A Qualitative Phenomenological Study of The Effects of Dress Code Policy On The Motivation and Confidence of College Students From Bulacan State Universityapril 82019 1 2

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A Qualitative Phenomenological Study of the Effects of

Dress Code Policy on the Motivation and Confidence of

College Students from Bulacan State University
Dom Federick Villanueva
Christian Cedrick Soriaga
Rodellene Kaye Lim
Dana Beatriz Fiesta
Paul Eumar Garcia
College of Education, Bulacan State University
Malolos, Bulacan, Philippines


This phenomenological study investigated how dress code influences the student’s
motivation and confidence. The study included 9 participants who were selected using
purposive sampling. The researchers used 5 general problems that will guide the data
collection process. The questions were designed to determine if the participant’s
motivation and confidence would be affected by the dress codes. The study findings
revealed that dress code policy do play a vital role in influencing students to be
motivated and confident. This article seeks to offer an inside view of the implementation
of dress code policy and how it affects the students and to contribute to the existing
knowledge, and offer suggestions for future research.

Keywords: dress code policy, motivation, confidence, college students

In an academic institution such as a university or a school, one of the most common

policies that are being implemented is a dress code. Uniforms have been around for
centuries and are used to identify a member of an institution. Uniforms are used to
promote a disciplined atmosphere within the school. It also lessens the discrimination
within a certain group. Such policies might include haircut and uniform.
According to Baumann and Krskova (2016), uniforms contribute to better
discipline in everyday school operations. The findings support that in general,
implementing school uniforms at schools might enhance discipline and allow for
better learning. Furthermore, schools with uniforms had significantly better
attendance and somewhat fewer minor behavior infractions compared to other
schools that have no uniform policy (Sowell, 2012). According to The Future of
Working (2017) school uniforms can enhance the self-esteem of students by
promoting a sense of equality in the school. Consequently, it will be easier for students
to feel more self-confident and appreciate themselves, knowing that they can go to school
without having to worry they will be bullied because of the clothes they wear.
Also, Sequeira (2014) stated that both students & teachers have a positive attitude
towards uniform. Dress code plays an important role in maintaining safe and healthy
learning environment in the college. It brings a sense of belongingness in the students. It
adds to the reputation of the institution. Having uniform dress code creates a social
uniformity among students which helps in developing team spirit in them
However, more complicated uniforms may have a negative effect on the comfort
of a student. Some students attend classes wearing incomplete uniform, while others
completely ignore such policies. There are also cases in which students skip class because
they cannot comply with such regulations. Strict implementation of dress code might
have negative effects on a student’s willingness to attend classes that in turn affect’s their
performance. School uniform policies also lessen the student’s method of expressing their
individualism. Wearing the same type of clothing can hinder the student’s self-expression
and hinders them of their freedom to express that in turn can lessen the confidence of the
Although uniforms are made to be more economical and practical, it may
sometimes be more expensive. Having the students wear casual clothes when going
to school makes them wear the same outfit the whole day while, students enrolled in
a school where dress code policies are strict, the students tend to wear two outfits; a
uniform and casual clothes at home. Having students wear casual clothes gives them
the liberty to have self-impression. Students wearing casual clothes usually express
their personalities through their outfits. Dress code policies limit how the students
express themselves (Grossman, 2017). Uniform policies may prevent the self-
expression and by imposing what clothes to wear on people curtails the freedom of boys
and girls to be who they are and express themselves. There are people who have fashion
statements and this does not exempt students. By dictating on them when it comes to the
clothes they wear, they can be resentful about it. The study of Sequira (2014) as
mentioned above also stated that having a uniform dress code doesn’t have any bearing
on the academic performance of students. It may also restrict students’ right of
expression and the ability to experiment on oneself to develop their own identities and
Earlier studies suggest that uniforms do have a positive effect on student’s
attendance, performance and discipline. Having uniforms give students the mindset of
discipline, self-awareness and equality. Each contributes positively to a student’s
wellbeing. However, negative effects also come into play. Having the dress code policies
may have an effect in a student’s motivation to go to class thus affecting their academic
performance. It also becomes an obstacle for student to express themselves through their
appearance because of the uniform they have to wear. Complicated uniforms are also a
factor. Having more complicated uniforms for girls make it harder for girls to fix
themselves before going to school. This, in return, leads them to be late that affects their
attendance. As the strict dress code is implemented, some students find it difficult to
comply due to financial or any other problems which lead them to skip class just not to be
reminded about them not wearing a complete uniform. All these problems lead to less
attendance, lower academic performance and less self-expression.
All these ideas point out that uniforms are a significant part of the educational
ecosystem. Having both the positive and negative effects of implementing a strict dress
code, the researchers would like to see if the strict implementation of the aforementioned
policies gives a more positive or negative effect on students.
As mentioned in the scenario and situation above, the objective of this
phenomenological study is to describe the effect of having a strict dress code policy on
the confidence and attendance of Nursing, Criminology and Education students from
Bulacan State University. In this research, the dress code includes policies regarding the
student’s uniform and hairstyle. This research is done for the purpose of promoting the
use of uniforms and implementations of dress code policy.
Specifically, the study will answer the following questions:

 Question 1 (RQ1): How does a strict dress code policy affect the motivation and
confidence of Nursing, Criminology and Education students from Bulacan State
o Supporting Research Question 1 (SRQ1): What is the school policy on school
o Supporting Research Question 2 (SRQ2): What is the school policy on
o Supporting Research Question 3 (SRQ3): How motivated and confident are
the students to attend classes in relating to the dress code?

On Dress Codes

According to Carey (2019), dress codes are typically implemented by school

districts and employers to promote learning, safety, and image. Although such regulations
face First Amendment challenges by students, parents, and employees, the courts
generally support the schools and employers. McVeigh (2019) defined dress codes as
rules that regulate an individual's appearance. Sociological variables-age, occupation,
class, gender, religion, or ethnicity stipulate what can and cannot be worn. However,
most people probably have a narrower, more specifically modern understanding in mind
of dress codes. This stricter definition is associated with a massive uniformization of
populations that began in the early nineteenth century as workers and students were
disciplined to meet the demands of capitalism, industrialization, and national state
formation. A student’s dress code is a set of rules, usually written and posted, specifying
the required manner of dress at a school.

According to Sequeira (2014), dress code for college students has always been a
controversial issue among the various stakeholders. On one side, Institutions want to have
dress code policies for maintaining a healthy learning environment and on the other side
face opposition from the students and their parents, who consider it as a meaningless
restriction on them. But according to an Education Commission of the States Policy
Report (2009), research on the effects of dress code and school uniform policies is
inconclusive and mixed. Some researchers find positive effects; others claim no effects or
only perceived effects.

But it is undeniable that dress code policies do have benefits. A dress code
promotes a more serious school atmosphere which emphasizes academics and promotes
good behavior. Dress codes in school settings reduce social conflict and peer pressure
that may be associated with appearance. (Kosher Casual, 2010) According to Hampton
University, the Dress Code is based on the theory that learning to use socially acceptable
manners and selecting attire appropriate to specific occasions and activities are critical
factors in the total educational process. Understanding and employing these behaviors not
only improves the quality of one's life, but also contributes to optimum morale, as well as
embellishes the overall campus image.

On Motivation

A student’s motivation is a fundamental factor in their learning. The student’s

academic performance is dependent to their willingness to participate in school activities
and to attend classes altogether. The time they devote to their study also depends on their
motivation. According to a report by the Center on Education Policy (2012), student’s
motivation is a crucial factor in their success in both their current academic life and
future professional life. Even with high quality teaching and school equipment, the
performance of student won’t increase if they are unmotivated.

Motivation is a very crucial concept that is why it is also very hard to define.
There are many interpretation of what motivation is, but according to a study by Burton
(2012), motivation was defined as, “the act of getting someone to act in a situation”.
Hughes stated that it is the discretion of the person if they are going to act or not. A
person will become motivated to act if a need arises. According to Maslow (1947) in his
theory, the hierarchy of needs, a person has five basic needs that he needs to satisfy, and
the person becomes motivated to achieve this desires. Because it is hierarchical, some
needs makes a person more motivated than others. The desire of a person to eat when he
is hungry is stronger than a person’s need to be loved. A need for a building or a school
to study at would be a greater factor on the student’s motivation to study than a uniform.
Though according to a study by Mimmo (2012), though uniform is not the only factor, it
is a positive component for student’s discipline and safety. Therefore we can say that a
uniform can be considered as a safety need, the second most basic need in the hierarchy
of needs.

Another motivation theory is the Two Factor theory by Herzberg (2003) in which
it is stated that two factors can affect one’s motivation. The first is motivating factors that
can motivate a person and encourages him to work harder. Achievements,
responsibilities, recognition and growth are included in the motivating factors. When
wearing of uniform becomes mandatory, it becomes a responsibility and a motivating
factor for the student. According to a study by Baumann and Krskova (2016), wearing
uniforms do contributes to the imposing of discipline and responsibility among the
students of a certain school. They also stated that discipline can improve the student’s
willingness to participate in classes and allows students to work better that can ultimately
lead improved academic performance.

The other set of factors are called the hygiene factors. Hygiene factors are defined
as factor related to dissatisfaction. Some examples of hygiene factor include
comfortability, security, administration and status. If a student is not comfortable with his
uniform, he will become dissatisfied and become unmotivated.

Skinner’ reinforcement theory is a similar theory that he mention in his book

titled as Science and Human Behaviour (2014). Skinner said that motivation comes from
what will happen to the person who took the action. He focuses to the environment as the
source of motivation. He called these consequences as reinforcements, and the
reinforcements are classified into three. The first is positive reinforcement, in which a
positive response is given to the person, motivating them to strive harder. A reward is an
example of such reinforcement.

The second reinforcement is negative reinforcement, in which a person is

rewarded by removing unwanted consequences. The last reinforcement is punishment, in
which a negative response is given to decrease the instances of negative behavior. Unlike
both positive and negative and positive reinforcements, punishment is given to lessen the
motivation of student to do negative behavior.

On Confidence

The confidence of a student is essential to their expression of oneself and to

develop a safe atmosphere within the school. According to Grossman (2017), dress code
policies can limit the way students can express themself, and in turn can lower a student’s
confidence and can lead to students resenting their uniforms. Students wearing casual
clothing will have more liberty to have self-impression through expressing their
personality on their clothing. A study by Sequeira (2014) stated that school uniforms can
restrict students from experimenting on their clothing to create a unique way of
expressing themselves that can lead to further creativity.

On the other hand, the same study also stated that dress code helps in creating a
safe and healthy learning environment and does promote school uniformity and unity.
According to Burgess (2018), the advantage of wearing a school uniform has become
more pertinent at a time when many fear our young people are unhappier than ever before
therefore, dress code can also promote other forms of self-expression such as
achievement and personality rather than clothing. Uniform can promote a sense of
equality within the student body and can lower the occurrence of bullying. Uniform also
improves the school spirit and reduces competition among students. It helps prevent
violent act within the school as uniform eliminates clothing that promote hostility and
makes the identification of suspicious entity easier (Summit Academy, 2013).
Consequently, uniform can promote self-confidence because the student will feel safer, as
they do not have to worry about discrimination (The Future of Working, 2017).
According to Wharton (2013) various benefits to wearing uniforms were reported,
including decreases in gang involvement and bullying; and increases in safety, ease of
going to school, confidence and self-esteem. In connection to this, uniforms play a vital
role in promoting pride, self-confidence and equality by constantly reminding the
students that they are safe from discrimination and with that the student will feel a sense
of belonging within the peer. Also, with the implementation of dress codes, pupils will
have one less thing to worry before going to school (Burgess, 2018).

One theory stated that self-esteem is a type of energy that can be built up and
depleted at the same time. Self-esteem is the type of energy that supports the students in
stressful times (Burke and Cast, 2002). This theory is supported by a study that was
conducted in three middle schools in the Washoe County School District in northern
Nevada during the first-year implementation of a uniform policy stating that even if the
students did not like implementation, there are still benefits that have been reported
including decrease in gang involvement, less bullying and an increase in safety,
confidence and self-esteem of students in the said school (Wharton, 2013).



The qualitative research method was chosen for the study because of the primary
focus of finding a solution to a particular problem one can identify and the understanding
a research query as a humanistic or idealistic approach (Pathack et. Al, 2013). McLeod
(2017) stated that qualitative approach is exploratory and seeks to explain ‘how’ and
‘why’ a particular phenomenon, or behavior, operates as it does in a particular context.
Also, qualitative research enables the researchers to make use of unstructured
questionnaires that would generate qualitative data with the use of open questions. With
this, respondents are able to go more in depth with the use of their own words and this
then allows the researchers develop a real understanding of the respondent’s
understanding McLeod (2017). In relation to this study, a qualitative research method
provided answers as to how strict dress code of select colleges in Bulacan State
University affects the student’s motivation and confidence.

According to Crossman (2019), Qualitative research is designed to reveal

the meaning that informs the action or outcomes that are typically measured by
quantitative research. Therefore, the researcher was able to provide a holistic picture and
study the phenomenon within the natural environment of the study (Crosswell, 2013).
The expectation was that the respondent would be able to give his or her side about the
effects of strict dress codes on how that particular policy affects them physically and
mentally either positively or negatively.

Qualitative method looks deeper into problems, the qualitative approach helps to
discover new thoughts and individual views. This method uses various kinds of
unstructured or semi-structured practices for data collection such as group discussions,
individual interviews, diary and journal exercises and participation of others (Carol, 2016).
Qualitative approach enables the researchers to focus on the themes instead of
concentrating on statistical information (Turner, 2010). Phenomenology is chosen for this
qualitative research because of the phenomenological nature of the central problem.
Phenomenology is an approach to qualitative research that focuses on the commonality of
a lived experience within a particular group. The fundamental goal of the approach is to
arrive at a description of the nature of the particular phenomenon (Creswell, 2013).

This approach was chosen because it allowed the participants within the study to
give meaning to their experiences as related to how uniform affects the student’s
motivation and confidence. “Phenomenology is an approach to qualitative research that
focuses on the commonality of a lived experience within a particular group.” as stated by
Chamber (2013). This approach allowed the participants to tell a story about their
experiences on how dress code affects their motivation and confidence according to their
courses. Creswell (2013) stated that “The fundamental goal of the approach is to arrive at
a description of the nature of the particular phenomenon.” This information then can be
used to identify any similarities or differences that may exist in the answers of the

The researcher applied a phenomenological approach based on the principles of

transcendental phenomenology. As cited in a study of Smith (2013), this particular
approach to phenomenology began in the early twentieth century by Edmund Husserl
(1970). In his book, The Crisis of European Sciences and Transcendental
Phenomenology, Husserl criticized the natural sciences and provided a strong argument
for philosophy as a rigorous science that maintains the identity of the individuals. Husserl
used transcendental idealism to explain how phenomenological assertions can be justified
as a research method.

As cited in a book by Saqib and Malik (2018), Moustakas stated that the
“Transcendental phenomenology (TPh), largely developed by Husserl, is a philosophical
approach to qualitative research methodology seeking to understand human experience
(Moustakas, 1994).” Transcendental phenomenology was appropriate for the study
because it took the focus off the researcher, placing it instead on the reflections of the
participants. The researcher attempted to set aside his own experiences by focusing on the
experiences and perspectives of the participants in the study.

Harvey (2019) defined transcendental phenomenology as attempts to grasp the

essential nature of the social world, unencumbered by assumptions, prejudices and
scientific theories. The rationale for selecting transcendental phenomenological design
was that it would help answer the research questions by allowing the researcher to
document, through interviews, the in-depth details of the emotional and cultural
intelligence of international students.

The population of interest was the students who follow a strict dress code for their
courses. The objective of the study is to know and observe how dress codes affect the
students’ confidence and motivation. The population was selected for the research
because it provides a group of students who have an experience following the strict
implementations of dress codes. The participants were obtained from Bulacan State
University’s College of Nursing, College of Criminal Justice Education and College of
Education. Three students were obtained from each chosen college courses that got 9
participants for the study.
Before the actual conduction of the interview, the researchers took potential
participants from the population of interest first, which is called sample. The study
sample is estimated to be at least 5 participants to determine the pattern of an effective
interview for this phenomenological study. According to Englander (2012), the
researchers should ensure that the participants for the sample size should have prior
knowledge or experience needed to answer the research questions. The sample size
selected follows the statement of Creswell (2013), which says that a phenomenological
study should have 5 to 25 individuals who are directly related to the phenomenon being
Before conducting any interview, the chosen participants of the study were given
a consent form (Appendix A) that indicates the intent of the study and must be signed.
Interviews with follow-up questions were the only method of data collection used for the
study. The interview questions (Appendix B) were organized logically based on the
research questions of the study. The researchers who were the instrument for conducting
the interview were introduced first to the participants. The interview was audio recorded
for a more accurate transcription. All data were collected through conversational and
face-to-face interviews.
It was a necessity that the interviews were approached with a warm and friendly
manner despite each side having other school and time concerns. The participants
pleasurably accepted the conduction of the interview. The participants responded openly
based on their own knowledge and understandings. The participants responded
accordingly, also clarifying their thoughts by telling personal experiences.
The participants answered open-ended, conversational questions regarding how
their dress codes affect their motivation and confidence to study in their respective
courses. The interview questions are guaranteed to have carefully worded structure so
that any misunderstandings can be avoided. The interview questions were made with the
purpose of answering the central question and the sub-questions coherently. The exact
data collection procedure consisted of:

 Obtaining consent or permission to conduct the study;

 Giving consent forms to potential participants;
 Scheduling all face-to-face conversational interviews according to the researchers
and the participants’ common free time;
 Conducting the actual interviews;
 Transcribing the audio recorded interviews; and
 Analyzing the collected data.
The researchers expected the interview questions to be answered in a reasonable time
frame. The predetermined amount of time for each interview is 15 to 20 minutes. The
amount of time seemed enough because it will allow the participants and the researcher to
become comfortable with each other. The time allotted will also give the participant
enough time to answer the questions and for the researcher to ask other necessary
questions to have an in-depth understanding of the participant’s answer. The researchers
also noted the participant’s body movement in addition to the recording.
Upon receiving approval from the research advisor and the deans of the respective
colleges (Appendix C) on April 22, 2019, the researchers began collecting a sample of 9-
10 potential participants who met the criteria of the targeted population. A purposive
sampling technique was used to limit the number of potential candidates to a small
sample who could provide an understanding about the effects of uniform in their
motivation and confidence.
The data for this study were collected from interview questions. The researcher talked
to nine potential candidates about the details of the research. They were given a consent
letter detailing the purpose of the research and information about the study. All nine
candidates agreed to participate in the study. Three of the nine participates are from the
College of Education, three are from the College of Nursing and the other three are from
the College of Criminal Justice Education.
The researchers conducted face-to-face interview with the participants between April
23, 2019 and April30, 2019. The interviews took place in the classroom of the
participants. Each participant was given a copy of the interview questions prior to the
interview. The data were derived from a one-on-one, open-ended questions. The
interview provided the necessary data to answer the research questions. All responses
were recorded.

Interview Questions
A total of nine participants were interviewed. Each participant was asked 5 major
questions to help them tell their experience, and each question was supported by added
questions to help them answer. The interview began by clarifying some personal
information from the participants. This method was done in order for the researcher to
have a better understanding about the participant. Then the following questions were
asked to guide the interview:

Major Question 1
First, we need to have an idea about your dress code policy and what does it entails. We
want you to think about the details regarding your dress code policy including your
uniforms, hairstyle etc. What kind of dress code policy is being implemented in your

Supporting Questions to 1:

 What is your opinion about the kind of material, design and color of your
 How many kinds of uniforms do you have?
 How many sets of each uniform do you own?
 What kind of hair style do you need to wear?
 What is your opinion about your uniform and hairstyle?
 How often do you wear the proper uniform or hairstyle?
 How often do you wear uniform accessories such as I.D. and nameplate?
 How essential is the proper dress code policy for your course?
Major Question 2

Next, we would like to know how strictly is your dress code policy being implemented.
How strict is the implementation of your dress code policy?

Supporting Question to 2:

 Have you ever been caught violating your dress code policy?
 How often do you violate your dress code policy?
 What are the punishments that you have experienced when you were caught
violating your dress code policy?
 Do you have wash day/s? What do you wear on these days?

Major Question 3

A. We would you to think about the way that your uniform motivates you to attend
classes and also hassles and problems that you encounter when preparing your
uniform every morning. How does your dress code policy motivate you to attend
classes and participate in school activities?

Supporting Question to 3:

 Does your uniform distract you during classes? Why?

 Does wearing other type of clothes motivate you to attend class?
 Have there been instances where your uniform hindered you to attend classes?
 Have you ever been late because of preparing your uniform?
 In what ways can your uniform be a hassle in your studies?
 Does your course’s uniform motivate you to strive achieve your desired future

Major Question 4

A. Now, we would like you to think how you express yourself through your clothes
and what effects does your dress code policy about such expressions. How does
your dress code policy affect your confidence?
Supporting Question to 4:

 How do you express yourself through clothing?

 How does your dress code policy affect your self-expression?
 Do you feel a sense of pride when wearing your uniform?
 Do you think your uniform promotes a sense of unity in your college?
 How does wearing the same kind of uniform promotes equality?
 Do you think dress code policy decreases the instances of discrimination?

Major Question 5

Lastly, we want you to think about how you would modify your dress code policy if you
were given the chance to do so. What are your suggestions for the better implementation
of your college dress code?

Supporting Question to 5:

 Would you prefer a uniform over casual clothing?

 What aspect of your uniform is to your liking?
 Was your uniform a factor when you picked your college and school?
 How will you improve your uniform if you can?

Table 4.1 Demographics of Participants

Participant Gender Age Department Year Level

Pa. 1 Female 19 College of Nursing 1st Year
Pa. 2 Male 19 College of Nursing 1st Year
Pa. 3 Male 21 College of Nursing 1st Year
Pa. 4 Female 26 College of Education. 3rd Year
Pa. 5 Male 21 College of Education. 3rd Year
Pa. 6 Female 19 College of Education. 4th Year
College of Criminal Justice
Pa. 7 Female 18 1st Year
College of Criminal Justice
Pa. 8 Male 18 1st Year
College of Criminal Justice
Pa. 9 Female 19 1st Year

Four males and five females participated in the study. The participants had varying
backgrounds and were students of Bulacan State University. The researchers asked the
participants five questions about his or her demographic before the interview began. Two
questions were used to collect information related to the criteria needed to be a part of the
study, and two more questions collected information about the participant’s age and
gender. Because both age and gender can have an affect one’ confidence, and thus might
had an effect on the student’s perception of the effect of uniform to their self-esteem.
According to a study by Arslan et al. (2016), men consistently showed higher confidence
and self-esteem. People in between the period of late adolescence and middle also
reported this higher instance of confidence. The demographic information included the
participant’s gender, age, department, and year level by the time of the interview. Table
4.1 shows the information collected from the demographic questions.

Gender of the participants was important because of the aforementioned effect on

confidence, and also to provide validity through diversity. Having both male and female
participants showed inclusiveness. The gender distribution of the participants was five
female (56%) and four (44%) females.

The department of participant was showed in figure 3. This was an important

aspect because different colleges might implement differing dress code policies and
uniform design. Both the design and the implementation of the dress code policy might
have an effect on the student’s perception of their dress code policy that in turn might
affect their motivation and confidence. The distribution of the participant by department
was 3 (33%) were from the College of Criminal Justice Education, 3 (33%) from the
College of Education and the remaining 3 (33%) were from the College of Nursing.

Emerging Themes

The researchers used five major questions to guide the interview and the process
of collecting data. Each major question was followed by supporting questions to help the
participants answer the main question. The questions were designed to determine how the
participant views the implemented dress code policy and whether it has any effect to their
motivation and confidence. Five themes emerged from the responses of the participants.

Theme 1: Improves Compliance

The participants shared their meaningful insights about the dress code policy that
is being implemented in their college. As shown in table 4.2, their responses showed that
students exposed to a dress code policy tend to view it as a responsibility and thus, to
comply. According to the Motivator-Hygiene theory, responsibility is a motivating factor
that encourages action and motivates student to participate. Participant 1 stated it as,

So, all in all naman sakin, okay lang na meron silang required uniform kasi nga
para din naman sa mga procedures na gagawin namin yun. Hindi lang naman
siya para sa magmukha kaming pareparehas ng suot or whatever. And at the
same time, syempre, pumasok ka sa school, may policies yung school, and isa yun
sa mga policies na kailangan naming i-abide.

The statement of Participant 1 implied that students view the dress code policy as
a responsibility and a necessity to their study. They acknowledged the policy to be
necessary in implementing a disciplined atmosphere in the school and that it must be
obeyed. She deemed the policy to have a deeper purpose rather than purely aesthetic.
Participant 2 said,

Kailangan talaga siya kasi kailangan talagang maging disiplinado pag-nursing

student ka, kaya uniform talaga, dapat lagi mong suot.

Participant 2 revealed that the dress code was necessary to him not only as a
student, but also as a future professional. He stated that the policy is very essential to his
course. This is supported by Participant 4 who said that:

Sa akin naman okay lang naman sakin yung inimplement nila kase sabi nila kase
magiging teacher ka daw kaya dapat magmuka kang presentable.

Participant 4 stated that uniform can make her feel presentable and that like
Participant 2, she feels that uniform is important in her future profession. The sense of
responsibility is more apparent for students in the College of CCJE. Participant 9 express
the policy in her college as “Very strict. Kailangan talaga sumusunod.” She added,

Okay naman since criminology students kame. We have to be disciplined kaya,

kaya kailangan ayos talaga ganun.

Her statement showed that they are willing to comply with the dress code policy
that is being implemented in their college.
Table 4.2 Theme 1: Improves Compliance

Sub Themes Number of Reference Number of Participants

Policy 19 9
Compliance 15 8
Purpose 10 8
Discipline 5 3

The entire sample of participants (100%) had an in-depth idea about the dress
code policy that was implemented in their college. A total of 8 out of 9 (89%)
participants showed their willingness to comply with the dress code policy and the same
percentage (89%) deemed that the policy has a deeper purpose in their profession.

Theme 2: Promotes Discipline

The participants shared the overview of how strict was the implementation of the
dress code policy within their college and the possible punishment if caught violating
such policy. As seen in table 4.3, their response shows that the strictness of the
implementation is proving effective to train and develop their discipline.

Sobrang strict talaga kasi, ayun, pag kunyari, meron lang kaming isang hindi
nasuot na, kunyari, wrist watch namin di namin nasuot, may incident report
kagad kami sa dean. So, ayun, sobrang strict talaga. Kailangan laging kumpleto

The statement of Participant 1 showed that when that when they wear their
uniform, it must be complete at all times. If they are missing one element of their
uniform, they would be made to file an incident report to the dean. The implementation
promotes discipline by constantly reminding the students the importance of wearing the
complete uniform. Participant 1 also said that

Yung incident report na yun, kunwari, nakatatlo kaming ganun, meron kaming
community service para sa mga clinical instructor namin

Incident reports are filed in order to alert the dean about the violation of a student.
If a student reached a certain amount of incident reports, they would undergo community
service, therefore, encouraging the students to wear the proper and complete uniform.

Wala kaming washday kasi from monday to saturday may major kami.

Wash days are days where students are able to wear what they wish as long as
they wear a college shirt or a shirt marking them as a part of a certain college or
organization. According to Participant 1, they did not have wash days because they only
have major subjects. The College of Nursing did not allow their students to wear shirts
thus making the students wear their complete uniform however according to participant

Meron naman kaso ang sinusuot din namin, college shirt, so may dress code din.

Even if they have wash days, the policy is still in play mandating that the students
wear their appropriate college shirt for those given days. The policy still promotes
discipline by making the students observe the appropriate uniform for a given day.

The promotion of discipline when it comes to uniforms is more apparent in the

College of Nursing. However, the implementation of the other colleges is equally
important therefore making the students competent and disciplined for their future
professions as supported by Participant 4 and 9’s statement “Very strict. Kailangan talaga

Table 4.3 Theme:

Sub Themes Number of References Number of Participants

Discipline 23 9
Compliance 16 9
Comfortability 3 3

The entire sample of participants (100%) had experienced the strict

implementation of dress code policy within their respective colleges. A total of 9 out of 9
participants answered that the implementation of the dress code policy in their college
makes the students more disciplined.

Theme 3: Varying Effect on Motivation

As shown in table 4.4, the responses of the participants displayed that the effect of
dress code on motivation varied from person to person. The number of responses that
indicated a positive response is equal to the number of responses that said that it has
negative effect. Some participants also stated that uniform does not have an effect on
their motivation. Participant 1 responded,

So yun nga kapag maayos kang tignan, parang mas nakakagana nang pumasok.
Parang meronsiyang ano, eh, meron siyang direct effect sayo na mas maaga kang
gigising; pagkagising mo nakaprepare na mga isusuot mo kase alam mong strict
yung dress code. Para hindi, wala ka nang makalimutang iba; mas prepared ka,
mas groomed kang tingnan.
The statement of Participant 1 showed that the dress code policy had a positive
effect on her confidence. She stated that it has a direct effect on her habit, waking up
early and in preparing her uniform. A strict implementation of the policy also had a
positive effect on her motivation. This is further supported by Participant 2, who stated

Kasi kailangan talaga 'to sa ano, sa profession namin. Pag nagtatrabaho na kami
sa ospital, ganyan, kailangan masanay na kami para ito yung training ground
namin kaya kailangang lagi kang sumusunod sa policy.

According to Participant 2, the dress code policy is necessary for their future
profession and that such policy in their current school could act as a training ground for
them to comply with the dress code policy. Participant 2 also said that “Nakakamotivate
naman siyang mag-aral.”, indicating that the policy has a positive effect on his

Syempre, pag naka dress code ka, ang dating sayo niyan, ano ka, snappy, yon.
Sumusunod ka sa rules and regulations ng eskwelahan so 'yon, syempre pagka
ganun, mamomotivate ka mag-aral na patunayan sa kanila kung ano ka ba

Participant also showed positive attitude towards the effect of dress code to his
motivation. He said that following the dress code policy motivates him to study and to
prove himself. Though there are a lot of positive remarks about the effects of uniform on
motivation, there are also a lot of negative ones. Participant 6 said,

So yung samin kasi para siyang, so parang minsan nakakatamad suotin kasi
apaka-init tapos mahirap gumalaw.

Her reponse indicated that uniform can decrease her motivation because of
uncomfortability. She stated that wearing uniform can hinder her mobility and that it is
too hot. Participant 3 also said a negative effect of dress code on her motivation. She

Minsan, minsan kase hindi pinapapasok ng ibang instructor kapag di naka proper
uniform, ayon. Minsan naaabsent sila.

Participant 3 recalled her experience of instructors that does not allow students
that were not wearing proper uniform in their class. This results in decline in their
attendance that could have a negative bearing on their motivation. Participant 2 recalled,

matagal talaga mag-ayos pag sa babae. Kailangan marami pang sinusuot - yung
sa stockings, yung sa hair net. Yun, mga pins na isusuot kaya madalas, may
nalelate samin
As participant 2 stated, the uniform of his female classmate was hard to prepare
that sometimes results into being late which can result in tardiness. This statement was
supported by another statement from Participant 1 that said that some of her classmate
had to wash their uniform every other day and that it can be a problem for them.

So, hassle siya in that way kase yun nga tapos yung ibang uniform parang maano
yung pagkakagawa; hindi ganun katibay so marami na ring nasiraan ng uniform
samin kasi madalas namin siyang suot tas kailangan mo siyang labhan lagi.

There are also responses that stated that dress code policy does not have any
effect on their motivation. Participant 4 declared,

Para sakin lang, same lang naman siya ng effect kasi pumapasok naman kami
para matuto din naman as kung ano yung susuutin namin.

She said that her motivation was not affected by their dress code policy. She
denied any connection of her uniform on her being motivated. She further added to her
statement that “Kase sakin kase pag namotivate ako hindi sa damit ko naka depende lang
sya sakin.”

Nale-late kung nale-late pero hindi dahil sa uniform kasi late lang talaga ko.

Participant 5 stated that even tardiness does not have a direct correlation with the
dress code policy. He confessed that he experienced being late for classes but also said
that his uniform does not have any connection with it.

Table 4.4 Theme 3: Varying Effect on Motivation

Sub Themes Number of References Number of Participants

No effect 20 7
Positive Effect 18 7
Negative Effect 17 7

Seven (78%) out of 9 participants stated that the dress code policy has no effect
on motivation. 7 (78%) participants also stated that the dress code policy has a positive
effect on their motivation and 7 (78%) stated that it also has negative effects.

Theme 4: Improves Confidence

The participants shared their own perspectives about how they express themselves
through clothing and what effects does their dress code policy give about such
expressions. As shown in table 4.5, their responses show that their dress code can also
positively affect their confidence since their dress code is designed exclusively for their
own course related to their future profession which also motivates them and makes them
proud of their courses and themselves.

In a positive way, naggegain kami ng confidence pag kunyari, ayan, meron

kaming written demonstration, pag naka uniform kami parang feel na rin namin
na nurse na kami kaya kailangan confident din kami. Nagkakaron kami ng
confidence na magsalita o mag-assist ng patience namin.

The statements of Participant 2 and showed that wearing a uniform according to

their future profession can make them gain confidence to act according to their future
profession because it can make them feel like they are already professionals. This is
supported by Participant 5 who said,

Oo, of course sobrang nakakaproud kapag ganoon, kasi may mga maririnig ka na
sinasabi na ahh teacher lang yan pero kapag ahh teacher lang yan kapag nakita
yung uniform mo pero kung sa sarili ko, hindi ko iniisip yung ganoon pag ka
nakasuot ako ng uniform iniisip ko na uniform ko to, teacher ako, proud ako
maging teacher, kapag ka suot ko yung uniform

Participant 1 said that uniform related to a desired future profession can also give
students the feeling of how they would look like if they are at their future profession, thus
motivating them as well.

Yes. Yun, kasi nga, student nurse, gusto mong maging registered nurse, by now,
alam mo na yung feeling kung ano ba maging itsura mo pag naging registered
nurse ka.

The statement of Participant 2 told how proud they on how their uniform makes
them always look neat and clean despite experiencing the summer heat.

Oo, kasi minsan pag naglalakad kami, may mga nagsasabi samin na bakit yung
mga nursing students parang di pinagpapawisan so dun palang, parang kahit sa
loob-loob namin na pawis na pawis na kami, mukha pa rin kaming malinis
tingnan. Ayun.

Participant 5 also recalled how wearing his uniform had boosts his confidence and
how his perspective about his future profession has change. He felt more confident about
his choice of profession when he is wearing his uniform

Oo, nakakaconfident siya kasi noong una ayaw ko talaga mag-teacher pero ano
kasi ngayon third year na ko parang nakikita ko na pag habang nakauniform ako,
yung tinatahak ko itutuloy-tuloy ko talaga siya.
A sense of responsibility also made them more confident as implied in the
statement of Participant 8. He said that wearing his uniform encourages him to become
braver and snappier.

Syempre, pag ganto yung damit namin, kailangan snappy, kailangan mataas yung
self-confidence mo, kailangan mataas, malakas yung loob mo dalin yung kung
ano yung damit mo.

Table 4.5 Theme 4: Improves Confidence

Sub Themes Number of Reference Number of Participants

Confidence 11 8
Sense of Pride 5 7
Equality 11 6

A total of 8 out of 9 (89%) participants showed how their dress code helps them
gain confidence at school. A total of 7 out of 9 (78%) participants showed how they feel a
sense of pride when wearing their uniforms. A total of 6 out of 9 (67%)
participants believe that wearing the same kind of uniform promotes equality.

Theme 5: Promotes Equality

Uniform had various benefits including decreases in the occurrence of bullying

because it can promote sense of equality. Some participants agreed that dress code
policies can help decrease the instances of discrimination while some participants showed
that despite everyone wearing the same uniform in their college or college year level, the
instances of discrimination can still exist.

Dipende kasi yun nga, may mga senior kami na binababa kami, ganun. Kasi ano,
may mga rules kami na pag may senior, dapat magside step ka eh sa halip na
ngitian ka nila, tatawanan ka pa, ganun kahit magkakamukha kami ng uniform.

Participant 7 stated that despite wearing the same uniform in their college, the
instances of discrimination and mistreatment still exist because of their ranking or
division. This is supported to a similar case of Participant 4. Participant 4 recalled,

Yung sa gay hindi ko kase alam ongoing process parin yan kase mayroon silang
sinasabi nilang more on formal daw. Yung sa kanila naman daw more on rights
nila yon kase kelangan kase yung open lahat na yung gay pwede mag crossdress
katulad sa ibang college diba pwede sila mag crossdress tapos dito sa college of
education hindi pa sila open sa ganon. Sa part siguro nila na didiscriminate sila
kase hindi nila nakikita as in ganon. Kase kelangan nila yung pag tanggap nila.
Sa lesbian kase wala naman akong nakikita kase more expressive yung gays
compared sa nga lesbian. Yung naka make up sila pag nakita sila ng mga senior
teacher yung mga beterano na sisitahin sila. Wala namang masyadong problema
sa mga babaeng maikli buhok.

The statement of participant 4 indicated that unlike other colleges, their college
(College of Education) does not tolerate cross dressing for gay and lesbian students, even
the wearing of makeup for gay students. In short, these gay and lesbian students cannot
express themselves that well and it might have also showed discrimination to them.

may ibang tao kasi na masasabing, masasabi nila yung personality ng tao sa
uniform pa lang. Minsan, kasi, minsan nursing student na... May mga stereotypes
kasi tayo na natatawag, eh. Katulad na lang, pag nursing student ka, ganyan.
Katulad namin, ano naman talaga, kumbaga, sa, as nursing student, kailangan na
maging ano, mahinahon lagi, ganun. Kapag tiningnan kami, may ganung mga
stereotypes na ano na, malalambot magsalita, mga feminine kumilos, ganun.

Participant 3 revealed that there were people who judged the personality of a
person by their uniform. Hence, the instances of discrimination could also exist by this
point because a student who wears a uniform with lesser quality than his classmate’s,
could be viewed as poor and inferior by some students. Though despite this, some
believed that uniform also promotes equality

Oo. Kasi syempre, equality; nandun na din yung word na equality. Kahit ano ka
man, kahit ganto kulay mo, ganyan, nandun pa rin yung equality kasi
pareparehas kayo ng sinusuot.

Participant 8 stated that the dress code policy promotes equality and that equality
could in turn, decrease the instances of discrimination. This is further supported by
Participant 2.

Para sakin, oo. Kasi kapag naka uniform ka, alam nila na estudyante ka so may,
parang nag-aaral ka, may pinag-aralan ka kaya di ka nila dapat idiscriminate
and para sakin, kahit naman anong isuot mo, di naman dapat magkaroon ng
discrimination dun kasi yun yung kung paano mo iexpress yung sarili mo.

The statement of participant 2 implied that when wearing uniform, other people
did acknowledge him as a student and that he had some form of education. This resulted
to other people respected him as someone civilized. Participant 1 also stated that “hindi
mo makikita yung status ng tao kapag naka uniform ka kasi pareparehas lang naman kayo
ng suot. Wala namang nakakalamang.” further indicating that uniform can prevent
Table 4.6 Theme 5: Promotes Equality

Sub Themes Number of References Number of Participants

Equality 11 6
Discrimination 7 3

6 (67%) out of 9 participants responded that dress code policy does promote
equality within the student body, while 3 (33%) participants responded that
discrimination still persist even with a dress code policy being implemented.

Theme 6: Improvement in Comfortability

As shown in Table 4.7, four sub themes and 25 references supported the theme of
improvement in comfortability. The response of the participants exposed that dress code
needs improvement in comfortability. Participant 2 said that “Gusto ko sa uniform ko
yung pantaas namin kasi wala siyang kwelyo, kaya di siya mainit sa batok, ganun, yun
lang. Tsaka kailangan kasi lagi nakabelt kami, yun.”

The statement of Participant 2 to see that students want to be comfortable in their

uniforms. And Participant 3 supported the theme and the idea about the comfortability of
Participant 2, Participant 3 says,

Siguro, yung, yung uniform ko kasi, yung uniform ko walang color so presko
siyang suutin, di naman masyadong mahirap labhan din, ayun.

Participant 3 has a comfortability in the dress code that their college implement
because it is white in color, and the uniform they wear was not hard to wash.

Sa design, I hope ano, mas lagyan ng pleats or something kasi yung diretsong cut
namin na uniform, dahil diretso lang siya, wala siyang ano, di siya kagaya nung
sinusuot na uniform, mas mabilis siyang masira, lalo na yung tahi sa likod, sa
may mga kilikili, ganun.

As stated by Participant 1, their uniform needs an improvement and she stated that
their uniform in College needs to improve and she want to put some pleats under the
underarm of the uniform for the women because without the pleats, the uniform was
easily broken.

Siguro yung sa ano, yun nga yung sa pants tsaka yung sa color na din siguro kasi
color blue siya eh parang mainit.

The statement of Participant 6 shows that their uniform needs to change the color
because color blue was hot to wear for her.
Sa design sakin lang siguro sana yung lahat ng babae hindi nalang naka skirt
naka pants nalang din.

As stated by Participant 4, the comfortability of their uniform needed an

improvement, the statement shows that for the women in their College, she advice that
skirt would replace by the pants.

Table 4.7 Theme 6: Improvement in Comfortability

Sub Themes Number of Reference Number of Paricipants

Compliance 8 6
Identity 6 6
Comfortability 10 6
Presentability 2 3

A total of 6 out of 9 (67%) participants showed how compliant they are to the
dress codes inside the University. A total of 6 out of 9 (67%) participants showed their
Identity while wearing their dress codes. A total of 6 out of 9 (67%) participants showed
their comfortability when wearing their uniforms. A total of 3 out of 9 (33%) participants
believe that they are presentable when they wear their uniform.


The study of the effects of the dress code policy on the motivation and confidence of
students was significant because as stated in the report made by the Center on Education
Policy, motivation was a crucial factor in a student’s academic and future life. According
to the same report almost 40% of high school students are unmotivated and inactive.
While on the other hand, confidence was also considered as a very important part in
learning. According to a study by Aryana (2010), high confidence could help individuals
to become more active and more capable person by promoting change through effort and
encourages setting higher goals to reach new potentials.

The results of the study revealed that over all, dress code policy had a positive
effect on student’s confidence. The study showed that dress code did prevent the
instances of discrimination within the student organization, did promote equality and a
sense of pride among students that might result in higher confidence when attending
classes or school activities. A study by Booth and Gerard (2011) showed that high
confidence and self-esteem has a direct correlation with academic performance,
especially in mathematics and writing. This higher instance of confidence can be linked
to the pride of the students as being a part of their college. Their uniform helps them in
expressing themselves because it represents their college and aspired profession.
While in contrast, dress code policy had been revealed to have a varying effect on
student’s motivation. Some student responded that uniform has no effect on their
motivation whatsoever. This could be associated with Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need
(194), as student’s feel the need to study much more than their necessity for uniforms.
Though, dress code policy does improve student’s compliance to rules, this could be
because student’s feel a sense of responsibility, and according to the Two Factor Theory
(2003), it acts as a motivator that encourages them to act. An improvement in discipline
was also shown to be an effect of a strict implementation of the dress code policy. This
might be due to the punishment given to those who failed to comply with the policy
which would contrast to the Reinforcement Theory of Skinner (2014) that said
punishment is the weakest motivation reinforcement.

Uniform also caused discomfort for the students which might lessen their
motivation, while the prospect of having a bright future that they feel when wearing the
uniform increases their motivation to participate. Their uniform acts as a symbol for the
students of their future profession that in turn resulted into expectations about their
behavior. The dress code policy gave a student a visual representation of their identity
that help them express themselves. A consensus that uniform does improve confidence
was found, while the dress code policy has different effect to each individual’s


Dress code policy is one of the most common policies that are being implemented in an
academic institution such as a university or a school. Such policies might include haircut
and uniform. Uniforms are used to identify a member of an institution, to promote
discipline and to combat discrimination around schools.

On the other hand, stricter dress codes and complicated uniforms can also be
negative factors to students’ academic performance, attendance and self-expression.
There are some students who are not financially capable enough to buy such uniform. It
can be a burden to them since there are also colleges which require different types of
uniform. Some students only own few sets of uniforms which leave them no choice but to
wash their uniforms every other day which is also hassle. Complicated uniforms can give
students difficulties of preparing themselves before going to school, thus leading some of
them to be late that affects their attendance. There are also some students who would dare
to skip class, just not to be reminded or reprimanded about them not wearing a complete

According to some participants of this research, they have strict professors who
do not allow them to enter class, especially at examinations when they are not wearing
the complete uniform. Such policies can also limit certain things that students need such
as self-expression that therefore, also limits the students’ right of expression and the
ability to experiment on oneself to develop their own identities and creativity. These
dress code-related problems affect students in strict schools every day, and this is a study
that can help determine more problems and solutions about the implementation of dress

The research method allowed the participants of the study to provide

understanding about their experiences with their uniforms and dress code. Most
participants’ responses indicated that a uniform that is related to their desired future
profession can help a student form a picture of itself with its desired future profession,
thus contributing a few positive effects to their studies; some of the problems with such
uniform are its style and quality that can somehow affect their comfort. Reproducing the
study with a larger sample size from varying colleges and universities could provide an
opportunity for generalization of the study findings.


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