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Title: Wall Fan
Date: 23rd November 2019 (Saturday)
Location: B4-1-7, Kolej Kediaman Bistari
Money Collected: RM 1.00

1.0 Introduction
For BFC34502 Entrepreneurship subject, I was assigned to do a project in obtaining a
sum of money. The idea Room Cleaning Service came into mind. I was assigned to the
project within the area of Kolej Kediaman Bestari and Bistari Hostel which is located
near Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia.

2.0 Accomplishments
The first job that I got was cleaning a wall fan. I got RM1 from that job. It was not tiring
but a different experience because before this I have only cleaned my own fan not
anyone else’s fan. The job is located at room B4-1-7 of Bistari Hostel. Besides that, no
money was used in doing this job because I used the necessary items that I already have
such as cloth for cleaning and multipurpose cleaner to complete the job.

3.0 Roadblocks
The first roadblock that I faced was finding customers. It was hard because most people
living at Kolej Bestari does not need this service. They preferred to clean their room or
items by themselves. Hence, I add more services into the poster such as folding clothes
and iron clothes to broaden the type of jobs I can do for this project. I was relieved
when I got my first customer.

Figure 1: Before Cleaning part 1 Figure 2: After Cleaning part 1

4.0 Conclusion
In conclusion, I gained RM1 from this job. Maybe its not much but for this project, I
did not used any money from myself and I mostly use my energy and effort to distribute
the poster among my friends and juniors in the Whatsapp group.

Title: Lecturer’s Room
Date: 29th November 2019 (Thursday)
Location: FKAAS, UTHM
Money Collected: RM 6.25

1.0 Introduction
BFC34502 is an Entrepreneur subject. I was given a project that must be done by the
end of Year 3 Semester 1 of 2019. This project aims to gain experience, money and
apply everything that we have learned for this subject during class.

2.0 Accomplishments
I was asked by a lecturer in Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering to clean
their room. I invited three of my friends to join me and cleaned his room. I contacted
him and set a date and time which was suitable for me. On the day of cleaning I
borrowed item from FKAAS such as mop, sweeper and an item to remove dust and
brought it to the room I was asked to clean. I also brought from home multipurpose
cleaner and 2 cloth to wipe and clean the room. We cleaned the first room for 2 hours
and below is the before and after picture.

Figure 3: Before part 2 Figure 4: Before part 3 Figure 5: Before part 4

Figure 6: After Cleaning part 2

3.0 Roadblocks
During this cleaning service, I experience the trouble of obtaining cleaning item to
borrow. We tried asking the cleaner to borrow the items, but they denied us. After a
few negotiations, they gave us one sweeper and a dust cleaner to use. After that, I
borrowed one mop, dust cleaner and sweeper from our Faculty’s club so that each of us
can do our part faster and provide a better service to our customer.

4.0 Conclusion
In a nutshell, I learned from this experience that I can ask help from the faculty to
borrow some item and really make sure that I return the item after using them. I also
learn that this cleaning service is a very good business especially for the benefit of
lecturers. They want clean room, but they don’t have the time to do it themselves.
Hence, this is a very good opportunity for students to gain money and fill up their time.

Title: Lecturer’s Room
Date: 29th November 2019 (Thursday)
Location: FKAAS, UTHM
Money Collected: RM 6.25

1.0 Introduction
Entrepreneurship of section 2 was given a project called Room Cleaning Service. We
were asked to find numerous ways to popularise the poster and from there gain
customer and money. By doing this project, I was able to implement everything I learnt
in class and practice it during the 7 days we were given to do this service. The duration
of service was from 23rd November to 30th November of 2019.

2.0 Accomplishments
For this project, a lecturer from FKAAS contacted me and asked for someone to clean
her room. I invited my friends to join me in cleaning her room. From there, I made a
few connections within the lecturer if they need my cleaning service in the future. In
fact, I got a compliment from the lecturer after cleaning her room. She said her room
was very clean and she thanked my team and I for cleaning her room.

Figure 7: Before part 5 Figure 8: Before part 6 Figure 9: Before part 7

Figure 10: After Cleaning part 3 Figure 11: After Cleaning part 4

3.0 Roadblocks
The difficulties that I experienced was knowing where to start. The lecturer’s room was
not too small or too large, but she has a lot of furniture and books. So, it was quite
difficult to decide where to begin. I discovered that there were many small items that
was fragile such as kitchen magnet, vase, picture frames and posters that needed care
in cleaning them. Hence, everything was done with cautious and consideration.
Everything was placed back to its original placement so that the lecturer can find their
belongings easily especially books and papers.

4.0 Conclusion
In conclusion, based on the three jobs I have done along the week, I gained RM13.50.
Initially for the lecturer’s room, our team obtain RM50.00 but we split it into 4 people
hence that is why it wasn’t that much. However, the experience I gain was a lot. I learn
that I like cleaning someone else’s room because it made me happy in seeing I was the
one who cleaned that spot. This project is also a stress reliever from all the hustle and
bustle from all the deadlines of the other subjects. I learn that if done properly and with
more time, I can gain more money and experience. While not everyone needs this
service, busy people do. So, by providing this service I became a problem solver to
other people’s problem.

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