liners, vated in longitudinal are within permissible Longitudinal Compression The maximum permissible lmgitudinal compressive tee (ie) is Bart) t Bh Fie eps when ok o,f route) , [20 or=ve s or fem py [Fen ttie-p Nae Min ot 04 when t ke SR np (10.16) ze over a number of sting from the con- s. wfor relative moves ete. Also, for this ursting strength and al and vertical mitd © detailing. Broad See. 10.8, 6 stainless-steel, In rt is generally pro- rbing the envisaged an expansion joint Is and cireumferen- y. Dead load com- nsulation, clinging fo be taken into (ed in longitudinal within permissible (10.14) (10.10) LINING AND INSULATION 201 or (10.1c) For fir M0 Nimm?, ° 21 600 1 18 000+ (F po when > 60 fic = permissible longitudinal compressive stress in liner, N/m? fou yield stress of steel at mean liner temperature, N/m? fon = proportional limit at mean liner temperature, N/m? Fsr= modulus of elasticity of stecl at liner temperature, N/m? ier thickness, m R=lince radius, m FS= factor of safety Ijr=slenderness ratio for length between lateral stays Tension Longitudinal or circumferential permissible tensile stress is given by fir= (45 ; (10.2) where ¢ joint eficieney For tension members, ¢ varies from 0.70 to 0.85 depending on the workmanship and the deerce of testing prescribed, Combined Stress Only when there is a compression in both longitudinal and’ circumferential directions, the ion should be satisfi fie. (fee J 10 103 Sie Fee) = : a0.) {Fie and Foo=computsd longitudinal and circumferential compressive stress in liner respectively, N/m? Sec= permissible circumferential compressive stress, N/m? Following con Liner Vibeation ‘A single span finer’s vibration frequency can be determined us shown in Sec. 4.5. This fre- quency should be maintained more than +:20% away from the fundamental frequency of the conerete shell. If this is not possible then a dynamic analysis has to be undertaken treating the liner and windshield as a coupled system, 202 TALL CHIMNEYS Factor of Safety ‘The recommended factors of safety (1S) are ay tinder: Nonna pint 2 OF OD Tee. 1s W ‘ Ames eon rel a P.M. da iad cata od dort should be designed 0 safely withstand servi fouls av well as steesses induced lating its handling, tcanspwot and erection on should be paid to the design of eran ay tera lays in the ease of bottom supprene Hiuers and to desien of op. rin Mae il expansion join or top-hung inaon At "eal friction forees develop aS ihey moves due to temperstre fete Those fnece na be an j egatitenide ean be kept a minimus bee slain athe finer-stay interes to eit fs ype proxrdare for liner devon se in See. 40.8 with tne aid ar {0 examples i| 10.6 Mortars inant fANBe OF mortars anea¥aille ad sletion or abe most suitable mortar depends on i The sane cating teperatare conditions, pe af clea an PrESENE in de gases, exe Fes gSees Of a brickwork aspends ts much es workmanship and mestar quality ae ic Sepends on the brick its. (@) Cement I | I Seiinaty orland cement ewe esed up to Skin temperature below 150 C and where chemical attack is not emi ! Hike, Cut 80" suited ifcontinuwuseapmare nari ‘acids is anticipated or it there is» | Uikelihood of intermittent operations sodium siliite cements have superior resistance to ott free acids and intermittent opert iim. Suc coments have a service tempersiing Inet about 400°C. This mortar should nor dette prior to putting @ chimney into soc otherwise it will sofien. This cement i dentoyed by sulpation i the tines exponed eg oF HLS0y mosasiumsiliate cement has superior chemieal eee Compared to sodiumeiticate . aed faut itis generally mone expensive. tides nee " due €0 sulphaion and ean be wed for service temperatures up to 10H ¢ Reh Meh alumina cement is used to smpare moderate chemical | } Minimum FS. 20 1s tresses induced tothe design of sn of top ring es develop as a vr in design and vstay interface. ith the -aid of tar depends on ue gases, ete, far quality as it ).C and where lerate chemical or if there is mittent opera- Flar should not his coment is sodium-silicate jon and can be LINING AND INSULATION. 203 (b) Aggregates Ordinary sand ean be used for low temperatures and where chemical attack is not envisaged For higher temperatures, crushed firebricks are often used. 10.7 Insulation High thermal-insulating property coupled with light weight and reasonable cost are the esited primary requisites of an insulating medium, There are many materials available for use and the thermal conductivity of the more commonly used materials for flue construction ind insulation are given in Table 10.2. These valuesare average values and may be used for design in the absence of more specific information. Normally, the manufacturer's data regarding thermal conductivity backed by results from tests conducted ata recognised labora tory should be called for prior to commencement of the design. ‘Tame 10-2 Vavuts oF Tuerwat Conoueriviry (XK) Wim’ Density c ‘i Density Matera ater K \ Gkglcu.m) * Material (ksicu.m) Milt stest 7850 500 2000 116 REC 2400 17 Firo-briek 2200 116 Lightneight 1450 043 ‘Acideresisting 2000 oss concrete brick ~ © a 100 014 Moler brick no 2000.16 Vetmicutte 500018. Density (kg/eu.m) co ae °c (p47 Giiss wool sab’! 5 g952 oH. 100 00730064 0.08” 0082 00s os i 7 * = duet ast ost 200 = = = ~ 280 = = = = Density kglem) — ‘c Ww 200 Mineral woo! - ~o, ; 0 Mine 1005800820 150 0.06 0.060 200 00s | oo 204 TALL chinaneys 10.8 Illustrative Examples Examete 10.1 Ai Particular elevation ins 186 my tll chimney its diameter is 13 m1, concrete thickness ig 250 gam aad wind moment is 70000 KNom. AU this section, the 7 mi dia mildesteel Treen Ae Tae hak cit carries a ded load of 16OUKN, AL the normal operating temperuiane oe Ne Cte modulus of elasticity and yield stress of the finer material are 190 kNInuee nd 220 Nimm* respectively, The + ike Wd the proportionality fimit is 0. Calculate the available factor of safety nal compression in the lier suppor. ted at regular intervals when the chimney nea the normal teraperature, Solution Sinn 08220 76 Njsq-mm fom 6.5028 = 215.69 mt Mem 35": 0.006 50.808 mt ih “8 0808 6.47 mt 70001 6.47 er moment My Py. G6 9) 2038.6. WN om u 1AM BO ons oy 1 a7) oe ie 17: Siw RETO uk 0,00) Hee pomnn e8et ‘The permissible compressive stress is given by Vy. (10.4 since Btu 21 600 on: Isonn ¢ 732° O91 190.000.650.914 fe 8s. 350018) ss) Nima Liner area == .7- 0,006 0.132 me 6 00 000 Dead-load stress se! 12.12, Nyon? “0132 G6 20386 1083.5 Windetoad strens =O AI 8.83 NJ? Vota 20.95 Nim? Factory of safety, FS = 37.2 17s EXAMPLE 10.2 4 A140 m tall mild-stect chisoney Tincr of & o1 unifveny mcan damier fuas metal ticaueey gy Bien in column | of Table 10.3. Calculate the midespan design momen for the tunctaven {ah mode under svismie eonditions with liner considered ised at the base and propped at the top where it undergoes a sympathetic seismic displacement with ie concrete shell of 300 mm. vu ete thickness is d-steel liner is emperature of fmm and 220 y limit is 0.8, © liner suppor are, 300 aim, LINING AND INSULATION. 208 0.3 Seiswte Moun Evatuation 4 hn » Erk mm m im? m Nestimt — Nemit(x 10 mn Ys%(x 10-9 o @ 630) “85 R 30 Los. 178 5955.3 | 3.349 » oss tase sets 4463 6 0 ont aso ggg 9702 66 Total Mo 244784 15.626 Take £:r=195 KN/sq-mm, liner density = 7860 kgicu-m, 5=20%, importance factor as 2.0 and seismic zone IIT. Solution Refer Table 10.3 Areé wits Ie=ar?t; m= 7860 (rea), Bm0.2/27~0.03 Halts of atea, Zz and mi for different lengths are given in columns 3, 4 and $ respectively of Table 10.3. Average Esra =24 478.4% 10°/140= 1,75 x 101 Average Esr-Tx/in= 15.626 109/140 = 1.12% 10 From Fig. 4.1, C= 2.454; Cy 20.22; P2086 From Eq. (4.10) 1.325H2 and “"T#0.75 5 From Chart 4.1 Se= 170 cm/s? SAmod)= 1.7 «2X0. Using gs. (4.11) and (4,12) .68 m/s? 0.68 x 0.86 ‘aPx T.3352 "0.0084 Mam 10084 % 20.22 x 1.75 x 1081/1402 = 1.52 x 106 N-m 206 TALL CHinaneys weve The top deflection of the finer mutt be the Sune as that of the chimney, viz. 300. mm, By column analogy, the {itera force required at the finer top to achieve tage deflection works ut to be 70.2 EN. At mid-height, i 0. Mei 70200 140/291 Noy © Pesien moinent VTSETAP aT Tae 2 S410" Nom Exanrn 10.3 A 6 m dia, 106 m long (measured above the netrically opposite fue entries with the hot gases causing 10°C eros its dia- be raiaeatg behing. Calculate the ateral liner displacement at ih fop which will need to pe resisted by the ring girder. ‘The flow rat’ at gases fy the two entries is 1.0, ratio of Uiner diameter to breeching width (Dy/") is 2 and heighn of breechingis 4m. The coctii- cient of expansion is 11> 10 Solution For a flow ratio of 1. = 0.95 from ‘Table 5.1, Using by. (5.17), ‘ A081 11 10 6098 Pern 10+ 0412/6008 = 062510 1 T A gee a Ses [tas gig 20%] Total lateral displacement to be resisted by the ting girder = 11,30 em 8.25 om 300 mm. By lection works ally opposite cross its dia- will need to. 1.0, ratio of ‘The coefli- | 11 ACCESSORIES A chimney has certain fixtures, fittings and features which are termed “accessories are described below. 11.1 Cap At the top of a chimney a cap is provided to prevent gas-entrained matter from falling into the space between the liner and the shell and alsc to protect the chimney top from chemical attack. This cap is often made of sectional grey cast iron of minimum I2 mm thickness laid over 25 mm thick asbestos. However, cast iron may not be suitable for certain ‘ceramic processes and for such cases, materials such'as alloys, shect lead, ete. have to be used. A cap must absorb the relative movement between’a liner and a shell caused by wind, temperature or other effects. A cap is often composed of intercomiécted segments, but up. stands for connecting these segments together should be avuided since they become the focus of corrosion. As a further protective measure, a cap should be painted with an anti-corro- sive paint. A typical detail of a cast iron cap for a single-flue brick lined chimney is shown in Fig. 11.1. Where a substantial distance is kept between a liner and the windshield for inspection purposes, a GRP flexible cap can be used. In the case of multi-lue chimneys, iners generally project above the chimney top. In such cases, the cap is in concrete with upstands around the Mucs to facilitate formation of a weather-proof joint between liner and cap but at the ‘same time allow relative thermal movement between, them. A typical detail is shown in Fig. 11.2. 208 TALL chimneys weomers ff [7 eb LL REC CHIMNEY sHeLE Fig. 1.4 Cap for a si ™ Fig. 1.2 Weather 11.2 Lightning Protection Lightning protection is provided by ¢ tng chimney top to an earthing stip in the ground Aven 15000 in {9p a circumferential eonducior (coronal b sean ined copper. This is connected to airterrameie se (hie Above the top of a elimi are embedded in concret sharp bends, andi should be eonnected 4 Hiehtning protection must. he provider connected 10 a temporary « Vertical reinforcing Gircumferential bar, which in tm Similarly, all steel pac An the top reaches of tected from cherie MiFS near the el corrosion by apply ) and to tinned copper down ‘e) should not have an intermediate splice. they H rod at the top and an ears must be electrieally eonnected ie | Footing reinforcement should be conn, a chinnney, lightning protection conductors sheuld b fe flue chimney sll Proofing for multi-ftue ehinney ‘ating a path of minim eioetsieat in mand) is provided whiet is len earthing strip, urine constens and this could be in the fort at himuey base should be electrically e vown conductor, a lead coating oF by other suitaly Iuctors (which be free from ne temporary seted to adown conductor, lequately pro sdance from the chimney vd, stranded out 750 mm >tors (which ve free from temporary le conductor the ground, nected to a conductor, conductor. ately pro- ACCESSORIES 209 11.3 Aviation Warning Lights re. Ateaing lights are provided even during construction once the chimney reaches a [ceht of about 45 m above grade, Hoth temporary as well as permanent provisions slvala ad be stlations of the Civil Aviation Ciepartment. These lights should be red in evlane B24. pe citer of filament or neon type, the later being generally more reliable. They shevid be of uleentintensity (about 100 lux) s0 that they are conspicuous considesing we hock, ground illumi hey will be viewed. Such lights can have a flasher UE and Ut is referable to incorporate an automatic alarm system which will be actustad shen these lights are on spare. Cables and conduits leading to these lights should safely withstand continuous exposure to the temperature experienced by concrete in wi they are embedded. ings are provided by painting the chimney in contrasting colour bands for at Xcaat the top one-third ofits height. Such bands should not be too nartow nor te fect Far scol cane from 0.75 to 3 m with the outer bands inthe darker colour. The paint oeal for auch bands should beacid-resistant and should safely withstand the temperature expected at the chimney top. 1.4 Ladder 411.5 Clean-out and Access Door A suitable access door should be provided at the bottom of a ehimney. When a metal liner is used. the opening meant for an access door is initially made large enough to serve ac nn access for liner cans which have to be transported to the chimney centre for erection ‘Two airs ofelean-out doors are provided in the shell and lining for accessint a chimney and to clean the soot hopper. These doors should be suitably treated in order to be heats ang acid-resistant and should be of gas-tight construction. Such doors should be provided with atch and showld normally be kept locked. 11.6 Breeching Connection Openings are provided in a concrete shell for the entry of flue gases, and'concrete around such openings has to be protected against high temperature by fre-brick lining ot equivalent. oo ror staincer ii [aor cice surat ti \ |) pene me i a iy i } ii epee ; | k ie j 20 01 none HN rere stat stay ar tebe NS outaoe ace oF tht Fig. 11.3 Typical ladder detaits The breeching connection cun be either horizontal or inclined upc advantageous from flow considerations. However, a horizmntal commer ois preferred because of ease of construction and the turbulence ercated at the entry inte ihe ching yy helps grit and other particles to settle out of flue Additional horizontal reinforcement is provided cach having an area at least equal to one-half the design cireumferential + rupted by the breeching opening, The area of each 1 both the top and bottom ofan opening, and should not be less than f i Sa-em, where 1” is the width of opening in metres, While half the reinforcement beyond the opening a sullcient distance 10 develop the bars in bond, the other hall. shania extend completely around the circumference. should be provided on cither side of the oper Placed within a distance not exceeding onc-and larly, additional vert 1L7 Mounting for Lifting Materials and each band! of this stect should be val times the shell thickness. Adequate arrangements must he made for lifting materials which may be re maintenance near the top o! Vided on the outside of a chininey operated il Provided on thé inside. As a cheaper (but not so eflicient) alt embedded near the chimney top fram whieh a lifting stee! mney. For this purpose, a rack-ane 8 a perma jon Tift can be pro- facility. In a multi-flue chimney a winch ing platform, which can be raised or lowered through the access voi metal m can be supported at a fater latter being is preferred the chimney fan opening, fement inter- V'2.75x 108 sould extend half should inforcement cl should be tired during can be pro ya winch void, can be tes can be ed at a later, ACCESSORIES 211 (ate. Materials ean then be lifted externally by a winch-operated rope Tuning over a pulley fixed to this lifting arm, Openings must be provided in the galleries for the passage of the Foe and the lifting arm should be long enough to lift materials clear Of the galleries. 11.8 Air Vents Air vents (Fig. 11.4)are provided near the chimney base and below éorbel levels in order to ventilate the air gap between a concrete shell and the lining. Such vents should be distei- buted around the circumference and. should have a total area of not less than two-thirds the area of the minimum air gap. Vents arc sloped upwards and are provided with metal suards to prevent birds or other tiny c saining entry and being trapped in the air Sap. A series of vents must be provided just below the cap for egress of hot For ventilating the access void of a multi- flue chimney, large ventilation openings may be necessary. Such openings should be dis tributed around the circumference and Stresses in the chimney shell should be carc- fully checked at the cross-section where such openings are provided. These openings should be fitted with @ mesh and have a door. The latter must be capable of being locked Gran pty ee ioe duting inspection of a chimney so that sufficient ambient aft age be drawn into the chimney void to ventilate it, Fig. 11.4 Alrvent 11.9 Galleries noes a Its tv0 galeries are provided, of which one is athe top. ‘They provide reinforced coc On Waning beacons and facilitate maintenance work. Galleries shoud te oe reinforced conerete and be of at least 1000 mm clear width, Radial gaps should fe provided las the weeks a pad gilleres should be designed for aauperioad of at least 150 kent Plus the weight of materials that are likely to be stacked thereon during maintesance nee 11.10 Platforms Muli-fue chimneys have internal platforms at regular intervals and a typical platform is TE TT OR SER ES I 212 TALL CHIMNEYS shown in Fig. 11.5. They provide the working area required during inspection ant maine tenance of a luc. Such platforms should havea clear openinecaliel ihe nace val i ean be covered with removable grating during normal chimney apersiion whieh GAP SETWeEK INNER AGF WINDSHIELD AND KIA CF SLAB Fig. 11.5 Typical platform steucture Platforms should be designed for supertoad which will Ineliie he weleht of materials anticipated t0 be stacked thereon during. support the weight of sta er platforan ay 80s she weight of the ket during casting and this total viet shout! Pe athesed fay : f are of precast construction, theu all operations commencing £ lifting and conneetin mniaintenance, Vi. plithorne may have to ing For the next higt their casting up to their to the concrete shell should he earetully shunned aad detailed. aml ond Md, whiet INNER, ELD AND, SLAB of materials ray have to of the latter “orm beams yup to their led. Aree wt HEE fat Hopper (fet Meeey 0 1 won dea da tebe tes hase iid othe UE fo tmaraWally ef wsu-bofa cienin Lion want dat poovlently eappeitlee oft thi qiiadutl th eaqqnted in. eotbicle oll the Gancioae siiell, It is not recommended to suppoit it directly off the concrete shell as this can lead to cracking, The hopper has to be insulated against heat and acid attack, for which it is aor. mally lined with acid-resisting tiles over a layer of 75 mm thick cellular concrete. A valved outlet is provided at the bottom for discharge of materials. A conical hopper resting on corbels is shown in Fig. 11.6(a) and an clement of unt length of such @ hopper is showa in Fig. 11.6(b). With the stored material standing at its angle of fiction (0) and neglecting friction between the hopper wall and fill material, the normal All pressure on the hopper wall (P,) ata depth h is given by int Penh OED Nigm hers wut weight of he fl, Nj? B= angle between the hopper wall and horizontal. 10 Nir is the unit sel-weight of the hopper and its lining (N/sq-m), resolving horizontally and along the hopper wall, we get it incl Pa Horizontal pressure per unit inclined length Pen aS aay and Hoop tension = Py-r where r is the hopper radius at depth f, Tension per unit length along the hopper slope =P + Mig (12) The stecl reinforcement is designed to resist these tensile forces along the circumference and along the hopper slope. The vertical shear force per unit length, at tlie ring beam level will be (wt ) + (wt. of W) of hopper) +(wt. of lining and fixtu Tength of ring beam Ss Thering beam has to be designed for hoop compression from a radial force Sjtan B per unit length and a vertical load S per unit length. In addition, a ring beam has to be designed to resist seismic forces, reaction from the beam supporting 2 baffle wall, ete 214 TALL CHIMNEYS, BRE K LaNG— i ins ecam— ‘10 AND WHEAT ——y ‘Comey eke i esishing } wpm C1 Pe Stee | \ (a) | Fite maremian | >) Fig. 11.6(a) Soot hopper. (b) Loads on hopper watt be mee 12 a CONSTRUCTION 12.1 General Aspects During the construction of a tall chimney, special attention should be paid to project plan- ning and supervision to ensure that the work is complcted to specified technical standards and is executed efficiently to meet desired time and cost objectives. It is not the intention here to describe basic construction details but rather to focus attention on the important areas of planning and execution which have a bearing either on quality or economy. While discussing consteuction aspects, it is assumed that slipform technique is used, {cis necessary to draw up a detailed construction schedule dovetailing the various activities. Schedules can then be established for delivery of off-site materials, such as aggregates, pre- mixed concrete, prefabricated steel liner cans, etc. The sequential and timely delivery of these materials is very important to a builder since holdups due to étratic-delivery can result in serious cost penalties. Secondly, since economy of the slipform technique is largely depen- dent on the uninterrupted progress of work, a builder must assess the economic advantage of providing standby equipment and diesel power. During slipforming, day and night supervision is called for anda telephone link should be installed for efficient communication from a ground station to the working platform. A hoist must be provided for vertical transport of supervisory personnel. Good illumination is requtived both a the location of concreting and below the form shutters where finishing work ‘would be simultaneously in progress. Since large quamlities of materials have to be transport- ed quickly to the working platform, there should be ample preplanned openings in the tubular staging within a chimney or else a crane should be posttioned at the working level to lift 216 TALL cHiMNEYS Praterials externally. These mratcrials clutter up the storage deeh where owl he tise-heeping is-alled for, otherwise pieces of stray materials will sind theie way into the tories Sound construction to a true profile and verticalty is important. Deviation Irom the true Xertical axis will cause dead loads 10 induce additional bending moments which the shel Concrete will have to withstand. The following constructional toleranees are recommended ‘85 reasonable: Deviation from true vertical axis~ 50 mm Deviation in wall thickness = +} . Deviation in circularity =10 mo Nerticality should be checked at Frequent intervals during construction using aceurate instruc ents, For tall chimneys,» plamb-bol technigue to detineverticility is mot ievurate enough and normally theodolites positioned at four ground stations are used to sight targets ned the yoke which supports the slipform, A serics of readings ate senerally taken te ompensaite {or ‘affects due to optical refraction, shimmering caused by vapour. ete. Frequent readings Should be taken early-on to establish the behavioural pattern and later readings can he wake at say 300-min intervals, Laser-aligning instruments are gaining in popularity, ‘These instruments commonly use a helium-reon laser operating in the fundamental mode which provides a beam of red Tike with very low divergence. ‘This beam is visible in the dark. docs nex "provide both Nertical aud horizontal seaw and it docs not obstruct the movement of mien or materials. Thi technique thus provides an accurate means of checking the aipoment sth it senermies reference line for use duving day of nis 12.2 Concrete and Reinforcement Work (@) Mix Design The proportion in which ingredients of concrete should be mixed must be determined after 2 preliminary mix design. ‘his should be done well aheiid of the commencetent af eanerets ing operations and thereafter vepsated at regular intervals to asceitain whether any adjust, iments to the mix are necessary as testt Fa change in the source of materials or tempents Sie Conditions, ete. During mix design the initial setting time of cement should he eureally determined song with the other characteristics, such asconerete stent, workability slump, ete. This setting time should be relevant to the temperature which concrete ist at the time it is poured into forms, Rounded azgrega ‘a less harsh mix with toatain sand soft sands ae preferred to sharps resulting Tower drag on forms ainda by finish Poe tty reason a slightly sandy mi is preferred with sand ating asa lot icant. The souree and type of the basic ingredicats of concrete ace chosen shold be pucterably test unchansed throughout the shalt construction since changes can cative bands of dhillerem vehoure A mix should not be too dry nor too wet as both will yield unsatisfactory concrete, A ouse-keeping ns. rom the true hich the shell ecommended curate instru urate enough gets fixed to compensate tent readings van be taken ronly use a ‘of red light vovide both terials. This generates a nined after t of concret- any adjust- or tempera be carefully lity, slump, aly to attain ormer yield br the same vee and type unchanged urs. concrete. A. CONSTRUCTION. 217. water-cement ratio of 0.45 to 0.60 is normally used and if absolutely essential an admixture may be recommended. However, only a proven admixture should be used under the guidance and advise of its manufacturers Its use should be cleared only after satisfactory confirmatory field tests. ' : Concrete, when released at the base of a shutter, should have adequate strength to sup- port the weight of wet conerete above it. Hence, preliminary tests should be conducted to accurately predict the concrete strength after a time interval equal to that from the moment of mixing concrete to the time of its release at the bottom of a shutter. For shaft concrete, usually a 28-day concrete strength of 20.N/sq-mm is specified. The use of concrete of strength exceeding 35 N/sq-mm should preferably be avoided because, in spite of claims to the contrary, it is difficult to ensure high strength consistently in the upper reaches of a shaft with concreting operations continuing round the clock. (b) Conereting ‘The entire concreting operation including mixing, transporting and placing needs to be imeti- culously planned. Conerete, in adequate quantity to suit the rate of slipforming, must be mixed, transported, raised and placed at the clesired elevation well within the initial eotting {ime of cement. To achieve this, belt conveyors are usually adopted to convey concrete from a mixer to the base ofa chimney from vihere itis raised to the desired elevation by winch-operated material conveying platforms or alternatively itis pumped. Concrete is poured in about 200-mm layers, and it should be placed either in an irregular pattern or clockwise and anticlockwise alternately to avoid possible spiralling of forms, The estes. of vibration required should be stated in the specifications and it should be supervi. sed. Ifhere is a break in concreting operations due to any reason, then slipping of forms should be continued until concrete no longer forms a bond with the shutter. Before recom. aencing concreting, the exposed concrete surface should be thoroughly cleaned, all looce ‘material removed by compressed air and form alignment and taper checked. Thereafter, the forms should be slightly raised to break the bond with concrete before placing fresh concrete, (©) Reinforcement Both mild steel and high yield strength bars are used as reinforcement in concrete chimneys, However, tor tall chimneys, mild stec! is being increasingly replaced by ribbed Torstee! grade Tor 40 with a yield strength of 415 N/sq-mm. A higher strength weldable stecl is also avail. able and this is designated as Tor 50 with a yield strength of 500 N/sq:mm. For casy identi- fication in the field, the erade of such stect is marked on the bars at close intervals. The minimum quantity of steel to be used is specified in codes of practice. Such stipula- tions normally permit a lower quantity of steel to be used when high yield strength bars are used (c.g. Tor 40) instead of mild steel. (a) Reinforcement Laying For piles which can experience a nct tensile force, reinforcement bars should project suff ciently from the piles into the pile cap in order to transfer the tensile force through bond, 218 “TALL CHIMNEYS In raft foundations, ring reinforcement should be laid over the radi bars and dowel bars Hom 8 faundation should be of lengths varying in a regular pattern in ode ie eee a staggered lap. Reinforcement for the shalt should be in len ths not exeved 3m for vertical bars and 6 m for horizontal bars for ease of handling. Vertical bars are Positioned with the help of templates’ fixed 0 the forms and they should not projeet toc far above the levgl at which concrete is being played. i; s around openings are penerally placed vertically and circum- ferentially instead of diazonally, Vor easy pli Ng, horizontal bars are usually positioned Outside the vertical steel anu iis advantageous 10 use prebent horivontal bars for circular chimneys. The time element in fabrication, transport and placing of steel should be carefully worked out since it has to suit the rate of slipforming. Hooks in reinforeement bars shoutd be evoided and laps must be sta “d, Corbet reinforcement is nortnally kept bent a slipforming, these bars € straightened out while concrete is stil Hien. To itis preferable to use small-diameter fsars and that tein mild steel since t0 be brittle and are more difficult to str ighten out. onze the shaft dating ity conctetins, Atte: ield bars tend 12.3 Formwork Formwork is an activity, other than concreting, which requitesutmist attention te ensure Bot ke aegetisient progres of work, The need for is proper planning and execu nae not ‘be over-emphasised. Either timber or steel forms may be tha, White ah irre at puto be cheaper and is easier to handle, the later yields a superoe heen mers less frictional drag. Vr construction of tll chimneys, tue ssi are in general use in this country, viz, jampform and lipfori withthe tates aide the former. These two types are discussed below, orm techniques placing (@) Jumpform In this type of construction, jacking bars are either cast in cones tubes which are cast in concrete, Afier casting a lift, concret forms are raised by jacks and the next lift is cast, At the openings, temporary lean concrete is east to support jack tds and this concrete is Knocked off later. Open type of frames should be used t» erents fue epenings as they per- mit good compaction of concrete atthe sill fevel. Both screw and Inv lic jacks are used, Fe former have a lower initial cost, but itis difficult to ensute tits sinha es and un orm Peration and as a result, hydauc jacks are prefered. Sich fucks ae nen thro radial supply tines rather than through a common circumferential fectey Jacks are usually Placed about 2 m apart and ave designed with ample reserve eayacits ©) Slipform Slipforms are continuously moving forms. Compared to a jumpform, a stipform d dowel bars to obtain a weal bars and the help of vel at which, ind circum- ¥ positioned for circular be carefully vars should is work, Id bars tend ly replacing > carried in dithen the concrete is they per~ sare used, sand uni= d through re usually rm yieds a Chutes for placing concrete during slipforming Suyuns054118 403 exer uononnsuos wio}ds PLATES CONSTRUCTION 219 S2 ‘monolithic concrete stem and enables speedier construction. On the other hand, it has a r Figher initial cost, requires more equipment and calls for arrangements to be made for round. the-clock concreting and supervision. On the whole, a slipform generally works out to. be more economical as compared to a jumpform, but this saving can be readily lost either ‘duc to poor construction planning or faulty material-delivery scheduling, Form shutters are usually positioned with « taper—width at botiom being about 10-12 tm more than that at the top—in order to reduce drag. The rate of slip commonly adopted for chimney consteuction is 150-250 mmjh, though higher slip rates have been used. The rate of slip is extremely important and it depends, among other things, on the type of cement used, ambient temperature, etc. A slip rate slower than the optimum will invariably result in excessive drag on the forms and damage to conerete, Too high a slip rate will result in weak concrete being exposed at the bottom of forms, Formwork and its supporting assembly should be carefully designed for the likely super- loa. pressure from wet concrete and wind loads using normal concepts of structural design, The value of superload to be considered for the design of platforms would depend on the = ‘plan for storage of materials, likely loads due to movement of nica and materials, crane = loads, ete, These need to be worked out for each project. aa ‘The magnitude of lateral pressure on forms from wet conerete depends on many factors, such as concrete consistency, ambient temperature, rate of concreting, degree of vibration, etc. and various empirical formulae have been suggested to predict this pressure. Results “vary widsly and there isa need for further study to arrive at suitable guidelines, Pending results from further research work, the commonly adopted lateral pressure diagram for the design of forms is shown in Fig, 12.1, where w is the weight of fresh conerete in Njeu-m, | f ext _Nisqum 200mm Fig. 12.1. Lateral prossuro diagram For a maximum resultant pressure of 8800 N/mon the formwork, the design itictional drag ' maybe taken as'! 7350 N/m for boarded timber formwork and 4000 N/m for a water-tight, surface-treated form face, . 220 TALL CHIMNEYS 12.4 is For lining work there are no established procedures that ate universally acvepled: Given below are broad guidelines that should be followed during construction of anavonry and steal Hiners, which are the commonly adopted materials for fininy: work (0) Masonry Lining “ Fire bricks and acid-resisting bricks should be of first-grade quality with a minimum erushe ing strength of 200 kgjsij-em. They should have integral keys aad should be at least 230-mm thick near brecchings. Radial joints in brickwork should be broken in each course and it should be finished fair-faced on the inside to the best standarls of workn-inship, This lining is usually strapped with circumferential and vertical steel bands having minimum. dimere a of 75 mmx 6 mm and $0 mm *5 mm respectively both spaced at 1 m centres on the exterior of the brickwork. ‘i Joints form the weak link in st brickwork and hence utmost care should be taken in form ing joints, which should be as thin as feasible. For acid-resisting brickwork, the mortar thickness should not execed 4 mm, All joints should be wiped clean to resttict acid eondenste tion. At corbels the joint between brickwork and corbel must be minke gasctight by using specially moulded bricks and inert packing, such as glisswool, aluminized asbestos, e Similar arrangements should be provided between the brickwork and chimney cap, (6) Metal Liner These liners may be fabricated in the field oF alte site fabrication shops, in suitable lengths termed cans. Such a finer should have a minimum thickness of 6 mm plus an allowance for corrosion. A can should be designed for stresses that can arise duting its hand. ling and transport to the site and sequential and timely delivery of cans ensured. The favoured method of erection of such a liner is from the bottom upwards. Can seetions Weighing 5 to 101 are transported on trolteys to the inside of a chimney shell, ‘Fhe top can is placed first and is tied to wire ropes which are gripped by jacks positioned at the top of a chimney. ‘The first can is then raised and the next can placed under it. ‘These cans are note mally full-strength butt-welded together and this must be done by well-trained expert welders, During erection, the expansion joint in at finer is bridged over and aticr eompletion of work, gas-tightness of welded joints can be checked by a smoke test. Liner work is normally on the critical path and hence should be eurefilly plane cd to a liner from a platform at « higher level as a parallel activity A chimney, which has no moving parts, 1ooks impregnable. Perhaps, as a result, reyutar inspection and maintenance of a chimney sand its liner do aot normally receive thesittentinn they deserve, Lining must be regularly inspected and. cepairs, if required. should not be Postponed. Similarly all aecessories should be examined regularly. ¢.8. caps for loose bolts and corrosion. lightning protection system for inefficient joints, 1 the site must be sd. Insulation is uswally fin ele Given J steel sin asan ‘and. st be tions ofa ror Jers. a of rally ‘lar tion be volts 13 MODEL SIMULATION It has long been in vogue to study scale models of structures in wind tunnels to mitror the forces on and the response of a prototype. Over the years there has heen ineressing on using model-test results for design since field tests on prototype structures have proven the adequacy of such a procedure. The non-availability of a reliable mathematical model to analytically prediet the plume behaviour under abnormal environmental or topographical conditions and the susceptibility of present-day slender chimneys to dynamic excitation has greatly increased the demand on wind-tunnel studies to be carried out using scale models to predict prototype behaviour. It is not the intention to describe herein the various methods and techniques adopted in ‘mode! simulation, testing and interpretation of results but rather to expose the designer to ‘major aspects of modelling and to point out the advantages and limitations of model studies, 13.1 Need for Simulation A mathematical analysis is invariably cheaper and faster than using scale model tests in wind tunnels to arrive at the likely behaviour of a prototype. Hence, a need for model testing nore mally arises when an adequate and reliable analytical approach is not available. This is tras in spite of the strong leaning towards computerisation and availability of sophisticated theories in abundance. A model study can also prove useful to confirm a mathematical solution and for determining wake bufetting effects which can be predicted only by tests on physical models. : . 222 TALL CHiMNeYS 13.2 Simulation seethnlied to chimneys, there are two broad areas for phy simulation, One area is to eterinine the transport and dispersal of a pottitant plone ean ‘y-clfeet) and the other is Pengeeck the adequacy of the proposcd chimney as. stevenne To ensure that prototype behaviour is predicted on i model 1o an aceoptable degree of ceuracy, considerable atten tion needs to be paid to scale fuetors. The model scale shoul ne sulficiemtly dltals of importance are adequately modelled. bit at the cen time increase the extent of wind-tunnel blockaye and bloe In addition, when scaling laws are applied to n date cette lds to violating another. Thus, i is generale not possi oy satisfy all the desired scaling parameters anable comprontise fas ta be aeeepted and thig decision requires sound judgement backed by experience ‘del studies it will be foul that satisfying (@) Chinmey as.a Chimney The purpose of such simulation is often to ascertain the see and downving dispersion of a plume containing potty iinportant for such simut nis emitted from a chimney. The scaling. paren 1. Wind-flow characteristies 2 Thermal gradicnt in the atmosph 3 Characteristies of the effet and its rate of emission Further, among the wind characteristics, the important ones Wind speed and turbulence, These are simulated in speially designed wind tunnels with rh help of vrids. vortex pene.” Ror banat There isthe wellknown probem that itis not psabte re tain equality: of [Res but this is nota serious limitation in this case since Re walt, weakly poverns significant flow characteristics, In specially designed test facilities, the predicted temperature profile can be simulated with 8 network of heati Ms, thus achieving equality: of Riel Stremely dilfcult to maintain this profile over the entire j fien limited to reproducin late eflluent behav Hslson number, However, it is th of the test section and so. neutrally stable temperature pratt ur the following pi-numbers are importants 1 Vqil EMluent exit velocity/n 2. (Pa~ pedlre Dilference in density between air and efiluent 3. Ps Vinfltu= pg) Froude number of gaseous dish. 4 Pe Ve Dasie Internal Reynolds number: jis kinematic viseasty Since it may tot be possible w achieve the pienumber of fe. 4 model's internal surtt can be roughened to create a turbulent exhaust. For a model ta Fepresents the topo, appropriately. the model wi tions. Hence the velocity. the velocity-seale tactor density of thenode n vind speed density H speed ean turn out to be 100 Los io mutimann, ve dy condi- ale factor has to be considerably relayed. tis possible to inerease nd stil maintain the correct buosanoy sealing by reduere the However, this leads 10 rapid air-potlasamt misinedae ce whieh the ve area is to he other is | prototype able atten. such that nnodels with ertain, satisfyin, sty all the Fand this sion of a that are bulence, 8 gene rality of snificant ed with ver, and so insity surface raphy condi- crease ag the the MODEL SIMULATION 223 lume representation downwind will not be sr propriate. One of the ways to overcome this Problen isto use a buoyanteMuent mader for predicting the plume rise and 4 non-buoyant ‘novel to predict the plume profile at don Wind distances of interest. When the behaviour of particles entiained j flue gas has to be predicted trom modet ‘Gis the following addtional pnumbers shoud ts : 1! Formi © of mean dia/mean wind speed 2 pardaltyrdy In addition to the above, the sizewise Gistribution of particles in a mode} plume must repre sent the prototype, (b) Chiumey asa Steucture A chimney is modelled as a structure to ie dyn ite likely static and dynamic toads that it will experience due to wind and to measie unamie displacements, sting, ee. unde time. ‘pendent wind conditions. Model studies a2 ‘iso often undertaken to determine the etn, of wind- bufetting phenomenon, ‘atic loads are in effec the time-mean of ‘dynamic loads. Model tests may be necessary to determine these loads for a chimney of wn ‘unusual shape of if jt h Shits located in an unusual envitonment,avch asa higl Nhich can alfect the magnitude of the wind fog: fate modelling to determine and Rein [o2ds, there should be geomettical sin whioy CAuivalent wind-fow characteristics and Re: In the field, Re is gencrally Uultra-critical, which is not possible. to Teproduce in a sina tunnel where the Re value is generally Subetitical and hence great cares equinca while extrapolating model-test results, inv the ase of dynamic: modelling, similitude seaaoments are very attingent. Not only aust the component of wind turbulence in each flection be simulated but the spectra an length scales of turbulence must also be a seen at ia the atmosphere. For chimneys, hich are characterised by low damping, it The At {0 simulate the wind spectra, seq length scales close to their natural frequeney The Picnumbers in this case are: 1. infpard? 2. Fsthpa-O*- Dey 3. LalDeos Ls Deo, Ls] Deo 4 iO le of turbulence and / the scale of energy containing eddies; x, » and = are “and o isthe rms value of wind-speced Mictustions 13.3 Limitations SEI conducted and interpreted mode! results can be expected to be accurate to within Se However, model studies do not provide ready answers to ail questions but they are “Mtemely useful and in some eases the only means fe Predicting the prototype behaviour, 224 TALL CHIMNEYS 1. A model study will be only as good as the model used and can be expected to at least yield the trends in quantitative magnitudes. 2. Model’ values. should not be directly used for prototype design unless oneis satislied that all uncertainties regarding Re distortion, instrument errors, scaling, etc. have been accounted for. Similitude requirements and other factors discussed above are only broad features while the actual preparation ofa model, conducting tests and interpre tsisa complex problem. Expert knowledge and care ate required to achieve the desired accuracy in reproduethg pros totype features and in interpreting and extrapolating test results. Such studies should be undertaken only under expert guidance and supervision. ‘icici 1 t0 at least tis satistied have been NOTATION 28 while the x problem lucing pro- should be The following notation is used untess stated otherwise in the text joa outer radius of raft, m radius of hyperboloid at waist circle, m ratio of depth of reinforcement to shell thickness 4 area of section, sq.m oo 4# arbitrary constant such that mode shape is A’-6! | Ae concrete area, sq.m | oa area of element é, sq.m 1 Aw stcrodynamie admittance coellicient at frequency ny ow exposed area of particulate, sq.m ow arca of stcel reinforcement, sq.m ; 4 length of section i, m B barometric pressure, mm of Hg at °C le peak factor | ewer ¥ and y coordinate of shear centre from chimney centre, m | Ge drag force cocficient - G_ terrain friction drag coefficient - | VG rms value of lift coefficient Cz a diameter of air molceutes, m 4 particulate diameter, m | D chimney diameter, m Ft)/12 (I~ 22) where. is Poisson’s ratio Deo outside diameter of chimney, m | DB mean diameter of insulation, m ba internal diameter of insulation, m Deo outside diameter of insulation, m De er diameter, m - 226 TALL CHIMNEYS Dz e Oy eeu Cy ery e ens ey foe feome Sos Sor fe Ssr ti tre tn Fa A Fi Fa ‘train in outside diameter at elevation Z, an M Me : cecentricty of vertical toad = 1, or J as relevant, an W onerete Compressive strain in conerete at failure =0,0035 distance of e.g. of element / from the Y and "axes respective strain in steel tensile strain in steel distance of e.g, of section from ¥” and A axes respectively whieh, through the chimney centre, m yield strain in compression stecl yield stain in tension steel static modulus of elas icity of eonerete, Nfs. dynamic modulus of elasticity of concrete, Njsutt modulus of clasticity of Hiner, Nisy.m ‘modulus of elasticity of steel, Nysqan ‘modulus of clasticity of stecl at temperature T Retin, fiction factor sa for a raft \ stress, Nfs imum vertical compressive stress in concrete vertical compressive stress in concrete aan at direction, Njsy.m characteristic stcength of conere mies raters, Ngan lar location ; from the wind Nis. combined! vertical compressive stress in comercte dak to temperature and other loads, fsx shear stress duc to shear forees Ox and Oy, N/sunm shear stress due (0 torsional moment Ve, Nils. maximum tensile stress in stecl at mean radius, N’sa.m tensile stress in stee! at mean radius at an angul direction, Nsq.m fensile stress jn ste! due to temperature plus other loads, Ns ficticious temperature stress, N/squm yield stress of steel in compression, N/sqam yield stress of steel in tension, Njsqian drag force, N shear force in section i, N lift foree, N inertia fore on mays r in the iti; mode, N acceleration dus to gravity, 9.806 ms! self weight af shetl, Nsq.m shear modulus, 5 height, m height of Gl in nop iF Tocation > fiom the wind vely,'m ‘hich pass dius, N/sq.m from the wi ‘rature and other 7 from the win 1 saan ty ig H an He He 1A Tote low diss Tiny he Tes Ty bey fey by Mine Mig M, Moy Mo Mee Ma Mn Mee Mie My ou NOTATION 227 friction head, mm of Hg dynamic head, mm of Hg ” Physical height of chimney, m plume rise, m height of chimney above brevching, m cllective height (H7+441), m ‘mechanical admittance function ‘moment of inertia, m* 112i rely mar inertia of element / about its centroidal axes p and 4 Tespect- ively, m* moment of deviation of element j, m¢ Moment of nattit of element # about axes X and ¥ respectively, m* ‘moment of deviation of element i, m* moment of inertia of liner, m* moment of inertia of the entire section about axes ¥ and ¥ respectively which pass through the c.g. of the section, m* moment of deviation of the entire section, m* raat of inertia of the entire section about X” and ¥” axes respectively which pass through the chimney centre, m# Tay Aereerey : (=p) (+ np) static stiffness, m/N dynamic stiffness = ra: a2 non-dimensional damping parameter natural logarithm modular ratio E,/Ee or Est/E-as relevant equivalent distributed mass, kg mass/m bending moment, Nm corbel moment, Nem moment of forces attracted by element f about its venteoidal axes p and q respectively, Nem ‘rl mass, ke-mass a ial, tangential and torsional moment in a slab treated a a plate, N-m/m bending moment at location of rth miass in the ith mode, Na {idial moment ina raft when f << Mand f+ B respectively, N nif fanreotial moment in w rate when fad yp tespectively, N-m/m ultimate moment, N-m bona about = and Panes respectively satver Vand} Beil ores, ‘design torsional moment, N-m external torsional moment about Seep weer: rma © 228 ‘TALL CHIMNEYS Me n op Ns, Ne Ne Nes, Nog ? Pr Pe, Pas Dy Pi q a % a nis % % @ o a a Qu, Qe Q Ort, Ore Qty Qe Q Qs Oy 40x, 40, Qea Qe r bending mon frequency. 17 coelficient defining neutral axis location in temperature stréss ev coctlicient for evaluating ultimate load capacity in shell at location defined by air bh Noman uation * natural frequency in the ith mode, Hy mpI(~ p), where m is modular ratio meridonal foree in a cone and hyperboloid respectively, N/m Circumferential force, Njin é shear foree. Nm uniform soil pressure, N sq. arth surcharge, Nisam Proportion of reinforeement= (area of steel)/te Fadia, cireumferential and meridonal force per unit area of shell, participation factor for the ith mode heat flow sate, W maximum value of linearly varying soil pressure, N‘sy.m heat flow through eonerete wind shield, W heat Nlow from gases to the void, W. modal multiplier for the ith mode diyfdt and Eyl respectively ms value of modal multiplict for the th mode heat (0 be ventilated, W wind shear, N total compressive Force in steel, N Homent of the compressive Force in steel (QY abut the neutval avis or about aan axis passing through the chimney centre depending on whether neutral sacs falls within the section or outside it respectively: during elastic analysis, Nem as for Q" but in limit state analysis, N-m mass emission rate of gases, g-masa/s shear forees attracted by element / and ating along aves p and q respectively, N Fate of pollutant emission, s/s radial shear force in the inner (f . 8) and outer (J - B) portions of a plate, Nim tangential shear force in the inner(/- A)and outer(f - 8) portions ofa plate, Ny volume of ventilating air, eu-mys shear force acting at a section along .\’~ and ¥ases respectively, N incremental shear force along \"- and ¥"-uxes respectively, N axis". N on a shell, Nim stance of any poi shear foree ate ‘on a circular plate from its centee, m n ‘valuation all, Nisq.m axis or about erneutral axis analysis, Nem respectively, ons of a plate, portions of a wN | Re Sa Sin Sig Sux Siy Si. Sr Su st STP Se Sy & AT yfdz r a Ts, Ty Pris Vee NOTATION 229 finer radius, m « Reynolds number Gistance from apex of a conical shel, m average seismic spectral the ith mode, m/s? area moment of sectio: Axes respectively, N-m Spectral energy for lift forces formalised spectral energy for lit forces Spectral energy at frequency n Spectral energy at frequency m Strouhal number Standard air temperature (300 K) and pressure (760 mm of Hg) Tale thio Of entite section about and Y axes Fespectively, Nem raft thickness, m shell thickness, m liner thickness, m insulation thickness, m renplent temperature gradient at chimney top, “Chm temperature, K time period, s {otal tensile force in stel in limit state analysis, N tals throat ensileforee in steol (7) about the neutral axis or about an seerion tush chimney centre depending on whether neutral axis is sie gn OF Outside it respectively: during limit stare analy: ait and gas temperature respectively, Ke femperature drop in concrete shell, K tomperature in voi shear force, N/m shear foree at an angle» from a fre edge, N/m mean wind velocity, m/s critical wind velocity for maintaining vortex sheddi Bs m/s ‘mean wind velocity at top of chimney, mm/s . mean wind velocity at elevation 2, m/s anean wind velocity at a reference height of 10 3, mis ims specific volume of air and gas respectively, cu-m/kg-mass {alus of Ye and % respectively at STP, eu-mjkg-mase {otal compressive force in concrete, N As for O" but for compressive force V, Nem as for but during timit state analysis, N-m 08 velocity, m/s Particulate terminal velocity, m/s shear force at rth mass in the ith mode, N . ‘heat force in the inner (f < #8) and outer (/ S 8) portions of a plate respec- tively, N/m 230 TALL CHiMNevs a WH, We (eaucal detection of the inner and outer portions ofa pte respectively, my (Positive when deflection is upwards)... ww vertical axial load, No w selfeweight of byperboloid from waist circle upto section under con idcration, N ‘iertemwidth of Breéching, m" a Ww “vertical axial load Racity of @ section under limit state of collapse, N peak dynamic deflectidn, m s ms value of dynamic deflet static delleetion, m support acceleration due to earthuake, m/s + latoral disjtacement at elevation =, nn ‘syslateral displacement at elevation z in the ith mode, en total tensile “orce in stel in elastic analysis. N seact Put moment of force ¥ during elastic analysis, N-m elevation above ground, m vertical distance below waist circle ofa shell, m % reference height, m « covtlicient of linear expansion, [°C (it has other values as noted in the text) B Half opening angle; larger opening in the ease of tre open in a chimney shah Dement ratio of shalt radius £0 outer radius ofan anmutge raft factor depending on soit-foundation system rotation of tangent at sheli/raft inter Fraction of critical damping y pollutant concentration, gfeusm cer) the aeay Jovition where concrete strain reaches 0.42 with nom al axis within the section and outside the section respectively. radian an Angular location where compression and tensile sie Fespectively reaches yietd Strain with neuteal axis within the section, radiane | % antler location where compression steel reaches yield strain wy axis located outside the section, radians % Particulate concentration, gfew-m 8 horizontal detection (positive inwards), m lee, radians vith neutral logarithmic decrement | snes ‘Stain in meridonal and circumferential discction reeetively | BerPefe mass density of air, gas and parting He respectively, kx-mass‘cu.m % stand ae Cf Muctuating wind velocity component Ud me | Oy oy Standard deviation of a zaussian plume cross wind and vertical respectively, m 4 angle denoting location of neutral axis, eadiane be characteristic deflection proite for the ith more on characteristic deflection of rh mass in the sir moat et charaeteristic detection at elovation in the aly mode | NOTATION 231 liner rotation, radians stively, m we mode coefficient for the ith mode K {mallet of the two opening angles in a shaft, radians . kinematic viscosity, kg-mass/m-s eration, N 6 friction angle “ | angle in plan, radians N fw natural frequency in the ith mode, radians/s i) natural ftequeney, radians/s | Note: Additional suse ¢, mand e refer to values at top of chimney, at brecching level respectively | | a chimney | | lar raft | axis within | | aches yield ‘th neutral setively, m ” uy 2 S = wi a a | | | Weed y Ngsino | Ves 0010 (a) (b) I The shear force fora shell without body forces is given by Nam Ahvsin Bord a - — a 130 20a0 his So APPENDIX 243 find ts component along 8=0 is (¥i/s2). for the whole section is m-Xy-r[st, At moment Af. Hence, giving Mim ~Mjr-sin g-cos p Hence, Ner= ~ 2A sin Ojx-32-sin 2p, Substituting this value in Eq. (C.1) and noting that Nim Oat s=s1, we get X2=0 and hence, Nem = M-cos On 32. in P-cost p Shear at Walst Cirele A shear force P acts at the waist circle, Proceeding as in the previous case with Mand ¥2 a8 constants, rien st X= P-sifm-eosp Ha, Xi-cosd Nelat s = 5,)= 22 , Xire0s9 51° Sircosp which yields a= ~ P-c08 8/2-costp Hence Pesos O(si-8) - ™ ae nd Mem 0 and Shear ~ Xi-sinO/s?= ~ Poss-sin Ofeesticos p | (2) Hyperbotota Selfsweight g per Unit Area Ata horizontal section, the self ight 1" will be Ps 244 APPENDICES bot an ) where (lt) )eop and where Te follows that, ee Nem Srale:608, P31 Naledbsissaind 9 Nyy =o Moment at Waisi Circle ae The reader may refer 59 (Bibjiography) for a comprehensive ‘overage, Brielly M at waist circle is replaced by a load P,-cos Pan it can reaulily sho point (at an angle with the horizontal) will me: and the forces on the triangular clement will be P= Py 2808 O+9) a From Fig. C.2e, where Bis the angle between the Wo generators, we ge; (812) BD sin sin (B/2) a2 cos y= alr, Pn atibr: wae siny "oe sin fey sin ¥ cos (2/2) sin (8/2) _ ees zir-sin g: Soren mos y fa) ty the moment thal Pe = Mje-at, Consider an arbitrary point p, 0 on the shell (Fig. C.2a)."The tame gencrators thre: ot the waist circleat #-: y and 0 » (1 j 1 moment we Moa, Fough this (Fig. C.2b) APPENDIX C245 * circle, (b) Hyperboloid.plan (4) Loads on element of shell 2d, resolving forces vertically and horizontally, Ne= ~ Pora-cos 8-008 y/r-sin p= = M008 6/m-r2-sin p Nem —Nerrains = Moa -sin p-c03 9/mer4. 52 Noe ~Pysasin 9.510.2-8in (6/2) ot a: zsin From Fi and from which Shear P at Waist Circle ‘Let the shear force at any location be P-sin &, Then P= P/x-a.In this case, Pi P-a-sia (0+y)-d0)2-cos ¢; dPa= —D-a-sin O-ydb)a-cos « which yields, Leno iBr S08 62). Pb [1B cons New w rasa p Noa = Po sin 9-082 sin- 2) from which a Shear= - 2:2 sing ' - wr | | | 246 APPENDICES (®) Displacements and Rotations Values of displacements and rotations are obtained by substituting values of forces us obtained from membrane analysis into Eqs. (6.9a) and (6.9b). The upper sign in expressions for Po and bo in Tables 6.19 and 6.20 refer to the location where 0=0 with the direction of action of forces and moments, as shiown in the tables, Equations used to evaluate displacements and rotations are appl Joading is axi-symmetrical and hence do not apply for the cases when a moment or shear force is applied at the waist circle. However, these equations have been used for the above ‘two cases also to yield workable estimates of the magnitude of maximum displacement and rotation. Alternatively, a rigorous analysis may be carried out. In practice, it ig prudent to design a shel to safely withstand forces and moments evaluated under both edge conditions, viz. simply supported and fixed. able only when the of forces as 1 expressions direction of aly when the ant or shear F the above eement and Prudent to conditions, APPENDIX D ELASTIC ANALYSIS OF A SHELL WITH MULTI-FLUE OPENINGS Consider a chimney shell with four openings as shown in Fig. 7.1. (a) Neutral Axis within Section (8

A? and 4040.1504- okr-G) die wate) where A185 destin . Asin fe= sin BY (m= Beas pe cox ov] - and ses ee ] wan The (otal shear fores along the \'axis will be 4-Oc as soon tram see, 7.56. WT wind § @ acts at an angle from tie ¥ axis, values of Qx ane Qy will be sin tively. From the above discussion it follows that the design sh 2-Q sin 9. Using Eq. (7.8), and Q evs U respec the A axis: will be F atlon, Ona of ese te -eos | eum [214 2h ino | “ey en of5 The shear stress (fas) in Scetion 1 dus to these shear forees is then determined using Eq. (7.9). The shear stress (for) in Seetion 1 due to torsion will he for=®: (bi ary (E19) ‘The design shear stress the algebraic sum of shear stresses fos anl for. These stresses have been evaluated for di ferent opening angles B and y: for the section ander consideration, The maximum shear stress values as well as the locations and wind angle at which they occur are given in Table 7.2, ne e Hence an (E14) (B15) (E.16) (E17) 1d shear 9 respec- will be (E.18) vd using (E19) stresses eration, ich they APPENDIX F LIMIT STATE ANALYSIS ‘The ‘analytical procedure for determining a section’s capacity under limit state of collapse is Sescribed below in summary form and reference should be made to Figs. 8.1 and 8.2 ard to Table F.. (a) Neutral Axis within Section Compressive Zone Consider an clement rt-dy in the comprestive zone, Stress in the rectangular portion of the block is Afet. In the parabolic portion, at a distance x from the neutral axis, the stress level will be 7 [2r (cos 71~c0s p) (cos y- cos p)~ r (cos y= cos p}*) since AZ = r (cos 71~cos p) and x=r (cos y~ cos #), the total compresstéia in concrete (V) will be » m2] =p) | rik-fardy-+(t=p) { ELE 2008 y cosy “Rae a ~2easrcose-teoste cosy) dy] 1) = (I= p) rtkfes (P) and the expression for P is given in Table F.1. Toate Fit @ Net ii cn, ~ Parla oe ar 2605 %sIn p 780 29-3 sin 2, 2 Range) Mrewry. 408 rocor pi} * 2 UE aio 2 1 . SSH rcasppft-n (L wae teen an) APE Gn2043 sna) 2 one remy, e(Poorr corn, SE) B(srrine)) ‘ 2 OE eRe (nes 7-6-9) con 2 (sin yin p)—2 Om M008 P+ 2 #fbo-wusscora-d daze -f sin 27.42 coss-sin y, © Menara cutest eo, Fa2r(mu-ny+ —. 2 i (60 PSin KO —9) 605 9) Fz wsiny, WIZ —u-,) cos 94 i cop cory, {H— P4200" 2p Besintps hosing #480291 | sinay, (When mactmun censie strain is. Potato F=1400 eos pin y, fess than oF equal to c,, 9) €08 Psin wtsin Pity (605 800s 7) 2 ON) 2009 a~} (2) Neutral axis outside sects 28 Per Art yy 3 5 cou |—H- 19-0 B Hin wnsin yy 98 oe fe--n-r9 evo E2265 8) (sn usin yp town Foinachn ap} =2 (sin y, seb en Ein actin ar} on muon vse dongp [00 fc yn wan yn FOU Wd F660 2. sin 29) 7 F=0 © Only part of compressive tet has ruched yield stra BoD asin Fm2¢sin sin gy GOIN 2p-c0s Wain 2%, -c08%,) 1 “ U7) sin u—sin y,) ; R cos 6) = H6in 204 sin 299) AU compressive stest has reach G=2(e-u-) In td yield strnin eo 9) Cos APPENDIX F 257 The lever arm of the elemental compressive force is r (cos y—cos 9). Introducing this in cach of the above integrals and then integrating yields the moment of the compressive forces (Vi) about the neutral axis: ” Vie (1p) rth fa (Pi) and the expression for V is given in Table F:1, The stress in steel placed in the compressive zone will be ‘equal to the concrete strain multi- plied by £s in the portion y > 72, For ¥ < ya, the concrete compressive stress will be ki:fus and the total compression in steel (Q) will be given by o-ane[ ft yt j fe foe S282 * cos 72— cos p (2) =kiprt fe O and the moment of this force about the neutral axis will be Q1= kipr*t fe (1) Expressions for @ and Qj are given in Table F.1. meos-t | 22 2, reveos [fis os P~cosp)+core | (i Tensile Zone Now consider an element in the tensile zone. Here the following two conditions have to be considered, 1, When Maximum Tensile Strain Exceeds én ys defines the angular location where stecl reaches its yield strain, we get on. 0.0035 0s P= C08 ys Cos B~ cos p ‘neglecting the ellect of shell thickness. Hence rancos [is (cos cos 9) +s 9] ea) It can be readily shown that the total tensile force (7) will be ~2pr a So Sp SE P=OSY, ream | testes | oma ib * = prika- fu (T) The moment of this force about the neutral axis (71) will be Tis prtks fu (Ti) Refer Table F.l for expressions T and 7; 2. When Maximum Tensile Strain is Less Than or Equal t0 en In this case the steel strain is given by 0.0035 (cos p ~ cos ») cos B= cos p (Fa) APPENDICES and stress = e448 with 3,209 KN/sq-min, ra2{” Woon (cos pcos - roof Eee ty (Ps) AS before, expressions for T and’ Ty are siven in Table F.1 (8) Neutral Axis Outside Section The stress and sicain diageams for this ease are shown in Fig. $.2¢ and 1A is th depth OF the section and Zr locates the neutral axis, then the distance from the origin of the para- bolic stress block to the bottom fibre of the section (0.4) will be OA= 4% ~h= 14 cos Bp "Os fe) If defines the angular location where strain reaches 0, 002, 608 B= COs Yq aftr cos" {(4 cos f J eos py7} cle will he ie, The total compress yo rnesett-ol fare | eo] (Fo) where F058 C05 m7 ~606 2 oxy and aer[e 7 8 cosy} (refer See. $.2a) The distance of the elemen this, the moment (¥) ut area trom an axis nthe chiamney eemtre is» com with Mga mPessive forees about a horivenny AN passin through the chimney centre ean be deter InPressions for F and Py ne any im Vable bt and it should be noted 4 1 fat this ease the moment is ahout ay 400 througt the chimney centre and not about the neutral axis, IEYs defines the aigular location where si 2005 2 eos 75 Feosn) Taking £,=200 kN/sq-mm no OF9 on ewndeoa7] wn leved, 1 Pare of the steet having reached vets Mrain ys apy For expressions giving Q and 2s seer Vable 1.) f All the $1061 having reached ‘yleld strain In thi UB ease the entire steel wilh he jinder a uniform compressive siresy A fe oe Opeth fre (=n =f) (FS) i APPENDIX G coun | RECENT DEVELOPMENTS ! } (F.6) = Recent developments are reflected in the model chimney code published by CICIND* in October 1984 and in the proceedings of a seminar on tall reinforced concrete chimneys held Sec. 8.2a) at New Delhi from 25th to 27th April 1985. Some of these developments and views are listed below. sy. With rough the vet an 9 chi vey centre There is an increasing awareness ofthe need to install test apparatus, inserted through pres planned ports, to sample the gases leaving a chimney and to measure their pressure, velo. city, composition, ete. Similarly, stations should be sct up at relevant locations throughout the country to continuously monitor pollutant GLC levels. | ©) Meteorological Da Icis realised that there is an urgent need to collect, analyse and present meteorological data in a form suitable for designers. Also, further work is necessary for: properly relating the extreme mean hourly wind with the extreme wind speed. Such studies should lead to a better cstimate of design wind speeds, wind profile and lapse rate of potential temperature. (7 (©) Elastic Design / CICIND has indicated a method for evaluating the rotation of a chimney foundation resting ‘on soil or on piles. Such a rotation causes secondary moments in the chiminey shell “CIGIND is Comite International Des Chiminees Industrielle Schllestrage 33, PO Box 1713, D—4000 Dusseldorf, West Germany. . 7 260 aPPenoices @ Limit State Anatys (i) The value of es 1.0035 (See, 2a) is based on te sts conducted on rectangular i) Sections. CICIND has suggested a sliding meat law for concrete whereas some ai GLUE commend a ca value oF 0.002 at the ecm of the shell and 00035 at the outer i face of shell. I: is concluded tht a Aeceptable value of vy for conerets tablished after conducting comprehensive tects | (i) CICIND ‘has ‘recommended ature of load, such as d should be sections with openings, depted depending on the lresand seismic effets, on anu Uifferent load factors 16 be Wd weight, loads due 6 wis nd, tem fle. These factors also depend on the hoad coral uation oF scrviccabiity:cohutition i being examined. 4 Gi) CICIND states that the characteristic crack Width may be fimited (© and Basen for aggressive, normal and very clean envinenn Based on this, a formula has besn piven for deter He maxim bar siameter i acceptable. . } (i) CICIND has outlined a i chimney shell element under 1 and moments due to temperatu, imal conditions respectively ate design approwch for evaluating ‘ombined action of axial nd corbel loads, the capacity of a transverse moment © Dynamie As (@ For analysis of chimneys restin interaction should be conside ! Gi) Ins is stated that a chimney is unlikely 10 be , Ke Tha inc el 25 for paratle-sded and taper cha investiga gts fetutement is psthaps to sinery Gan ! investigation for vortex shedding is not na I where (is the weight ut ehtims the same lev (4) The gust factor changes with height, can be used. As a result, tor ev on soil itis susvestest that soil stencture eveited into laws oseiltutions if spectively, It is 1D recommends that “urs iP C0r all levels, GAP 9 EN aboved level and ¥ the volume of chimecy To allose for this etivet an equi ‘aluating along ion Fent gust load ind response. the portion | ‘ { (iv) It is felt that a correlation fy may have to be used if short dural or ‘higher than 06 (refer para 9.i(6) ant bg. O.14)) on peak cross-wind amplituctes are deg Lining There is evidence to iegestt {Interlocking bricks (with a shatiow interlock), manufactured lon rectangular whereas some 035 at the outer ete should be ith Gpenings, ending on the | seismic effects, sility condition to 0.2, 0.3 and 1s respectively, m bar diameter be capacity of a asverse moment at soil structure € oscillations if spectively. It is ‘commends that > 20 kN/m, chimney above valent gust load om and Eq. (9.14)) desired, ), manufactured { APPENDIXG 261 { {0 slose tolerances, exhibit more strength when thermally loaded as compared to nominter- locking bricks, (g) Construction @ Technical specifications should require the contractor to carry out a comprehensive design for all elements of the proposed temporary staging. (i) There is a need to develop a comprehensive quality assufance document for chimney construction. It should cover requirements in respect] of structural detailing, concrete Strength. labour skill, degree of supervision, measures for safety of men and equip. ments, planning and scheduling, inspection and maintenance, ete. (i) Acrodynamle Effects (@) Model studies should be encouraged so that ‘guidelines can be developed for assessing bufettng effects on chimneys due to tall structures (e.g, boiler plants, cooling towers tc.) in the vicinity. (i) A view is gaining acceptance that instrumentation of chimneys should be made mandatory. 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Accessories 207 Aerodynamic admittance 37 Airvent 211 e Architecture 6 ce secu : Atmospheric pressure 11 i. Oct, Aviation warning lights 209 : Breeching 209 mer on Buffeting 29, 39 ap 207 ng * Chimney wn rind classification 4 43, 1969) construction material 2, 5 definition 1 "y function 1 -+ 1972, history 1 industrial 1 6. s multifiue 5 ser shape 8 sizing 7 tall 5 types 4 Clean-out door 209 Conereting 217 Corbel effect 137 2 DALR 13 Damping 180 Damping parameter 139 Deflection 137, 176 cocficient 35 force 34 Draft net 10 theoretical 9 Dynamic analysis 180 Dynamic stiffness 194 _ Earthquake effects—see Seismic Elastic analysis inferential stresses 134 110 Vertical stresses at openings 111 Environmental aspects 14 Equivalent mass 183 Exit size 9 Exit velocity 7 Formwork 270 ) INDEX jump-form 218 . slipform 218 Foundations design 72 general aspays 7! . lords pile 86 pile cap 87 craft 73) ‘raft positioning 73 shell of revolution 94 subsoil charaeteristies 71 Fraction factor 11 “Galleries 211 Ground level concentration acceptable limits 14 accuracy 18 enhancement factor 24 estimating 16 multi-souree 24 special aspects 23 Gust loading 37 Head loss. dynamic 10 friction 10 Height effective 13 limiting 13 physical 9 forces AS Insolation effect 67 Insulation 195, 203 Ladder 209 Laser aligning 216 182 spectrum 39 Lightning protection 208 Limit state design collpse state 142 crack wide 176 deflection 176 artist toast fotos 1H semiceabihty hint 16 stress and strain variation 142 temperature ellects 176 ultimate strength ° 143, coating 199 eonerete 199 construction 220 corrosion 196 desiza 199 functions 196 history 2 mony 197, 220 metal 198, 200, 220 plastic 199 Properties 1% roughness 12 seismic etfeets temperature eiiver. 6S thermal conductivity 203 types 197 wind loads on 34 vibrition 201 lock-in 33 Mechanical admittance 184 Mix desig Modal analysis 48 frequency 46 higher modes 46 moment 47 multiplier 183 participation factor 47 shear 47 Mode coe Model stu limitation 216 ient 0 A a ae Model studies (Consd.) need 221 simulation 221 Modulus of elasticity 180 Mortar ‘geregate 203 eement 202 Mounting for lift Multi 1g materials 210 ive chimney 5 Ovalling 189 Painting 209 Participation fuctor 47 Particulate setting 21 Peak faetor 186 Period of vibration 43 Physical dimensions base dimensions exit size 9 Physical height 9 shape Phateforms 21) Plume buoyant 12 dispersion 14 proliles souree size 12 spread 14 Standard deviation 15 Pollution—multissource 24 Rayleiuh method 46 Reinforcement laying 217 Response tcrossewind 188 slong-wind 184 Nexibibity elfects on 183, spectrum method 43 time-history 48 Reynolds number 181 Roughness coeficient 12 INDEX 274 Seismic acvelersition 42 coellicient 43 cllects 42 effects on liners 48 excitation 41 moment 44 response 43 shear 44 ' zone factor 43 Shear 44 Shelis conical 96 disphicement 9 edge 11 hyperholoid 95 membrane farees 94 rotition —9§ Svot hopper 213 Specteal energy 30 Stability 182 Stability obs 2p Stick 1 Steonhal number 32 Temperature cieumlcremist stress 6a ombined stress 6p cllvets 56 efivets on liners 65 gradient muilti-tie 58 single ue $6 in access void 65 fog mean differential 64 Profile Md vertical ties 59 Thermal conductivity 56, 203 Time-history analysis 48 Tolerances 216 Torsion 135 Velocity exit 7 272 nore termini > spectea Ventilation of void 03 Wink! ethceis Vortex bufeting > 3 exeit tien cireunst Hone formation ireumfere:.: 1 fstiibution | lock-in drat i shedding 39 dynamic ¢ suppression bn efleetson iii it : lift Fore 9, 152 Wind Wind speed + definition 29 character gust loads 3 critical S18) loads 29, 34 gusts 5

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