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I- Media and Information Sources
A. Sources of Information
1. Indigenous Knowledge
2. Library
3. Internet
4. Mass Media
I- Media and Information Sources
B. Pros and Cons of the Different Types of Media as Sources of Information
C. Evaluating Information Sources
D. Performance Task: Written Output
A. Interview Activity

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1. What symbolisms are used in this picture?
The symbolisms used in the picture are the use of multiple TV screens showing different news channels, and internet
social media and entertainment sites (facebook,twitter and youtube), that are being monitored by the man for him to
become updated all the time about the news on his surroundings.

2. What is the message of this picture?

I think that the message of the cartoon is to people do not accept easily the news or informations that is being given and
stated on internet, radio or any other sources. It also appeals that we should make sure if the information given is stated
at all sources before accepting that information. Also, this cartoon is very timely because of fake news that is being
spread to our society today.

3. Do you agree with the message? Why or why not?

I agree with the message of the cartoon, because nowadays fake news and untruthful informations breaks relationships
of one nation, friendship and even system of one state.
#2: Which information sources (indigenous, library, internet, mass media) do you prefer to use for the following topics? Why?
1. Maute Insurgency in Marawi mass media, becuase it gives more the newest and validated news that is being gathered
by journalists.
2. Rewiew on iPhone 11 Pro internet, becuase most reviews in technology is usually seen on internet.
3. NBA Finals 2018 mass media and internet, becuase these two gives the updated news in the world of sports specifically
on NBA.
4. Updates on the Kto12 Senior High School internet, because most news nowadays is usually seen first in the internet.
5. Updates on the SEAGAMES 2019 Internet, becuase it gives more the updated and detailed information usually on the
medal tally of won medals by the different countries.

• Indigenous knowledge (IK) is the local knowledge – knowledge that is unique to a given culture or society. IK contrasts
with the international knowledge system generated by universities, research institutions and private firms. (Warren
• . It is the basis for local-level decision making in agriculture, health care, food preparation, education, natural-resource
management, and a host of other activities in rural communities. (Warren 1991)
• …owned, controlled and managed by indigenous peoples in order for them to develop and produce culturally
appropriate information in the languages understood by the community by utilizing indigenous materials and
resources, reflecting community needs and interests, visions and aspirations, and independent from vested interest
groups. (Indigenous Media, Freedom of Expression and Right to Information: A S E A N S c e n a r i o, 2014)
• . It is highly participatory, involving the community members in planning, management and production(Indigenous
Media, Freedom of Expression and Right to Information: A S E A N S c e n a r i o, 2014)
• oral tradition of communication
• store information in memories
• information exchange is face-to-face
• information are contain within the border of the community
• Definition of oral tradition
• : the stories, beliefs, etc., that a group of people share by telling stories and talking to each other
Suggested Reading


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#3: Guide Question

1. Do you agree with the message? Why or why not?
Yes, I agree because informations in journals that is not been published on the internet is usually seen on the libraries. I’m
referring to the thesis of some known researchers that you cannot access their studies in internet because of some
restrictions that they set for them to protect the copyright of their works. These studeies might only find on the respected
libraries of the university that she dedicates her work.
#4: Guide Questions
1. What is a library?
Library is a place that purposes to support the teaching and research in every schools. This place is usually consist of
books and journals, and on this era it is already supported of advances electronic resources to gather more informations.

2. Why do you think every school has a library?

Library gives support on the teaching strategies of teachers and gives references for the scientific research of students in
every schools.

3. Do you still use library resources for research? Why or why not?
Yes but not often because I usually research on the internet of the information that I need. I use mostly the library for
trainings whenever I had a contest in editorial cartooning.

4. What is a modern library to you?

Modern library for me is equipped with advanced computer technology that can find easily the reference that you are
looking for.

#5: Guide Questions:

1. What are the different types of media that can be used as a source of information?
Library is a place that purposes to support the teaching and research in every schools. This place is usually consist of
books and journals, and on this era it is already supported of advances electronic resources to gather more informations.

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the different types of media as sources of information?
Library gives support on the teaching strategies of teachers and gives references for the scientific research of students in
every schools.

3. How can you evaluate or measure information quality?

Yes but not often because I usually research on the internet of the information that I need. I use mostly the library for
trainings whenever I had a contest in editorial cartooning.

#6: Guide Questions

1. When will you refer to books as sources of information? Give an example.
I usually based on the criteria that specifies the newness of how does information and knowledge being broadcast to
people. Having different types of media including new media as media which provide information or entertainment
using computers or internet, print media includes media in-printed by means of mechanical or electronically printing
and photocopying, broadcast media as media using waves to transmit information, and Film as a set of motion pictures.

2. When will you refer to the newspaper as the source of information? Give an example.
I usually based on the criteria that specifies the newness of how does information and knowledge being broadcast to
people. Having different types of media including new media as media which provide information or entertainment
using computers or internet, print media includes media in-printed by means of mechanical or electronically printing
and photocopying, broadcast media as media using waves to transmit information, and Film as a set of motion pictures.

3. When will you consider the use of internet over books? Give an example?


4. When will you refer to articles over books? Give an example.


5. When will you consider using indigenous sources?


6. Why is it necessary to know the pros and cons each information sources?

7. In using any sources of information, how will you measure or validate information quality?
by Eastern Kentucky University Libraries
based on the work of Paul and Elder





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