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Chapter Four

How To Use A Pendulum

The Basics
Having constructed your pendulum, the next step is to learn the vocabulary that will be used
by your subconscious mind to communicate with the pendulum. You may want to think of this
learning process as a way to program your subconscious mind the same way you would write a
software program for a computer.
Like the real world, people who share the same language often have slightly different
vocabularies, and in a similar way, different people have different pendulum vocabularies. The
description that follows is intended to be a suggested guide, so don’t be discouraged if your
results are different.
Since the most basic application of the pendulum is to answer questions, it’s important to
identify four main language components:
Starting position
This is where you will begin all of your pendulum sessions. For most people, the pendulum
will be motionless when it is in its starting position.
Begin by resting your elbow on the table and holding your pendulum over the chart on page 57
of this book. The pendulum should be no more than an inch off the chart. If it starts to swing,
you’ll want to steady it with your free hand.
Say to yourself, “This is my starting position.”
The “Yes” response
With your pendulum in the starting position, ask a “calibration” question that you know the
answer to, such as “Is a stop light red?”
The most common “Yes” response is for the pendulum to swing back and forth, almost as if to
mirror an affirmative nodding motion of your head. The second most common response is for the
pendulum to swing in a clock-wise circular motion.
Sometimes a beginning dowser will get no response at all to the initial calibration question. If
this happens to you, make the pendulum move in the direction you want it to move. In this
example, if you get no movement after asking “Is a stop light red”, simply start the pendulum
swinging with a small forward motion of your hand. You may ask…
“Isn’t this cheating?”
A fair question, to be sure, but remember that the objective in this exercise is simply to learn
the vocabulary you will use with the pendulum. Think of starting the initial forward motion with
your hand the same way you would consider the use of flash cards in a traditional learning
Once you have a response to your calibration question, say to yourself “This is my ‘Yes’
The “No” response
Bring your pendulum back to the starting position, and ask a second calibration question that
you know the answer to, such as “Is a stop light green?”
The most common “No” response is for the pendulum to swing from side to side, as if to
mirror a negative shaking motion of your head. The second most common response is for the
pendulum to swing in a counter-clockwise circular motion.
Remember – if you get no movement after asking the calibration question, move the pendulum
in the direction you want it to move.
Once you have a response to your calibration question, say to yourself “This is my ‘No’
The “Maybe/Unclear” response
The fourth basic pendulum movement is usually somewhere in between the “Yes” and “No”
Bring your pendulum back to the starting position, and ask a calibration question that can be
answered with a “Maybe”, such as “Will it rain tomorrow?”
If you picture the pendulum held over the horizontal face of a clock, the “Maybe/Unclear”
response would be back and forth between 10:30 and 4:30, or 1:30 and 7:30.
As with the “Yes” and “No” responses, if you get no movement after asking the calibration
question, move the pendulum in the direction you want it to move.
Once you have a response to your calibration question, say to yourself “This is my ‘Maybe’
The “Not Ready” response
The “Not Ready” response is unlike the other responses in the sense that it isn’t really a
response. In other words, the pendulum doesn’t move at all. This is an indication that for one
reason or another, the answer isn’t ready to be known. (See “How To Phrase Questions” below
for details.)
Getting Started
Although you are now technically ready to start dowsing, it should be understood that, like
any newly-learned skill, the more you practice, the more proficient you will become.
The ideal conditions for practicing the basic pendulum responses are similar to those you
would want for meditation or quiet reflection. It is always beneficial to find a place and time
when you won’t be disturbed by others.
Depending on your schedule, this may be early in the morning before anyone else is up, or
late in the evening after everyone has gone to bed. If you are able to practice in the daytime when
no one else is around, remember to turn the ringer on your phone off and the volume on your
answering machine down.
Some people like to begin with a brief prayer, meditation or relaxation exercise to calm their
mind and get into the appropriate mood. Another way to signal your intent to your subconscious
mind is to light a candle and play some soothing music.
Plan on practicing once a day for at least a week or two before you can expect to see
dependable results. Begin each practice session by rehearsing the four basic responses (Starting,
Yes, No and Maybe). Try using different calibration questions that you know the answers to, and
observe the types of response that you get to each question.
For example, sometimes the pendulum will swing only an inch or so in the expected response
direction, while at other times, it may swing widely over a distance of several inches.
Traditionally, this is interpreted as how certain or tentative the response is: the greater the
response, the more certain the answer.
You may discover that at times your results are less than encouraging. Don’t despair – even
experienced dowsers have off-days, and this can be due to many different sources of
interference. Sometimes taking a short break – even 30 minutes -- will mean the difference
between confusing and meaningful answers.
If you feel confident in your results, you may want to incorporate a simple question exercise
into your practice session. Before describing this exercise, let’s take a look at one of the key
elements to success in your dowsing efforts.
How to phrase questions
Learning how to phrase a question is probably one of the most important things to master
when beginning to dowse. Although this may seem obvious, the clearer you phrase your
question, the more likely you will get an accurate answer. When you are first starting out, try
limiting your questions to those that can be answered with a “Yes” or a “No”, and being as
specific as possible.
To understand clearly the value of asking the right question, imagine that you were in Chicago
and were planning an afternoon picnic. Consider the following questions and the different
responses each question might elicit:
“Will it rain today?”
“Will it rain in Chicago?”
“Will it rain in Chicago today between 1:00 and 5:00 in the afternoon?”
Obviously, the answer to the third question will provide you with better information,
whereas the first two questions may result in misleading responses.
Three important questions
Traditionally, experienced dowsers will ask three questions before asking their main
The three questions are:
“Can I?” – meaning, “Do I have the necessary skill to answer this question?”
“May I?” – meaning, “Do I have the necessary permission to answer this
“Am I ready?” – meaning, “Am I prepared for the answer?”
Naturally, whether you ask these questions or not is entirely a matter of personal preference,
but if your initial results with the pendulum are not satisfactory, you might consider incorporating
these questions into your regular procedure.
What to do with vague responses
If you receive a “Maybe/Unclear” or “Not Ready” response to a question, try rephrasing
your question. If you still don’t receive an answer, you might try asking, “Is this a question that
can be answered with a ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answer?”
When all else fails, consider taking a break and asking the question later.
Dowsing Exercise
Assuming you have finished your practice session, here’s an introductory dowsing exercise
you might want to try.
Shuffle a pack of playing cards and place them next to your pendulum chart.
Without looking at the face (the side with the card value on it), remove a playing card from
the pack and place it in front of you. Position your pendulum over the card and ask, “Is this card
If the pendulum responds “Yes”, place the card to the right of the pack without looking at the
face of the card.
If the response is “No”, place the card to the left of the pack.
Repeat this process with each of the cards until you’ve gone through the entire pack, or start
to feel tired.
Turn over the two piles and tally your results.
endless, limited only by the number of people who happen to be currently living on the planet.
Desire, by its very nature, is an intangible thing. As defined above, it is a feeling or an
inclination. Desire is a thought. As noted in the chapter on quantum physics, thoughts are
potential or unmanifest things. Like all thoughts that are potential things, desire precedes the
manifestation of the object of desire. Therefore, the identification of a desire is the first
component in creative divination, and must logically be the starting point.
Since this book is meant to teach you the practical applications of creative divination, let’s
start by identifying a desire you have. It could be one of the common desires listed above, or it
could be one that is at the top of your own personal list.
In either case, you’ll need to be very specific in stating your desire. If you are generally
vague in stating your desire, it’s more than likely that the realization of the desire will be vague
as well, so don’t be hesitant to specify details. Don’t say, “I wish I could earn more money” –
state how much more you’d like to earn.
You may have difficulty choosing a desire because you have many, and don’t know which
one to start with. Remember that this isn’t like un-bottling a genie who will grant you only three
wishes – once you are comfortable with the process of creative divination, you’ll be able to pick
each of your desires, one by one, and apply the process to each of them until you have achieved
them all.
If you are still undecided about which desire to work with, use your pendulum to help you
decide which desire is most important to you at the moment. This is done by making a copy of
the blank fan chart found at the back of this book, and entering your various desires into the
segments of the chart.
After going through the preliminary steps of working with your pendulum as described in
Chapter 4, submit the question, “Which of these desires is the most important to me right now?”
Wait for the pendulum to begin swinging and make a note of which desire it is moving over.
Once you have identified a specific desire, you are ready to move on to the next step.

intention (noun) 1: a determination to act in a certain way 2: an anticipated outcome that is intended or that
guides your planned actions

The statement of intention is the second step in the creative divination process.
A desire without an intention of fulfilling that desire is likely to remain nothing more than a
thought. Stating your intention means more than just saying “I want a better job”. By stating “I
will find a better job!” in a very determined way, you signal your sincerity to fulfill the desire in
some way.
The statement of intention can take a number of forms, but in each case, the method must in
some way move the entire process out of the nebulous realm of thought and into the real world.
One simple way to do this is to write down your desire and intention on a piece of paper, and
keeping it someplace where you will run across it on a regular basis.

visualization (noun) 1: formation of mental visual images 2: the process of making something visible

Once you have identified your desire and stated your intention, the next step in the process of
creative divination is to visualize the fulfillment of the desire. Visualization is a powerful
technique which is also amazingly simple to do.
The three keys to effective visualization are:
• Relaxation – This is accomplished by going through a simple series of steps that
will calm both your body and your mind. These steps will be described in the
following chapter.
• Vivid visualization – This is simply taking the desire you have identified and
picturing it in your mind as already being achieved. In this step it helps to use as
many of your five physical senses as possible, so you’ll want to create the mental
pictures, sounds, and sensations you’ll experience when your desire is fulfilled.
• Release – Once you have visualized the fulfillment of your desire, you’ll need to
release your attachment to it. Think of it as sending a letter or email to someone who
has always responded in the past - you know that it’s just a matter of time before you
get an answer.
Before we move on to the fourth component of the creative divination process, let’s take a
look at why the first three components work.

The Role of the Subconscious Mind

Think of your subconscious mind as your humble and obedient servant. It is awake and on the
job 24 hours a day and its only function is to bring you answers and optional solutions to your
questions and problems. In addition to keeping track of every piece of information that comes
your way, it is theorized that your subconscious mind has access to resources that transcend your
own personal experience and reside somewhere in a vast universal database of sorts.
Unlike a computer, however, your subconscious mind isn’t always able to produce answers
and options immediately, so it will often continue to work on your questions and problems while
you sleep. Sometimes it will present you with solutions while you sleep in the form of dreams,
and sometimes it will bring you the answers the following day (and often at the oddest times),
but rest assured – it will bring you an answer, eventually.
The only price your subconscious mind asks is that you pay attention to it. As long as you
consider the answers and options it brings you, your subconscious mind will continue to happily
bring you responses to your questions. If, however, you start to ignore or discount the answers,
your subconscious mind will become reluctant to help, and the answers will arrive slower and
slower, and farther and farther apart.
This is not to say that you must act on everything brought to you by your subconscious mind,
since these answers are only suggestions on how to solve a problem. These suggestions will run
from the ridiculous to the sublime, and all must be considered before choosing the one that is
most appropriate to a particular situation.
This importance of paying attention to the information brought to you by the subconscious
mind is one of the reasons why journaling is so critical to dream work, and the subconscious
mind works the same way with regard to the process of creative divination.
When you present the subconscious mind with an identified desire, its natural response is to
start looking for ways for you to satisfy that desire. By adding the steps of intention and
visualization to the process, you reinforce the idea that you are serious about achieving the goal
you have set.
Knowing that you are serious about your goal, your subconscious mind will start to look for
ways in which you can achieve your desire. It will bring you ideas that you may not have
considered initially, and often it will bring you those ideas in some interesting ways. In addition
to regular thoughts and dreams, you may find useful insights in the random conversations of
strangers and songs you hear on the radio.
Just remember that it’s all grist for the mill, and that by sifting through the multitude of
answers that your subconscious mind brings to you, you will find some very creative solutions to
your questions.

energy (noun) 1: (physics) the capacity of a physical system to do work 2: an exertion of force 3:
enterprising or ambitious drive 4: an imaginative lively style 5: a healthy capacity for vigorous activity

It's been said that Saint Bernard of Clairvaux (1091-1153) was the first to observe that "Hell
is full of good intentions or desires." This observation was at some point modified to the more
familiar saying, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.” In either case, the point being
made is that merely intending to do something, without actually doing it, is of no value.
It seems a bit silly to say what should be obvious, but the first three components of creative
divination – identifying a desire, stating an intention, and visualizing its outcome – are virtually
useless without the fourth component, which is the application of energy in the form of action
taken in the pursuit of your goal.
You must invest the creative divination process with energy by acting on your intention. This
is another way you have to convince your subconscious mind that your are serious – if it sees
you working at the realization of your objective, it will continue to bring you the resources you
need to move you closer to satisfaction.
As a cautionary note, I urge you not to try this exercise only once or for just one desire. To
do so would be to place limits on the amount of abundance that you can attract into your life.
There is also the real danger that, for reasons unknown to you, the timing or conditions aren’t
right for a particular desire of yours to be realized.
When your goal fails to manifest under these conditions, it is too easy to say, “Oh, this
doesn’t work” and discard the technique altogether. Remember that just because you aren’t
immediately successful, doesn’t necessarily mean that what you are attempting is not possible,
and that you should not continue your efforts. Bear in mind that while trying to achieve a goal
doesn’t necessarily guarantee that you will succeed, not trying most certainly does guarantee that
you won’t.
When working with the creative divination process, it is very important that you remember
that “God’s delays are not God’s denials.” If you don’t experience immediate results with this
technique, try using it with some of your other goals. The more you use this technique, the greater
the chances are that it will work for you.
Chapter Seven
Creative Divination Using The Pendulum
In this chapter, we’ll take a closer look at the creative divination process by using a specific
desire as an example, and examining how the pendulum can be used.
As I mentioned in the chapter on pendulum basics, it is advantageous to create an
environment that is conducive to the creative divination process. The perfect environment will
incorporate as many of the physical senses as possible in order to signal your seriousness to
your subconscious mind.
This includes picking the right time of day (i.e., one in which you won’t be disturbed),
playing appropriately relaxing music, and placing flowers, candles and other visually-inspiring
objects nearby. Ancient Egyptians believed that the burning of incense attracted the attention of
the gods who, pleased by the fragrances, would be more likely to lend their help to whatever
task they were being summoned for. I imagine that the use of aromatic oils on a ceramic diffuser
would accomplish the same result, and without the need for increased dusting.
Once you have picked the time of day and created a conducive environment, you are ready to

Step One: Identifying The Desire

In many of my workshops, I’ll suggest that instead of everyone selecting a different desire to
work with during the workshop, it might be beneficial to select a common desire for everyone.
The one that I usually suggest is global prosperity.
The reason I suggest global prosperity is because of my belief that of all the ills that plague
our planet, the root of all evils is poverty. War, famine, disease, ignorance, to name just a few –
all of these plagues on humanity can be traced directly to the fact that an overwhelming majority
of the world’s population lives in an alarming state of poverty.
To replace global poverty with global prosperity would go a long way toward finding
solutions to many of the problems mentioned above, and since we’re all part of humanity, we can
all benefit from this exercise as well.
For the sake of clarity, it’s helpful to express the desire in a single sentence, such as:
“My desire is for all of humanity to experience prosperity.”

Step Two: Stating The Intention

The next step is to express an intention that will help move the stated desire from the realm of
thought into the physical world. In most cases, this will mean some type of involvement on your
part, even if you aren’t sure what that involvement is at the moment. Once you have stated your
desire and intention, you can be confident that your subconscious mind will work diligently to
help identify all the different ways you can accomplish your goal.
Also, don’t worry about expressing your intention in a way that is somehow incorrect.
Although the words you choose are somewhat important, you don’t need to be perfect, since your
subconscious mind will be able to discern what your actual intention is, regardless of how you
express it. The critical thing here is to actually take the step of expressing the intention, and
because you can repeat the creative divination process at a later time, you are free to modify the
way in which both your desire and your intention are expressed.
For our global prosperity example, let’s express the intention like this:
“I intend to help all of humanity to experience prosperity.”
As I suggested in the previous chapter, it’s a good idea at this point to write down both your
desire and the stated intention, and place it in front of you. Although it is possible to move on to
the visualization phase at this point, let’s bring the pendulum into play.
Position your pendulum in its starting position over the paper on which you’ve written the
desire and intention, and read first the desire, and then the intention. You may read them silently
or out loud, according to your own preference. Do this in a slow and relaxed manner, and then
focus your attention on the pendulum until it begins to swing in the “Yes” movement that you are
familiar with.
Remember that if the pendulum doesn’t begin to move within a reasonable amount of time –
say, 30 seconds – it is perfectly all right to give it a little help.
As it begins to move, read the desire and intention again, and continue to focus on the
pendulum’s movement.
Although there is no limit to the number of times to repeat the reading of the desire and
intention, I believe that three times is most likely the minimum. The idea here is that by using two
of your physical senses (touch and vision) in connection with a stated goal, you engage your
subconscious mind in an active manner, and convey the sincerity of your action.
Remember also that the use of the pendulum is a way to open the gateway between the
physical world (i.e., that which you can touch and see) and the universe that lies beyond, and
holds all of the potential resources and outcomes that are available to us.

Step Three: Visualization

Once you have communicated your desire and intentions to your subconscious mind with
Steps One and Two, you are ready for the visualization phase. This simple and easy-to-learn
technique is at the very heart of the creative divination process.
Like Step Two, you will be relaxing and submitting your stated desire and intention to your
subconscious mind. However, once you have done this, you will take the creative divination
process to the next level, and begin to visualize your stated desire as if it were already achieved.
An important part of the visualization process is to bring into play as many of your physical
senses as you can. The more of these sensations you can associate with your desired outcome,
the more real it will seem to your subconscious mind, and the more you will be able to
successfully manifest the future that you are visualizing.
It has been said that the subconscious mind doesn’t distinguish between what is real and what
is merely imagined. This theory is supported by the very real physical responses that occur when
a person pictures an event that had either a strong positive or negative emotion associated with
it, and remembers the sounds, smells and other physical sensations they experienced at the time.
By visualizing your desire in vivid terms and using as many of your senses as possible, you
accomplish two things:
First, you communicate to your subconscious mind that your goal is something that will be in
your future. Remember that your subconscious mind is a gateway to the timeless and boundless
universe where no distinction is made between that which is real in our physical world and that
which is merely waiting to happen. As your unfailingly obedient servant, your subconscious
mind will be on constant alert for opportunities that will help bring about the realization of your
Second, by contacting the realm of unlimited abundance via meditation, you broadcast your
desire to the universe and attract those forces to you that will help you bring your goal into your
Here is the visualization technique I teach in my workshops:
Visualization Technique
Make sure that you’re in a comfortable position. If you can, place both feet on the floor and
your hands in your lap.
Once you are as comfortable as possible, close your eyes and take a long, deep breath. This
breath is taken and released in a very easy and relaxed way, and you’ll be completely
comfortable as you do this.
As you let this deep breath out, allow your entire body to relax from the bottom of your feet
to the top of your head.
Focus your attention on your eyes and allow the muscles around your eyes to relax to the
point where they want to stay closed.
The relaxation that you have in your eyes is the same level of relaxation that you can have
throughout your whole body … so let this feeling of relaxation flow from the bottom of your feet
all the way to the top of your head.
Take another deep breath, and as you slowly let it out, let your body relax even more. As you
sink deeper into this comfortable relaxation, feel a quietness of spirit come over you and spread
throughout your entire being.
Feel the relaxation flowing through you, taking you much deeper. Use your imagination, and
imagine that your whole body is covered and wrapped in a warm blanket of relaxation.
Take another deep and relaxed breath, and as you do so, let every muscle in your body
become so relaxed that as long as you maintain this level of relaxation, every muscle in your
body will stay loose and limp and relaxed.
You may become aware of sounds around you, and those sounds that you sense will help you
to become even more relaxed.
You may also become aware of sensations in your body. Your arms and legs may begin to
feel heavy, and those sensations will also help you to become even more relaxed.
And as you breathe in and out , with every breath you become even more relaxed.
With your physical body completely relaxed, your mind is now ready to slip into the realm of
abundance that lies beyond the everyday world, and you’ll find your consciousness entering into
the realm of unlimited potential, where not only is everything possible, everything possible
already is.
As you enter this realm of unlimited potential, other thoughts may try to distract your
attention. If they do, gently dismiss them and tell them, “Not now, I’ll deal with you later.”
As your mind floats weightlessly in this realm, think of the goal that you have chosen to work
with today, and visualize it as being already accomplished.
Feel the feeling that you will experience when you realize that this goal is in your life. See
what it looks like, and hear the sounds that accompany the manifestation of this goal.
Experience the sense of satisfaction and well-being that comes with knowing that this goal is
already part of your life.
Understand that everything that is real in your life today started with a single thought, and that
by visualizing this goal today, you have taken the first essential step of bringing this goal into
your life. Understand also that somewhere in the timeless universe of unlimited potential, your
goal already is.
Now, submit your goal to your subconscious mind, and believe that your subconscious mind
will seek out the resources and conditions that are necessary for the realization of your goal.
Trust that your subconscious mind will continue to bring you new ideas and suggestions on
how to realize your goal.
Allow your subconscious mind to bring you ideas and solutions in as many ways as possible,
including dreams, random thoughts and the conversations of those around you.
Promise your subconscious mind that you will give each idea it brings you serious
consideration and allow your Higher Nature to determine which is most beneficial to you and
those around you.
Believe that your Higher Nature will enable you to select the right course of action that will
bring you the abundance you require to realize your Life Path and its lessons. Know that when
you place your faith and trust in the abundant universe and that which lies beyond the physical
domain, all things are possible.
Allow your subconscious mind and your Higher Nature to connect you with the unlimited
abundance in all areas of your life. In the days to come you will learn to recognize all the
different ways the universe is bringing abundance into your life every day.
Realize also that the more you express your appreciation for these gifts from the universal
realm, the more abundance will become your way of life.
Focus once again on the goal you have chosen today, and give a silent word of thanks for the
results that are already beginning to manifest themselves.
Now, it’s time to return to the physical realm, so when you’re ready, take a deep and relaxing
breath and let it out.
Send a message to all the parts of your body that you are returning from the higher realm, and
will be needing them once again.
And when you’re ready, you can slowly open your eyes.
* * * * * *

Step Four: Energy

As important as each of the four steps in the creative divination process are, Step Four is
essential. Once you have gone through the first three steps, it is absolutely critical that you take
some action every day that brings you closer to your goal.
It is clear to see why the lack of action will prevent you from achieving the desired outcome
you have identified. Results don’t just happen by themselves – you must expend both time and
energy at some point if you expect to reach your goals. If you don’t believe this, try standing
outside and waiting for the money for your next rent check to fall out of the sky.
With regard to the stated desire and intention in this example, there are many ways you can
work for the spread of global prosperity. Some of them may seem insignificant, but this should
not discourage you from doing them nonetheless.
As the ancient philosopher Laozi once said, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a
single step.” There will most likely be many seemingly insignificant steps on your journey, but
each one will bring you inevitably closer to your goal.
Within 24 to 48 hours of working with the creative divination process you will begin to
receive additional thoughts and ideas that will help you toward your goal. These will come both
from your own mind and the minds of those around you. Some people will have a dream that
provides a hint or a clue as to how they can achieve their desire. You may see a headline in a
paper or hear something on the radio that seemingly has nothing to do with your own personal
goal, but it will jog your thought process and act as a suggestion that will prove helpful to you.
You will be amazed the first couple of times this happens to you, but soon you will get used
to it and actually look forward to the many interesting ways ideas are presented to you.
Whatever you do, do not ignore these thoughts and ideas, no matter how weird or eccentric
they may seem. To do so would be to short-circuit the entire creative process you have put into
motion. By ignoring the first few suggestions presented, you are virtually guaranteeing that you
will receive no more ideas from the Universe, and once the ideas stop coming to you, your
progress toward your goal will stop.
This is not to say that you must act on every thought, for some may be entirely impractical, but
it is essential that you work through each idea. It is said that Benjamin Franklin liked to take a
sheet of paper and list the good points of an idea on one side of the paper, and the bad points on
the other. By doing this, you will be able to get a clear picture of whether the idea will help you
or not. Keep a list of all the ideas that come to you over time, and put them in order of
practicality and importance.
Chapter Six
The Creative Divination Process
Having defined the term “creative divination” and the words associated with the concept,
such as “future”, “universe”, “spiritual” and “metaphysical”, we can see that even by the
relatively pedestrian standards of the typical dictionary, the potential for creating our present
and future universe is already within our grasp. Some may believe that I’ve manipulated and
arranged these definitions to suit my own purpose (even though I haven’t – you can look up the
same words in your own dictionary and find very similar results), and that’s perfectly fine.
Harder to dispute, however, is the body of scientific evidence presented by quantum physics,
which is a respectable and accepted foundation on which to base the concept of creative
divination. Even a basic understanding of quantum physics, such as you now have after reading
the preceding section, gives you tremendous freedom that was not available to the generations
who lived prior to the 20th century.
We’re now ready to create a conceptual structure that is also quite practical, in that it will
enable us to engage in the act of creative divination, which is itself quite literally the creation
and realization of our ideal life.
In traditional divination, a potential future outcome is seen and identified, as in, “In the
future, I see you are rich and famous.” In creative divination, however, the future is created
through an active process. It is, in some ways, a self-fulfilling prophesy.
In this chapter, we’ll cover the basic components of creative divination in an overview
fashion, and in the following chapter, we’ll go through a typical example.
The four main components of the creative divination process are:
• Desire
• Intention
• Visualization
• Energy

desire (noun) 1: the feeling that accompanies an unsatisfied state 2: an inclination to want things 3:
something that is desired

The first step in the creative divination process is to identify a desire.

We all know what it’s like to have desires. Common desires include a better job, a nicer
home, a meaningful relationship, a fulfilling life, inner peace – indeed, the list is practically

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