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ereiiar weer Bt Ve aa co wort BAR WA 2019-QOS sHfaeat fava — qe fara Food and Nutrition. aq pera ar eee aires oe | TTA ses | Beata | a | Seaitares | a | a. | ae g Applied Physiology 5 15 [78 os Advanced Nutritional 85 ae [28 8 Biochemistry (inl | Public Nutrition ce iT Research methods and 35 15 [28 oS le statistics. = : : aa Practical | Practical- I :-Human 50 an 3 Physiology & Advanced Nutritional Biochemistry ‘Practical | Practical II :- Public 50 17 = | Nutrition | { | Department of Higher Education Govt. of MLP. Semester Wise Syllabus for Postgraduates As recommended by Cenéral Board of Studies and Approved by HE the Governor of M.P. Department of Higher Education, Govt. of M.P. Semester wise syllabus for Postgraduates ‘As recommended by Central board of Studies and Approved by HE the Governor of M.P. M.Sc. (Home Science) Food and Nutrition SEMESTER-I PAPER-I Applied Physi logy Objectives M.M. 50 This course will enable students 1. To understand the integrated functions of all systems in the science of physiology. To understand the structure and functions in various organs and systems in relation to the diseased conditions 3, To understand the advance issues to the relevant topies of Human physiology UNIT-I 1. Cell and Tissues: Structure and function of cell. structural organization of cell, organelle. Tissues - Formation of tissues, organ and system, elementary tissues in Human body 2. Musculoskeletal System: Types of muscles (Skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscles) their properties, characteristics. structure and functions Fatigue, ‘exercise mechanism of contraction Structural and function of Bone. cartilage and connective tissue. Disorders of skeletal muscle. Department of Higher Education Govt. of M.P. ‘Semester Wise Syllabus for Postgraduates [As recommended by Central Board of Studi Approved by HE the Governor of M.P. and UNIT-IL 1. Blood: Formation, Functions and composition of blood, Hemotopoiesis, erythropoiesis, leukepoiesis, Formation and functions of plasma proteins Factors influencing erthropoiesis - RBC Indices - Blood groups, Blood clotting, Hemoglobin synthesis, Blood abnormalities. 2. fmmune system: Natural immune system cell mediated and humoral immunity components of immune mechanism (cellular and chemical) Role of and Inflammation/defense (acute and chronic). Activation of WB production of anti bodies. Disorders - immune deficiency, Hypersentivity Reproductive System: Male and female reproductive organ, menstrual spermatogenesis. UNIT-IT 1. Cireulatory system: Structure and functions of heart and blood vessels cardiae output and blood pressure, cardiac cycle, Heart rate and heart sound conditions affecting the heart rate, Heart failure, Hypertension, Mechanism of cardio vascular system. Respiratory system: Structure and functions of respiratory tree, Mechanism of Breathing, Ventilation and its control. Exchange of gases and role of lungs in exchange of gases. Transport of O, and CO. Role of Hemoglobin and Buffer system Cardio respiratory response to exercise. UNIT-IV Digestive system: Introduction of digestive system structure of digestive tract functions of digestive system, Salivary glands and its secretion Stomach and its section, pancreas, Bile, small Intestine, Large intestine Digestive juices. Gastrointestinal Hormones. 2. _Exeretory system: Structure and fimetion of kidney, nephron, Role of Kidney in maintaining pH of blood. Mechanism of urine formatior. Mechanism of filtration Electrolyte and acid-base balance. Renal function tests (Urine and blood) Diuretics, ioe of Higher Education Govt. of MP. unites Departen Semester Wise Syllabus for Postgt As recommended hy Central Board of Studies and Approved by HE the Governor of M.P. UNIT: Endocrine glands: Structure function and classification according Ww chemical signals, Hormones, role of hormone, regulation of hormonal secretions and its control, Disorders of endocrine glands. Brain, spinal cord, neuron. Reflex Nervous system: Structure and function of and its classification; nerve impulse - Afferent and efferent ner Hypothalamus and its role in various bedy functions - Obesity sleep and memory Sense organs: Structure and functions: General Senses and special senses, Receptors of sensory nerves and pereeption of stitnuli References 1 Ganong, W.F. (1985): Review of Medical Physiology, 12th Edition, Lange Medical Publication Moran Campell E.J., Dickinson, C.J., Slater,, J.D., Edwards, C.R.W. and Sikora, K. (1984): Clinical Physiciology, Sth Edition, ELBS, Blackwell Scientific Publications. Guyton, A.C. (1985); Function of the Human Body, 4th Edition, B. Sanders ‘Company, Philadelphia. Guyton, A.C. and Hall, J.B. (1996): Text Book of Medical Physiology, 9th Edition, W.B. Sanders Company, Pristr 3ooks (Pvt.} Ltd. Bangalore. Wilsion, KW. and Waugh, A. (1996): Ross and Wilson Anatomy and Physiology in Health and illness, 8th Edition, Churchill Livingstone. e, W.D., Katch, Fi. and Katch, V.L. (1996): Exercise Physiology, Mcardl Energy, Nutrition and Human Performance, 4th Edition, Williams and Wilkins Baltimore. Jain, AK. Textbook of Physiology. Vol I and Il. Avichal Publishing Co. New Delhi 8. Text book of physiology Vol I & Il M.Sc. (Home Science) Food and Nutrition Semester-I Paper-II Advanced Nutritional Biochemistry Objective: - Augment this Biochemistry knowledge acquired at the undergraduate level - Understand the mechanism adopted by the human body for regulation of metabolic pathways = Get on insight into interrelationship between various metabolic pathways. - Become proficient for specialization in nutrition. - Understand integration of cellular level metabolic events to nutrition disorder and imbalances. Protein — Definition, classification and their structure, protein metabolism. Plasma protein ~ Nature, properties and functions, purines and pyrimidines synthesis and breakdown, Unit-I1 Energy ~ Energy value of foods, specific dynamic action of food, basal metabolic rate Water — Regulation of intracellular and extracellular, volume, osmolarity, water balance and its regulation, water imbalance and its implication. meas ilret > pet teh Unit-11 Carbohydrates — Definition, classification & their structure and carbohydrate metabolism ~ glycolysis, glycogensis, citric acid cycle, haxose monophospate pathways and gluconeogenesis. Lipids —Definition, classification & thief strupture, Lipid Metabolism ~ Beta-oxidation, de novo synthesis of fatty acids. Syuthesis and breakdown of unsaturated fatty acids, cholesterol, phospholipids and triacylgycerol significance. Unit-IV Vitamins ~ Definition, classification, water and fat soluble and their role in health & nutrition, Nucleic Acids ~ DNA replication and transcription, DNA repair system, DNA recombination, genetic mutation, regulation of gene expression and protein biosynthesis. Unit-V Hormones — Mechanism of action, negative feedback, hormone receptor, intracellular messengers. Minerals - Meaning & classification, macro and micro elements and their properties and role in health & nutr 24 Department of Higher Education Govt. of MP. Semester Wise Syllabus for Postgraduates As recommended by Central Board of Studies and Approved by HE the Governor of M.P. M.Sc. (Home Science) Food and Nutrition SEMESTER -L PAPER-I & I Human Physiology & Advanced Nutritional Biochemistry Practical-I MM. 50 Practical Section -A. Preparation and sta Identification of different component at blood in a blood film Estimation of blood count: WBC count, RBC count Hemoglobin estimation Recording of blood pressure, Vital capacity and different components of vital capacity Urine estimation (Renal function Test) ouaene Section - B (Any one) Protein: (a) _Estimation of proteins in foodstuff. (0) Estimation of albumin, globulin and A: G ratio in serum and urine Estimation of glucose in blood and urine Glucose Estimation of glucose in blood and urine. Li Estimation of lipid in food by soxholet extraction method. Caleium Estimation of calcium in food and serum Phosphorus Estimation of inorganic- phosphorus in Food and serum, Buffer Prepaiation of phosphate. carbonate and acetate buffer and determination of their pH values. different methods\use9 in blood serum ep @ _ Divenricular disease | (b) Ulcerative Colitis ()_ Malabosorbiion Syndrome | (a) Sprue l (b)_ GAT enzyme deficiency Practical : Calculation of percent energy supplied by carbohydrate inthe diet. To find out the high fibre products available in market and critically evaluate the content. valuation of protein quality of food preparations. Dietary calculation using food exchange. Planning, calculation and preperation of diets mentioned in theory Nutritional supplement, nutritional support substras. suggested Readings : ‘Manual of Dietetics Practice - Brony, Thomas Nuteition in Health and Disease - Anderson [Normal and Therapeutic Nutrition - C.H. Robinson Basie Nutrition and Diet Therapy - William 10 [Nuittion and Diet Therapy - Wiliam 10/e Food Nutrition and Dieteties - URVI Nutrition and Diet Therapy - Stanfield ‘Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease - Robert S. Good hart ‘Nutrition Principles & Clinical Practices M. hunt James. 10, Nutrition in Critical Care - Zaroga 1. Fundamentals of Clinical Nutrition 93 - Weinster 12, Dietetis - Sharitaxmi 13, Nutrition and Dietetics - Shubhangini Joshi 14, Human Nutrition and Dietetics - Davidson Passmore 1S, Clinical Dietetics and Nutritional - F.P. Antia 16. Textbook of Nutrition and Dietetics - Kumud Khanna MM 50 17, Mohan, L.K. and Excott Stump (2000) Krause's Food Nutrition Diet Therapy 10th Edition W.B. Saundes Lid. Shils, MF. Olson. A. Shike M. and Ross A.C. (1999) 18, Modern Nutrition Health and Diseace 9th Fdition Williams and Wilkins an wanes eae Department of Higher Education, Govt. of MP. Post Graduate Semester wise Syllabus recomended by Cevttal Boned of Studies and approved bythe Governor of LP ‘oes fra RATT, A. TE eee are a Art THER gE TERT Behe gore FOI ERT SPR TS RTL TTT SAT esto 200022001 Class 5a M.Se. (HLSe.) Semester / 8H um Subject / frre Food and Nutrition Title of Subject Group Food Science fava age or ee Paper Nu. /WeTTa FATE mt Compulsory /af¥ard a Optional /taieee sitrard > Compulsory Max. Marks CPT fe 50 Particulars / a1 ] Introduction of Food Science and Modern Development in Food Science (a) Physico chemical properties of food. * Colloidal salts, stabilization of colloidal systems. | «Gels structure, formation and stabilization # Emulsions; formation, stability surfactants and emulsifier. [United | Faams ao Unit2 | (a) Functional Role of Sugar in Food = Sugar and Sweeteners: Sugars, syrups alcohols, potent sweeteners, sugar products. Alternative sweeteners. Browning. © Reactions of sugar: Caramelization, Hydrolysis, Crystallization (@) Starch and Non-starehi Structure, gelatinization, methods for following: gelatinization changes © Non-starch Polysaccharides: Cellulose, Hemicelluloses, Carboxymethyle cellulose (CMC) = Classification of hydrocolloids by function- Pectin’s gums. = Characteristics and functional properties of Modified Starches. «Use of Modified starch in food Industry. Uaitt | (a) Fruits and Vegetables: = Enzymes in fruits and vegetables. «Classification and Nature of enzymes, stability and action. = Biotechnological application of enzymes in food. |__* Natural Pigments and natural color used in food. Units | (a) Cereals and Cereal Products: Cereal grains: Structure and Composition. Cereal products. | Flous and flour quality. Extruded foods brealcfast cercals wheat germ, bulgur, puffed and flaked cereals. Tales Note te [ allt Prepare one recipe for each given practical below and identify the functional properties of the foods given below. 1. Sugar- Caramelization, crystallization syrups. 2, Starches- Gelatinization. 3. Jams and Jellies- Pectin content of fruits, jam and jelly formation. sc of acid and alkali on vegetable and fruits and estimation the PH value 4. Fruits and vegetables of fruits and vegetables. 5. Cereals. Effect of soaking time on the quality of dhal and rice Gluten formation in batters and doughs. ‘Suggested Readings Food Science- Shri Levi Food Science and Principles- SManey Food Science- Halen Charlies. Food Prepration- Peckham. Food Science- Niemann Potter. Food Se:once- Mudambi Introductury food- Bennian Hughes. Food Chemistry Mayer. Food Proccessing- Marwaha & Arora Food Proccessing and Preservation — Subblaxmi, 11, Biotechnology and Food ingredients- Goldberg, 12, Food Science Munual- Mohini Sethi & Iram Reo. 13. Experimental Cookery ~ Palmer 14, Experimental Cookery — Belly & Lowe. Egg: Emulsion, thickening, binding, coagulation, coating, Foaming of egg white Pulses- Germination sprouting Colloidal system of foods- Formation of Sol, ge! emulsion, Leavening agents- Use of Leavening agents in cookery. Fermentation and fermented products Fruits and vegetables- Effect of acid and alkali on vegetable and fruits and estimation the PH value of fruits and vegetables, 6. Cereals- Effect of soaking time on the quality of dhal and rice Gluten formation in batters and doughs. / , partoent of Higher Education, Govt. of MP < Post Graduate Semester wise Syllabus 1s recorimenced by Central Board of Studies and approved by the Governor of NLP ‘aoe Fear Ra, AN, TTT aire ware & FO Bee TAT TTT bet onary ese ret eget WTR, TRUTH ETT ap “Sesion 201062077 Class / ait MSc. (H.Se.) Semester / TEX a Subject / PIT Food and Nutrition Title of Subject Group Issues related to Women’s Health fava aR a artes Paper No. / were axis Vv Compulsory / siftart 2 Optional /twiern aitard : Compulsary Max. Marks after 3 50 Particulars / aT - [Unie [(A) Women and Work: Environmental stress, Nutrition, Health and gender, living condition, Occupational health, Health facilites (A) Current Nutrition and Health Status of Women and Children in India (B) Policies and progtammes for promoting matemal and child nutrition Unit3 | Effect of urbanization on Women. Impact of economic policies, industrialization, and globalization on women. Unit | Policies and Legislations (A) CEDAW (Conventions on Eliminations of all forms of Discriminatiens ‘against Women) (B) WRLLL( Women's Right to Life and Health) ‘Empowerment of women: Role o? Education and various National Schemes. Uh Tales [Note #e Ee Suggested Readings i ‘Census report, Government of India and Gov. of Madhya Pradesh. it NFHS Reports, Govt. of India. ii. UNICEF- States of the worlds children iv. International child health; A digest of Current information. ¥, Textbook of Nutrition and Dietetics, Kumud Khanna vi Nutrition and child care, a practical guide, Shanti Ghosh vii Diet and ageing, exploring some fats, Dr. Kalyan Bayehi and Seema Puri Nutrition in children, developing country concerns, H.P.S. Sachdev, Panna Choudhary ‘National profile on women, health and development, Sarla Gopalan, Mira Shiva, ‘Voluntary Health Association of India and WHO. agel GRY TA 20 fara - ye fara Food at ade atta 20-KL A sift {and Nutrition “TaiRiaa are [ apa weer] Geaitaw | aaa] al & ang | | g LL Health and fitness 8 16 | 28 05 Il Clinical and Therapeutic 38 7 | 2 co Nutrition (HL Food Science & Current Trend | 85, te [2 [8 Iv Optional Paper (Any one} 85 6/8 06 | a) Nutrition and Health of | Women. | b) Mass Communication. | ¢) Dissertation i L | | Practical | Practical- [ :-Clinical and 50 = i = Therapeutic Nutrition d ba Practical —II :- Food Seience | 8° = Yr = & Current Trends aca Project [100 # T= E ! i Govt of MP. as Department of Higher Esucs Post Geauate Seaieser wie simateed by Cente Bou Slos and pnd bs te incraor af MEP sea Pen Rest 3 ’ Rie seh A Aer ER TT tre onary ea Te sega me are ERT orp pemaernMe2 Class / 787 M.Se. (H.Se.) i Semester / ez Vv Subject / fava Food and Nutrition itle of Subject Group Health and Fitness i fea ae ar es | Paper No, / e205 wats 1 : ' Compulsory /af%arl at Optional dex afar ~ Compulsory Max. Marke ARE i 0 : Particulars / Re Objectives | 1 (1) Understand the components of health anc! fitness and the role of nutrition in these j (2) Make nutritional, Dietary and physical recommendations to achieve fitness and well-being (3) Develop ability to evaluate fitness and well Unict— [() Body Composition |G) Metbods | (a) Chemical analysis. | (b)_ Nutritional anihropemetry : (6) Skin fold Thickness (d)_ Body density (©) Dilution Technique () 8K Analysis (g) Other methods: Concept | (2) Compositional changes concept (@) Human foetal development, (©) Material weight gain Distibution composition * itgal (c) Compositional changes between birth and maturity ma (@) Compositional changes with weight changes: Physical activity. | Obesity, |(C) Holistic approach to the management of fitness and health: Nutrition, Exercise, Physical fitness and health interrelationship (a) Energy input and output b) Diet and Exercise Unie? [(A)_ Effect of specific nutrients on work performance and physical fitness. Shifts in carbohydrate and at metabolism, mobilization of fat stores during nutrition in sports: Sports specific requirements, Diet manipulation. Pre- | game and Post game meals. Water electrolyte losses and their replenishment during exercise and sports events, etfects of dehydration, Importance ot sports drinks. |B) Diet for persons with hig Unies Tay _Nowitional ne eNDFESSION, 3 : | (b) Tobom eon of «atboline SiMe cell Anaerla, Thallxagm, cystinia | I (ae nuria, Hsreditary L.eetose intolenerece. goat a Chie (A) Defining nutrition goais/guidelines appropriate to health. fimess and prevention and mangement of Chronic desenerative disease diabetes mellitus CY disorders, bone, health and cancer (B) Non-nutrtive tod components with potential health effects: Polyphenols tas. phytate. phy wesirongens. Cyanazenie compounds, lectins and saponins (AY Nutrition and exercise regimes for pre and! post natal fitness | | | sditation, | (B)Altemative systems for health and fitness like ayurved (€) Nutrition Management in special eontions: Space travel. high wpituks, lox | L lemperatures subsmarines, a Note Ae = Suggested Readings + ‘ Annual Reviews of Nutrition, Annual Review fne, California LSA, 2 Shils, M.E. Osson, J: Shike, M, and Roas. C. (1998) Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease 9th edition., Williams and Williams. A Beverly Co. Landon, 3. ocwel, CE nd Erdman, 1.198) Nuttin Interastons, Maree! Dekker In. York, 4. Worl Reviews of Nuttion and Ditties 5. WHO Technical Report Series. ' 1 6. Indian Couvet_of Medial Research, Recommended Dietuy Inakes for tna. Latest Recommendations 7. indian Couns of Medic! Reserh. Nutritive Vlue of Indian Foods Lats 8. Berdanies, CD. and Hargrove. JL. (ed) (1996): Nutrients'and Gene Expression: Clinical Aspéets. Boca, Raton FL.CRC Press, 9. Bacurle, P.A, (ed) (1994) Inducible Gen Expression Part: Enviconment Stresses and Nutrients Boston Birkhauser i 10. 0. Chandra, RK. (ED) (1992) Nutrition and Immunology. ARTS Biomedical St. Johe’s Newfoundland. 11, Mahan, LAK. & Ecott Stump, S. (2000): Krause's Food Nutrition and Diet Therapy 10th 12. Sizer, F. & Whitey. E, (2000) Nutrition ~ Concepts and Controversies. 8th Edition, Edition, W.B, Saunders Ld, 13. Hitnay, EIN. & Rolfes, Wads worth, An International Thomson Publishing Co. 14 Ira Wolinsky (Ed) (1998); Nutrition in Exercise and Sports, 3rd edition CRC Press 14. Shils, ME; Olson, J.A. Shike, N, and Roas, A.C. (ed) (1999): Modern Nutrition in Health and 15. MuArdle, W. Kateh, F. and Kateh (1996) Exercise Physiology. Fnergy Nutrition and Human Performance 4th edition, Williams and wilking Philadelphia: Mahan, wey? ee, epar iment of Higher Eacation, Gast of MP. Post Graduate Semester vise Sans i ‘sat fen FATT, RT i reaher wera a feet tore era aera FER an anger ae ne ToT era ane Class / 851 MSc. Semester / PREY Vv ject / fang Food and Nutrition H.Se,) t Title of Subject G Clinical & Therapeutic Nutrition fave ape a ha Poper No. RAT Ba u Compulsory /tP¥er at Optional / enter after | Compulsory Man. Marks epee en 50 Parvicutars / ae | Objectives if (1) Understand the etiofogy, physiologic and metabolic anomalies of acute and chronie diseases and patient's need. (2) Know the effect of various diseases on nutritional requirément an! nutritional status, i (3) Be able to reeominend and provide appropriate w ional cine for preventions and weatment of various | diseases. (# Orient the students with all the important state of art methedology applied in Nutritional assessment and surveillance of human groups, : (5) Develop specific skills to apply the most widely used methods Unitet “T(AY Diseases of liver exocrine pancreas and biliary system: Phy logy Etiology. Pathogenesis, Symptoms and Management +) Liver diseases : (@) Cinhosis (0) Viral hepats | (©) Hepatic eoma (8). Wilson's disease (GB) Disorder related 1 gall biadder @) Cholecystitis (6) Gall stones (4) Disorders rented to pancreas | (a) Pancreas Unit? ‘AyNotrtianal. eae in Cardiovascular disorders Hypertension- 2) Definition, &) Crterion ©) Types 4) Causes ¢) Nutritional Management 4) Drugs, Hyperlipidemia 1) Lipo: Proteins and their metabolism , a ee Cinssitieatinn of hyperlipidemia } Clinical and Nutritional aspeets of hyperipi Dietary Care s 3. Cwronary Heart Diseas 1) Atberaselerosis- i) iby Risk factors associated with CHD (CHD) iipPathogenesis i) Dietary Management | ii) Exercise 4) Prevention of CHD B._ Cerebrovascular disorder and nutritional ma A Diet in Disease of endovrine pancreas (a) Etiology (hb) Classification {el Symptoms and cingnosis (a) Management clinical vs, Chemieal eowtrol (e}_Iasulin Therapy (Oral hypow } G8 Glucose monitor th) Dietary care with and without insulin i) Spevific Diabetic food G)_ Sweetness and suyar substitutes UW) Diabetic coma (Insulin eaction (on). Patient education B Nutritional eave in Hypoglycemia (1) Hypoglycemia (a) Symptoms (b) Types (i) Reactive Hypoglycemia {ii Idiopathic Hypoglycemia (e)__Dietary treatment Tai ‘A.Nuiitional cave for patient with disease oF Kidney Review of pliysiology and function of normal kidney 1. Nepheitis : (a). Classification (b). Etiology (6) Characteristics (a) Nutritional care and management 2Nephritie syndrome (a) Etiology (b) Characteristics (c) Nutritional care and management 3.Actte and Chron renal failure (@) Etiology (by Types {c) Nutritional care and management Units Nutritional eare for patients having Surgery and Burns Cancer (A). Surgery (1) Pre operation nutritional care (2) Post operative nutritional care (a) Gastric surgery b]_Gull bladkler sunpery , a ae [Note te Practical : en 8 | U) Fluid and electrolyte replacement (Retort |to) ane (2). Cancer treatment: Radio therapy. surgery and chemotherapy (G)__ Alternative or complementary diets @) Prevention | D) Latest researches andl concepis of various life Planning calculation and reparation of diets mentioned in theory Inverpretation of patient data and diagnostic tests and draying up of patient diet pre study approach Fellows up acceptability of diet prescription, compliance, discha Preparation of diet counseling ads for common disorders Spotting. iat plan, es “Manual of Dietetics Practice -Brony Thomas, [Nutrition in Health and Disease - Anderson Norinal in Therapeutic Nutrition C.H. Rebdinson Basic Nutrition and Diet Therapy - William 10/¢ Nutrition and Diet Therapy - William 1G/c Food Nutrition and Dietetics Nutrition and Diet Therapy - Stanfield * Modern Nutrition in Healch and Disease Robert $. Good hast Nutritional Principles and Cliniel Prectices M. Hunt and James Nutrition in Cridcal Care - Zaroga Fundamentals of Clinical Nutrition 93- Weinster . Dietetics - Shrilaxami Nutrition and Dieteties - Shubhangini Joshi Human Nutrition and Dietetis - Davidson Passmore Clinical Dietetics and Nutritional F.P. Avita Textbook of Nutrition and Dietetics - Kumud Khanna Etat Mohan LK. and (2000) Krause's Food Nutrition Diet Therapy 10th Edition W.B. Seundes Ltd uw dans OTH 9h / Max Marks :500 Departmen of Higher Education, Govt of SEP sestnnBArO2 Class a MSe (H.Se.) Semester / Bee Vv Subject / Pr Food and Nutrition Title of i ject Group Food Seience & Current Trends fever yer vie er No. META Uias ul isory /atard 2 Optional /f8s@ sien Compulsory Mas, Marks SETAE Ske 50 [Gniet _ Particulars / Peer : Tia) Pulses and Legumes Classification, composition, denaturation nan-enzymatic ‘unctianal properties of whale pulses and legumes germination and sprouting (b) Leavened Products: Leavening agents, Bi sed and chemically leaveried products, Feimentation process and fermenied products i and Mik Products: Composition, Plyiscal and functional properties. Denaturation, effects of processing and storage and Dairy Products: Cultured milk ‘youghart, butter, whey cheese concentrated and dried products Frozen desserts, dairy product substitute, Tnie3 | (a) Spices and Condiments: Composition Flavouring extracts natural and synthetic {b) Eggs: Structure and composition, Changes during storage. Functional properties of | i e9s. use in cookery. Ege Processing. Low Cholesterol egg substitutes Unica fa) Fats, Oils and Related Products: Nuts aud Oils seeds, Sources, Composition, effec of composition on fet properties. Functional propecties of fat and uses in foed preparations. Fat | substitutes Fat deterforacion and anviaxidant T'nteat and Poultey Muscle conipesition, Chwauteistis and scucture. Pest mortem changes Processing, Prestivation and their effects, Heat induced changes in meat. Variables in meat preparation. Tenderizer, Meat Product. Ties | T Biotechnology in Food: + Algae as food spirulina + Organic food + Nutraceuticals Practical : Prepare ane recipe for each given pr foods giv 1. Egg: Emulsion, thickening afte ith / Manx.Marks 330 the functional properties of the ical below and ide! below. binding, coagulation, coating, Foaming of ew white 2. Pulses- Germination sprouting, 3. Colloidal system of foods: Formation of Sal, gel emulsion. Wmela Head 4. Leavening agents- Use of Leavening ayents in cookery. Fermengation and fermented products Fat and Oils- melting point and smoking point, Permanent and semi permanent emulsions. fat absorption and its measurement 6, Milks and Mill: Produets: bbutier and fermented milk Suggested Readings : 1, Food Science- Shei Laxmi Food nd Principles- SManey, 3. Food Science- Halen Charlies, 4. Food Prepration- Peckiiam. 5, Food Seience- Niemann Porter 6 Food Science- Mudambi 7. 8 Introductury food- Bennian Hughes. Food Chemistry. Mayer 9. Food Proccessing- Marwala & Arora, 10, Food Proceessing and Preservation ~ Suhblayini jotechnology and Food ingredients- Goldberg 12, Food Science Munual- Mohini Sethi & lram Rao 13, Experimental Cookery ~ Paliner 14. Experimental Cookery ~ Belly & Love. : Sealding of milk, prepatiation of curd. paneer. khoa, cheese, Department of i a a ree aR ET ars gro aopae Class / 687 Semester / Hee Subject ag Food and Nutrition Natrition and Health of Women, Child Title of Subject Group nd Flderty fava age om Paper No.) HRS ia WV Compatsory /sParé 27 Upiional Rea PTET Optional (A) Mas, Marks sf of r ° Particulars / eer | Materoal Wealth i (a) Disease pater and Reproductive health (0) Women-pregnancy and lactation (61 Safe Motherhood (4) Core of aris mothers (¢) Health seeking behaviour (#) Women and AIDS Unit | Issues related to Child Nutrition (a) Infant Physiology and pre-term and low bicth weight infants- Implication For feeding and management. (b} Growth and development ducing infancy. eildhood and adolescence. “Unied I | (o) Focding of infhits and childven win dics swanzenicit Unies Issues related (9 Elderly {a) The ageing process Piiysiological, bioehenjcal and body composition changes. © | (6) Theories of ageing : Taita | (a) Sects PayshologinsT aspects aT agplog eapecialy poblons of Nery women | (b) Nutritional requirement of elderly and dietary management to meet nutvitional needs. | Oa eecae Geas od alee pale Fee = | tiopmihogenesis, management, prevention and contol i () Policies and programmes of zovernnent and NGO sector pertaining to the Elderly, | i Note ate, ] Suggested Readings : i. Census report, Government of India and Govt. of Madhya Pradesh, NFHS Reports, Govt, of India, iii, UNICEF- Siates ofthe warlds children iv. Intemational child health; A digest of Current information, ¥. Textbook of Nutition and Dieteties, Kumed Kina 1 * vi. Nutrition andl child care, a practical guide. Shanti Ghosh, Diet and ageing, exploring some facts. Ds. Kalyan Bagehi an Seema Pari Nartition in hilden. developing county coneems, HPS. Sachiev. Pare Choudhar y National protite on women, healh and ‘evelopment, Sarla Gapalan, Mira Shiva. Voluntary: Health Association of India and WHO. : wf Department of Higher ducati, Gost af NLP Pest Gradaate Senieser wine Sella ox rsumamend hy Conta var Sty and epee hee Ger ‘er fore aa. Sey 3 Ard sree ga wee sida omar FSR SRT AAS ENF TTS BT STAT Sesion Class a Se. (Home Seience) Semester / Ree Wy Subject Fea Fond & Nutvition Title of Subject Group Mass Communication fence eas Paper No, (RAC aria Compulsory /saf*are at Optional / near Pear Max, Marks Pc sla : Particulars | Perr Objectives: To understand the importance of vommunication + Todevelop skill for communication abitity Importance of audio visual aids in communication. [Wait 1. Concept of communication 2. Elements and process of communication. 3. Functions of communication, ‘ i Non verbal communication-Sign, Gestures, body movemeat Verbal communication-Language and written conumunication. I L | Types of communication - Intra personal, infer personal, Group communication and Mass communication, 2 Feed hack in communication. 3. Characteristics and method af feed back 4. Elements of effective communication. : Barriers to communication Unies 1. Print Media-Origin, development characteristics oF News paper 2._ News agencies-United news of india (UNI). Press Trus! of India (PTI) Reuter, ass and ete ‘magazine-Format, Type and organization Concept of News, values, sources of News, Structure of News Report. Features article, Editorial Unit ie 2 3, Contribution of T.Y. in Social development 4 a Se 1 Radio-Origin, development and characteistios of Radio. 2 radio as a mass medium. 3. Radio news, radio features, 4. various types of Imerview, 5. Folk Media, TetevBfon-origin, developr_atand characteris TV.News Filii-Orivin, Development of India film Socio cultural effects of fli as mass mediwin. Censorship, using film for extension, References: |. Denis Macwel = Mass communication theory & htoxbction, 2.CS.Raynde = Communication 3.KM Shrivastava -RedioandT-V, Jouralian 4.NLV. Kamath - ProfesiovalJoumalism Saanmmsfe | ~ wae mms 62 ame ite aR Tat mee — ernie Paro a ter = Me eget ee 9 fot eRe oe epee’). Food & Nuttition . ‘Semester -1V = Paper = 1V. Dissertation (Optional C) M, Marks: CHAPTER -1 Introduction CHAPTER -1T Review of Literature, CHAPTER - IIL Methodology, CHAPTER - IV Analysis and discussion. CHAPTER - Vv Conclusion and recommendation. : BIBLIOGRAPHY, 50

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