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Lecture 1: Statistical analysis – definition of basic terms: population, sample,

probability, statistical items, and statistical variables. Theoretical and empirical distributions.
Types of data – discrete, continuous. Scales: nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio. Measures of central
tendency – mean, median, mode. Measures of spread (dispersion) – range, variance, standard
deviation. Coefficients of distribution – skewness and kurtosis. Distributions of empirical data.
Tables, polygons and histograms. Cross tabulation. Point and interval evaluations. Confidence
interval for the average.

The word statistics has several meanings: data or numbers, the process of analyzing of
data, and the description of a field of study. It derives from the Latin word status, meaning
“manner of standing” or “position”.
In medicine, some of the statistics most often encountered are called means, standard
deviations, proportions and rates. Working with statistics involves using statistical methods to
summarize the data (to obtain means, standard deviations, etc) and using statistical procedures to
reach certain conclusions that can be applied to patient care or public health planning. The
subject area of statistics is the set of all statistical methods and procedures used by those who
work with statistics. The application of statistics is broad indeed and includes business,
marketing, economics, agriculture, education, psychology, sociology, anthropology and biology,
in addition to our special interest, medicine. In medicine the terms biostatistics and biometrics
are used to refer to the application of statistics.

Physicians must evaluate and use new information throughout their lives. The skills you
learn in this discipline will assist in this process, because she concerns modern knowledge
acquisition methods. The most important reasons for learning medical biostatistics are:
1. Evaluation the medical literature
2. Applying study results to patient care
 Interpreting vital statistics
 Understanding epidemiological problems
 Interpreting information about drugs and equipment
 Using diagnostic procedures
 Being informed
 Evaluating study protocols and articles
 Participating in or directing research projects

Goal of the biostatistics: to find the trend of the phenomenona within the populations.
Population: a large set or collection of items that have something in common. In
medicine population generally refers to patients or other living organisms, but the term can also
be used to denote collections of inanimate objects, such as sets of autopsy reports, hospital
charges, or birth certificates.
Sample: is a subset of the population, selected in such a way that is representative of the
larger population.
The statistics and biostatistics work only with samples.
Probability: assume that an experiment can be repeated many times, with each
replication (repetition) called a trial; and assume that one or more outcomes can result from each
trial. Then, the probability (P) of a given outcome is the number of times that outcome occurs
(m) divided by the total number of trials (n). If the outcome is sure to occur, it has a probability
of 1; if an outcome cannot occurs, its probability is zero.

Statistical (biostatistical) item: a man or animal that is included in the investigation.

Statistical variable: the characteristic of interest in a study (height, weight, blood
pressure, etc.). The term variable makes sense because the value of the characteristic varies from
one subject to another. This variation results from inherent biologic variation among individuals
and from errors made in measuring and recording a subject’s value on a characteristic, called
measurement error. A random variable is a variable in a study in which subjects are randomly
Distribution: Just as values of characteristics can be summarized in frequency
distribution, values of a random variable can be summarized in a frequency distribution called a
probability distribution. We differ empirical and theoretical distributions. The data of a study
has empirical distribution. In some applications, a formula or rule will adequately describe a
distribution; the formula can then be used to calculate the probability of interest. In other
situations, a theoretical probability distribution provides a good fit to the distribution of the
variable of interest.
Several theoretical probability distributions are important in statistics and we shall
examine three that are useful in medicine. Both the binomial and the Poisson are discrete
probability distributions: i.e., the associated random variable takes only integer values, 0, 1, 2,
…, n. the normal (Gaussian) distributionis a continuous probability distribution; i.e., the
associated random variable has values measured on a continuous scale.
The binomial distribution
Suppose an event can have only binary outcomes (e.g., yes or no, or positive and
negative), denoted A and B. The probability of A is denoted by , i.e. P(A) = , and this
probability stays the same each time the event occurs. Therefore, the probability of B must be 1-
, because B occurs if A does not. If an experiment involving this event is repeated n times and
the outcome is independent from one trial to another, what is the probability that outcome A
occurs exactly X times? Or equivalently, what proportion of the n outcomes will be A? This
questions frequently are of interest, especially in basic science research, and they can be
answered with the binomial distribution.
The probability of X outcomes in a group of size n, if each outcome has probability  and
is independent from all other outcomes, is given by

P( X )   x (1   ) n  x
X!(n  X )!

where ! is the symbol for factorial; n! is called n factorial and is equal to the product n(n-
1)(n-2)…(3)(2)(1). For example, 4! = (4)(3)(2)(1) = 24. The number 0! is defined as 1.

The Poisson distribution

This distribution can be used to determine the probability of rare events; i.e., it gives the
probability that one outcome occurs a specified number of times when the number of trials is
large and the probability of any one occurrence is small. For instance, the Poisson distribution is
used to plan the number of beds a hospital needs in its intensive care unit, the number of
ambulance needed on call, or operators needed on switchboard. It can also be used to model the
number of cells in a given volume of fluid, the number of bacterial colonies growing in a certain
amount of medium, or the emission of radioactive particles from a specified amount of
radioactive material.

Consider a random variable representing the number of times an event occurs in a given
time or space interval. Then the probability of exactly X occurrences is given by the following

x e  
P(X ) 

in which  (the Greek letter lambda) is the value of both the mean and variance of the
Poisson distribution, and e is the base of natural logarithms, equal to 2.718.

The Normal (Gaussian) distribution

This is the most famous probability distribution in statistics, called the normal, or
Gaussian distribution (or bell-shaped curve). The normal curve was first discovered by French
mathematician Abraham Demoivre and published in 1733. However, two mathematician-
astronomers, Pierre-Simon Laplace from France and Carl Fridrich Gauss from Germany, were
responsible for establishing the scientific principles of the normal distribution. Many consider
Laplace to have made the greatest contributions to probability theory, but Gauss’s name was
given to the distribution after he applied it to the theory of motion of heavenly bodies.
The normal distribution is continuous, so it can take on any value (not just integers). It is
a smooth, bell-shaped curve and is symmetric about the mean of the distribution, symbolized by
. The standard deviation (SD) of the distribution is symbolized by ;  is the horizontal
distance between the mean and the point of inflection on the curve – i.e., the point where the
curve changes from convex to concave. The mean and SD are the two parameters of the normal
distribution; i.e., they completely determine the location of the number line and the shape of a
normal curve.
Given a random variable X that can take on any value between -  and +  ( represents
infinity), the formula for the normal distribution is as follows:

1  1  x   2 
P(X)   exp    
 2 2  2    

where exp stands for the base e of the natural logarithms and  = 3.1416. Note that the
function depends only on  and  for a given X, because they are the only components that vary.

The gaussian distribution has the following distinguishing features:

1. The mean  1 SD contains approximately 66.7% of the area under the normal curve.
2. The mean  2 SD contains approximately 95% of the area under the normal curve.
3. The mean  3 SD contains approximately 99.7% of the area under the normal curve.

Although these features indicate that the normal distribution is a valuable tool in
statistics, its value goes beyond merely describing distributions. In actuality, few characteristics
are normally distributed. The major importance of the normal distribution is in the role it plays in
statistical inference.

The scale on which a characteristic is measured has implications for the way information
is displayed and summarized. The scale of measurement – the degree of precision with which a
characteristic is measured also determines the statistical methods that may be used to analyze the
data. We differ four types of scales: nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio.
Nominal scales are used for simplest level of measurement when data values fit into
categories between them has not comparison. For example: gender (male, female), blood group
(0, A, B, AB).
Ordinal scales
If there is an inherent order among the categories, the observations are said to be
measured on an ordinal scale. Observations are still classified, as with nominal scales, but some
observations have “more” or are “greater than” other observations. Tumors, for example, are
staged according to their degree of development. The international classification for staging of
carcinoma of the cervix is an ordinal scale from 0 to IV. The inherent order in this ordinal scale
is, of course, that stage IV is worse than stage 0 with respect to prognosis.
These scales are called also categorical in opposite to next two – the numerical scales.

Interval scale
This scale keeps the property interval distance on whole range of the scale. For example,
distance between 5th and 6th centimeters is equal to the distance from 42nd and 43rd centimeters.
Ratio scale
This type of scale possess one more property – to keep ratio between measurements – for
example, 10 kilograms are 5 times more than 2 kilograms and 20 kilograms are 5 times more
than 4 kilograms. Some interval scales do not have this property because the place of the zero
point is not correct. For example, a body with temperature 30 o C is not three times warmer than
another body with temperature 10o C, because the zero point in this scale do not means absence
of the measured characteristics (warm). If we take temperature scale of Calvin, where zero point
(-273o C) means completely absence of kinetics’ motion of he molecules we obtain the property
ratio on whole range of the scale.


One of the most useful summary numbers is an index of the center of a distribution of
observations that tells us what the middle or average value in the data is. The three measures of
central tendency used frequently in medicine: the mean, the median and the mode. All three are
used for numerical data, and the median and the mode can be used for ordinal data as well.
The mean is the arithmetic average of the observation. It is symbolized by X (called X-
bar) and is calculated as follows:

X i
X i 1

where Xi represents individual observations, and n is the total number of observations.

The mean is sensitive to extreme values, for example, the characteristics “height” with
this observations with one error:
1.84, 1.68, 1.95, 1.56, 1.75, 1.66, 178 (last observation is given unfortunately in

The real mean in this example is 1.7457, but we receive 188.44 m average height, what is

The median is the middle observation; i.e. half the observations are smaller and half are
larger. If the number of observations is even the median is the mean of the two middle
observations. In the example above, the median is 1.75 with or without mistake, i.e. the median
is less sensitive to extreme values than the mean.

The mode is the value that occurs more frequently. It is commonly used for a large
number of observations when the researcher wants to designate the “most popular” value.


The mean is useful information, but in order to have better idea of the distribution, we
also need to know something about the spread or the variation of the observations. Several
statistics are frequently used in medicine to describe the dispersion of data: range, standard
deviation and variation.

The range is the difference between the largest observation and the smallest observation.

The standard deviation is commonly used measure of dispersion with medical and
health data. The standard deviation is a measure of the spread of data about their mean. It is
calculated from the observations in the group as:

n 2

  xi  x 
SD  i 1
n 1

The variation has the same meaning, because she is calculated as SD2.

The skewness is a measure of the asymmetry of a distribution. The normal distribution is
symmetric, and has a skewness value of zero. A distribution with a significant positive skewness
has a long right tail. A distribution with a significant negative skewness has a long left tail. As a
rough guide, a skewness value more than twice its standard error is taken to indicate a departure
from symmetry.
The kurtosis is a measure of the extent to which observations cluster around a central
point. For a normal distribution, the value of the kurtosis statistic is 0. Positive kurtosis indicates
that the observations cluster more and have longer tails than those in the normal distribution and
negative kurtosis indicates the observations cluster less and have shorter tails.

Distributions of empirical data. Tables, polygons and histograms. Cross tabulation.

Point and interval evaluations.

Confidence interval (CI) for the mean

Sometimes, instead of giving a simple point estimate (such as mean, median, SD etc.),
investigators wish to indicate the variability the estimate would have in other samples. To
indicate this variability they use interval estimates. The CI for the mean is a numeric interval
within we can affirm with some probability (called also probability of guarantee) that the true
mean is.

CI  X  

where  is the maximum error and is equal to:

 = t.SE

where SE is standard error of the mean. The standard error is a measure of the accuracy
of the sample mean as an estimation of the population mean.

SE 

In these equations we see that the length of the CI is depended from coefficient of
guarantee t and from the size of the sample n. The coefficient t obtains increasing values when
the probability P increases (for example for P = 95% t = 1.98, and for P=99% t = 2.56). We
need shorter CI, because it is more informative. We need high probability of guarantee also. Such
way, the only thing we can make is to increase the size of the sample n.


1. Statistical package SPSS. Entering data, definition of variables.

2. Analysis of empirical distributions - tables, polygons and histograms. Descriptive
statistics – evaluation of central tendency, dispersion, distribution.

Lecture 2: Statistical hypotheses – definition and types. Testing statistical hypotheses.
Errors – type I and II. Significance level. Testing statistical hypotheses. Parametric and
nonparametric tests for testing statistical hypotheses for difference of two dependent or
independent samples.

Definition: A statistical hypothesis is a statement of belief about population parameters.

Like the term probability, the term hypothesis has a more precise meaning in statistics than in
every day use.
What are the steps of a hypothesis test?
1. Step 1. State the research question in terms of statistical hypotheses (To formulate
the null hypothesis):
In statistics there are two hypotheses: the null hypothesis, Ho and the alternative
hypothesis H1. The Ho is a statement claiming that there is no difference between the
assumed or hypothesized value and the population mean, no correlation, no dependence,
etc. The alternative hypothesis H1 is a statement that disagrees with the null hypothesis. If
the Ho is rejected as a result of sample evidence, then the alternative hypothesis is the
conclusion. If there is not sufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis Ho, it is retained
but not “accepted”. Scientists distinguish between “not rejecting” and “accepting” the
null hypothesis; they argue that a better study may be designed in which the null
hypothesis will be rejected. Therefore, we do not “accept” the null hypothesis from
current evidence; we merely state that it cannot be rejected.
2. Step 2. Decide on the appropriate test statistic for the hypothesis:
Statistics, such as critical ratio, whose primary use is in testing hypotheses, are called test
statistics. Choosing a test statistic is a major topic in statistics. Each test statistic has a
probability distribution, each empirical distribution – too. In many cases it is need to
check would the empirical distribution is the same as the distribution of the test statistic.
3. Step 3. Select the level of significance for the statistical test:
The level of significance, when chosen before the statistical test is performed, is called
the alpha value, denoted by ; it gives the probability of incorrectly rejecting the null
hypothesis when it is actually true. This probability should be small, because we do not
want to reject the null hypothesis when it is true. Traditional values used for  are: 0.05,
0.01, 0.001 and very seldom 0.1. The most used value of  is 0.05.
Another concept related to significance is the P-value, and it is commonly reported in
medical journals. The P-value is always related to a hypothesis test; it is the probability
of obtaining a result as extreme as or more extreme than the one observed, the null
hypothesis is true. Some people like to think of the P-value as the probability that the
observed result is due to chance alone. The P-value is calculated after the statistical test
has been performed; if the P-value is less than , the null hypothesis is rejected.
4. Step 4. Determine the value the test statistic must attain to be declared significant:
This “significant” value is called critical value of the test statistic. Determining the
critical value is a simple process: Each test statistic has a distribution; the distribution of
the test statistic is divided into an area of (hypothesis) acceptance and an area of
(hypothesis) rejection. For a one-tailed test, the area of rejection is in either lower or the
upper tail of the distribution. For a two-tailed test, there are two areas of rejection, one in
each tail of the distribution. The areas of acceptance and rejection are determined by the
value chosen for . Fig. 1 illustrates the areas of acceptance and rejection.
An illustration should help clarify the process. Let assume that test statistic follows the
standard normal (z) distribution;  is 0.05; and a two-tailed test was specified by the
alternative hypothesis. Thus, the area of acceptance is the central 95% of the z
distribution, and the areas of rejection are the 2.5% of the area of the each tail (Fig. 1, A).
From the table of the z distribution we find that the value of z that defines these areas is
–1.96 for the lower tail and +1.96 for the upper tail.

Rejection Acceptance Rejection
area area area

(A) -1.96 0 1.96 z

Acceptance Rejection
area area

(B) 0 1.645 z

Rejection Acceptance
area area

(C) -1.645 0 z

Fig.1: Defining areas of acceptance and rejection in standard normal distribution using 
= 0.05 (A) Two-tailed or nondirectional. (B) One-tailed or directional upper tail. (C) One-
tailed or directional lower tail

5. Step 5. Perform the calculations:

Now we perform the calculations with statistical programs as SPSS, SAS etc.
6. Step 6. Draw and state the conclusion:
Stating the conclusion in words is important because students of statistics sometimes
learn the mechanisms of hypothesis testing but have difficulty applying the concepts.

Errors of hypothesis testing & power

Two errors can be made in a test of hypothesis. We referred in step 3 to one of these
errors – rejecting the null hypothesis when it is true – as a consideration when selecting the
significance level of  for the test. There is another error as well: not rejecting null hypothesis
when it is actually false, i.e., not accepting the alternative hypothesis when it is true. Table 1
summarizes these errors. The situations marked by asterisk (*) are correct decisions: rejecting the
null hypothesis when a difference exists, and not rejecting the null hypothesis when there is no
The situation marked by B is rejecting the null hypothesis when it is really true and is
called a type I error;  is the probability of making a type I error.
A type II error occurs in the situation marked by II; this error is failing to reject the null
hypothesis when it is false (or not rejecting the null hypothesis when the alternative hypothesis is
true). The probability of type II error is denoted by .
Another important concept related to hypothesis testing is power. Power is defined as the
probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is false or of concluding the alternative
hypothesis when it is true.

Table 1: Correct decisions and errors in hypothesis testing

True situation
Difference exists (H1) No difference (Ho)
Conclusion from hypothesis test

Difference exists *
(Type I error, or 
(Reject Ho) (Power or 1 - )

No difference II
(Do not reject (Type I error, or  *
Ho) error)

Analogies in hypothesis testing:

Analogies often help us better understanding new or complex topics. Certain features of
diagnostic testing – e.g., sensitivity and specificity – provide a straightforward analogy to
hypothesis testing. A type I error, incorrectly concluding significance when the result is not
significant, it is similar to a false positive test that incorrectly indicates presence of a disease
when it is not present. Similarly, a type II error, incorrectly concluding no significance when the
result is significant, is analogous to a false-negative test that incorrectly indicates no presence of
disease when it is present. The power of a statistical test, the ability to detect significance when a
result is significant, is analogous to the sensitivity of a diagnosis test, i.e., its ability to detect a
disease that is present.
Specifying  and  and power.
Journal editors almost universally require authors to specify the value of  or the P-
values for statistical tests, which is not difficult to do. A type I error occurs when there truly is no
difference, and this error can happen in only one way. Specifying probabilities of type II errors
after statistical tests have been done is more difficult task, however. A type II error occurs when
there truly is a difference, and this error can happen in many different ways.
Type II errors are generally not explicitly discussed in journal articles. However, since
power equals 1 - , the issue can be addressed by describing the power of the statistical test to
detect a specified difference. The following statement are typical of those to describe power:

“This study was designed to have 90% power of detecting a difference of 10 g/day between the
mean for study patients and the mean for normal controls” or “The sample size was determined
to provide 80% power to detect a difference of 10 or more g/day.” In the first case, the value for
 is 0.10; in the second case, it is 0.20.
The process of determining the power of a study is sometimes called power analysis. It
consists of determining how large a sample is required to detect an actual difference of some
specified magnitude. The power of a study must be determined before the study begins;
otherwise, the study may require more time and resources than are available. Alternatively, the
study may use more subjects and raising ethical issues in other ways.
The ramifications of not performing power calculations can be very serious. For instance,
a study may have low power because the sample size was too small to detect the presence of
reasonable differences; it is “negative study”.
Power calculations are also essential when an investigator wants to conclude that two
drugs or two procedures are not significantly different. In principle, the conclusion of “no
significant difference” can be guaranteed by using a very small sample size. The ramification for
readers of the medical literature is as follows: Whenever differences are not significant, the
authors must state the power of the study for detecting differences. Otherwise, a difference may
exist but the sample size was too small to detect it. Without information about power, readers
cannot arrive at a conclusion about negative studies.

Parametric and nonparametric tests for testing statistical hypotheses for difference of two
dependent or independent samples.
Two research designs focus on the difference between two observed means. One design
involved two totally separate (independent) groups in which, for example, patients in one group
receive a treatment and patients in the other group receive a placebo. The t test for two
independent groups is appropriate for this design. The other situation is called a matched, or
paired, design. The most common paired design occurs when one group is measured twice.
Frequently, the first measurement occurs before treatment or intervention, and the second
measurement occurs after treatment; the purpose is to decide whether the intervention makes a
difference. In this design, each subject serves as his or her own “control”. Less often, subject are
matched on one or more relevant characteristics and then analyzed as though they were the same
The goal of paired designs is to control for extraneous factors that might influence the
result; then any difference caused by the treatment will not be masked by the differences among
the subjects themselves.
Test of hypothesis for the mean difference in paired design
Step 1. State the hypotheses.
Ho:  = 0 (The mean difference in the population is zero)
H1:   0 (The mean difference is not zero)
Here  is the parameter for the mean difference in the population.

Step 2. Decide on the test statistic. The test statistic for comparing the means between
two paired groups, assuming normality, is t statistic for the mean difference.
Step 3. Select a value for  - we choose 0.10
Step 4. Determine the critical value. The alternative hypothesis specifies a two-tailed test.
The value of the t distribution with 7 degrees of freedom, for example, that separates 90% of the
distribution from the 5% in each tail is 1.895. Therefore, we will reject the null hypothesis of no
difference if the calculated value of t is greater than 1.895 or less than –1.895.
Step 5. Perform the calculation
Let the program output is 4.66

Step 6. Draw and state the conclusion. The observed value is greater than 1.95.
Therefore, we reject the null hypothesis of no difference and conclude, with P<0.1, that there is

The Signed-Rank test for the mean difference

The paired t test requires that the observations being analyzed follow a normal
distribution. This assumption is important with small sample sizes, n less than 30. If researches
suspect that the distribution of the variable of interest departs significantly from the normal
distribution, either from the theory or from the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, they should either
transform the observations or use a nonparametric statistical test that does not require the
observations to be normally distributed.
The most commonly used nonparametric test for the difference between two paired
samples is the Wilcoxon signed-ranks test. It tests the hypothesis that the medians, rather than
the means, are equal in the two paired samples. It is an excellent alternative to the t test because
it is almost as powerful (rejecting null hypothesis when it is false) as the t test in detecting an
actual difference when the observations follow a normal distribution. When the observations are
not normally distributed, it is more powerful than the t test.
The first step is to write the absolute value of the differences in a column. The second
step is to rank-order the absolute value of the differences, from smallest to largest. Duplicate or
tied differences receive equal rank. The third step is to “sign the ranks”, i.e., give each rank a +
or – sign according to the original difference.
To compute the Wilcoxon signed-rank test statistic, we treat the signed ranks as though
they were the original observations. Thus, the mean and SD of the ranks are computed and are
used to obtain the standard error of the ranks. The idea behind this approach is that positive and
negative ranks will tend to cancel each other if some statistical items have a positive difference
and others have a negative difference. Then the t statistic is calculated.

Decisions about two independent groups

When observations come from two separate or independent groups, and the research
question is whether there is a difference between the means of the two groups, the appropriate
test is the two-sample, independent-groups t test.
The assumptions needed for use of the two-sample t test for independent groups are more
complicated than those for paired-sample test. The assumption that the observations be normally
distributed in both groups remains. If the sample size is 30 or more in each group, the need for
normality is reduced. With smaller samples from populations that are not normally distributed,
however, another nonparametric procedure should be used (Test of Mann-Whitney).
The second assumption I that the variances or SD be equal in the two groups
(homogeneous variances). If this is not true we use a modification of this test.
The third assumption is that the observations occur independently. Operationally,
independence means that knowing the value of an observation about in one group does not
provide any information about the value of an observation in the second group. Unfortunately,
this assumption is not generally given much attention and there is no statistical test to determine
whether it has been violated.

The Wilcoxon Rank-Sum test (Mann-Whitney U)

If investigators wish to compare the means of two independent groups, and one r more of
the assumptions for the t test are seriously violate, they can employ an excellent nonparametric
alternative to the t test. It is a test of equality of medians rather than means.
The first step is to rank the observations from lowest to highest (or vice versa), ignoring
the group to which an observation belongs. If there are duplicate or tied values they are handled
as in the Wilcoxon signed-ranks test, by taking the mean rank for the tied observations.

The next step, after the observations have been ranked, is to calculate the mean and SD of
the ranks separately for each group. Finally, the t statistic for two independent groups is
determined, using the calculations for ranks, not original observations.


3. Testing the hypothesis of Normal distribution with method of Kolmogorov-Smirnov.

Interval evaluations. Confidence interval for the average.
4. Parametric and nonparametric tests for testing statistical hypotheses for difference of
two dependent or independent samples.

Lecture 3: Statistical analysis of relationships. Types of relationships. Causal
relationships. Basic tasks and methods of analysis. Chi-square test for two categorical variables.
Coefficients of contingency.

One of the most interesting subjects if the statistics is the topic of the relationships. In
many cases we need to establish is there a relationship between two or more statistical variables
or not, of what kind is this relationship, the strength of the relationship and so on. We differ two
types of relationships: causal and associate. In causal relationship one or more characteristics is
considered to be the independent or explanatory variable, and other (usual one variable) to be
dependent or response variable. Generally the explanatory characteristic is the one that occurs
first or is easier or less costly to measure. On the next figure are present different types of this

A B

… …

The first case is when there are one cause and one consequence (for example - one factor,
one disease). The next: one cause – many consequences (for example - one disease, many
symptoms) and the third many causes – one consequence (for example - many factors, one
The associate relationship is characterized with simultaneously change without definitely
influence of the one characteristic on the other – e.g. height and weight.
The most interesting is the causal relationship. It will be discuss in the next lecture.
In the next two tables are shown different cases of dependent and independent variables
and statistical method used to establish the existence of causal relationship.

Table 1: Summary of conceptual framework1 for questions involving two variables

Independent variable Dependent variable Method

Nominal Nominal Chi-square
Nominal (binary) Numerical t-test1
Nominal (more than 2 values) Numerical One-way ANOVA1
Nominal Numerical (censored) Actuarial methods
Numerical Numerical Regression2

Assuming the necessary assumptions (e.g. normality, independence, etc) are met.
Correlation is appropriate when neither variable is designated as independent or dependent

Table 2: Summary of conceptual framework1 for questions involving two or more
independent (explanatory) variables

Independent variables Dependent variable Method

Nominal Nominal Log-linear
Nominal and numerical Nominal (dichotomous) Logistic regression
Nominal and numerical Nominal (2 or more variables) Discriminant analysis1
Nominal Numerical ANOVA
Numerical Numerical Multiple regression1
Numerical and nominal Numerical (censored) Cox regression
Nominal with confounding Numerical ANCOVA1
factors Nominal Mantel-Haenszel
Factor analysis1 and cluster
Numerical only -
certain assumptions (e.g., multivariate normality, independence, etc) are needed to use these methods.

Chi-square test for two categorical variables. Coefficients of contingency

The Chi-Square test is the most commonly used method for comparing frequencies or
proportions, because it can be used with two or more groups. We will discuss the use of the Chi-
Square test for comparing two independent proportions using Presenting Problem 1:
Shock from gram-negative bacteremia is a major cause of death in patients admitted to
the surgical intensive care unit. This problem has been attributed to the lipopolysaccharide (LPS)
in the outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria. Although the oligosaccaride side chains of the
LPS differ among various bacterial species, the glycolipid core to which they are attached varies
little among bacterial species. Immunization of animal with gram-negative bacteria protects them
from lethal shock, but the protection is mainly against the immunizing strain. However,
immunization with bacteria whose LPS contains only core determinants, such as Escherichia
coli J5, protects against a variety of gram-negative bacteria.
Baumgartner et al (1985) reported a randomized, double-blinded trial of J5 antiserum in
seriously ill surgical patients to determine whether it was effective in preventing the serious
consequences of gram-negative infection and improve the overall prognosis. Studied were 262
patients admitted to the surgical intensive care unit and considered to be at high risk of
developing gram-negative bacteremia; 126 patients received plasma from healthy donors who
had been immunized with J5 vaccine, and 136 received control plasma prepared from the same
donors 6 weeks before immunization. Table 3 shows the number of patients who developed
gram-negative infection and the number who developed shock and lethal shock. Is the vaccine

Table 3: Episodes of systemic gram negative infection in surgical patients treated with J5
versus controls

Abdominal surgery All patients

J5 Control J5 Control
Shock 2 13 6 15
Lethal shock 1 9 2 9
Total number with infection 8 15 16 23
Number of patients 71 83 126 136

Recall that the investigators want to know whether vaccinating patients with J5 has an
effect on the number of episodes of shock. This research question can be phrased in two different
1. Is there a difference in the proportion of gram-negative shock episodes in patients
who receive J5 vaccine versus those who receive a placebo vaccine? Stated in this manner, we
can use Chi-Square to test the equality of proportions.
2. Is there an association (or relationship or dependency) between receiving the J5
vaccine and the occurrence of gram-negative shock episodes? Phrased this way, we can use Chi-
Square to test whether the outcome is independent from the therapy.
It is the second use that makes the test applicable in so many research situations. This is
the reason why the Chi-Square test with two factors is commonly referred to as the Chi-Square
test for independence.
Intuitive overview to the Chi-Square test: Consider the hypothetical data in the
contingency table in Table 4A. These observed frequencies represent a hypothetical study in
which 100 patients are given an experimental treatment and 100 patients receive a control
treatment. Fifty patients or 25% respond positively; the remaining 150 patients respond

Table 4: Hypothetical data for Chi-Square

A. Marginal frequencies
Treatment Control Total
Positive 50
Negative 150
Total 100 100 200
B. Expected frequencies
Treatment Control Total
Positive 25 25 50
Negative 75 75 150
Total 100 100 200

Now, if there is no relationship between treatment and outcome – i.e., if treatment and
outcome are independent – we would expect approximately 25% of the patients in the treatment
group and 25% of the patients in the control group to respond positively. Similarly, we would
expect approximately 75% of the patients to be in the treatment group and approximately 75% in
the control group to respond negatively. Thus, if there significance not a relationship between
treatment and outcome, the frequencies should be as listed in Table 3B. the numbers in the cells
of Table 3B are called expected frequencies.
The logic of the Chi-Square test is as follows:
1. The number of observations in each column (treatment and control) and the number
of observations in each row (positive and negative response) are considered to be given; they are
called marginal frequencies.
2. From the given column a row totals, the number of observations expected to occur in
each cell of the table, assuming that columns and rows are independent, is calculated; they are
called expected cell frequencies, or, simply, expected frequencies.
3. The expected frequency in each cell is compared with the frequency that actually
occurred (i.e., observed frequencies). The differences between the observed frequencies and the
expected frequencies are combined to form the Chi-Square statistic.
4. If there is no relationship between the column and row variables – i.e., if they are
independent from each other – the observed frequencies will differ from the expected
frequencies only by a small amount, owing to sampling variability; and the value of Chi-Square
statistic will be small. If there is relationship (or dependency), the observed frequencies will vary
substantially from the expected frequencies; and the value of Chi-Square statistic will be large.
We let O denote the observed frequency in a cell and E denote the expected frequency in
a cell. Then, the Chi-Square statistic is

(O  E ) 2
 2 (df )   E
all _ cells

where 2(df) designates the Chi-Square statistic with degrees of freedom df.

The Chi-Square distribution: In the Chi-Square test for independence, the number of
degrees of freedom equals the number of rows minus 1 multiplied by the number of columns
minus 1, or

df = (r – 1)(c – 1)

where r denotes the number of rows and c the number of columns. The next figure
illustrates the Chi-Square distribution for one degree of freedom. The Chi-Square distribution
has non-negative values only, and the center (or mean) of the distribution is equal to the number
of degrees of freedom. (The standard deviation of the Chi-Square distribution is also equal to the
number of degrees of freedom.) Therefore, only one parameter, degrees of freedom, is needed to
specify any Chi-Square distribution.

Rejection area

0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Figure 1: Chi-Square distribution (with 1 df and  = 0.05 critical value).

To use the Chi-Square distribution for hypothesis testing, we find the critical value in the
appropriate table that separates the area defined by  (in the upper tail from that defined by 1 -
). For example, the critical value for 2(1) with  = 0.05 is 3.841.

Table 5: 2 x 2 table for study on J5 versus control vaccine

A. Marginal frequencies
Lethal shock episodes J5 vaccine Control vaccine Total
Yes 2 9 11
No 124 127 251
Total 126 136 262
B. Expected frequencies
Lethal shock episodes J5 vaccine Control vaccine
Yes 5.29 5.71
No 120.71 130.29

Let us now apply the Chi-Square test to the observations from the gram-negative
infection study in Table 3. This time we will look at the occurrence of lethal shock. The data are
arranged as a 2 x 2 contingency table in Table 5A, with occurrence (yes or no) of lethal shock as
the row of the table and treatment (J5 or placebo) as the columns. The steps of the hypotheis test
Step 1.
Ho: Treatment and outcome (i.e., columns and rows) are independent.
H1: Treatment and outcome are not independent (i.e., they are associated or related).

Step 2. The Chi-Square test is appropriate for this research question because the data are

Step 3. Let us use an  of 0.05

Step 4. The contingency table has 2 rows and 2 columns; therefore, df = (2 – 1) x (2 – 1)

= 1. The critical value that separates the upper 5% of the 2 distribution from the remaining 95%
is 3.841. the Chi-Square test is performed as a one-tailed test, detecting whether the observed
frequencies by more than the amount that would occur by chance. Therefore the decision is to
reject the null hypothesis of independence if the observed value of 2 is greater than 3.841.

Step 5. The procedure for calculating Chi-Square requires that the expected frequencies
be found for each cell. The illustrating using hypothetical data (Table 4) indicates how expected
frequencies are calculated. Recall that the joint probability of two independent events is found by
multiplying the probabilities of the individual events, sometimes referred to as the marginal
probabilities. Therefore, assuming the rows and columns represent independent factors, expected
frequencies can be found by multiplying the marginal proportions to obtain the joint proportion,
and then multiplying by the total number of observations. For instance, multiplying the
proportion of patients who responded positively, 50/200, by the proportion of patients in the
treatment group, 100/200, and then multiplying by the total number of patients, 200, gives
(50/200) x (100/200) x 200 = (50 x 100)/200 = 25, the expected frequency for cell (1,1),
abbreviated E(1,1). This calculation can be summarized by the following rule:

Row _ total  Column _ total

Grand _ total

Using this rule, the expected frequencies for the data in Table 4A, listed in Table 4B, are
as the follows:

11 126
E (1,1)   5.29

11  136
E (1,2)   5.71

E (2,1)   120.71

251 136
E( 2,2)   130.29

The calculation for 2 is

(O  E) 2 ( 2  5.29) 2 (9  5.71) 2 (124  120.71) 2 (127  130.29) 2

 2 (1)        4.12
E 5.29 5.71 120.71 13.029

Step 6. The observed value of 2 (1), 4.12, is greater than 3.841; therefore, we reject the
null hypothesis of independence. We conclude that there is a dependency between the vaccine
and occurrence of lethal shock.

Chi-Square test for independence with more than two groups

The Chi-Square test can be extended to include any number of rows and columns. A
common application in medicine is for a comparison of several different independent groups.
In the formulation of the null and alternative hypotheses, the research question may be
stated in terms of either equal proportions or independence:
Step 1.
Ho: The proportions are all equal (or, equivalently, the occurrence of cure is
independent from the antibiotic used).
H1: The proportions are not all equal (or, equivalently, the occurrence of cure is
dependent on the antibiotic used).

Of course, the sample size must increase as the number of categories within a variable
increases. If some expected frequencies are less than 2, or if more than 20% of the expected
frequencies are less than 5, the only solution is to collapse some of the categories.

Coefficients of contingency
The coefficients of contingency are a measure of association between categorical
characteristics. There are two types of coefficients of contingency: for nominal and for ordinal
1. For nominal data the most commonly used are:
Phi and Cramers’s V - Phi is a chi-square based measure of association that involves
dividing the chi-square statistic by the sample size and taking the square root of the
result. Cramer's V is a measure of association based on chi-square.
Contingency coefficient - a measure of association based on chi-square. The value ranges
between zero and 1, with zero indicating no association between the row and column
variables and values close to 1 indicating a high degree of association between the
variables. The maximum value possible depends on the number of rows and columns in a
2. For ordinal data – the most commonly used is
Kendall’s tau-b - a nonparametric measure of association for ordinal or ranked variables
that take ties into account. The sign of the coefficient indicates the direction of the relationship,
and its absolute value indicates the strength, with larger absolute values indicating stronger
relationships. Possible values range from -1 to 1, but a value of -1 or +1 can only be obtained
from square tables.


5. Chi-squared test for two categorical variables. Coefficients of contingency. Analysis

of variance – ANOVA.

6. Correlation analysis – graphical and numerical. Coefficient of correlation.

Lecture 4: One-way ANOVA. Correlation analysis. Regression analysis.

One-way ANOVA
Many research projects in medicine employ more than two groups, but t tests are
applicable only for the comparison of two groups. Other studies examine the influence of more
than one factor. These situations call for a global, or omnibus, test to see whether there are any
differences in the data prior to testing various combinations of means to determine individual
group differences.
If a global test is not performed, multiple tests between different pairs of means will alter
the  level, not for each comparison but for the experiment as a whole. For example, in a study
of a drug use, physicians, pharmacists, medical students and pharmacy student were asked how
frequently and recently they had used drugs. These researchers may wish to compare drug use
between (1) physicians and pharmacists, (2) physicians and medical students, (3) pharmacists
and pharmacy students, and (4) medical students and pharmacy students. They may also wish to
compare (5) those in medicine (physicians and medical students) with those in pharmacy
(pharmacists and pharmacy students) and (6) practitioners (physicians and pharmacists) with
students (medical and pharmacy). If each comparison is made by using  = 0.05, there is a 5%
chance that each comparison will falsely be called significant, i.e. a type I error may occur six
different times. Overall, therefore, there is a 30% chance (6 x 5%) of declaring one of the
comparisons incorrectly significant (Actually, 30% is only approximately correct; it does not
reflect that all the comparisons are not independent).
The recommended approach for analyzing data in this situation is called analysis of
variance, abbreviated ANOVA; it protects the researcher against error “inflation” by first asking
if there are any differences at all among means of the groups. If the result of the ANOVA is
significant, the answer is yes; and the investigator is then free to make comparisons between
pairs of combinations of groups.
The variable of interest is the dependent variable, and the grouping variable is the
independent variable or factor. When the factor is only one we use the term One-way ANOVA.
When the factors are more the term is MANOVA – Multi-way ANOVA. The statistical
hypothesis being tested, the null hypothesis, is that the means of different levels of the factor are
equal and are equal to the mean of the whole sample (H o: 1 = 2 = 3 … = … = n = o). The
alternative hypothesis is that there is a difference; i.e. not all means are equal. When the null
hypothesis is rejected we say that independent variable has influence on the dependent variable.
Assumptions in ANOVA
Three assumptions are made in ANOVA:
1. The values of the dependent variable are assumed to be normally distributed within
each group, i.e., at each level of the factor or independent variable.
2. The population variance is the same in each group, i.e.,  12   22  ...   n2
3. The observations are a random sample, and they are independent; i.e., the value of
one observation is not related in any way to the value of another observation.
Not all the above assumptions are equally important. For example, the results of the F
test are not affected by moderate departures from normality, especially for a large number of
observations in each group or sample – i.e., the F test is robust with respect to violations of the
assumption of normality. However, if the observations are extremely skewed, especially for
small samples, the Kruskal-Walis nonparametric procedure should be used.
The F test is more sensitive to the second assumption of equal variances, also called
homogeneity of variances. However, concern about this assumption is eliminated if sample sizes
are equal (or close to equal) in each group. Investigators should consul a statistician for studies
resulting in greatly unequal variances and unequal sample sizes.
The last assumption is particularly important. In general, investigators should be certain
that they have independent observations. Independence is a problem primarily with studies

involving repeated measurements of the same subjects, and they must be handled in a special

Correlation analysis
The purpose of this analysis is to establish the existence of linear relationship between
two numerical characteristics.
The correlation coefficient (sometimes called the Pearson product moment correlation
coefficient, named for the statistician who defined it) is one measure of the relationship between
two numerical characteristics symbolized by X and Y. the formula for the correlation coefficient,
symbolized by r, is

 (X  X)(Y  Y)
 (X  X )  ( Y  Y )
2 2

The correlation coefficient ranges from –1 to +1, with –1 describing a perfect negative
linear, or straight-line, relationship and +1 describing a perfect positive linear, or straight-line,
relationship. A correlation of zero means there is no linear relationship between the two
variables. There is a correspondence between the size of the correlation coefficient and a
scatterplot of the observations. When the correlation is near zero, the “shape” of the pattern of
observations is more or less circular. As the value of the correlation gets closer to +1 or –1, the
shape becomes more elliptical, until, at +1 and –1, the observations fall directly on a straight
line. With a correlation of 0.6 the scatterplot of the data is somewhat ovalshaped, as it is in Fig.
How large should a correlation be? The answer depends of the application. For example,
when physical characteristics are measured and good measuring devices are available, as in
many physical sciences, fairly high correlations are possible. However, measurements in the
biologic sciences often involves characteristics that are less well defined and measuring devices
that are imprecise; in such cases, lower correlations may occur. Colton (1974) gives the
following crude rule of thumb for interpreting the size of correlations:
 Correlations from 0 to 0.25 (or – 0.25) indicate little or no relationship;
 Those from 0.25 to 0.50 (or – 0.25 to – 0.50) indicate a fair degree of relationship;
 Those from 0.50 to 0.75 (or – 0.50 to – 0.75) a moderate to good relationship; and
 Those greater than 0.75 (or – 0.75) a very good to excellent relationship.
Colton also cautions against correlation of 0.85 or higher in the biologic sciences because
of the inherent variability in most biologic characteristics.
Two final reminders are worth attention. First, the correlation coefficient measures only a
straight-line relationship; two factors may, in fact, have a strong curvilinear relationship, even
though the correlation is quite small. Therefore, when you analyze relationships between two
characteristics, always plot the data (or have a computer do so) and calculate a correlation
coefficient. A graph will also help you detect outliers and skewed distributions. The second
reminder is the adage that “correlation does not imply causation”. The statement that one
characteristic causes another must be specified on the basis of experimental observations or
logical argument, not on the basis of the size of a correlation coefficient.

220 200

r=0 180 r = 0.608


Diastolic blood pressure



100 60

80 40
1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220

X Systolic blood pressure


r= - 1
r= + 1


Fig. 1: Correlation coefficients and scatterplots.

Regression analysis
When the goal is to predict the value of one characteristic from knowledge of another, the
statistical method used is regression analysis. This method is also called linear regression,
simple linear regression, or least squares regression. The term linear regression refers to the fact
that correlation and regression measure only a straight-line, or linear, relationship between two
variables. When the term simple is used with regression, it refers to the situation in which only
one explanatory (independent) variable is used to predict another. In multiple regression, more
than one explanatory variable is included in the prediction equation.
Least squares regression describes the mathematical method for obtaining the statistical
estimators in the regression equation. The important thing to remember is that when the term
regression is used alone, it generally means simple linear regression based on the least squared
Least squares method
The least squares method is a way to determine the equation of the line that provides a
“good fit” to the points.
To illustrate the method, we consider the straight line in Fig. 2. Elementary geometry can
be used to determine the equation for any straight line. If the point where the line crosses, or
intercepts, the Y-axis is denoted by a and the slope of the line is b, then the equation is:

Y = a + bX


Y change

X change

a b = Y change/X change

Fig. 1: Geometric interpretation of regression line

The slope of the line measures the amount of change in Y for each one-unit change in X.
if the slope is positive, Y increases as X increases; if the slope is negative, Y decreases as X
increases; and vice versa. In the regression model, the slope in the population is generally
symbolized by 1, called the regression coefficient; and o denotes the intercept of the
regression line – i.e., 1 and o are the population parameters in regression. In most applications,
the points do not fall exactly along a straight line. For this reason, the regression model contains
an error term, e, which is the distance the actual values of Y depart from the regression line.
Therefore, the regression equation is given by

Y = o + 1X + 

When the regression equation is used to describe the relationship in the sample, it is often
written as

Y = bo + b1X


Y = a + bX

For a given value of X, say X*, the predicted value of Y* is found by extending a
horizontal line from the regression line to the Y0axis as in Fig. 2. the difference between the
actual value for Y* and the predicted value, e* = Y* - Y*′, provides a criterion for judging how
good the line fits the data points. The least squares method determines the line that minimizes the
sum of the squared vertical differences between the actual and predicted value of the Y variable:
i.e., o and 1 are determined so that

(Y - Y)2

is minimized.

. .
Y*′ .
. . e*
. .
. .
. .

X* X

Fig. 2: Least squares regression line

The hypotheses in regression analysis are:

Ho: The regression model is not adequate
H1: The regression model is adequate
When Ho is rejected the model is accepted and versa verse.

Dealing with nonlinear observations

Several alternative actions can be taken if there are serious problems with nonlinearity of
data. A transformation of the data may make the relationship linear, and regular regression
methods can be used on the transformed data. Another possibility, especially for a curve, is to fit
a straight line to on part of the curve and a second straight line to another part of the curve, a
procedure called piecewise linear regression. In this situation, one regression equation is used
with all values of X less than a given value, and the second equation is used with all values of X
greater than the given value. A third strategy, also useful for curves, is to perform polynomial
regression. Finally, more complex approaches called nonlinear regression may be used. In the
SPSS this is the procedure Curve Estimation. The Curve Estimation procedure produces curve
estimation regression statistics and related plots for 11 different curve estimation regression
models. A separate model is produced for each dependent variable.


7. Regression analysis. Regression models.


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