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Name of Student Teacher: Daryll Hanna A. Respito

Grade Level and Section: Grade 7 – Charity
Time: 8:00 – 9:00 AM
Time Frame and Date: 1 hour, October 15, 2019

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Distinguish the difference between Abstract Noun and Concrete Noun.
2. Classify noun as concrete and abstract
3. Identify the Abstract Noun and Concrete Noun
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic
Types of Noun Concrete Noun and Abstract Noun
B. References
Grammar and Writing Workbook
Page 5-6
Author Leopoldo A. Rojas
C. Materials
PowerPoint Presentation, Laptop, Projector, speaker, cartolina, and
answer sheet.
D. Value
Valuing the spirit of volunteerism and courtesy.
E. Strategies
Discussion, Socratic Method (question-answer)

III. Procedures

A. Preparatory Activities

1. Prayer/ Preparation of Classroom Atmosphere/ Checking of

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
May I request everyone to stand for a
prayer? Ma’am I will lead the prayer.
Can somebody lead a prayer? (Students are praying.)
Yes Mara lead the prayer.

Good morning class! Good morning ma’am!

How do you do? We’re fine, Ma’am. Thank you!
First and foremost. I am Daryll Hanna
A. Respito, you can call me Ma’am
Darl for short.
Before you take your seats, kindly pick Okay ma’am.
up some pieces of paper and arrange
your chairs properly. Thank you, ma’am.

Please be seated. (Students answered in chorus)

Class, who is your beadle? It is Marie ma’am.
Okay Marie, kindly check the
attendance of your classmates. Yes ma’am.
2. Review

Okay yesterday we have a very

productive day and hopefully today.
Before we begin our proper discussion (student answered in chorus)
for today. It is all about Noun
Can I ask you if what are the lesson
you discuss yesterday?
A Noun is a part of speech that
So what is Noun? names a person, a place, an
animal, a thing or an abstract idea.

Very Good!
Let us give a round of applause

3. Motivation

Before we proceed into our discussion

I have here a dance video and what
you are going to do is to cooperate. (Student perform the task)
Please stand up and then you are
going to follow the dance on the video.

B. Developmental Activities

1. Presentation
a. Prompt Questions
Did you enjoy class?
Are you awake now? Yes, ma’am.

Based on the video you perform Yes ma’am

Are your senses are all functioning? Yes ma’am
Did you know our five senses?
What are this five senses of your
body? The five senses of our body is
Please raise your hands if you want to smell, sight, hearing, taste and
answer? touch.

Yes, very good! Please give us a

round of applause. That is correct our
five senses of our body are smell,
sight, touch, hearing and taste. And
this are related to our topic that we are
going to discuss today.
b. Discussion
Nouns can be classified into many
groups, common and proper, count
and non-count, etc. Today, we are
going to learn about two different
classes of nouns: abstract noun and
concrete nouns.

As you can see the two pictures

describe the feelings and emotion that
friendship have.
(Students are listening intently.)

A concrete noun names something

that can be experienced with at least
one of our senses (sight, hearing,
touch, taste, and smell).
It is refers to people and to things that
exists physically and can be seen,
touched, smelled, heard or tasted.

1. Could someone please answer
the phone?
2. The dolphin swam in the

An abstract noun names something

that cannot be experienced with our
senses. It is a concept, idea, aspect,
experience, quality, state of being,
and feelings.

1. The fireman showed bravery
during the fire.
2. Babies have a lots of curiosity.
2. Activity
Let’s have our activity.
I am going to group you into two this
left side is group one and then this
right side is group two.
All you have to do is classify the (Student Listen Carefully)
concrete noun and the abstract noun.
I have here different words that you
are going to choose.
Choose the right word that belong to Yes Ma’am
concrete noun and abstract noun.
Student raise their hands
Classify noun in the box into abstract
and concrete noun.
cell phone

Student perform the task.

Concrete Abstract

Okay very good!

Good Job Class. Give each and every
one a round of applause please. Students clap their hands

3. Generalization
Concrete nouns are words that
represent objects one can see, hear,
touch, smell, taste with the The student give their own
senses while abstract noun is refer to example.
ideas or concepts, it cannot be touch,
smell, taste, and hear.
 Ask students to give words that
describe concrete and abstract
on their own examples.
IV. Evaluation

Get one half sheet of paper and then answer the following question.
Circle the highlighted word in the sentence given below if it is a concrete
noun, and underline the noun if it is an abstract noun.
1. He was given an award for his courage.
2. The door slammed shut.
3. She thought that happiness was the most important thing in life.
4. He dropped his phone with a crash.
5. Time is a great teacher.
6. His art teacher applauded his creativity.
7. She moved the chair into place.
8. He always made his bed before leaving for school.
9. She accidentally stubbed her toe on the table.
10. He had put on too much perfume.

V. Agreement

Write a sentence using these following nouns:
1. Ring
2. Television
3. Baby
4. Air
5. Lust

Prepared by:


Student Teacher

Checked by:

Principal II

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