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‘eld within limite which ‘were ‘splcally much smaller than what would be expected With conventional Lie stra of te OB sat te headin aot 25 BP cia oe trea all, et at ieee i, ree whe Ric a eat PE Ee os nme cry inside the soil chamber can be tepresentod by the ‘cart pressure ratio (EPR). When the EPR is ih the ‘ange of 0.95 to 1.05, the intial ground movements fadaced by the approaching tunel are very small Excessively high EPR would induce inital ground beaving, while excessively low EPR would ult initial ground setlement 2m femal cows 37 Geo voune ie mle ofwane) sas pumping grost Imo the soil The conditioning was exettial 10 tighten up the ground so that the Sabsemient compensation grouting would be move Affe the conditioning, the compensation growing wes implemented 10” remedy any settement gccaringinsanly afer ihe adiance ofthe TBM Tn aikiton 1 this, 4 thixotopic gel rout system was tied til te wos between the pou fd the Ting segmca. This cavity grouting ms ‘Saher seamen and i sops wate fom sceng ‘tothe roel “The properties of the compensation grow and cavity gout ae doled 2 Toke T and Tae 2 Deis of the growing progranine ae given fh Tabled 3 FIELD MEASUREMENTS ‘The movements due to tunelling were measured on tariene fos sections at varios locas. The Ionitoring was carried out using precise leveling survey techniques. The measurements nelude round, tuiding and tunnel Ining deformation due {0 the excavation and compensation grouting. Only twilding movements and cunnel lining deformation dre reported inthis paper 3.1 Building movements ‘The building movements atthe Royal Hill Court (RHO) ae presented here. The sil profile beneath tte RHC is 2.5m Made Ground, followed by 11 5m ‘Tereace Gravel, 05m WRB and Thanet Sand. The tunnel in Terrace Gravel with ks axis at a depth of oat Im Because of the sensitivity of the firocuse, twas decided to use compensation ‘routing io limit setiements due to twanelling. ‘The Royal Hill Cour is a 2storey reiforced concrete frame building founded on shallow foundations in the Terrace Gravel. Figure 2 shows iypial cross sections dough the growing aay Growing tubes ffom various shafls covered the footprit of the foundations of the building. The routing was about 2-3m from the tunel crown ‘The setlements of six points (61- 616) located on the edge of the building ae shown in Figure 3. ‘The sold vertical lies in the Figure indicate the onset of groating, each episode taking approximately Hall 2 day. The effectiveness of compensation routing in reducing setlements ean be seen. The ‘Foutng from shaft BI lied the building by about Timm, Similsely, grouting ftom shafts B2 and C caused an average lift of 7mm. igus] Arata oon enemas Pea ea bb ia Tinie Soemeien scan rear | ty = E = Pe an eee hee Pi | pe Figure 3. Setlement at Royal Hill Court before and ater compensation grouting In general compensation grouting has limited the final Setlement to less than fmm for all poines ‘concerned. Hence, the compersition grouting has resulted in the construction of the cuneels with building seitlemests ess than Imm. and the ‘angular distorions less than 11000, teeby satisfying the specified design extra 3.2 Tunnel lining deformation Segmeotal tunnel inings were wsed gm the project. The ining was made of $0 N/mm concrete and swengthened by high yield reinforcement. The segments were 250rim thick, 5.2m. iernal diameter, and 1.2m wrde. Each ring consists of Key ‘segment, 2 top segments and 3 ordinary segnents snd they are bolted togecber with 20min dizmeter euved bolts. All longitudinal joints aze fitted with bituminous packers to facilitate some jiat retin. ‘The lining has been designed for a 120 year sign Iie ‘As showin in the previous section, compenssion grouting reduced the building settemeat. However, compensation grouting will not only reduce the Settlement at or tea the ground sirface but nay ale increase the stres on the lining and deform & iis very important to monitor the tune! ining

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