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Lean Manufacturing in

Production Process
What is Lean Manufacturing?
• Lean manufacturing can be define as a combination of multiple tools
to help eliminate activities that do not add value to the product,
service and/or process by increasing the value of each activity, aimed
to eliminate or reduce waste and improve operations.

1.- Excess of movement

2.- waiting time
3.- re-processing
4.- Inventory
5.- Scrap
6.- transportation
7.- Overproduction
Lean Manufacturing Objectives
• Specify the value for the customer
• Identify all actions required to bring the product from being a concept
to being launch, from an order to delivery, from raw material to the
customer’s hands and even in his life
• Remove any action that does not add value and streaming align every
action to add value as required by the customer
• Analyze the results and start the evaluation process again.
Lean Manufacturing defines waste as:
• ‘‘Anything other than the absolute minimum of time and resources to
add value to the product and get the highest quality’’
Lean Manufactuting tools
Jidoka is used at Toyota to
empower every worker
to stop the assembly line whenever
a quality problem is detected
‘‘It should be possible to organize the flow of materials in production,
according to the principle of a supermarket, the consumer takes a
certain amount of off the shelf product, and noticed the gap is
immediately replenished’’ (Komentarzy 2013).
Manufacturing Cells
Poka Yoke (error proof devices)
Push Pull
Single Minute Exchange of Die (SMED)
Standard Work
(1) document reality,
(2) identify the waste,
(3) plan countermeasures,
(4) implement changes,
(5) verify changes,
(6) quantify changes, and
(7)standardize changes
Standard Work
Standard Work
Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)
Value Stream Map (VSM)

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