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Leadership Styles

Management: By Sunil Gupta

The author is Sr. Vice President, ITC Infotech
iv. Democratic style. By giving em- iv. Strategic leadership. Numerous well stead of picking the one style that goes
ployees a say in decision making, dem- established corporations, as well as the with your disposition, managers must
ocratic leaders develop organizational armed forces, use this leadership style – ask themselves which style best ad-
flexibility and accountability and help basically working to outsmart the rival dresses the demands of a particular sit-
introduce fresh ideas. But occasionally at each step. uation. Not many leaders, of course,

that Deliver Results

the penalty is never-ending meetings Going through the list of leadership have all leadership styles in their reper-
and perplexed employees that feel lead- styles you would have undoubtedly con- tory, and an even smaller number can

erless. cluded that no single style can be held discern when and how to use them.
up as the best, and no good leader de- However, the antidote to this situation
v. Pacesetting style. A leader who lays ploys just one leadership style. Rather, is fairly simple - the leader can put to-
n the past couple of years, special- phere of an organization, its overall per- down high performance principles and great leaders deploy a combination of gether a team with members who em-
ists in the field of management have formance and success. Each style, is Leadership lessons demonstrates them himself has a very styles depending on the scenario and the ploy styles he lacks.
undergone a remarkable attitudinal drawn from diverse emotional intelli- from the armed forces encouraging impact on employees who person or team they are interacting with,
change in how they identify and define gence competencies, works finest in Armed forces are deemed to be are self-motivated and exceedingly pro- not forgetting their expected outcome
leadership. They have moved from an particular situations, and affects organi- amongst the most well managed or- ficient. But the remaining taskforce from that person or team. There's no single "accurate"
extremely classical autocratic approach zational climate in numerous ways. ganizations, and not without reason. tends to feel overwhelmed by such a way to lead or manage that is
to innovative, participative leadership Does the military have good leaders leader’s constant demand for excel- appropriate for all situations. To
lence—and begin to dislike his predis-
Turning the Art of
styles. Somewhere along the line, it has i. Coercive style. This “Do what I say” – Yes. Armies have great leaders; choose the most efficient ap-
position to take over a situation. We all have a favored or default style of
Leadership into Science
become evident that not everything old approach is extremely helpful in a situ- thousands of young men and proach for yourself, consider the
is bad and not everything new is good. ation that needs rapid turnaround, say a women would readily lay down leading, and that is closely linked to our following:
Rather, diverse styles are needed for di- natural calamity, or when functioning their lives at the command of their vi. Coaching style. This style centers beliefs, values and personality prefer- •You taskforce’s level of
verse situations and leaders must be with a problematic workforce. But in leader. No questions asked. They are more around personal development than ences. In addition, the culture of an or- skill and experience of your
aware when to exhibit a particular ap- most circumstances, coercive leadership trained to follow orders and do as focusing on important work-related re- ganization in which the leader operates, team.
proach. curtails an organization’s flexibility and directed. Should a manager in a sponsibilities. It works fine when work- tends to reward and praise certain styles, •The job involved (everyday,
Having stated upfront that there is dampens employees’ enthusiasm. company dream of having a simi- ers are previously aware of their weak while others are perceived as negative. or new and innovative).
no best or ideal leadership style and larly dedicated team – maybe, or spots and are inclined towards improv- However, research indicates that •The environment within
there are so many leadership styles and ii. Authoritative style. An authoritative maybe not. ing, but not when they are opposed to leaders who get the best results do not your organization (unwaver-
theories on it that it more or less seems leader uses a “Come with me” ap- altering their habits. rely on just one leadership style; they use ing or drastically
like a "flavor of the month" type of proach. It is great for carrying out Do soldiers share a common vision most of the styles in any given week. •Your own preferred or nat-
thing, let’s first get started by introduc- process oriented responsibilities. Man- – Yes. Do they believe in their mis- The more styles a leader has mastered, ural style.
Apart from the six classic leadership the better. In particular, being able to
Other Leadership Styles
ing the six most distinctive styles of ager put forward the overall goal but sion statement– Yes. Do they respect Establish trust – that's key to
leadership, commonly known and ac- gives employees the liberty to pick their their unit’s core values – Yes. But styles, there are other leadership styles switch amongst four or more leadership this process – and keep in mind
cepted. own ways of achieving it. This style does that leave room for innovation? that are popular in a number of fields, styles especially – authoritative, demo- to balance the requirements of
works particularly well when a business The answer is no. When the re- or have been popular in the past. cratic, affiliate, and coaching – as the sit- the organization alongside the
is adrift. It is least successful when a quirement is creativity and innova- uation dictates creates the very best requirements of your team.
There is no doubt that the climate within leader is functioning with a team of ex- i. Situational leadership. Here, leaders organizational climate and business per-
6 Classic Leadership Styles
tion, leaders need to take a
an organization is dictated by its leader- perts who are more knowledgeable than pragmatic approach. utilize their leadership skills in numer- formance. The most appropriate leader-
ship style—in the manner in which he is. ous methods depending on if the situa- ship style arises out of the situation, An alternative approach can be to
managers encourage direct reports, col- corrected. Also, affiliative leaders seldom tion calls for task or relationship incorporating the characteristics of the develop your own style repertoire. To
lect and utilize information, make deci- iii. Affiliative style. The trademark of the offer guidance, which frequently leaves oriented decisions. followers and the task or challenge at do so, leaders must first recognize
sions, control change initiative, and take affiliative leader is a “People come first” employees in a sticky situation. hand. Most effective leaders switch flex- which leadership aptitude/competen-
care of crisis situations. It has been com- outlook. This style is especially helpful ii. Transactional leadership. This style ibility among the leadership styles ac- cies: self awareness, self-regulation,
monly accepted that there are six basic in developing team harmony or increas- has you getting tasks accomplished cording to the people they lead and the motivation, empathy, and social skill -
leadership styles, each of which have ing morale. But its limited focus on praise within the recent techniques acknowl- work that needs to be done. With prac- lie beneath the leadership styles that
unique impact on the working atmos- can permit poor performance to go un- edged by the industry. This is essentially tice, leaders can lever the appropriate they are missing. They can then work
what you would call a "by the book" leadership style to produce powerful re- diligently to increase their quotient of
management style. sults, thus turning the art of leadership them.
into a science. Such advice about adding capabil-
iii. Transformational leadership. The ities may seem simplistic—“Go
opposite of transactional, transforma- change yourself”—but competencies
tional leadership deals with propagating Leadership style is a function of strate- are completely achievable with prac-
Growing Your Repertoire

change in as many ways as possible. gic choice rather than personality. In- tice. si

July 2011 siliconindia
July 2011
Leadership Styles
Management: By Sunil Gupta
The author is Sr. Vice President, ITC Infotech
iv. Democratic style. By giving em- iv. Strategic leadership. Numerous well stead of picking the one style that goes
ployees a say in decision making, dem- established corporations, as well as the with your disposition, managers must
ocratic leaders develop organizational armed forces, use this leadership style – ask themselves which style best ad-
flexibility and accountability and help basically working to outsmart the rival dresses the demands of a particular sit-
introduce fresh ideas. But occasionally at each step. uation. Not many leaders, of course,

that Deliver Results

the penalty is never-ending meetings Going through the list of leadership have all leadership styles in their reper-
and perplexed employees that feel lead- styles you would have undoubtedly con- tory, and an even smaller number can

erless. cluded that no single style can be held discern when and how to use them.
up as the best, and no good leader de- However, the antidote to this situation
v. Pacesetting style. A leader who lays ploys just one leadership style. Rather, is fairly simple - the leader can put to-
n the past couple of years, special- phere of an organization, its overall per- down high performance principles and great leaders deploy a combination of gether a team with members who em-
ists in the field of management have formance and success. Each style, is Leadership lessons demonstrates them himself has a very styles depending on the scenario and the ploy styles he lacks.
undergone a remarkable attitudinal drawn from diverse emotional intelli- from the armed forces encouraging impact on employees who person or team they are interacting with,
change in how they identify and define gence competencies, works finest in Armed forces are deemed to be are self-motivated and exceedingly pro- not forgetting their expected outcome
leadership. They have moved from an particular situations, and affects organi- amongst the most well managed or- ficient. But the remaining taskforce from that person or team. There's no single "accurate"
extremely classical autocratic approach zational climate in numerous ways. ganizations, and not without reason. tends to feel overwhelmed by such a way to lead or manage that is
to innovative, participative leadership Does the military have good leaders leader’s constant demand for excel- appropriate for all situations. To
lence—and begin to dislike his predis-
Turning the Art of
styles. Somewhere along the line, it has i. Coercive style. This “Do what I say” – Yes. Armies have great leaders; choose the most efficient ap-
position to take over a situation. We all have a favored or default style of
Leadership into Science
become evident that not everything old approach is extremely helpful in a situ- thousands of young men and proach for yourself, consider the
is bad and not everything new is good. ation that needs rapid turnaround, say a women would readily lay down leading, and that is closely linked to our following:
Rather, diverse styles are needed for di- natural calamity, or when functioning their lives at the command of their vi. Coaching style. This style centers beliefs, values and personality prefer- •You taskforce’s level of
verse situations and leaders must be with a problematic workforce. But in leader. No questions asked. They are more around personal development than ences. In addition, the culture of an or- skill and experience of your
aware when to exhibit a particular ap- most circumstances, coercive leadership trained to follow orders and do as focusing on important work-related re- ganization in which the leader operates, team.
proach. curtails an organization’s flexibility and directed. Should a manager in a sponsibilities. It works fine when work- tends to reward and praise certain styles, •The job involved (everyday,
Having stated upfront that there is dampens employees’ enthusiasm. company dream of having a simi- ers are previously aware of their weak while others are perceived as negative. or new and innovative).
no best or ideal leadership style and larly dedicated team – maybe, or spots and are inclined towards improv- However, research indicates that •The environment within
there are so many leadership styles and ii. Authoritative style. An authoritative maybe not. ing, but not when they are opposed to leaders who get the best results do not your organization (unwaver-
theories on it that it more or less seems leader uses a “Come with me” ap- altering their habits. rely on just one leadership style; they use ing or drastically
like a "flavor of the month" type of proach. It is great for carrying out Do soldiers share a common vision most of the styles in any given week. •Your own preferred or nat-
thing, let’s first get started by introduc- process oriented responsibilities. Man- – Yes. Do they believe in their mis- The more styles a leader has mastered, ural style.
Apart from the six classic leadership the better. In particular, being able to
Other Leadership Styles
ing the six most distinctive styles of ager put forward the overall goal but sion statement– Yes. Do they respect Establish trust – that's key to
leadership, commonly known and ac- gives employees the liberty to pick their their unit’s core values – Yes. But styles, there are other leadership styles switch amongst four or more leadership this process – and keep in mind
cepted. own ways of achieving it. This style does that leave room for innovation? that are popular in a number of fields, styles especially – authoritative, demo- to balance the requirements of
works particularly well when a business The answer is no. When the re- or have been popular in the past. cratic, affiliate, and coaching – as the sit- the organization alongside the
is adrift. It is least successful when a quirement is creativity and innova- uation dictates creates the very best requirements of your team.
There is no doubt that the climate within leader is functioning with a team of ex- i. Situational leadership. Here, leaders organizational climate and business per-
6 Classic Leadership Styles
tion, leaders need to take a
an organization is dictated by its leader- perts who are more knowledgeable than pragmatic approach. utilize their leadership skills in numer- formance. The most appropriate leader-
ship style—in the manner in which he is. ous methods depending on if the situa- ship style arises out of the situation, An alternative approach can be to
managers encourage direct reports, col- corrected. Also, affiliative leaders seldom tion calls for task or relationship incorporating the characteristics of the develop your own style repertoire. To
lect and utilize information, make deci- iii. Affiliative style. The trademark of the offer guidance, which frequently leaves oriented decisions. followers and the task or challenge at do so, leaders must first recognize
sions, control change initiative, and take affiliative leader is a “People come first” employees in a sticky situation. hand. Most effective leaders switch flex- which leadership aptitude/competen-
care of crisis situations. It has been com- outlook. This style is especially helpful ii. Transactional leadership. This style ibility among the leadership styles ac- cies: self awareness, self-regulation,
monly accepted that there are six basic in developing team harmony or increas- has you getting tasks accomplished cording to the people they lead and the motivation, empathy, and social skill -
leadership styles, each of which have ing morale. But its limited focus on praise within the recent techniques acknowl- work that needs to be done. With prac- lie beneath the leadership styles that
unique impact on the working atmos- can permit poor performance to go un- edged by the industry. This is essentially tice, leaders can lever the appropriate they are missing. They can then work
what you would call a "by the book" leadership style to produce powerful re- diligently to increase their quotient of
management style. sults, thus turning the art of leadership them.
into a science. Such advice about adding capabil-
iii. Transformational leadership. The ities may seem simplistic—“Go
opposite of transactional, transforma- change yourself”—but competencies
tional leadership deals with propagating Leadership style is a function of strate- are completely achievable with prac-
Growing Your Repertoire

change in as many ways as possible. gic choice rather than personality. In- tice. si

July 2011 siliconindia
July 2011
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