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Menopause: The Journal of The North American Menopause Society

Vol. 26, No. 1, pp. 45-65

DOI: 10.1097/GME.0000000000001171
ß 2018 The Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. on behalf of The North American Menopause Society.

The many menopauses: searching the cognitive research literature for

menopause types
Hannaford Edwards, MSc,1 Annie Duchesne, PhD,2 April S. Au, PhD,1 and Gillian Einstein, PhD 1

Objective: Recent evidence suggests that early or induced menopause increases the risk for cognitive impairment and
dementia. Given the potential for different cognitive outcomes due to menopause types, it is important that present
research on menopause and cognition distinguishes between types. The aim of this project was to determine to what extent
research looking at cognition in postmenopausal women published in one year, 2016, accounted for menopausal type.
Methods: We searched MEDLINE, EMBASE, and PsychINFO using keywords and MeSH terms for menopause
and cognition. We included any research paper reporting a cognitive outcome measure in a menopausal human
population. Differentiation between the types of menopause was defined by four categories: undifferentiated,
demographic differentiation (menopause type reported but not analyzed), partial differentiation (some but not all
types analyzed), and full differentiation (menopause types factored into analysis, or recruitment of only one type).
Results: Fifty research articles were found and analyzed. Differentiation was distributed as follows: undiffer-
entiated, 38% (19 articles); demographic differentiation, 16% (8); partial differentiation, 28% (14); and full
differentiation, 18% (9).
Conclusions: This review revealed that although some clinical studies differentiated between the many
menopauses, most did not. This may limit their relevance to clinical practice. We found that when menopause
types are distinguished, the differing cognitive outcomes of each type are clarified, yielding the strongest evidence,
which in turn will be able to inform best clinical practice for treating all women.
Key Words: Cognitive decline/cognitive aging – Early menopause – Menopause – Menopausal transition –
Premature ovarian failure – Surgical menopause.

enopause is defined as the reproductive condition menses. In fact, menstruation ceases for different reasons, in
after 12 consecutive months of amenorrhea.1 For a different ways, at different time points in the lifespan, with
majority of women, menopause occurs at an aver- different health risks.
age age of 51 years, as a result of the complex hormonal For a small but significant number of women, menopause
changes that accompany the reduction in ovarian follicles.2 occurs earlier than the normative age range.4,5 Included in this
Along with a drop in circulating hormone levels, menopause spectrum of menopauses is premature (younger than 40 y),
is often associated with the experience of hot flashes, night early (between 40 and 45 y), and induced (oophorectomy with
sweats, sleep problems, mood changes, and vaginal dryness.3 or without hysterectomy, bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy
Despite similar symptoms and the common name of meno- [BSO], the removal of ovaries and fallopian tubes, or ovarian
pause, there is, however, no single pathway to the end of ablation through radiation6). These different menopause types
have distinct hormonal changes both leading up to and after
the cessation of menses, potentially leading to different health
Received March 2, 2018; revised and accepted May 21, 2018. trajectories. Although not considered an induced menopause,
From the 1Department of Psychology, University of Toronto, Toronto, hysterectomy with ovarian sparing has been shown to result in
ON, Canada; and 2Department of Psychology, University of Northern
British Columbia, Prince George, BC, Canada. decreased ovarian function.7,8 Thus, using menopause as a
Funding/support: This research was funded by Canadian Cancer Society blanket word to describe any ‘‘cessation of menses’’ erases
grant #310336, CIHR Operating Grant #FRN 130490, and the Canadian these differences in the physiology, etiology, and health
Consortium on Neurodegeneration and Aging to GE as well as the Enid
Walker Graduate Student Award in Women’s Health Research, Wom- outcomes of the many menopauses.
en’s College Hospital to ASA. Longitudinal studies of women entering nonsurgical men-
Financial disclosure/conflicts of interest: None reported. opause of any type (spontaneous, early, or premature) not on
Address correspondence to: Gillian Einstein, PhD, University of Tor- hormone therapy (HT) have shown small decreases in verbal
onto, Department of Psychology, 100 St. George Street, Toronto, ON,
Canada M5S 3G3. E-mail: fluency, verbal and episodic memory, attention, and executive
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative function.9-11 When adjusting for age and other menopause-
Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives License 4.0 related factors such as symptoms, body-mass index (BMI),
(CCBY-NC-ND), where it is permissible to download and share the
work provided it is properly cited. The work cannot be changed in any 17b-estradiol (E2) levels, and general health, these cognitive
way or used commercially without permission from the journal. differences, however, have not been replicated.12

Menopause, Vol. 26, No. 1, 2019 45


On the contrary, significant cognitive decline is seen when Postmenopausal women also produce low but stable quanti-
comparing cognition before and after surgery in younger ties of androgens such as testosterone, dihydrotestosterone
women with induced menopause, particularly in the areas (DHT), dehydroandrosterone (DHA), and dehydroepiandros-
of verbal memory and global cognition.13-15 Risk of cognitive terone sulfate (DHAS).22 In most postmenopausal women,
impairment is increased for women who undergo induced reduction in ovarian hormones is associated with the emer-
menopause before age 49 compared with referent women, gence of physiological symptoms such as hot flashes, night
with risk increasing with younger age at surgery.16,17 The sweats, sleep problems, mood changes, and vaginal dryness.23
earlier the age of induced menopause, the steeper the cogni-
tive decline, particularly in episodic and semantic memory.14 Premature and early menopauses
As well, higher levels of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) biomark- Nonsurgical mid-life cessation of menses can occur outside
ers are associated with younger age at surgery.14 Women of the expected age range. Entering menopause before age 45
undergoing menopause before age 40, regardless of type is considered ‘‘early,’’ whereas entering menopause before
(induced or POI), have poorer verbal and visual memory age 40 is designated as ‘‘premature’’ and is termed Primary
compared with women with spontaneous menopause.18 Given Ovarian Insufficiency (POI). The prevalence of these two
these differing cognitive outcomes, research in menopause types is estimated at about 5% and 1% to 2%, respec-
and cognition needs to consider the different types of meno- tively.24,25 Progress of early menopause typically follows
pause in its design and analysis. the same stages as spontaneous menopause.1 A diagnosis
To determine whether or not more recent cognitive liter- of POI, however, requires two occasions of amenorrhea for
ature accounts for the type of menopause in its design and over 4 months, accompanied by documented elevation
analysis, we reviewed the literature on menopause and cog- in circulating gonadotrophins (serum FSH concentration
nition in one year, 2016. We then classified the relevant >40 IU/L), reduced circulating androgens, and low E2
articles and quantified the proportion in each differentiation levels.3,26,27 In addition, the decline in ovarian function in
category. The study design, population, and cognitive results POI does not compare with spontaneous menopause, as
were extracted for each article to gain further information on hormone levels can be extremely variable and some women
the studies within each category. In this way, we developed a have reported spontaneous return of menses or even preg-
typology of papers dealing with cognition and menopause nancy.28 There is also an inconsistent and varied symptom
based on the type of menopause differentiation. Although this experience for women with POI, with additional symptoms
typology is not quantitative, it is also not solely descriptive like hair loss, dry eyes, cold intolerance, joint clicking, and
because there is consideration in each category of how much hypothyroidism.29
and how closely the types of menopause are considered. We POI and early menopause are often linked to underlying
decided on this approach so readers can make their own factors beyond gonadal hormone levels. Cigarette smoking,
judgments regarding the contribution of each study and the high body mass index, and low socioeconomic status have all
reliability of their respective outcomes. Finally, we provide been associated with POI and early menopause.30,31 POI has
recommendations for future human research on cognition in been linked with genetic abnormalities, metabolic or autoim-
menopausal populations. Described below is an overview of mune disorders, infections, and enzyme deficiencies, though
the distinct menopausal etiologies and associated symptom- it is often idiopathic.28 Recent research also suggests that
atology that we used to develop a typology of menopause women with POI do not report a reduction in menopausal
differentiation. symptoms with aging.29
Notably, ovary-sparing hysterectomy can reduce the age of
The many menopauses menopause by an average of 4 years through compromise of
Spontaneous menopause ovarian function, related to age at surgery.7,32 A prominent
Spontaneous menopause (often referred to as ‘‘natural hypotheses for ovarian cessation after uterine removal is that
menopause’’) is diagnosed retrospectively after a year has the surgery affects blood flow to the ovaries,8,33 but evidence
elapsed since a woman’s last menstrual period (LMP). The for this is mixed. Other possible causes are that the uterus
majority of women experience menopause between 45 and itself regulates pituitary FSH secretion and thus affects folli-
55 years of age.19 Before the cessation of menses, women cle development.7,8 It may also be that the condition that led to
enter the menopausal transition (perimenopause); cycle hysterectomy increases the risk for ovarian failure. Thus,
lengths become variable as hormone levels begin to fluctuate depending on the timing of surgery, gradual ovarian cessation
and gradually fall.20 With fewer follicles maturing in the before age 45 due to hysterectomy might be considered
aging ovaries, levels of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) noninduced, early menopause.
and luteinizing hormone (LH) become elevated due to disin-
hibition, although 17b-estradiol (E2) levels become highly Induced menopause
variable. On average, the perimenopausal period lasts about Induced menopause refers to the permanent cessation of
4 years.1,21 After the LMP, both E2 and progesterone remain menses due to the removal of the ovaries, either surgically
circulating at very low levels (2-35 pg/mL and 0-0.8 ng/mL, (removal of the ovaries and the fallopian tubes [BSO], or of
respectively), although high FSH levels stabilize.1,22 just the ovaries), or ovary ablation via chemotherapy or

46 Menopause, Vol. 26, No. 1, 2019 ß 2018 The Author(s)


radiation.34 Removal or ablation of the ovaries through any of were searched in conjunction with menopause terms using a
these procedures is most often carried out for either the Boolean ‘‘AND.’’ A search limit was applied to remove
treatment of benign ovarian disorders such as cysts, abscesses, studies in nonhuman animals, reviews, and those not in
endometriosis, ovarian torsion, or as a preventive measure English. Year limits were then applied to return papers
against breast and ovarian cancer.35 released between January 1, 2016 and January 25, 2017
In contrast to spontaneous, early, or premature naturally (including any online publication ahead of print).
occurring menopause, endocrine change after oophorectomy Inclusion criteria were as follows: study conducted in
or chemotherapy is characterized by an abrupt and total loss of humans, includes postmenopausal women, and at least one
ovarian function. Circulating levels of estrogens and proges- cognitive outcome measure.
terone drop significantly within 24 hours of surgery, whereas Exclusion criteria were as follows: editorial or review,
levels of FSH and LH surge.36,37 Furthermore, women with society guidelines or position statement, assessment or meth-
BSO have a 25% decrease in circulating testosterone levels odological tool, textbook chapter, non-English paper, publica-
compared with spontaneously menopausal women.38 A large tions before January 2016 and after January 2017. Articles were
proportion of women with induced menopause report more assessed by two researchers for inclusion by title and abstract,
severe symptom experiences compared with those of women and then, for those included, the full text assessed by four.
with spontaneous menopause.39 Ovarian removal or ablation
is also accompanied by an abrupt onset of symptoms, paral- Defining menopausal typology
leling abrupt hormonal changes.39 Symptoms related to To classify menopausal types, we looked for explicit
induced menopause include rapid onset of hot flashes, vul- mention of spontaneous or surgical menopause, POI, or
vovaginal atrophy, mood changes, sleep disturbance, head- descriptive information such as years since menopause or
aches, joint pain, dyspaneuria, and sexual problems.36,40-43 age of LMP. Working with these parameters, a typology was
It is important to note that the term surgical or induced developed to classify the extent to which a study differentiated
menopause is sometimes used to refer to hysterectomy and/or menopausal types.
oophorectomy. Ovarian failure after hysterectomy, however, When a study considered menopausal type—through
involves gradual changes that take place over many years, reporting, study design, and/or analysis—we called this ‘‘dif-
unlike the abrupt change associated with induced meno- ferentiation.’’ Four categories were used to classify differen-
pause.14,44 Although hysterectomy with ovarian sparing tiation further: undifferentiated, demographic differentiation,
may lead to early menopause in some cases,32 the surgery partial differentiation, or full differentiation (Table 1).
itself does not induce menopause and thus should not be 1. ‘‘Undifferentiated’’ refers to a study that provides no
termed induced or surgical menopause. information on menopausal type or time since meno-
pause (TSM).
2. ‘‘Demographic differentiation’’ refers to a study that
METHODS provides some descriptive information regarding the
This research was conducted according to the principles of menopausal type, either through reporting mean age
the Declaration of Helsinki. To identify studies in postmen- at menopause, TSM, or percentage of participants from
opausal women involving cognition, we searched MEDLINE, each menopausal type, but it does not consider these
PsychINFO, and Embase. We used both MeSH terms and in analysis.
keywords to cast the widest net for menopause and cognition 3. ‘‘Partial differentiation’’ refers to a study that provides
studies, and hand-sorted by inclusion/exclusion criteria later. partial information of the different menopausal types
The term menopause was defined to include perimenopause either including type of menopause, age at menopause,
and postmenopause as associated terms, combined with the or TSM and accounting for some of those in the
Boolean ‘‘OR.’’ The search terms for cognition were deter- analysis. For example, an article that considers the
age at menopause and uses it in the analysis but not
mined by scrutinizing the full MeSH tree and selecting those
the type of early menopause (POI or induced) would be
pertaining to memory, cognition, and learning. The chosen classified as partial differentiation.
terms of cognition, executive function, learning, memory, 4. ‘‘Full differentiation’’ refers to a study that reports on the
language, and problem solving were then reiterated as key- different menopausal types and includes those in the
words, using appropriate Boolean syntax. Cognition terms analysis, or includes only one menopausal type.

TABLE 1. Definitions of the four categories used to classify menopausal type differentiation in recent papers looking
at cognition and menopause
Differentiation type Definition
Undifferentiated No information regarding participants’ menopausal type or age at menopause.
Demographic differentiation Time since LMP or number of participants in each menopausal type reported but not factored into analysis.
Partial differentiation Reports on and factors into analysis either age of LMP and/or years since menopause and/or type of menopause but
not all three.
Full differentiation Reports on and factors into analysis age of LMP, years since menopause, and type of menopause or limits its
investigation to only one menopausal type.

Menopause, Vol. 26, No. 1, 2019 47


removed based on our screening criteria. The remaining

57 articles were read in full to determine eligibility and
classification; 7 articles did not meet inclusion criteria or
were inaccessible. This left 50 articles for review: 35 obser-
vational studies and 15 randomized control trials (RCTs)
(Fig. 1).

Typology classification
1. Undifferentiated: Thirty-eight percent (19) were classified
as undifferentiated (Fig. 2). None of these studies
described the age of or reason for menopause. These
included both observational studies (13) and RCTs (6)
(Fig. 3). These studies did not provide details on
menopausal types or TSM but four studies noted
whether women were in pre-, peri-, or postmenopause
either by self-report or FSH level (Table 2).
2. Demographic differentiation: Sixteen percent (8) were
classified as demographic differentiation (Fig. 2). These
included 5 observational studies and 3 RCTs (Fig. 3). In
these studies, the type of menopause was reported as
characteristics of the population, but these characteristics
were not included in the analysis. In this category, when
reported, information on TSM, age at menopause, or
FIG. 1. PRISMA flow diagram of the study selection process. proportion of induced menopausal participants for each
study can be found in the column labeled ‘‘Age range,
menopausal definition and assessment’’ (Table 3).
To ensure consistency and reliability of the coding, four 3. Partial differentiation: Twenty-eight percent (14) of the
people coded all eligible references independently. The four total articles had partial differentiation (Fig. 2). These
coders discussed any discrepancies to reach a consensus included 10 observational studies and 4 RCTs. Within
decision before placing a paper in one of the four categories. these 14 articles, 6 studies excluded women with
induced menopause (both oophorectomy and/or hyster-
ectomy), but included women who went into meno-
pause at both younger and older ages, leaving unclear
Our search yielded 232 potentially relevant articles—175 whether women with early menopause or POI were also
from MedLine, 46 from PsychInfo, and 11 from Embase. included.70-75 Five other studies included women’s age
After removing duplicates, the titles and abstracts of 215 at menopause or years since menopause as factors in
articles were screened. One hundred fifty-eight articles were analysis, but gave no descriptive data about or cause of

9 (18%) Undifferenated

19 (38%)
Demographic differenaon

14 (28%) Paral differenaon

Full differenaon
8 (16%)

FIG. 2. Differentiation classification in cognition and menopause literature of 2016; labels indicate number of articles per category (percentage of total

48 Menopause, Vol. 26, No. 1, 2019 ß 2018 The Author(s)



Percentage of total arcles per study type 40%




20% 40%
15% 37%
29% 3
7 20%
5 20% 2
5% 14% 13%

Observaonal RCT
(total n = 35) (total n = 15)
Undifferenated Demographic differenaon Paral differenaon Full differenaon

FIG. 3. Proportion of differentiation types in observational studies and randomized control trials (RCT).

menopause.76-80 The remaining 3 articles compared reproductive period and found that global cognition and
cognitive outcomes of surgical and natural menopause, executive function improved the longer the reproductive
but did not report or disaggregate the data by the age of
period.86 The other recruited women before menopause,
menopause for either group.81-83 When reported, infor-
mation on TSM, age at menopause, or proportion of following them annually as they went into menopause (up
induced menopausal participants for each study can be to 12 y). Time since LMP was used to determine the effect of
found in the column labeled, ‘‘Age range, menopausal menopause duration on processing speed and verbal memory.
definition and assessment’’ (Table 4). Most women were spontaneously menopausal but a few had
4. Full differentiation: Eighteen percent (9 articles) had full surgical menopause, which was controlled for in the analysis.
differentiation (Fig. 2). These included 7 observational This study found that cognitive performance declined longi-
studies and 2 RCTs (Fig. 3). In this category, when tudinally with each year after LMP,87 suggesting that time in
reported, information on TSM, age at menopause, or menopause negatively affects cognition.
proportion of induced menopausal participants for each One study in a range of ages likely included both women in
study can be found in the column labeled, ‘‘Age range, spontaneous and early menopause, but differentiated fully by
menopausal definition and assessment’’ (Table 5).
controlling for age at menopause by using time since LMP and
We describe these studies in more detail to elucidate
the ways in which menopausal types can be fully chronological age as covariates. They found that lower circu-
differentiated. lating E2 was associated with decreased total and delayed
visuospatial memory, reduced verbal learning, and lower
The 2 RCTs had full differentiation because they only Mini-Mental State Exam (MMSE) scores,88 suggesting that
recruited midlife women in spontaneous menopause. One E2 may be important for maintaining cognitive performance.
study looked at the cognitive effect of hormone therapy Three studies from a longitudinal cohort, The New England
(HT) on women carrying an APOE4 allele compared with Family Study, classified menopause using the STRAW þ 10
those on placebo. They found that women on conjugated criteria, comparing cognition and brain activity of premeno-
equine estrogens (CEE) had lower verbal learning and mem- pausal, perimenopausal, and early postmenopausal women
ory scores than those on placebo,84 suggesting that CEE is not (stage 3b and þ1c) and men. The age of the participants
beneficial for women with APOE4. The other RCT looked at ranged from 45 to 55 years, which suggests that only women
the effect of 2 months of exercise on executive function. This in spontaneous menopause were recruited. Strengthening the
study demonstrated an improvement in executive function design, participants with endocrine disorders were excluded,
following this intervention.85 suggesting that participants with POI were also excluded.89-91
Two observational studies had full differentiation because Without an explicit statement to the contrary, it is possible
they investigated the effects of TSM or since LMP on some participants may have entered early menopause. These
cognitive performance. One which recruited only spontane- three studies found that higher E2 levels were associated
ously postmenopausal women used TSM to calculate total with better working memory and increased task-related

Menopause, Vol. 26, No. 1, 2019 49

TABLE 2. Undifferentiated articles (main cognitive and brain outcomes only)

Age range, menopausal Cognitive and Main cognitive
Citation Study definition and assessment brain assessment and brain outcomes Category explanation
Alwerdt J et al. Menopause.  n ¼ 200  Range ¼ 65-85 y  Digit Symbol Substitution Significant relationship No information on TofM,
2016 Aug;23(8):911-918.  National Health and  Menopause undefined Test between processing speed TSM, or AatM
Nutrition Examination and phytoestrogen levels.
 Urinary phytoestrogen
(isoflavone and lignan)
Berent-Spillson A, et al.  n ¼ 54  Range ¼ 42-61 y  Exposure to emotional Behavioral While menopause stage
Psychoneuroendocrinology.  Blood E2 and FSH  Premenopause (regular images None. defined, no information

Menopause, Vol. 26, No. 1, 2019

2017 Feb;76:218-225  Functional neuroimaging menstrual cycles and FSH Neuroimaging on TofM, TSM, or AatM.
<11 IU/L) All: increased activation of
 Perimenopause (at least prefrontal cortex,
one cycle in the previous posterior cingulate,
year and FSH between 11 temporal-parietal-occipital
and 45 IU/L) junction, and hippocampus
 Post menopause (no cycles post> peri>pre.
in previous year and FSH
>40 IU/L).
Bojar I, et al. Arch Med Sci.  n ¼ 402  Range ¼ 50-65 y  Continuous Performance APOE status: significant No information on TofM,
2016a Dec 1;12(6):  Blood FSH and CRP  2þ y since LMP Test effect on neurocognitive TSM, or AatM
1247-1255.  APOE status  FSH > 30 mIU/mL  Finger Tapping Test index: APOE e2/e3>
 Shifting Attention Test e3/e3> e4
 Stroop Test Higher CRP: lower
 Symbol Digit Modalities neurocognitive index
 Verbal Memory Test APOE by CRP interaction.
Bojar I, et al. Dement  n ¼ 402  Range ¼ 50-65 y Ibid. e4 APOE: correlated with No information on TofM,
Geriatr Cogn Disord.  Blood FSH  2þ y since LMP worse neurocognitive TSM, or AatM
2016b;42(3-4):169-185  APOE status  FSH > 30 mIU/mL index.

Campbell KL, et al.  n ¼ 14 (n ¼ 7  Range ¼ 40-65 y Objective Objective No information on TofM,

Psychooncology. 2018 intervention)  Menopause either  Controlled Oral Word Aerobic exercise: TSM or AatM.
Jan;27(1):53-60.  Breast cancer survivors spontaneous or Association Test significantly improved
 150 min/wk of chemotherapy-induced  HVLT processing speed
moderate-to-vigorous  Menopause undefined  Revised Trail Making Test compared to
aerobic  Stroop usual-lifestyle controls.
exercise  Verbal fluency Subjective
 Tested 3 mo before and Subjective None
after exercise  Quality of Life
Chae JW, et al. PloS  n ¼ 125  Mean ¼ 50.3 y (no range) Objective Objective No information on TofM,
One. 2016 Oct  Early-stage breast cancer  52% pre-menopausal  Headminder None TSM, or AatM.
4;11(10):e0164204. patients in chemotherapy before treatment Subjective Subjective
 Blood Tumor Necrosis  Menopause undefined  Functional Assessment of Significant relationship
Factor-a and Cancer Therapy - between perceived
Interleukin-6 and SNPs Cognition scale cognitive impairment,
(FACT-Cog) anxiety/insomnia, and

(Continued on next page )

ß 2018 The Author(s)

TABLE 2 (Continued)
Age range, menopausal Cognitive and Main cognitive
Citation Study definition and assessment brain assessment and brain outcomes Category explanation
Ganz PA, et al. Lancet. 2016  n ¼ 1,193 (n ¼ 601  <60 y and 60 y (no  Breast Cancer Prevention Tamoxifen or anastrozole: No information on TofM,
Feb 27;387(10021): tamoxifen, n ¼ 592 means or range) Trial Symptom Checklist no significant correlation TSM, or AatM
857-865. anastrozole)  Menopause undefined (subjective cognitive with mental health or
 Hormone-positive breast function) cognition.
cancer patients treated  The 12-Item Short Form
with lumpectomy and Health Survey
whole-breast irradiation
 Testing session every 6
mo for 6 y
Geller EJ, et al. Female Pelvic  n ¼ 45 (n ¼ 21 tropsium  Mean ¼ 68 y (no range)  Digit Span HVLT-Revised decreased No information on TofM,
Med Reconstr Surg. 2017 chloride)  Unclear whether all  Epworth Sleepiness Scale with increased age TSM, or AatM.
Mar/Apr;23(2):118-123.  Diagnosed with participants had entered  HVLT-Revised (independent of
over-active bladder menopause.  Mini Mental Status X treatment)
 Tested at baseline, 1 wk,  Trail Making Test A and
and 4 wk after tropsium B
Haring B, et al. J Acad Nutr  n ¼ 6,425  Range ¼ 65-79 y  Diagnosis of mild No significant relationship No information on TofM,
Diet. 2016 Jun;116(6):  Women’s Health Initiative  Menopause undefined cognitive impairment or found between dietary TSM, or AatM.
921-930.e1. Study probable dementia from patterns and development
 Median follow-up of medical history of mild cognitive
9.11 y impairment or probable
 Dietary patterns dementia.
determined via multiple
Katainen RE, et al. Maturitas.  n ¼ 3,189 (n ¼ 1,666 with  Range ¼ 41-54 y  Women’s Health Chronic somatic diseases No information on TofM,
2016 Apr;86:17-24. one or more chronic  Pre-menopausal and early Questionnaire (subjective correlated positively with TSM, or AatM.
somatic disease) post-menopausal cognitive symptoms) climacteric symptoms.
 Medical history  Menopause undefined Cognitive difficulties
questionnaire  Five age groups for associated with
analysis: 41-42, 45-46, cardiovascular, sensory
49-50, 51-52, and 53-54 organ, musculoskeletal,
y gastrointestinal, and
dermatological diseases.
Kerschbaum HH, et al.  n ¼ 253 men and women  Range ¼ 18-82 y  List-Method Directed Postmenopausal: enhanced No information on TofM,

J Neurosci Res. 2017 Jan (n ¼ 56 postmenopausal) (postmenopause 54-82 y) Forgetting paradigm retention in forget-cued TSM, or AatM.
2;95(1-2):251-259.  Salivary E2 and  Menopause undefined compared to
progesterone remember-cued.
Salivary E2 levels correlated
with item recall in
Kirchheiner K, et al. Int J  n ¼ 744  Range ¼ 40-58 y  Quality of Life Chemoradiation: Cognition No information on TofM,
Radiat Oncol Biol Phys.  European study on  Menopause undefined questionnaire (subjective subscale ratings reduced TSM or AatM.
2016 Apr 1;94(5): MRi-guided cognitive function) for 4 y
1088-1098. BRachytherapy General quality of life
in locally Advanced improved after 6 mo and
CErvical cancer at every follow-up.
 Diagnosed with locally
advanced cervical cancer
 In chemoradiation
 Multiple testing sessions

Menopause, Vol. 26, No. 1, 2019

over 4 y

(Continued on next page )
TABLE 2 (Continued)

Age range, menopausal Cognitive and Main cognitive
Citation Study definition and assessment brain assessment and brain outcomes Category explanation
Koleck TA, et al.  n ¼ 219 (n ¼ 138 with  Mean ¼ 58.7 y (not greater  Delis Kaplan Executive One or more oxidative stress No information on TofM,
SpringerPlus. breast cancer) than 75 y; no range) Function System and DNA repair gene TSM, or AatM.
2016;5. 422.  On adjuvant therapy  Menopause undefined Color-Word Interference polymorphisms:
 Oxidative stress and  Digit Symbol Substitution association of cognitive
DNA repair gene  Digit Vigilance function composite
polymorphisms  Grooved Pegboard Breast cancer survivors:
 Paired Associates Learning cognitive function
 Rapid Visual Information positively correlated with

Menopause, Vol. 26, No. 1, 2019

Processing greater number of
 Rey Auditory Verbal protective
Learning -Verbal Fluency polymorphisms.
 Rey Complex Figure
 Rivermead Story
 Spatial Working Memory
 Stockings of Cambridge
Koleck TA, et al. Cancer  n ¼ 329  Range ¼ 45-75 y Ibid. HER2-positive tumor No information on TofM,
Med. 2017 Feb;6(2):  Diagnosed with Human  Menopausal before diagnosis: significantly TSM, or AatM.
339-348. epidermal growth factor treatment correlated with poorer
receptor 2 (HER2)  Menopause undefined verbal and visual working
early-stage breast cancer memory compared to
In women with multifocal or
centric tumor: poorer
verbal memory compared
to a single focus tumor.
Labad J, et al. Eur  n ¼ 65 (n ¼ 36 on  Mean ¼ 62 y (no range)  The Positive and Negative Homozygous for C allele of No information on TofM,
Neuropsychopharmacol. raloxifene)  1þ y since LMP Symptom Scale (includes Estrogen Receptor 1 TSM, or AatM.

2016 Oct;26(10):  Diagnosed with  FSH <20 IU/L cognitive symptoms) gene: correlated with
1683-1689. schizophrenia, neuropsychopathological
 On antipsychotic improvement.
 Tested multiple times out
to 24 wk
 SNP analysis
Patel SK, et al. Clin  n ¼ 53 (n ¼ 26 with  Mean ¼ 63 y (no range) CogState digital tests: Limited convergent validity No information on TofM,
Neuropsychol. 2017 newly diagnosed with  Menopause undefined  Detection between analog and TSM or AatM.
Nov;31(8):1375-1386. breast cancer)  Identification digital tests.
 Comparing validity of  One back and One Card
computer-based versus Learning tasks
paper-and-pencil tests Analog tests:
 Functional Activities
 Wechsler Adult
Intelligence Scale

(Continued on next page )

ß 2018 The Author(s)

TABLE 2 (Continued)
Age range, menopausal Cognitive and Main cognitive
Citation Study definition and assessment brain assessment and brain outcomes Category explanation
Prehn K, et al. Cortex. 2017  n ¼ 37 obese women (n  Mean ¼ 61 y (no range)  Auditory Verbal Learning Caloric restriction; improved No information on TofM,
Mar 1;27(3):1765-1778. ¼ 18 on caloric  Menopause undefined Test recognition memory and TSM, or AatM.
restriction)  Digit Span increased gray matter
 Tested multiple times out  Stroop Test volume in the inferior
to 4 wks  Trail Making Test frontal gyrus and
 Structural and functional  Verbal Fluency hippocampus.
neuroimaging Improved resting-state
connectivity of parietal
No significant differences
after 4 wk of weight
Strike SC, et al. J Gerontol A  n ¼ 27 (n ¼ 15 on  Range ¼ 60-82 y  Motor Screening Task 6 mo of multinutrient No information on TofM,
Biol Sci Med Sci. 2016 multinutrient supplement)  Menopause undefined  Paired Associate Learning treatment: more words TSM, or AatM.
Feb;71(2):236-242.  Tested before and after  Stockings of Cambridge remembered and shorter
treatment  Verbal Recognition mean latencies compared
Memory Task to placebo.
Zhang T, et al. PloS One.  n ¼ 1,365 (n ¼ 254 CEE  65þ y (no range)  Voxel based morphometry HT: grey matter losses in No information on TofM,
2016 Mar alone, n ¼ 420 on CEE  Menopause undefined anterior cingulate gyrus, TSM, or AatM.
14;11(3):e0150834. and progesterone) medial frontal gyrus, and
 Women’s Health Initiative orbitofrontal cortex
Memory Study - MRI compared to placebo.
 Tested yearly for an
average of 8 y
 Structural neuroimaging
AatM, age at menopause; APOE, Apolipoprotein E; CEE, conjugated equine estrogens; CRP, C-reactive protein; E2, 17b-estradiol; FSH, follicle-stimulating hormone; HT, hormone therapy; HVLT,
Hopkins Verbal Learning Test; LMP, last menstrual period; SNP, single nucleotide polymorphisms; TofM, types of menopause; TSM, time since menopause.

Menopause, Vol. 26, No. 1, 2019

TABLE 3. Articles with demographic differentiation (main cognitive and brain outcomes only)

Age range, menopausal Cognitive and Main cognitive and
Citation Study definition, and assessment brain assessment brain outcomes Category explanation
Berndt U, et al. Breast Care.  n ¼ 92  Mean ¼ 65 y (no range)  Complex Figure Test AI-only: worse general No information on TofM,
2016 Aug;11(4):240-246.  In treatment for breast  Menopause undefined  Mental Rotation Test memory than other TSM reported but not
cancer  TSM: Average 15 y since  Object in Location Test therapies. analyzed, no information
 4 groups: tamoxifen only LMP  Trail Making Test A on AatM.
(n ¼ 22), AI only (n and B
¼ 22), switch from  Virtual Pointing Task
tamoxifen to AI (n ¼ 15),  Wechsler Memory Scale
or local therapy controls

Menopause, Vol. 26, No. 1, 2019

(n ¼ 21)
Braden BB, et al.  n ¼ 143 men and women  Range ¼ 49-91 y  Auditory Verbal Learning HT users: better delayed No information on TofM;
Neuropsychol Dev Cogn (n ¼ 94 women)  1þ y since LMP Test verbal memory than assessed if TSM differed
B Aging Neuropsychol  Three groups of HT:  TSM: Range of 3 to 46 y  CVLT never-users. across HT groups, but not
Cogn. 2017 current (n ¼ 32), past since LMP Never users: Hippocampal for cognitive measures;
May;24(3):227-246. (n ¼ 41), never (n ¼ 21) size predicted memory no information on AatM.
 Structural neuroimaging performance.
Evans HM, et al. Nutrients.  n ¼ 72 (n ¼ 37 on  Range ¼ 45-85 y  Cambridge Semantic Resveratrol: better verbal No information on TofM,
2017 Jan 3;9(1):pii: E27 phytoestrogen resveratrol)  6þ mo since LMP Memory Battery memory and overall average TSM reported
 Tested at baseline and  TSM: Average 11 y since  Double Span Task cognitive performance but not analyzed, no
after resveratrol (14 wk) LMP  Modified MMSE compared to placebo. information on AatM.
 Rey Auditory Verbal
Learning Test
 Trail Making Task
Kantarci K, et al. Neurology.  n ¼ 95  Range ¼ 42-58 y  Benton Visual Retention Behavioral No information on TofM,
2016 Aug 30;87(9):887-  Kronos Early Estrogen  5-36 mo since LMP Test None average TSM reported,
896. Prevention Study  TSM: Average 19.3 y  Controlled Oral Word Neuroimaging but not analyzed, no
 Randomized to oral CEE since LMP Association Test CEE for 4 y: ventricular information on AatM.
(n ¼ 29), E2 patch  CVLT volume increased

(n ¼ 30), or placebo pills  Digit Span

(n ¼ 36) and patch  Digit Symbol Test
 Structural neuroimaging  Letter-Number Sequencing
 Modified MMSE
 NYU Paragraph Recall
 Stroop Test
 Trail Making Test A
and B
 Wechsler Adult
Intelligence Scale
 Wechsler Memory Scale
Maki PM, et al. Maturitas.  n ¼ 36 with moderate to  Range ¼ 45-58 y  Brief Test of Attention Stellate ganglion blockade Percentage induced meno-
2016 Oct;92:123-129. very severe vasomotor  Menopause undefined  CVLT improved verbal learning pause and percentage <5
symptoms (n ¼ 17  Induced menopause  Digit Span and vasomotor symptoms. y since LMP reported but
received stellate ganglion (undefined):  Finding A’s not analyzed. No
blockade) intervention ¼ 12%,  Logical Memory information on TofM
 Tested at baseline and controls ¼ 37%  Verbal Fluency or AatM.
after 3 mo  Visual Retention Test

(Continued on next page )

ß 2018 The Author(s)

TABLE 3 (Continued)
Age range, menopausal Cognitive and Main cognitive and
Citation Study definition, and assessment brain assessment brain outcomes Category explanation
Merriman JD, et al.  n ¼ 368  Mean ¼ 59 y (not greater  Patient Assessment of Chemotherapy followed by Percent induced menopause
Psychooncology. 2017  3 groups: AI alone than 75 y; no range) Own Functioning AI: poorer global reported but not analyzed.
Jan;26(1):44-52. (n ¼ 158), chemotherapy  Menopause undefined Inventory cognitive function, No information on TSM
followed by AI  Induced menopause memory, language/ or AatM.
(n ¼ 104), healthy (undefined): communication, and
controls (n ¼ 106) controls ¼ 15%, AI sensorimotor function
 Tested every 6 mo for alone ¼ 18%, after treatment compared
18 mo chemo-AI ¼ 19% to controls
Meyer F, et al. Menopause.  n ¼ 20 experiencing  Range ¼ 40-65 y  Brown Attention-Deficit Armodafinil: improved Percentage induced
2016 Feb;23(2):209-214. fatigue and hot flashes  Menopausal transition or Disorder Scale cognitive function, menopause reported but
 Open-label 4-week trial postmenopausal (STRAW  Cognitive and Physical depressive symptoms, not analyzed. No
of Armodafinil criteria) Functioning and insomnia compared information on TSM or
 Induced menopause: 25% Questionnaire to placebo. AatM.
Peng W, et al. Aging Ment  n ¼ 277 (n ¼ 170  Mean ¼ 71 y (no range)  Auditory Verbal Learning Osteoporosis: worse No information on TofM,
Health. 2016;20(6): diagnosed with  Menopause undefined Test cognitive performance Average TSM reported,
647-654. osteoporosis)  TSM: Average 20 y since  Boston Naming Test but not analyzed, no
 Serum E2, parathyroid LMP  MMSE information on AatM.
hormone, osteocalcin,  Recognition test
and vitamin D levels  Semantic Memory Test
 Stroop Test
 Trail Making Test A
and B
 Verbal Fluency
 Visual Reasoning Test
 Wisconsin Card Sorting

AatM, age at menopause; AI, Aromatase Inhibitor; CEE, conjugated equine estrogens; CVLT, California Verbal Learning Test; E2, 17b-estradiol; LMP, last menstrual period; MMSE, Mini-Mental State
Exam; STRAW, Stages of Reproductive Aging Workshop; TofM, types of menopause; TSM, time since menopause.

Menopause, Vol. 26, No. 1, 2019

TABLE 4. Articles with partial differentiation (main cognitive and brain outcomes only)

Age range, menopausal Cognitive and Main cognitive and
Citation Study definition, and assessment brain assessment brain outcomes Category explanation
Bojar I, et al. Med Sci Monit.  n ¼ 210  Range ¼ 50-65 y See Bojar et al., 2016a No effect of AatM on No information on TofM,
2016c Sep;22:3469-3478.  Blood FSH and E2 levels  2þ y since LMP cognition. TSM accounted for by
 ERa genotyping: GG  FSH >30 mIU/mL ERa GG polymorphism: analyzing chronological
(n ¼ 35), AA (n ¼ 71),  Age at LMP: 42-56 y reduced memory and age and AatM.
AG (n ¼ 104) processing speed compared
to ERaAA or AG (AatM
not factored)
Dumas JA, et al. Menopause.  n ¼ 18  Range ¼ 52-59 y  Verbal n -back task Behavioral TofM: Induced menopause

Menopause, Vol. 26, No. 1, 2019

2017 Feb;24(2):163-170.  Testing 3 d of  1þ y since LMP (stages þ1 None excluded. TSM reported
pharmacological regimen and þ2 of STRAW þ10 Neuroimaging but not analyzed. No
consisting of: staging) Dopaminergic stimulation: information on AatM.
bromocriptine (DA  TSM: Average 5.5 y since increased brain activation
agonist), haloperidol (DA LMP in precentral gyrus and
blocker), and placebo  Induced menopause inferior parietal lobule
 Blood E2, estrone, and excluded compared to dopaminergic
testosterone levels blockade.
 Functional neuroimaging
Espeland MA, et al. J  n ¼ 4,256  Range ¼ 50-54 y and  Digit Span Test HT in late menopause: No information on TofM, no
Gerontol A Biol Sci Med  2 cohorts: n ¼ 1,376 recent 65-79 y  East Boston Memory Test decrements in global specific information on
Sci. 2017 Jun;72(6): menopause (701 on HT);  Menopause undefined  Oral Trail Making Test cognitive function, working TSM but recent vs late
838-845. n ¼ 2,880 late menopause  Telephone Interview for memory, and executive covaried, No information
(1,402 on HT) Cognitive Status-modified function on AatM.
 WHIMS - Younger Women  Verbal Fluency
and Cognitive Outcome
 Tested a mean 6.8 y after
HT trial
Hampson E, et al.  n ¼ 99 (n ¼ 64 on HT)  Range ¼ 45-65 y  CVLT Higher cortisol levels No information on TofM or
Psychoneuroendocrinology.  Salivary cortisol before  1þ y since LMP  Digit Span Forward task associated with better recall TSM, AatM reported for

2016 Feb;64:99-107. testing and halfway  Age at LMP: 40-58 y and fewer memory errors. each HT group, number of
through, randomized by women with early
time of day menopause was equal
across groups.
Henderson VW, et al.  n ¼ 567  Range ¼ 41-84 y  Block Design Induced and spontaneous TofM: subgroup analysis of
Neurology. 2016;87(7):  Two cohorts: n ¼ 234 recent  Recent menopause:  Boston Naming Test menopause: no difference spontanous vs induced
699-708. menopause (121 on HT); n 6 mo-6 y since LMP  CVLT in global cognition menopause, TSM, AatM
¼ 333 late menopause (163  Late menopause: 10þ y  East Boston Memory Test reported for each HT
on HT) since LMP  Faces I and II group, number of women
 Early versus Late  Serum E2<25 pg/mL  Judgment of Line with early menopause was
Intervention Trial  Induced menopause Orientation equal across groups but not
with Estradiol (bilateral oophorectomy):  Letter-Number Sequencing controlled for in subgroup
 3 time points: baseline, recent HT ¼ 4.1%, recent  Shipley Abstraction scale analysis.
2.5 y, and 5 y placebo ¼ 1.8%, late  Symbol Digit Modalities
HT ¼ 14.1%, late Test
placebo ¼ 17%  Trail Making Test
 Verbal Fluency

(Continued on next page )

ß 2018 The Author(s)

TABLE 4 (Continued)
Age range, menopausal Cognitive and Main cognitive and
Citation Study definition, and assessment brain assessment brain outcomes Category explanation
Imtiaz B, et al. J Alzheimers  n ¼ 731  Range ¼ 65-79 y  Bimanual Purdue Pegboard HT use >5 y: better episodic TofM: Gynecological surgery
Dis. 2017;56(2):453-458.  Three groups: HT never  Menopause undefined Test memory at baseline but analysis stratified by type
(n ¼ 488), HT for 5 y  Induced menopause  Category Fluency not follow-up of surgery, no information
(n ¼ 116), HT for >5 y (hysterectomy with bilateral  Immediate Word Recall on TSM or AatM.
(n ¼ 127) oophorectomy): HT  Letter-Digit Substitution
 2 timepoints: baseline and never ¼ 11.9%; HT 5 Test
follow-up after mean of yrs ¼ 21.9%; HT>5  MMSE
8.3 y yrs ¼ 27.8%  Stroop test
Janelsins MC, et al. J Clin  n ¼ 945 (n ¼ 505 with  Range ¼ 22-81 y  Functional Assessment of Chemotherapy: worse TofM: pre, peri, post, induced
Oncol. 2017 Feb invasive breast cancer)  Menopause undefined Cancer Therapy - cognition compared analyzed, no information
10;35(5):506-514.  3 time points:  Pre- and postmenopausal Cognition scale to controls. on TSM or AatM.
prechemotherapy, within  Induced menopause Postmenopausal status
4 wk of chemotherapy end, (udefined): menopausal pre-chemotherapy predicted
6 mo after second time cancer patients ¼ 8.8%, perceived cognitive
point. menopausal noncancer impairment.
controls ¼ 10.4%
Lal C, et al. Sleep Breath.  n ¼ 254 (n ¼ 154 high risk  Range ¼ 45-60 y Mail-In Cognitive Function Obstructive sleep apnea TofM: Induced menopause
2016 May;20(2):621-626. for obstructive sleep apnea  1-5 y since LMP Screening Instrument syndrome: worse objective excluded, no information
syndrome)  Induced menopause cognition and higher on TSM or AatM.
excluded diagnosis of depression
Li FD, et al. J Alzheimers Dis. n ¼ 4,796  Mean ¼ 69.8 y (all  Chinese-language version of Lower lifetime estrogen No information on TofM,
2016;49(1):139-47.  Reproductive period: age at participants >65; no range) the MMSE exposure: increased risk TSM: analyzed
menopause minus age at  Menopause undefined of cognitive impairment chronological age
menarche.  Average age at LMP: 49.3 y Use of oral contraceptives: and AatM.
 Reproductive history improved cognition.
included number of
pregnancies, contraceptive
use, and regularity of
 Lifetime estrogen exposure
effect on cognition
Rettberg JR, et al. Neurobiol  n ¼ 502 (n ¼ 216 recently  Mean ¼ 60.5 y (no range)  Block Design Poor metabolic cluster: lower No information on TofM,
Aging. 2016;40:155-163. menopausal)  Serum E2<25 pg/mL  Boston Naming Test executive function, global TSM: average with recent
 ELITE study  Recent menopause:  CVLT memory, and cognitive vs late covaried, no
 3 metabolic clusters: high 6 mo-6 y since LMP  East Boston Memory Test performance at baseline information on AatM.
blood pressure, healthy,  Late menopause: 10þ y  Faces I and II All with HT: better global

poor since LMP  Judgment of Line cognition and verbal

 3 time points: baseline,  TSM: average high blood Orientation memory
2.5 y, and 5 y pressure ¼ 10.4 y,  Letter-Number Sequencing
healthy ¼ 9.9 y,  Shipley Abstraction scale
poor ¼ 11.5 y  Symbol Digit Modalities
 Trail Making Test
 Verbal Fluency

(Continued on next page )

Menopause, Vol. 26, No. 1, 2019

TABLE 4 (Continued)

Age range, menopausal Cognitive and Main cognitive and
Citation Study definition, and assessment brain assessment brain outcomes Category explanation
Shanmugan S, et al.  n ¼ 14  Range ¼ 45-60 y  Brown Attention Deficit Behavioral TofM: ‘‘menopause
Neuropsychopharmacology.  Onset of executive function  Perimenopausal and Disorder Scale Treatment: improved executive transition,’’ tight age, and
2017 Jan;42(2):437-445. difficulty during postmenopausal  Letter n -back task function LMP range suggest
menopause  Postmenopause: 1-5 y since  NYU Paragraph Recall task Neuroimaging spontaneous menopause,
 4 week Lisdexamfetamine LMP, serum FSH levels  Penn Continuous Treatment: increased TSM: mean reported but
trial, 2 week washout, >35 IU/L Performance Task activation in insula and not analyzed. No
4 week placebo  TSM: average 2.7 y Neuroimaging DLPFC, and decreased information on AatM.
(counterbalanced)  Fractal n -back task DLPFC
 Functional neuroimaging glutamate and glutamine

Menopause, Vol. 26, No. 1, 2019

Improved executive function
correlated with activation
of insula and DLPFC
Unkenstein AE, et al.  n ¼ 130 (n ¼ 40  Range ¼ 40-60 y Objective Objective TofM: induced menopause
Menopause. 2016 postmenopausal)  Peri and postmenopausal  Boston Naming Test None excluded. No information
Dec;23(12):1319-1329.  Menopause: 1þ y since  Category fluency Subjective on TSM or AatM.
LMP  Controlled Oral Word Perimenopausal: worse
 Induced menopause Association Task memory and more
excluded  Digit Span frequent memory lapses.
 Logical Memory
 Rey Auditory Verbal
Learning Test
 Rey Complex Figure Test
 Stroop test
 Symbol Digit Modality Test
 Trail Making Test B
 Visual Elevator Counting
 Multifactorial Memory

Unkenstein AE, et al.  n ¼ 32  Range ¼ 47-60 y  Multifactorial Memory Memory course participants: TofM: induced menopause
Menopause. 2017  4-week memory strategies  Perimenopausal and Questionnaire improved memory fewer excluded. No information
May;24(5):574-581. course postmenopausal everyday memory lapses, on TSM or AatM.
 4 time-points: 1 month  Perimenopause: self-reported and increased satisfaction
before course, during variable menses with memory.
course, post-course,  Menopause: 1þ y since
3 mo post-course LMP
 Induced menopause
Vega JN, et al. Front  n ¼ 31 (n ¼ 15 subjective  Mean ¼ 56 y (no range) Objective Objective and Subjective TofM: induced menopause
Neurosci. 2016 Sep cognitive complaints)  1þ y since LMP  Brief Cognitive Rating Scale None excluded. TSM and chrono-
23;10:433.  Functional neuroimaging  Induced menopause  Mattis Dementia Rating Years since menopause: logical age analyzed for
excluded Scale no correlation with CCI subjective complaints but
Subjective Neuroimaging not cognitive and brain
 CCI Higher CCI positively outcomes; No information
Neuroimaging correlated with functional on AatM.
 Selective Reminding Task connectivity in right middle
temporal gyrus, but
negatively in left middle
frontal gyrus.
AatM, age at menopause; CCI, Cognitive Complaint Index; CVLT, California Verbal Learning Test; DA, dopamine; DLPFC, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; E2, 17b-estradiol; ERa¼Estrogen Receptor a;
FSH, follicle-stimulating hormone; HT, hormone therapy; LMP, last menstrual period; MMSE, Mini-Mental State Exam; STRAW, Stages of Reproductive Aging Workshop; TofM, types of menopause;
TSM, time since menopause.

ß 2018 The Author(s)

TABLE 5. Papers with full differentiation (main cognitive and brain outcomes only)
Age range, menopausal Cognitive and Main cognitive
Citation Study definition, and assessment brain assessment and brain outcomes Category explanation
Jacobs EG, et al. J Neurosci.  n ¼ 186  Range ¼ 45-55 y  American Adult Reading All: lower E2 correlated TofM: ‘‘menopause
2016 Sep 28;36(39):  Four groups: men (n ¼ 94),  Cycling and postmenopause Test with lower left transition,’’ tight age, and
10163-10173. premenopausal (n ¼ 32), (STRAW stage þ1c)  Controlled Oral Word hippocampal activity LMP range suggest
perimenopausal (n ¼ 29),  Menopause defined by Fluency Postmenopausal: lower spontaneous menopause,
postmenopausal (n ¼ 31) STRAW þ 10 menstrual  Digit Span Backwards task-related left TSM and AatM: STRAW
 New England Family Study cycle characteristics and  Verbal Fluency hippocampal activity; stages and controlled for
 Blood E2, progesterone, and FSH levels Neuroimaging increased task-related chronological age.
testosterone  12-item FNAME bilateral hippocampal
 Functional neuroimaging  6-trial Selective Reminding connectivity compared to
Test pre-, peri-, and men.
 Verbal encoding task Low-performers had the
greatest task related
hippocampal connectivity
Jacobs EG, et al. Cereb  n ¼ 141  Range ¼ 46-55 y  Digit Span Backwards Behavior TofM: ‘‘menopause transi-
Cortex. 2017 May  Four groups: men (n ¼ 62),  see above citation for details  Controlled Oral Word None tion,’’ tight age, and LMP
1;27(5):2857-2870. premenopausal (n ¼ 26), Fluency Neuroimaging range suggest spontaneous
perimenopausal (n ¼ 23),  Verbal Fluency All groups: higher E2 and menopause, TSM and
postmenopausal (n ¼ 20)  American Adult Reading progesterone correlated AatM: STRAW stages and
 New England Family Study Test with task-related controlled for chronological
 Blood E2, progesterone, Neuroimaging hippocampal deactivation age.
testosterone, LH and FSH  Verbal working memory Post & -Peri>Pre: task-related
levels n -back task DLPFC and hippocampal
 Functional neuroimaging activity
Post > Pre: task-related
DLPFC connectivity
Kantarci K, et al. J Alzheimers  n ¼ 68  Range ¼ 52-65 y  CVLT CEE: lower verbal learning TofM: Induced menopause
Dis. 2016;53(2):547-556.  3 groups: CEE (n ¼ 17),  5-36 mo since LMP  Digit Span and memory scores than excluded, TSM and AatM:
transdermal E2 (n ¼ 21),  Induced menopause  NYU Paragraphs placebo, no association Tight age range.
or placebo (n ¼ 30) for 4 y excluded  Stroop test with Ab plaques
 Kronos Early Estrogen  Trail Making Test A and B
Prevention Study  Venton Visual Retention
 Tested 3 y after HT Test
completion  Verbal Fluency
 Structural neuroimaging  Wechsler Digit Symbol
 Wechsler Letter-Number

Karim R, et al. J Am Geriatr  n ¼ 830  Range ¼ 41-92 y  Block Design Longer reproductive period: TofM: Induced menopause
Soc. 2016;64(12):  WISH and ELITE study  6þ mo since LMP  Boston Naming Test greater global cognition excluded, TSM and AatM:
2448-2456.  Reproductive history  Induced menopause  CVLT and executive function length of reproductive
excluded  East Boston Memory Test period.
 Faces I and II
 Judgment of Line
 Letter-Number Sequencing
 Shipley Abstraction scale
 Symbol Digit Modalities
 Trail Making Test
 Verbal Fluency

(Continued on next page )

Menopause, Vol. 26, No. 1, 2019

TABLE 5 (Continued)

Age range, menopausal Cognitive and Main cognitive
Citation Study definition, and assessment brain assessment and brain outcomes Category explanation
Karlamangla AS, et al. PLoS  n ¼ 2,124  Mean ¼ 54 y (no range)  Digit Span Backwards With each year after LMP, TofM: interim hysterectomy
One. 2017;12(1):e0169008.  Followed annually into  Premenopause (at least one  East Boston Memory Test processing speed and and/or oophorectomy
menopause for at least 3 y, menstrual period in last 3  Symbol Digit Modalities delayed verbal memory before spontaneous
up to 12 y mo) Test declined menopause covaried. TSM:
 Average age at LMP: 52 y independent variable,
AatM: combination of
TSM and chronological
Kurita K, et al. Fertil Steril.  n ¼ 926 (n ¼ 123 with  Mean ¼ 60.7 y (no range) See Karim et al, 2016 Oophorectomy after TofM and AatM: analyzed age

Menopause, Vol. 26, No. 1, 2019

2016 Sep 1;106(3): bilateral oophorectomy)  6þ mo since LMP spontaneous menopause: at surgery/surgery after
749-756.e2  Combined data from WISH,  Unilateral oophorectomy No correlation with menopause. TSM:
ELITE, and B-Vitamin excluded cognitive performance combination of AatM
Atherosclerosis Intervention  Induced menopause Oophorectomy after 45: lower and chronological age.
Trial (BVAIT) (bilateral oophorectomy): performance in verbal
 Follow-up average after 3 y WISH ¼ 10.7%, learning at baseline
ELITE ¼ 12.6%, compared with spontaneous
BVAIT ¼ 20.1% menopause
Oophorectomy before 45:
decline in semantic and
visual memory
Rentz DM, et al. Menopause.  n ¼ 203  Range ¼ 46-55 y  American Adult Reading All: higher E2 levels TofM: ‘‘menopause transi-
2017 Apr;24(4):400-408.  Four groups: men (n ¼ 106),  See Jacobs et al., 2016 for Test associated with better tion,’’ tight age, and LMP
premenopausal (n ¼ 36), details  Controlled Oral Word selective reminding test range suggest spontaneous
perimenopausal (n ¼ 29), Fluency and FNAME performance menopause, TSM and
postmenopausal (n ¼ 32)  Digit Span Backwards Pre- and peri-menopausal: AatM: STRAW stages and
 New England Family Study  Verbal fluency better than postmenopausal controlled for chronological
 Blood E2, progesterone, and Neuroimaging women on FNAME and age.
testosterone levels  FNAME selective reminding task
 Functional neuroimaging  Selective Reminding Test

Serrano-Guzmán M, et al.  n ¼ 52 (n ¼ 27  Mean ¼ 69.3 y (no range)  Quality of Life questionnaire Intervention: improvement in TofM, TSM, AatM: all
Menopause. 2016 intervention)  1þ y since LMP  Timed get-up-and-go task cognitive timed up-and-go participants spontaneous
Sep;23(9):965-973.  Guided dance therapy vs  Diagnosed with spontaneous task compared to controls. menopause.
self-directed treatment menopause by clinician
 Tested at baseline and after
2 mo
Triantafyllou n, et al.  n ¼ 39  Mean ¼ 58.7 y (no range) Objective Psychological symptom TofM: POI and induced
Climacteric. 2016;  Seeking treatment for  1þ y since LMP  Brief Visuospatial Memory severity and low circulating menopause excluded, TSM:
19(4):393-399. subjective memory  FSH>25 mIU/mL Test E2 correlated with lower covaried, AatM: TSM and
complaints  E2<50 pg/mL  Clock Drawing Test MMSE and visuo-spatial chronological age.
 Blood E2 and FSH  TSM: between 1 and 33 y  HVLT memory.
(average 10 y)  MMSE Vasomotor symptom severity
 Induced menopause Subjective correlated with worse total,
excluded  Greene’s Climacteric scale delayed, and retained
verbal learning.
AatM, age at menopause; CEE, Conjugated Equine Estrogens; CVLT, California Verbal Learning Test; DLPFC, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; ELITE, Early vs Late Intervention Trial of Estradiol study;
E2, 17b-estradiol; FNAME, Face Name Associative Memory Exam; FSH, follicle-stimulating hormone; LH, luteinizing hormone; LMP, last menstrual period; NYU, New York University; POI, premature
ovarian insufficiency; STRAW, Stages of Reproductive Aging Workshop; TofM, types of menopause; TSM, time since menopause; WISH, Women’s Isoflavone Soy Health study.

ß 2018 The Author(s)


hippocampal deactivation and prefrontal cortex connectivity, menopause, emphasizing the importance of analyzing these
suggesting E2 has a role in memory-related brain dimensions in cognitive research.
One study explicitly assessed the effects of type and age of
Previous literature on differentiating menopausal type
menopause on cognition. Women with bilateral oophorec-
Our study is the first to develop a typology to survey the
tomy (BO) were compared at baseline and at 2.7 years
literature for menopausal differentiation. It is not the first to
postsurgery. No significant effect of oophorectomy was
suggest that it is scientifically important to incorporate these
observed on cognition or cognitive decline compared with
distinctions in the design and analysis of cognitive studies.
women with intact ovaries.92 When stratified by age at BO,
The growing understanding that early and surgical meno-
however, women who had a BO before 45 years had a greater
pause, especially before age 45, has effects on all aspects of
decline in semantic memory and global cognition compared
health, especially cognition,16,96 has generated numerous
with controls, whereas those with BO after 45 years had lower
papers calling for studying women with early menopause.
verbal learning performance at baseline and a greater decline
In particular, continued work by the Rochester Epidemiology
in executive function and visual memory compared with
Group proposes the differentiation of surgical from sponta-
controls. Women with BO after spontaneous menopause
neous menopause, especially with respect to the treatment of
did not differ from controls in any cognitive domain.92
postmenopausal women who undergo menopause before
45 years old.93-96 This has led to the suggestion that women
DISCUSSION with oophorectomy and POI before the age of spontaneous
To clarify the types of menopause used in studying its menopause should be treated with hormone therapy to bring
effects on cognition, we undertook a classification of the 2016 their estrogen levels to levels similar to that of cycling
literature on menopause and cognition according to whether women.6,93
or not and how menopausal types were differentiated. We
looked for three important dimensions of menopause found to
influence cognition:18,93-95 Clinical guidelines
1. How (type of menopause: spontaneous, early, induced, or Clinical guidelines have also focused on differentiating the
POI) types of menopause. The 2014 North American Menopause
2. When (age at menopause) Society (NAMS) guidelines and the 2015 Endocrine Society
3. How long (TSM) clinical guidelines reference the importance of considering
menopausal types and context in treatment, particularly with
According to different permutations and combinations of respect to cognitive complaints.3,6 Based on clinical observa-
how these dimensions were used in the design and analysis of tion and accumulating research around menopause experience
studies, we assigned each study a typology: undifferentiated, for women, both sets of clinical guidelines advocate differ-
demographic differentiation, partial differentiation, and full entiating menopausal types: spontaneous (average menopause
differentiation. We further suggest that ovary-sparing hyster- around 51 y), early (before age 45), premature (before age 40),
ectomy be considered early menopause if the hysterectomy is and induced (ovarian removal or ablation before spontaneous
carried out before the age of 45, due to the fact that it may also menopause). The clinical recommendations in these guide-
lower age at menopause7,8; the gradual nature of ovarian lines cover therapies for the most common symptoms of
cessation suggests that it should not be considered induced spontaneous menopause and, to an extent, spontaneous or
menopause.14 induced early menopause.3,6
A total of 50 research articles were retrieved. We found that The Endocrine Society cautions against using typical
38% of the articles were undifferentiated, 16% had demo- symptom management techniques for women with either
graphic differentiation, 28% partially differentiated, and 18% premature or induced menopause, due to the lack of evidence
of the articles fully differentiated. We are aware that many specific to these groups, particularly the group with
studies used longitudinal data that may have been collected up POI.6 These guidelines are endorsed by many international
to 20 years ago using databases that did not collect all the menopause societies, including NAMS. Within the NAMS
information about menopausal type, and that studies pub- guidelines, the only explicit difference in treatment recom-
lished in 2016 are often carried out 3 to 4 years earlier. Thus, mendations is for cognitive complaints between spontaneous
we acknowledge that a lag time in incorporating current and induced-postmenopausal women. They recommend that
knowledge may have played a role in some of the studies ‘‘[w]omen who undergo oophorectomy before age 48 years
not differentiating menopausal types. Although it would have may be advised that taking estrogen therapy (ET) until the
been interesting to compare cognitive outcomes across the typical age at menopause appears to lower the risk of demen-
four types of differentiation, we believe that the less a study tia later in life.3’’ The results of our study show that, despite a
differentiated the type or TSM, the less clear the cognitive call for differentiating menopausal context, a large proportion
outcomes; thus, we do not believe that such a comparison of the recent menopausal research remains undifferentiated,
would be informative. However, the studies that differentiated which may preclude successful translation of research into
generally showed a significant effect of type and age at clinical practice.

Menopause, Vol. 26, No. 1, 2019 61


These guidelines prioritize level I evidence, or ‘‘good and Recommendations for future clinical studies
consistent scientific evidence.’’3 For treatment recommenda-  Consider menopause types as part of the research design.
tions, level I evidence most often comes from double-blind,  Differentiate menopauses according to the Endocrinology
placebo-controlled RCTs.97,98 The 19 articles in this review and NAMS guidelines and use the terminology consistently
that did not account for menopausal type included 40% of all (POI, early, induced, ovary-sparing hysterectomy, sponta-
RCTs (6 out of 15 total RCTs). Even studies that did take into neous).
 Acknowledge and describe menopausal population fully in
account some aspect of the guidelines fell short of completely
research methods by collecting the following information:
incorporating menopausal differentiation into their design  chronological age;
and/or analysis. For example, studies that the recruited older  age at menopause or how long a person has been in
women (60þ) were more likely to not state the reason menopause;
for menopause or the age at which participants went into  whether it was induced or spontaneous;
menopause.99,100  if induced, if it is due to drug treatment (eg, chemother-
Studies of health conditions other than cognition in meno- apy) or ovarian removal; and
pausal populations, that instead use cognition as an outcome,  other demographic information associated with the
should begin to shape their studies according to these guide- many menopauses: BMI, education, race/ethnicity,
lines. For example, cognitive outcomes after cancer treatment and smoking.
are critically important to understand, and yet our results show  Include demographic information mentioned above even
that the majority of studies of the cognitive outcomes of when using physiological measures of menopausal transi-
tion (FSH, E2 levels).
cancer therapy (7 articles out of 10) neglected to differentiate
the age of menopause or type of menopause. This is a problem To acquire strong evidence to inform clinical guidelines for
for noncancer studies as well because many of them recruit the treatment of different types of menopause, studies need to
participants from clinics, suggesting that there might be an make explicit choices in design, recruitment, and analysis to
overrepresentation of women with induced menopause in account for menopausal types. When reporting, it is critical to
those studies. For example, in demographically differentiated clearly describe the distribution of menopausal types and age
studies, we observed that proportions of induced postmeno- at menopause. In analysis, best evidence comes from disag-
pausal women ranged from 17% to 25% when reported gregating the types of menopause. Even if there is no hypoth-
(Table 3), significantly surpassing our best calculation for esized difference in outcomes between the types of
the frequency in the general population (approximately 6%, as menopause, it is better to confirm there is no difference than
derived from the Women’s Health Initiative study4). assume there is none. The first step is to acknowledge that
We found that research which fully differentiated meno- there are many menopauses.
pausal context yielded clinically relevant findings.
Although comparing cognitive outcomes across typologies Strengths and limitations of the current analyses
was not feasible due to the wide range of cognitive out- This is the first review of the literature to provide a
comes, clinical populations, and mixed menopause report- thorough analysis in one year of publications of how meno-
ing, we wanted to focus on one study that emphasized the pause is conceptualized and analyzed in studies of cognition
value of differentiation and found significant differences. in postmenopausal women. This analysis allows for a novel
Kurita et al compared induced and spontaneous menopause, perspective on menopausal research that generates specific
and found no significant cognitive differences when recommendations to further our understanding of the specific
induced menopause (oophorectomy-ever) was analyzed effects of the many menopauses on cognition.
as a pooled sample, but revealed worse verbal and spatial To thoroughly review the literature, we focused on studies
memory in women with earlier induced menopause after of cognition and menopause published in 2016. Although it is
splitting the group into age at oophorectomy.92 Further- possible that more recent publications or studies outside of
more, they controlled for factors disproportionately present cognition may have more fully differentiated papers, we
in early or induced menopause that are also known to affect believe that one year and one domain gives an in-depth
cognition—BMI, education, race/ethnicity, smoking— understanding of the variations in the research questions,
potentially contributing to greater validity of their find- design, and analysis. As is the case in most scientific research,
ings.92 In cardiovascular research, this greater specificity is the studies included in our analysis were based on data
viewed as important to understanding the outcomes of collected a number of years ago when the awareness of the
induced menopause;6 for example, further covarying for different outcomes of different types of menopause were not
age, race, education, BMI, and other health-related factors well understood. That being said, the absence of menopausal
revealed an increased risk of diabetes in women with information should be acknowledged.
combined hysterectomy – oophorectomy compared with We included some studies that were not specifically about
women who had spontaneous menopause or hysterectomy the effects of menopause on cognition, but rather studies that
only.101,102,103 This demonstrates that demographic speci- simply looked at cognitive performance in postmenopausal
ficity, even within a menopause type, strengthens the women. For example, many of the studies of cancer treatment
evidence for clinical evaluations and treatment. in postmenopausal women focused more on cognitive

62 Menopause, Vol. 26, No. 1, 2019 ß 2018 The Author(s)


changes after treatment rather than after menopause. These staging reproductive aging. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2012;97:1159-
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