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Copyright Amun Asha Renu All

Rights Reserved

Secret Consciousness Of The


An Artist is a receiver of
creative inspiration. The
job or purpose of an
Artist is to give detail
orientation to the realm
of imagination. In other
words, the Artist is a
master of correspondence.
The Artist has the gift to
manipulation language or
symbolism to bring forth a
creative thought, through
a medium such as music,
painting, poetry etc. the
Artist shows us how we can
apply creativity to
resources we have in
abundance to push
ourselves forward mentally
through the use of evoking
emotion. Emotion can be
defined as the movement of
chemicals and their
affects on the mind state.
Through music, poetry,
art, etc. we can explore
the outer edges of reality
that we normally have no
access to. The Artist has
the ability to channel an
emotional state that will
affect the psyche in a way
that communicates with the
subconscious mind. Having
direct access to the
subconscious is the key to
clearing blockage
internally so that energy
can flow properly giving
full use of the brain
without limitation. The
creative world is dark in
the sense that emotion can
be life giving and at the
same time destructive. The
Artist can literally lose
themselves in the creative
world because like water,
it easily can become a
person dominate mindset
due to its ability to
changed by sound-waves.
The creative world is
always in motion so just
like a movie playing in
front of your eyes, you
can put the conscious mind
to sleep, or suspend your
consciousness outside of
the body temporarily.
Because music has the
ability to directly affect
the subconscious, it is
the most popular route to
use as an Artist. If the
Artist understands
symbolism and its effects
on the mind along with the
power of music and sound,
there is no limit to the
level of change an Artist
can produce on the planet.
The Artist tend to be
dominated by right brain
activity, the side of the
brain that we to imagine
and dream. The left brain
is dominated by logic, our
ability to problem solve
and think critically. To
fuse both sides of the
brain, understanding the
science of sound and its
effects, as well as
knowing how to
mathematically synchronize
your signature within the
heart of a song or
painting, to the key to
successfully connecting
with your higher mind and
guiding your supporting to
great heights in their
thinking and mental
ability. The reverse
effect can result if the
Artist lacks the true
purpose of their art which
goes beyond creative
inspiration thats found in
the special moments of any
day. The vision of the
Artist is what the minds
of the followers can
foresee and want to be a
part of, even at their own
demise. When people are
willing to make huge
sacrifices on your behalf,
or for the greater good,
you must guarantee that
your work will be
completed by any means.
The greatest goal would be
actually affecting
politics and the everyday
living of the people who
give you the ability to be
free in this planet. To
give them mental freedom
by sharing your vision
makes the gift or life and
death that much more

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