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Water and Mining Conflicts in Peru

Authors: Anthony Bebbington, and Mark Williams

Source: Mountain Research and Development, 28(3) : 190-195
Published By: International Mountain Society

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Mountain Research and Development Vol 28 No 3/4 Aug–Nov 2008: 190–195 doi:10.1659/mrd.1039

Anthony Bebbington
Mark Williams Water and Mining Conflicts
in Peru

Impacts on water quality and quantity are their water supply. We report on one mine
among the most contentious aspects of site in Peru where water has become a par-
mining projects. Companies insist that the ticularly conflictive issue. We then provide a
use of modern technologies will ensure envi- detailed proposal for a monitoring plan to
ronmentally friendly mining practices. How- recover trust among stakeholders. A well-
ever, evidence of the negative environmental designed and executed monitoring plan for
impacts of past mining activity causes local water quantity and quality is critical to fos-
and downstream populations to worry that ter dialogue, consensus, trust, and trans-
new mining activities will adversely affect parency between mine and community.

Engaging with mining conflicts border with Ecuador (Figure 2). This con-
in Peru flict involves a UK-registered company,
Monterrico Metals plc; it has been moni-
The expansion of mineral extraction is tored by various organizations, among
accelerating in the Andes (Figure 1). them the Peru Support Group, a British
Some experts calculate that over 50% of civic association. Because of conflicting
Peru’s peasant communities have been testimony in the British Parliament by the
affected by mining activities. Alongside mining company and by local stakeholders
optimism that this will lead to significant in 2006, the Peru Support Group (PSG)
economic growth there is concern that agreed to form an independent delega-
the environmental costs might be unac- tion to visit the region and consider the
ceptably high. There are major stakes in nature of the conflict, its causes, and pos-
these conflicts, affecting everything from sible ways forward. The delegation
local livelihood sustainability to the sol- involved a member of the UK Parliament,
vency of national governments. Fears for a journalist, a social anthropologist and
water quantity and quality have triggered the authors: Anthony Bebbington led the
numerous and sometimes violent conflicts delegation and Mark Williams was the
FIGURE 1 View of the between miners and communities. expert hydrologist.
Yanacocha open pit gold mine One particularly conflictive site has The delegation engaged with the min-
in northern Peru—the largest been the Rio Blanco Project in the ing company, national government, and a
and probably most profitable in
the world. (Photo by Jeff Bury) Department of Piura, located along Peru’s range of national, regional, and communi-

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ty-level interest groups in an effort to

understand the many dimensions of this
conflict and identify ways in which
addressing water and other issues might
reduce levels of tension (Figure 3). Our
report (see Further Reading) was present-
ed at the UK Houses of Parliament on
27 March 2007, and at 3 public meetings
in Lima and Piura in May 2007. These
meetings were attended by community
members and leaders, NGOs, mining com-
panies, government officials, researchers,
and the press, and involved debates on the
report with the company, its legal advisors,
NGOs, and advisors to the regional gov-
ernment. Here we focus specifically on
our proposals for a water monitoring
scheme that could contribute to more
productive relationships between mining
and development. We believe that this
monitoring scheme is transferable to oth-
er proposed mining sites.

then deposited elsewhere on the mine FIGURE 2 Increase in mining concessions

Water and mining in Peru in Piura. (Map by Jeff Bury)
site. The ore-bearing rock is then ground
Peru is South America’s most water- down much more thoroughly. After min-
stressed country. Water draining from the erals have been removed, it is stored in
Andean highlands serves as a water tower tailings. The surface area of the rock
that supports the downstream population exposed to air and water grows exponen-
and attendant agricultural activities, tially, increasing rates of chemical reac-
including the country’s dynamic agricul- tion, as a result of which contaminants
tural export economy. The Tyndall Centre are released into the environment. AMD
for Climate Change Research identifies involves the transmission of these highly
Peru as the world’s third most vulnerable toxic contaminants through the move-
country to the impacts of climate change. ment of water. In July 2008, Peru
Further pressure comes from the rap- declared a state of emergency at a mine
id expansion of mining in Peru. While near Lima over fears that its tailings
estimates are that mining uses only about dam, weakened by seismic activity and
5% of Peru’s water, this understates the subterranean water filtration, could
significance of this use. First, many mining release arsenic, lead, and cadmium into
concessions are located in headwater the main water supply for the capital.
areas in the high Andes; second, mining It has been estimated that every year
can adversely affect water quality, and mining and metallurgy release over 13 bil-
these impacts on quality can extend well lion m3 of effluents into Peru’s water
beyond the mine site, relayed across space courses. Consequently, though attracted
by rivers and aquifers. They can also by the possible economic benefits of min-
extend over time, lasting generations. ing, populations also worry about the
The impacts of mining on water potential for adverse environmental
quality and environmental health origi- impacts and the implications that these
nate primarily from acid mine drainage will have for livelihoods, consumption,
(AMD) and the escape of ancillary prod- wellbeing and health. Many nongovern-
ucts in processes of production and mental and community groups and urban
transformation. AMD occurs because environmental committees express signifi-
rock is broken up during the mining cant concerns about water and mining, as
process to gain access to the ore, and does the office of the Ombudsman.

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Anthony Bebbington and Mark Williams


Nonetheless, government policy has grande and a Canadian company, Man-

encouraged the rapid growth of mining hattan Minerals. Manhattan departed
investment. shortly after a local referendum in which
Other factors aggravate this situation. over 93% voted against mining. Mean-
There is an overall absence of clear, reli- while, Monterrico Metals was beginning
able, transparent, and independent infor- exploration work in Piura’s highland
mation on the nature of the risks at stake. provinces of Ayabaca and Huancabamba.
Also, the long histories of poor corporate This elicited similarly severe conflicts.
environmental practice and of weak state Two farmers were killed during protests,
regulation have left communities distrust- while different national and international
ful of the central government and mining actors became involved. This conflict also
companies. These factors and others have led to a referendum held in September
driven escalating conflict over the last 2007, and again, over 90% of voters were
decade. This has been especially severe in against mining. But the company, the cen-
regions where mining is a new activity. tral government, and the President of
One of the most conflictive of these has Peru continue to insist that the mine go
been Piura. ahead.
One of the main concerns of local
and downstream communities relates to
Piura: a new mining frontier?
the mine’s effects on water quality and
The Department of Piura stretches from quantity. Activists and the company dis-
the high Andes to the Pacific coast. The agree on which drainage basins will be
coast is made productive by several irriga- affected by the mine, and on the capacity
tion projects channeling Andean water to of the company to control its environmen-
farms used both for agricultural exports tal impacts. The conflict has reached such
and domestic food production. The high- a depth that all parties appear to have lost
lands are home to poorer peasant commu- trust in each other and nobody believes
nities whose economies combine market claims that others make. A way forward
and subsistence agriculture, migration, that is satisfactory to local farmers, other
and off-farm labor (Figure 4). stakeholders, the central government, and
Between 1998 and 2003 Piura became the mining company is not obvious.
famous in mining debates because of a Establishing a system for providing
FIGURE 3 Consulting with stakeholders. conflict between the residents of Tambo- transparent, independent, and trusted
(Photo by S. Paton) information on water quantity and quality
will not resolve this fundamental conflict.
However, the mining project will not pro-
ceed peacefully without such a monitoring

Water management and mine design

A well-designed and executed monitoring
plan for water quantity and quality is criti-
cal to foster dialogue, consensus, and trust
between the mine and the community.
Any monitoring conducted must be con-
ducted in a transparent, publicly available,
and inclusive manner. The monitoring
plan should have the capacity to adapt to
changes in mine operations as the mine
grows, closes old operations, and explores
new areas. Any monitoring plan must have
a formal, independent, external verifica-
tion program. We cannot emphasize this
point enough.

Mountain Research and Development Vol 28 No 3/4 Aug–Nov 2008

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The monitoring plan we propose

draws on models already in place in Peru,
such as the Yanacocha and Antamina min-
ing projects. In all cases, the monitoring
plans were enacted after complaints were
formally filed against mining companies
by concerned municipalities and citizens
in response to perceived contamination
problems caused by mining activities. We
suggest, conversely, that monitoring plans
be employed prior to and during mining
activities, and not only after complaints
have been made against the mine. We also
differ in insisting that these monitoring
activities be verified from the outset by
independent, external organizations nei-
ther linked nor perceived to be linked to
mining interests. Initiating a comprehen-
sive monitoring project prior to the opera-
tion of a mine, through its life, and into
its decommission phase has numerous

• Baseline information on water quantity

and quality before mining activities
begin provides data on natural condi-
FIGURE 4 A traditional agrarian land-
tions; also compare the measured concentra- scape—the source of subsistence liveli-
• Comparison of current conditions of tions of analytes relative to standards dis- hoods for many communities. (Photo by
water quantity and quality with baseline cussed below. Anthony Bebbington)
information provides a quantitative
assessment of the contribution of min-
Monitoring activities and tools
ing to current conditions;
• Often, changes in groundwater quality Climate
and quantity can be observed in moni- Weather affects all mining operations.
toring wells before changes occur in Recommended instrumentation includes:
stream water quantity and quality, pro- 1) continuous precipitation collector
viding an “early-warning system,” so (Belfort is a popular supplier) for total
that remediation activities can be initi- rainfall; 2) tipping bucket precipitation Any monitoring plan
ated prior to impacts on surface waters collector for storm magnitude; 3) shield- must have a formal,
and/or down-gradient groundwater ed air temperature; 4) shielded relative independent, external
aquifers. humidity; 5) wind speed; 6) wind direc- verification program.
tion. Instruments should sample approxi-
mately every second and means recorded
Communication plan
and reported at 10 or 15-minute inter-
Information on water quantity and quality vals.
should be communicated regularly to the
public through a comprehensive commu- Air quality
nication plan. The data types displayed Mining activities can perturb air quality in
should combine all data collected as part the surrounding area for several reasons:
of the monitoring plan, and available his- removal of protective vegetative cover, dis-
torical data. Locations of sampling sites turbance by mining equipment, milling of
should be linked to raw data as well as to ore into small-diameter particles that are
graphs and other interpretive products easily transported by wind, generation of
that illustrate water quality and quantity toxic metals, etc. A good manual for on-site
patterns over time. The graphs should requirements and methods is provided by

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Anthony Bebbington and Mark Williams


the US National Atmospheric Deposition Water quality

Program at The water quality investigation should be
designed to determine whether mining
Water quantity activities have changed the quality of
The primary objective of a water quantity water in streams and canals that flow
study is to quantify potential effects of from the Rio Blanco mining area such
mine operations and facilities on surface that the water may be unsafe for domes-
water flow and flow from springs. Dis- tic and agricultural (livestock and irriga-
charge should be measured continuously tion) uses or aquatic life. Questions
at the most important sites. A less expen- about the safety of water use for drinking
sive method for continuous measure- and cooking, skin contact, agricultural
ments of discharge uses pressure trans- use, and aquatic habitat can only be
ducers that are placed on the stream bot- answered by comparing the chemicals
tom. In both methods, a stage–discharge (analytes) in sampled water to water qual-
relationship needs to be developed for ity standards. We recommend standards
the specific locations using manual meas- established by the World Health Organi-
urements of flow. Infiltration rates to the zation (WHO), the US Environmental
subsurface are estimated by collecting soil Protection Agency (EPA), and Environ-
cores and testing them to learn how the ment Canada because they incorporate
soils in the study area store water and how toxicological data on risks to human
water moves through them. Soil cores health and biota, and they are set to be
should be collected periodically from the protective of human health and the
tailings pile and the same measurements health of other biota.
conducted to understand how much Water quality should be measured at
water may be infiltrating the tailings pile all locations where water quantity is meas-
FIGURE 5 “Without water there is no life. and flowing over the surface of the tail- ured. Water quality should be measured
Let’s take care of it.” Placard in Rio Blan- ings pile. daily to weekly in all surface waters that
co. (Photo by Mark Williams)
drain the mine site, including the streams
that drain the valleys where the tailings
and waste rock will be stored, any surface
flow from processing facilities, water treat-
ment facilities (eg pumping of groundwa-
ter from the open pit, sewage plant), and
the Rio Blanco river below the mine site.
These distributed sites should number at
least 40. It is essential to sample springs
down-gradient from the mine site. There
are numerous chemicals (analytes) that
water can be sampled for; see the Niwot
Ridge LTER site for examples

Mine facilities such as waste rock dumps
and heap leach pads can reduce the
amount of groundwater recharge and
degrade water quality. Groundwater dis-
charge is often an important contributor
to stream flow, with the relative portion
of groundwater contribution to stream
flow often changing seasonally. Monitor-
ing of groundwater quantity and/or
quality can be an indicator of possible
future conditions in surface waters and

Mountain Research and Development Vol 28 No 3/4 Aug–Nov 2008

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Recommendation able water quality and quantity and

It is important to install groundwater address long-term impacts from tailings
monitoring wells and to monitor water lev- piles, waste rock dumps, and open pits.
els and water quality within the wells as an Often, acidic lakes with high amounts of
indicator of possible future conditions of toxic metals form as abandoned pits fill
water quantity and quality down-gradient. with water. Mine closure plans should be
Monitoring well sites for water quantity developed and made public before the ini-
should be numerous enough and spatially tiation of the mine.
distributed so as to calculate groundwater
velocities and discharge to down-gradient
areas. Only a subset of wells need to be
sampled for water quality; analytes should Tensions continue to simmer in Rio Blan-
be the same as for surface waters. co (Figure 5). Environmentalists and local
leaders have been accused of terrorism,
while Monterrico has been purchased by a
Mine closure plan
Chinese consortium that has suggested
Mines remain a source of pollution and the mine will be larger than initially
contamination for decades to centuries planned. Final plans for water monitoring
after closure. A mine closure plan is criti- and mine closure will only become clear
cal to ensure that acceptable water quality in environmental impact studies that have
and quantity are maintained into the fore- not yet been made public. Conflicts run
seeable future. Closure plans developed far too deep for a monitoring plan to
by Rio Blanco should define objectives, resolve them—but as long as populations
procedures, and long-term, post-mining continue to believe their water is threat-
measures necessary to maintain accept- ened, these conflicts will continue.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS topic analyses, Mary Murphy Mine, Colorado. Environ- Colorado, Boulder. A hydrologist and
mental Geochemistry and Health 24:1–22. ecologist, he specializes in sur-
We thank the Peru Support Group, Diocesis of Chulu- PSG [Peru Support Group]. 2008. The Great Water face–groundwater interactions in moun-
canas, and Monterrico Metals plc for logistical and other Debate: Cause and Effect in Peru. Update Extra June tain areas. This paper draws on a
support given to the delegation. We also thank our co- 2008. London, United Kingdom: Peru Support Group. course he teaches for the National
delegates M. Connarty MP, H. O’Shaughnessy, and W. Available at Groundwater Association that focuses
Coxshall, as well as Professor Jeff Bury for mapping resources.html; accessed on 29 August 2008. on remediation of mines affected by
assistance [see also the MountainNotes section in this Racoviteanu A, Arnaud Y, Williams MW, Zapata M, AMD and which is designed for profes-
issue. –Editors]. Funding for Mark Williams was provided Ordonez J. 2008. Decadal changes in glacial parameters sional engineers, hydrologists, land use
through the Niwot Ridge Long-Term Ecological Research for the Cordillera Blanca, Peru derived from SPOT 5 managers, and local stakeholders.
program funded by the US National Science Foundation satellite imagery and aerial photography. Journal of
and by a Faculty Fellowship from the University of Col- Glaciology 54(186):499–510. mark.html
orado, Boulder. Anthony Bebbington was supported by an
Economic and Social Research Council Professorial AUTHORS
Research Fellowship (Grant Number RES051-27-0191).
Anthony Bebbington
FURTHER READING School of Environment and Development, University of
Manchester, Humanities Bridgeford Street Building,
Bebbington A, Connarty M, Coxshall W, O’Shaughnessy Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL, United Kingdom.
H, Williams M. 2007. Mining and Development in Peru,
with Special Reference to the Rio Blanco Project, Piura. Anthony Bebbington is Professor of Nature, Society
London, United Kingdom: Peru Support Group. and Development in the School of Environment and Devel-
Bebbington A, editor. 2007. Minería, movimientos opment at the University of Manchester, an ESRC Profes-
sociales y respuestas campesinas: Una ecología política sorial Fellow, and a Research Associate of the Centro
de transformaciones territoriales. Lima, Peru: IEP [Institu- Peruano de Estudios Sociales, Peru. A geographer, his
to de Estudios Peruanos] and CEPES [Centro Peruano de work in Latin America addresses the relationships among
Estudios Sociales]. civil society, livelihoods and development, and conflicts
Bridge G. 2004. Contested terrain: Mining and the envi- and extractive industries.
ronment. Annual Review of Environment and Resources
Bury J. 2004. Livelihoods in transition: Transnational Mark Williams
gold mining operations and local change in Cajamarca, Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University of Col-
Peru. Geographical Journal 170(1):78–91. orado at Boulder, UCB 450, Boulder, CO 80309, USA.
Hazen JM, Williams MW, Stover B, Wireman M. 2002.
Acid mine drainage characterization and remediation Mark Williams is Professor of Geography and Fellow at
using a combination of hydrometric, chemical, and iso- the Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University of

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