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A bicentennial guide to 200 years of

Singapore-made tech and games

PHOTO: Unsplash



Singapore's 54th year of independence is coming soon, and if you stand by

the of cial narrative, it's worth celebrating 200 years since Sir Stamford
Raf es stepped on our shores to look around for a bit before leaving
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William Farquhar to run things
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But instead of paying homage to the achievements of an alleged racist

colonialist (, we'd rather
give props to our own countrymen who've gone on to achieve pretty
respectable things since 1819. Especially in the realm of technology and
gaming, considering we're supposedly a smart nation and all. 

Here's a non-exhaustive list (we really tried to look for things made in the
1800s... no dice) of innovative things that emerged before our
independence and since. 

Rediffusion (1949)

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Way, way before Spotify, Singaporeans were already subscribing to music.

Rediffusion was the nation’s rst commercial — and the only cable-
transmitted — radio station that garnered over 9,000 subscribers within a
few months after launching in August 1949. The subscription rate was
relatively affordable (in the old days) at $5 a month, and special Rediffusion
radio sets were set up in coffee shops. Folks would gather around these
old-timey radios to listen to American rock ’n’ roll as well as stories
masterfully narrated in various Chinese dialects.

The following really was bonkers — Rediffusion subscribers reached up to

90,428 by 1977. Free-to-air radio was among the reasons why it faded away,
but the biggest one was because of the Speak Mandarin Campaign, which
obliged Rediffusion to cease all dialect programmes by 1982.

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Setron TV (1964)
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Photo: Carousell

It’s no 4K Sony Bravia, but the TV set produced by Setron Limited was the
rst-ever Singapore-assembled black-and-white TV set. Setron was even
granted pioneer status by the government, being the rst electronics
plant at the dawn of an industrialising Singapore. While component parts
were imported from Belgium, the assembly itself was carried out in
Setron’s factory at Tanglin Halt. By 1966, one in six local households owned
a Setron TV set. Being a bulky, boxy thing, the TV sets were also shelves
that owners draped lacy doilies over and put their picture frames on. 


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Coinafon (1971)

Photo: Facebook / Justin Yue

Oh hey, these iconic things actually have a name! Kids, in the old days, we
had to call each other with this thing called a landline, and if you’re out
and about, there are these things called public telephones. You either put
coins in ‘em or you used phone cards, which store a xed amount of
money to make calls, be it local or international. In 1971, the Singapore
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Board (which would eventually merge with another entity to
become Singtel) introduced their Coinafon, the squarish orange payphone
typically located near provision shops, convenience stores and hawker
centres. These things are so vintage that they’re considered collectables

Creative Technology (1981)

Photo: Facebook / Deblow PC Builds & MODs

Ah yes, the rst proper tech giant coming out of Singapore. Founded by
Sim Wong Hoo, Ng Kai Wa and Chay Kwong Soon, the company  rst tried
its hand in making personal computers, including one called the Cubic CT,
which had Mandarin-language capabilities. That failed to be a hit, and
Creative pivoted to developing sound cards for PCs. It found success in
Silicon Valley, and soon the Creative Sound Blaster became a de facto
standard for audio-processing cards in the booming multimedia PC
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With that success, Creative started getting into the digital audio player
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space, and your rst MP3 player (if you weren’t able to afford iPods) was
probably a MuVo or a Zen. The company’s still in the audio hardware
industry today, but it’s now probably more known for its relentless legal
battles (
apple) with other tech companies such as Samsung and Apple over patent
infringement. Oh, and this old meme (
v=Ofn2A1p13Sg) as well. (1993)

Photo: Website screengrab

The old days of online dating services were not as swipe-y as it is today, but
it existed. was one of the rst pioneers of online dating, and
behind it was Gary Kremen and Singaporean Ong Peng Tsin. The company
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also pioneered the subscription model that’s now prevalent among other
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online dating services. While Ong is no longer involved with,
the service is now under the ownership of Match Group, which also owns
Tinder, OkCupid and other online-dating apps.

Lin Hsin Hsin Art Museum


Photo: Website screengrab

Lin Hsin Hsin may not be a household name, but the Singaporean artist
and poet is one of the rst few to really explore the boundaries of
technology and the internet — which is not surprising, considering she’s a
math and computer science graduate. Her paintings and poems in the
‘90s revolved around the theme of computers, mobile phones and e-
commerce, and in 1994, she designed and built the world’s rst virtual
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museum. The Lin Hsin Hsin Art Museum (
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showcased her oil, paper and digital art creations, and even had a live
cyber graf ti wall. Apparently, she even predicted the coming of the Y2K
bug and the emergence of Twitter

Electronic Road Pricing and In-

Vehicle Unit (1998)

Photo: Flickr / JNZL

The transportation innovation beloved by all Singaporeans. Instead of

installing toll booths on roads, the Singapore government instituted
dynamic electronic tolls with charges that can be raised or lowered
according to time and congestion levels. The rst ERP gantry popped up
in 1998 along the East Coast Parkway, and with that, the mandatory
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installation of cash-deducting devices called In-Vehicle Units in every
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Singapore-registered vehicles. The message was pretty clear — if you want
to drive in Singapore, you’re paying for it.

SAR 21 (1999)
Singapore Army Attack & Shoot Training: SAR 21 Assault Ri e - SAR21ア…

Being a small nation with one of the ercest gun laws in the world, it’s
pretty astounding that we have our own Singapore-made assault ri e. The
story goes that the Singapore Armed Forces were looking to replace the
ageing M16 ri es being used, and a decision was made to develop an
entirely new low-maintenance weapon that’s speci cally designed to be
used by young (and that means small) Singaporean conscripts.
Honourable mentions: the BR18 bullpup ri e, the Conventional Multirole
Combat Ri e and the Bionix armoured ghting vehicle. 

NEWater (2000)

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Photo: Facebook / PUB

Yes, yes, we’ve heard all the jokes already. “Drinking our own piss, hurr
hurr.” Tired wisecracks aside, the reclaimed water produced by thorough
micro ltration and ultraviolet technologies is clean enough to pass over
150,000 scienti c tests. It’s cleaner than clean, actually — NEWater is used
mainly for industrial purposes because the quality is just that high. 

USB ThumbDrive (2000)

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Photo: Patrick Kelley

This one’s pretty contentious though. The invention of the humble

ThumbDrive is credited to Singaporean tech company Trek 2000
International. But then there’s also a patent led in the United States by
Israeli company M-Systems ( in
1999 that was titled “Architecture for [USB]-based Flash Disk”. Then there’s
IBM, which led an invention disclosure later that year for its own  ash
drive ( ash-drives).
But it was Trek that made its ThumbDrive the rst commercially-available
product in 2000, and its legacy continues today. 

The reason why we acknowledge Singapore as ground zero for the

creation of the USB ash drive is that Trek managed to score legal victories
( against
four other companies over patent infringement. Even so, ThumbDrives are
slowly becoming obsolete thanks to the prevalence of cloud storage
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EZ-Link (2002)
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Photo: Facebook / Pauline Poincétia

EZ-Link cards have been around for so long that we nearly forgot the
bendy little things we used to slot into machines when riding buses and
trains. Anyway, the Land Transport Authority launched the contactless
smart card for use on public transport in 2002, and tapping in and out is
much faster — unless you’re one of those who refuses to take the damn
card out of your bag. But aside from using it for public-transport rides, EZ-
Link’s functionality has been expanded to other usages, including vending
machines, hawker centre food and ERP tolls.

Infrared Fever Screening

System (2003)
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Photo: Facebook / Science Centre

In response to the SARS outbreak scare in 2003, the Defence Science &
Technology Agency teamed up with Singapore Technologies Electronics to
conceptualise the Infrared Fever Screening System. We don’t want to get
into the weeds of wavelength theories and the mechanisms of heat loss,
but this Singapore-made system can basically screen large groups of
people for feverish individuals through thermal imaging tech. 

Razer Inc. (2005)

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Photo: Facebook / Min-Liang Tan

Razer actually formed in 1998 to launch a high-end PC gaming mouse

called the Boomslang, but the current iteration of the gaming hardware
company is thanks to our boy Min-Liang Tan and his associate Robert
Krakoff after they procured the rights to the brand. After nding success
through multiple variations of chic RGB-lit gaming mice and keyboards,
Razer started producing other hardware, including high-performance
laptops, phones, and soon, toasters (
facebook-page). But the company’s cult following wouldn’t have been
possible without its affable CEO Min-Liang Tan, a frequent commenter on
social media (
min-liang-tan-collab-gaming-centric-cup-noodles) (who isn’t afraid to
respond to everyone), as well as a hardcore gamer through and through.

X-Mini (2006)
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Photo: Facebook / X-Mini

The boombox of old might not be as sophisticated as those of today and

the X-Mini rode the wave of a growing demand for portable Bluetooth
speakers. Launching in 2006, home-grown company XMI had
revolutionised the portable-audio scene by developing a brand new type
of speaker: the rst one that could t in your pocket. With its iconic
capsule speakers, the industry pioneer is built on a product mantra which
has not diminished over the years — “great sound in small forms”.

FIFA Online 2 (2006)

EA SPORTS FIFA Online 2 Demo Vid

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Along with Mario and Tetris, the FIFA series belongs to a selected group of
video games that is familiar to even those who have no interest in gaming
— or even real football. Seeking to build on the success of Fifa video
games, both EA Singapore and Neowiz Games came together to develop
the game, especially for the Asian market with a focus on a free-to-play

SCDF Shut-Off Valve Adaptor


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Photo: TNP / Kevin Lim

After 36 years of ghting res across Singapore, a Singapore Civil Defence

Force veteran had an idea to make life-saving operations a lot easier,
faster and safer. Senior Warrant Of cer (SWO) Zahari Mohd Zain came up
with a simple yet effective solution called a shut-off valve adaptor
( cers-who-provide-
feedback-operations), which allows re ghters to easily extend the length
of their hoses without having to run back to the water pump and shut off
the water supply. It’s an innovation that could only arrive after years of
being on the ground, and SWO Zahari’s invention remains a crucial part of
operations today. 

Garena (2009)

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Photo: Facebook / Garena Singapore

In the urry of mouse clicking during a ranked game in League of

Legends, you might not have realised that the multiplayer platform
Garena+, where users do their social networking, had been created in
Singapore. Thanks to Forrest Li, homegrown Garena was formed in 2009
and has been growing continuously since. Tapping into the burgeoning
mobile gaming scene in 2014, Garena has continued to make inroads as
one of the most prominent game publishers in the region. Besides
publishing free-to-play games, such as Fifa Online 3 and Heroes of
Newerth, the organisation has branched into online payment, social
networking and e-commerce. 

iNo Mobile (2009) 

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Photo: Facebook / iNo Mobile

Every mobile brand in the saturated market has been targeting the needs
of the tech-savvy millennials, so why not have one for the elder
generations? Apparently, it seems we do have our very own smartphone
brand and its debut effort in 2009 had been a mobile phone that pretty
much looked like a candy bar calculator dressed in white with oversized
keys. With the elders in mind, the basic phone comes with no frills, but
only a siren, torch as well as an SOS button.

Rocketbirds: Hardboiled
Chicken (2011)
Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken: Music Video

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Taking the Rocketbirds: Revolution! and adding new upgrades, the team
at Ratloop Asia adds yet another to the side-scrolling games collection in
2011. Building on the success of the original game, Rocketbirds:
Revolution!, Ratloop Asia decided to try their hand at a different platform.
Entirely a 2D affair, the game brings the players through a PlayStation 3
action-platformer with some 3D elements and puzzle bits, while taking
about six hours to complete a solid storyline.

Vibease (2012) 
Vibease Smart Vibrator - Unboxing and Setup

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Startups(/)in Singapore are known for their plethora of products and
services dedicated to improving lives. Vibease isn't what you would call a
regular local startup. Started in 2012, Dema Tio founded Vibease as a
wearable smart vibrator that can be controlled from miles away through
an application on a smartphone. Great for long-distance intimacy!

Carousell (2012)

Photo: Facebook / Carousell

Sure, sites like eBay and GumTree have always been around, but it was
Carousell that made buying and selling used or unwanted items a breeze
with a user-friendly mobile app. Pictures of products can be uploaded
straight to the online marketplace and sold directly to interested
customers. Of course, its meme-worthy moments have captured the
continued fascination of the local community as well. Nothing like a bit of
Carouhell schadenfreude ( to perk up your

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Aftershock (2012)
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Photo: Facebook / Aftershock PC

Aftershock has always been about the PC Master Race, and since 2012, its
team of hardware geeks and gamers have been delivering high-end
custom rigs that can handle the requirements of any video game. It helps
that the machines they assemble are drop-dead gorgeous too.

The success has led them to put their ngers in other pies too, including
gaming laptops, affordable-yet-powerful monitors
( and a series of electric height-adjustable standing
desks ( Don’t sleep on ‘em.

Assassin's Creed 3 naval battles

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10 Years of Ubisoft Singapore!

Assassin’s Creed is a globally beloved video-game franchise and Ubisoft

Singapore has been a major part in its polish and popularity. Though it left
its mark in various Assassin's Creed titles, the largest AAA lead studio in
South East Asia is best known for its fantastic naval battle gameplay and
ocean technology that premiered in AC3, which was then vastly improved
for AC4 Black Flag. So it’s not too surprising that the Singapore-based
studio is hard at work producing an entirely new seafaring title: Skull &
Bones. Can’t wait, mateys. 

Spike Away (2013)

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Photo: Cheng Siew Ming

Nothing too techy about this, but what a great (and highly ridiculous
away-mrt)) invention to fend off people from getting all up in your
personal space. 10/10 would buy. 

Paktor (2013)

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Photo: Facebook / Paktor

Singapore’s answer to Tinder works pretty much the same way as Tinder,
in which one simply swipes through pro les and chat after matching. It’s
simply another option for online dating and social networking, and one
that managed to garner over a million registered users in Singapore,
Taiwan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand and South Korea. 

Lurking (2014)

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Halloween fast approaches, which means you’re likely to be in the mood

for some creepy games. Luckily for you, DigiPen Institute of Technology’s
2014 entry into the horror genre opens in absolute darkness. As a sound-
based survival thriller, sound is the only way you can actually see, and
walking or throwing objects creates an ‘audio pulse’. Enemies hear your
fears. Even PewDiePie’s into it. 

Secretlab (2014)

Photo: AsiaOne

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An issue that every gamer would face in their life: getting comfy in a seat
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for long hours at a time. Secretlab found a solution to that in 2014.
Founded by a pair of competitive Starcraft II gamers with the mission to
create the ultimate seating experience for gamers, their Throne line of
chairs was launched in 2015 and it sold out within two weeks. It’s probably
time for you to get one yourself — your back will thank you.

Ryde (2015)

Photo: Facebook / Ryde

Ryde is billed as the world’s rst real-time carpooling mobile application

and this is no lie. Just don’t expect to be greeted with a limousine and
champagne. A more down-to-earth description would be that Ryde has
been providing a private car ride-hailing service since 2015.

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Ravenmark: Scourge of
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Estellion (2015)
Ravenmark Gameplay Trailer

Witching Hour Studios is a known name in the local games industry and it

all started with Ravenmark: Scourge of Estellion. The mobile turn-based
strategy game played like Fire Emblem, and the fact that a Singaporean
studio lovingly brought it to life made it even more amazing. Turn-based
strategy fans love it of course, as challenging as it is.

Rotimatic (2016)
Rotimatic - Introducing Rotimatic, World's First Fully Automatic Roti Maker

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Rotimatic is one of those inventions that went viral online and it’s not hard
to see why. The countertop kitchen appliance churns out atbread like it’s
a printer for pastry, and all folks need to do is load our, water and oil into
the machine. It’s a mess-free, automated way to get fresh roti, even if it is
pretty expensive and limited in capabilities for now. Makes for a cool party
trick though. 

Masquerada: Song and

Shadows (2016)
Masquerada: Songs and Shadows - Gameplay Trailer

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Singapore’s most successful indie game developer returned with
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Masquerada: Songs and Shadows, which went for a Venetian setting for an
isometric RPG. Enjoyable enough for many, but for Kill Screen, it’s
apparently “as enjoyable as a dictionary
(”. Still,
big up to Witching Hour Studios for going all in for this one and scoring
Best Indie Game at the Tokyo Game Show.

Sti ed (2017)
Sti ed | PGW 2017 Trailer | PlayStation VR

If you’re down for some virtual jump scares, this creepy game will likely
leave you terri ed. As a spiritual successor to Lurking, Gattai Games
launched Sti ed, which also uses your own voice and mic to project
sounds into the digital environment, whilst in VR.

Elk: The Travel Converter (2017)

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Photo: Website screengrab

The best apps on iOS are always the minimalist ones, and Elk: The Travel
Converter proved to be charming (and useful) enough to win an Apple
Design Award in 2017 (
apps/singaporean-developers-win-apple-design-award-in-a- rst-for-the-
country-and-south). Produced by Muh Hon Cheng and Lin Junjie, the app
was built out of a study room in an HDB at — a process that took just a
couple of months from conceptualisation to going live on the App Store. 

Cat Quest (2017)

Cat Quest - O cial Launch Trailer - iOS, Steam

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For all you chonky cat lovers out there, leap into a grand adventure
brought to you by our homegrown indie game developer, The Gentlebros.
Since its launch in 2017, over 400,000 copies of Cat Quest have been sold
worldwide — a game beloved for its lovely cartoon hues with a cattery full
of cat-puns. Oh, and by the way, you’re a dungeon-crawling, monster-
ghting cat! Having been nominated for Best Mobile Game at the
prestigious D.I.C.E. Awards
( nalists_announ
last year, we can’t wait for its upcoming sequel (where you can play as a
dog too ( 

Songbird Symphony (2019)

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Photo: Game screengrab

We’ve been playing Songbird Symphony ever since we were able to get
our hands on it, and by golly, what an adorable game. The
rhythm/platform title is Joysteak Studios’ rst game too, which makes it all
even more remarkable. The game seems simple enough, but it can get
pretty punishing if you’re not staying in the groove. Expect nothing but a
kaleidoscopic blast of music and colour. ( /


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