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2019141711 sec 25

After viewing the videos, write at 500-word reflective essay outlining the values that you have, values
that influence the way you view realities around you and the way you interact with these realities. In
consonance with this, factor these items that NSTP upholds in its program: Maka-Diyos, Maka-Tao,
Maka-Kalikasan, at Maka-Bansa.

Top off you write-up with a symbol or a phrase or a favorite quotation that may capture you and the
values that you hold dear.

The videos talks about life, it basically talks about patience, kindness, ethics and lastly responsibility. By
watching all the videos that is provided I can say that it really helps and gives me heads up. I feel like the
videos are giving information about what the reality gives us. The videos kind of give a message of
awareness for everyone in different types of levels. These videos can surely help the youth and every
one to be more aware of their surroundings.

One video that stays in my mind is about Dear Future Generations: Sorry. This video made me realize a
lot of things such as taking care of our environment. The video talks about the amazon rainforest,
recently I saw a lot of videos about the burning of the amazon rainforest, that now is a desert. The
amazon rainforest is the world’s largest tropical forest, this year about mid-august the amazon
rainforest had gone viral because it is on fire.

At first I really thought that the fire was burning on its own but that is not the case at all, according to
my research 99.9% of the amazon forests was done by human initiative such as deforestation and
urbanization. The fire had been going on throughout 2019 meaning the fire releases chemical
substances such as carbon monoxide. We all know that we benefit from all the trees in our world, so if
the Amazon Rainforest is the biggest forest in the world, most of the people in our world will have
difficulties of breathing.

The problem with our society is that we keep on sharing things online like this that talks about
awareness. But we never really did a thing about it simple throwing of trash and proper segregations are
not cared by most of us. Where is a part in the video that we cared about racism, and equality but we
never really cared for our environment. Whatever we are fighting for whatever type of equality it is, it
won’t matter because in the end, if we don’t give attention to our environment, we will all end up
equally extinct.

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