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Katelyn Wilkinson

HLAC 1096
Course Reflection

1. Of the information presented in class and/or as a result of fitness assessments, tracking

progress through exercise logs, goals, and/or other content what is the largest “take-
away” that you have gained from participation in this class? Why? Use specific
examples and references to course content.

The largest takeaway for me from this class is the importance of accountability. The
fitness assessments, exercise logs, and goal setting all created accountability for me that
encouraged me to complete them because I not only wanted to accomplish them for my own
health, but also for the class. I also think that making my goals public to my classmates and
professor gave me more incentive to accomplish them. For example, I made a goal of running
1.5 miles in less than 15:30. By making the goal in the assignment, I know it helped me reach
the goal eventually.

2. How do you plan to apply the new knowledge you have gained as a result of class
participation in your life’s journey? Why? Be specific in your future plans and why you
choose to implement them. Reflect on what you thought about Fitness and Lifelong
Wellness before you took this course and how you think about it now that you have
completed the course. Have any of your assumptions or understandings changed?
Why? What assignments/activities/readings were influential in this process? How will
you approach what influenced you differently in the future?

One of the biggest pieces of knowledge I’ve gained is the better understanding of
nutrition and how it relates to your success in reaching health goals. I plan on tracking my
eating through MyFitnessPal, and managing my macronutrient intake. I had often gotten
frustrated in the past when I worked out hard and didn’t see many results, but learning the
importance of calories and their relation to energy helped me understand that diet is
almost more important than exercise in physical health.
One of my biggest incorrect assumptions was that I was eating healthy if I ate
healthy foods. However, while I understood quality, I didn’t understand the importance of

3. In what ways does the knowledge and information gained (and applied) as a result of
this course relate or add to other courses you have taken or intend to take in the
future? i.e. other fitness courses, health courses, or any other meaningful connections
that can be made to specific courses. …and WHY? Make specific references to your
work in this class and in other courses. How did what you learned in other courses
enhance what you learned in Fitness for Life, and vice versa?

This is my first semester of college courses so I haven’t had too many classes to
relate this one to. However, I plan to take a nutrition course that will have a lot of
obvious crossover to this class. I also took a Life Values course that had a subject on goal
setting. Through both these classes, I have developed a strong foundation of how to set
SMART goals. In regards to goal setting, the goal setting skills I’ve learned will help me
more generally in every class as I can utilize those skills to create action plans that will
help me succeed academically.

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